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Resource Management (Acquisitions)
In FOLIO, acquisitions includes essential functions. These functions include:
- Creating fund structures and managing money
- Creating and managing purchase orders
- Receiving materials ordered by the library
- Tracking and managing the payment of materials
- Creating and managing organizations and vendors
Acquisitions Settings
The acquisition of library materials is governed by a set of rules and policies. These rules and policies are defined by the library and implemented in the Finance, Invoices, Orders, and Organizations areas of the FOLIO Settings app.
1 - Finance
The Finance app allows you to create fund structures and manage money.
Definitions of terms used in the Finance app:
- Acquisition units. An additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restricts a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. For example, you may create acquisition units to represent the different libraries within your library system. Units are defined and determined by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
- Amount allocated. The amount of money assigned to a fund at the start of a fiscal year. Additional money can also be allocated during the year.
- Budget. A finance record that describes the amount of money available for a fiscal year within a fund that includes a definition of the allowed expenditure percentage and allowed encumbrance percentage. Transfer and allocation transactions are performed against a budget. Expense classes can be assigned to a budget.
- Encumbrance. An amount of money that the library commits to pay to a vendor from a fund’s budget for ordered materials that are invoiced in the future.
- Expense class. A fiscal entity used to track transactions against a specific purpose or function within a Fund. Optional, tenant-defined, and can be assigned to one or more funds. Applied to order lines and invoice lines during fund distribution. Each fund can support multiple expense classes.
- Fiscal year. The twelve-month period your library uses to manage its finances.
- Fund. A fiscal entity used to track transactions against a general purpose or function within a ledger. Funds are associated with only one ledger. Fund information persists from year to year as new budgets are created for the fund each year.
- Group. A collection of one or more funds grouped together.
- Ledger. A collection of funds that need to be kept fiscally separate from another ledger’s collection of funds. All funds within a ledger share future fiscal year rollover behavior.
- Net transfers. Money transferred between funds during a fiscal year.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Finance app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Finance app or any related information.
Finance permissions:
- Finance: Assign acquisition units to new record. This permission allows the user to assign acquisition units to the record when creating a new record.
- Finance: Create allocations. This permission allows users to create allocation transactions against budgets. Must include view and edit fund and budget permissions.
- Finance: Create transfers. This permission allows users to create transfer transactions against budgets. Must include view and edit fund and budget.
- Finance: Execute fiscal year rollover. This permission allows the user to execute fiscal year rollover.
- Finance: Export finance records. This permission allows the user to run an export of finance records for a ledger.
- Finance: Manage acquisition units. This permission allows users to change the assignment of acquisition units for the record when editing a record.
- Finance: Manually release encumbrance. This permission allows the user to release an encumbrance from a fund using the Release encumbrance action on the budget transaction log.
- Finance: View fiscal year. This permission allows searching and viewing of fiscal year records.
- Finance: View fund and budget. This permission allows the user to search and view funds and budgets.
- Finance: View group. This permission allows the user to search and view groups.
- Finance: View ledger. This permission allows the user to search and view ledgers.
- Finance: View, edit fiscal year. This permission allows the user to view and edit fiscal years.
- Finance: View, edit fund and budget. This permission allows the user to view and edit funds and budgets.
- Finance: View, edit group. This permission allows the user to view and edit groups.
- Finance: View, edit ledger. This permission allows the user to view and edit ledgers.
- Finance: View, edit, create fiscal year. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create fiscal years.
- Finance: View, edit, create fund and budget. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create funds and budgets.
- Finance: View, edit, create group. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create groups.
- Finance: View, edit, create ledger. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create ledgers.
- Finance: View, edit, delete fiscal year. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete fiscal year.
- Finance: View, edit, delete fund and budget. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete funds and budgets.
- Finance: View, edit, delete group. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete groups.
- Finance: View, edit, delete ledger. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete ledgers.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating a fiscal year
A fiscal year is the twelve-month period your library uses for accounting and budgetary purposes. In FOLIO, a fiscal year serves as the basis for the entire fund structure and its parts. Note: Before creating a new fiscal year, be sure to check the Primary currency value specified in your Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. The currency on a budget is set to the Tenant currency value at the time the fiscal year record is created; therefore, if the Tenant currency value is updated, any budgets created prior to the update will still operate based on the Tenant currency that existed when the Fiscal year associated with the budget was created.
- In the Search & filter pane, click Fiscal year.
- In the Fiscal year pane, click New.
- In the Create fiscal year window, enter all required information for the fiscal year. For more information on the fields and actions available in this section, see the descriptions below.
- Click Save & Close. The fiscal year is saved.
- Name (required). The name of the fiscal year. A suggested naming convention is the term “Fiscal Year” followed by the numeric year. For example, Fiscal Year 2021.
- Code (required). The code must be an alpha followed by a four-digit number. It can be based on name and year; for example, FY2021. The code that you establish for your fiscal year one will determine the code structure moving forward. In this example, FY2021 would be followed in succession by FY2022, FY2023, etc. Adherence to this code structure is essential to the success of fiscal year rollover. A single FOLIO tenant may have multiple fiscal years running in parallel. For example, an academic library with a July 1 - June 30 fiscal year may share a tenant with a government library operating on an October 1 - September 30 fiscal year. The academic library may configure FYA2021 with the government library configuring FYG2021 to allow rollover at different points in the calendar year.
- Acquisition units. If you only want particular users within certain acquisition units to be able to edit the fiscal year, enter or select the Acquisition units from the drop-down list. You can select multiple units. If blank, any users with the appropriate permissions are allowed to edit the fiscal year information. For more information, see Settings > Acquisition units
- Period Begin Date (UTC) (required). The date when the fiscal year begins.
- Period End Date (UTC) (required). The date when the fiscal year ends.
- Description. A description of the fiscal year.
Note about Currency: The currency value does not display on the Fiscal year detail pane after creation, but the system does associate a currency with the Fiscal year based on the currency value from Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. See Viewing fund details > Fund information for a description of expected system behavior for budget transaction when the Tenant currency value is changed.
Creating a ledger
A ledger is a collection of funds that need to be kept fiscally separate from another ledger’s collection of funds. Multiple ledgers can be associated with a fiscal year and each ledger can persist in future fiscal years. A fund can be associated with only one ledger.
- In the Search & filter pane, click Ledger.
- In the Ledger pane, click New.
- In the Create ledger window, enter all required information for the ledger. For more information on the fields and actions available in this section, see the descriptions below.
- Click Save & Close. The ledger is saved.
- Name (required). Name of the ledger. For example, Law Library.
- Code (required). User-created, based on name.
- Fiscal year one (required). The first fiscal year for the ledger. Ledgers can continue to be used for multiple fiscal years. If the fiscal year does not appear in the list, you can click New fiscal year to create a new one.
- Status (required). Select the status of the ledger: Active, Frozen, or Inactive. Active means the ledger is ongoing, Frozen means the ledger has been put on pause, and Inactive means the ledger is no longer in use.
- Acquisition Units. If you only want particular users within certain acquisition units to be able to edit the ledger, enter or select the Acquisition units from the drop-down list. You can select multiple units. If blank, any users with the appropriate permissions are allowed to edit the ledger’s information. For more information, see Settings > Acquisition units.
- Enforce all budget encumbrance limits. This box is checked by default. Leave this box checked if you want the system to reject any encumbrances against funds related to this ledger that would exceed the available amount of the current budget. Uncheck this box to allow encumbrance amounts on the current year budget without restrictions.
- Enforce all budget expenditure limits. This box is checked by default. Leave this box checked if you want the system to reject any expenditures against funds related to this ledger that would exceed the available amount of the current budget. Uncheck this box to allow expenditure amounts on the current year budget without restrictions.
- Description. A description of the ledger.
Creating a group
Groups categorize funds and bring multiple funds together as a single group regardless of fiscal year or ledger. This enables the total amount available or allocated across multiple funds to be summarized by group, ledger, or fiscal year.
- In the Search & filter pane, click Group.
- In the Group pane, click New.
- In the Create group window, enter all required information for the group. For more information on the fields and actions available in this section, see the descriptions below.
- Click Save & Close. The group is saved.
- Name (required). Name of the group. For example, History.
- Code (required). User-created, based on name.
- Status (required). Select the status of the group: Active, Frozen, or Inactive. Active means the group is ongoing, Frozen means the group has been put on pause, and Inactive means the group is no longer in use.
- Acquisition units. If you only want particular users within certain acquisition units to be able to edit the group, enter or select the Acquisition units from the drop-down list. You can select multiple units. If blank, any users with the appropriate permissions are allowed to edit the group’s information. For more information, see Settings > Acquisition units.
- Description. A description of the group. For example, you may want to include why the group was created and the relation between the different funds.
Creating a fund
Funds show information regarding an ongoing ledger with a budget for the current fiscal year. There can be many funds in a ledger, but each fund may only be associated with a single ledger. Many funds can be placed in a group and a fund can be assigned to multiple groups.
- In the Search & filter pane, click Fund.
- In the Fund pane, click New.
- In the Create fund window, enter all required information for the fund. For more information on the fields and actions available in this section, see the descriptions below.
- Click Save & Close. The fund is saved.
- Name (required). Name of the fund.
- Code (required). User-created, based on name. The code must be unique. It is recommended to use alphanumeric and intuitive codes.
- Ledger (required). Select the ledger associated with the fund. A fund may only be associated with a single ledger.
- Status (required). Select the status of the fund: Active, Frozen, or Inactive. Active means the fund is ongoing, Frozen means the fund has been put on pause, and Inactive means the fund is no longer in use. Note: The fund must be active to successfully open an order or for an invoice to be fully paid.
- Type. A category to describe the fund. Fiscal year rollover of funds is often defined by fund type, so definition of the type values should consider fiscal year rollover requirements. For example, endowment, or restricted. For more information about creating fund types, see Settings > Finance > Fund types. Funds that are not assigned a fund type will be grouped under No fund type at fiscal year rollover.
- Acquisition units. If you only want particular users within certain acquisition units to be able to edit the fund, enter or select the Acquisition units from the drop-down list. You can select multiple units. If blank, any users with the appropriate permissions are allowed to edit the fund’s information. For more information, see Settings > Acquisition units. PLease note: if the assigned acquisition unit restricts view, the fund will be filtered out of the selection list that appears in Fund distribution accordions on purchase order lines and invoices. Users will only be able to apply funds that are “public” or with which they share an acquisition unit.
- Group. To associate this fund with a group, select the group from the drop-down list. You can assign multiple groups. See Creating a group for more information.
- Transfer from. To allow transfers to this fund from any other fund, leave this field blank. To restrict transfers to this fund, enter or select the allowed funds from the drop-down list. You can select multiple funds.
- Transfer to. To allow transfers from this fund to any other fund, leave this field blank. To restrict transfers from this fund, enter or select the allowed funds from the drop-down list. You can select multiple funds.
- External account (required). The identifier for this account in an external financial system. If no integration with a financial system is desired, a library may use a hyphen (-) or other special character to satisfy the field requirement.
- Description. A description of the fund. For example, you may want to include the purpose of the fund.
Creating a new budget
A budget is a finance record that describes the amount of money available for a fiscal year within a fund. You can create a current or planned budget for a fund from the fund details pane. To create a planned budget, one or more upcoming fiscal years must already be set up in the fiscal year series associated with the Ledger. See Creating a fiscal year for more information. Previous budgets for past fiscal years will also appear on the fund details pane.
- In the Search & filter pane, click Fund.
- Find the fund to which you want to add a budget and select it.
- In the fund details pane, in the Current budget or Planned budget section, click New.
- In the Current budget or Planned budget dialog, enter all the required information for the budget. For more information on the fields and actions available in this window, see the descriptions below.
- Click Save. The budget is saved.
- Fiscal year (required). For a current budget, this value is defaulted to the current fiscal year value. For a planned budget, select a future fiscal year from the drop-down list.
- Status (required). Select the status of the budget: Active, Closed, Frozen, Inactive, Planned. Active means the budget is open, Closed means the budget is closed, Frozen means the budget has been put on pause, Inactive means the fund is no longer in use, and Planned means the budget is assigned to a future fiscal year. Note: The budget must be active to successfully open an order or for an invoice to be approved and paid.
- Allowable expenditure percentage. The percentage of the budget balance allowed for expenditures. Leave this field blank to allow unrestricted expenditures. A value of 100 restricts expenditures to the available balance. A value greater than 100 allows expenditures beyond the available balance. A value of 0 restricts expenditures to 0.
- Allowable encumbrance percentage. The percentage of the budget balance allowed for encumbrances. Leave this field blank to allow unrestricted encumbrances. A value of 100 restricts encumbrances to the available balance. A value greater than 100 allows encumbrances beyond the available balance. A value of 0 restricts encumbrances to 0.
- Allocated (required). Enter a numeric value of money to initially allocate to the budget. Values with or without decimals are accepted (100 or 100.00). To create a budget without allocated money, enter a value of 0. Inputting a value of 0 doesn’t generate an allocation transaction. An initial allocation can be made after creating the budget. For more information, see Allocating money to a budget.
Adding expense classes to a budget
- Find the fund to which you want to add an expense class and select it.
- Click on the budget to access the Budget details window.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Edit.
- In the Expense classes section, click Add expense class.
- Select an expense class from the drop-down list. See Settings > Finance > Expense classes for more information about creating expense classes.
- Repeat steps 4 & 5 for all expense classes you wish to add.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the expense class is saved.
Searching for a fiscal year, ledger, group or fund
You can search for fiscal years, ledgers, groups, or funds by clicking on either Fiscal year, Ledger, Group, or Fund in the Search & filter pane. To search for a fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund, enter your search terms into the box when you are in the Fiscal year, Ledger, Group, or Fund pane. Select the All drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- All. Searches through names, codes, and descriptions. For funds, this will also search the external account field. This is the default search.
- Name. The name of the fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund.
- Code. A unique identifier for the fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund.
- External account number. The identifier for this account in an external financial system. Appears only on the fund pane.
You can also search for fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane when in the appropriate Finance pane. The filters available vary depending on whether you are searching for a fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund. The following instructions are for searches in the Fund tab.
To search for funds belonging to a certain ledger, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Ledger.
- Select the ledger from the drop-down list. The funds are listed in the results pane.
To filter ledgers, groups, or funds by their status, select one of the following:
- Active. Ledger, group, or fund currently used by your library.
- Inactive. Ledger, group, or fund previously used by your library.
- Frozen. Ledger, group, or fund that is paused.
To search for funds by type, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Type.
- Select the fund type from the drop-down list. The funds are listed in the result pane.
To search for funds assigned to a group, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Group.
- Select the group from the drop-down list. The funds are listed in the result pane.
Acquisition units
To search for fiscal years, ledgers, groups, or funds assigned with a specific acquisition unit, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisition units.
- Select the acquisition unit from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Fiscal year, Ledger, Group, or Fund pane.
To search for funds assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
- Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Fund pane.
Viewing fiscal year, ledger, group, fund, and budget details
The type of information displayed in your search results depends upon the type of search performed (fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund). That information can include:
- Name. The name of the fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund record.
- Code. A unique identifier for the fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund record.
- Description. The purpose of the fiscal year record.
- Status. Whether the fund is Active, Inactive, or Frozen.
- Ledger. The ledger associated with the fund.
In the search results, click any result to view it. The fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund details pane each display additional information, including financial summaries. Funds that have a budget for the fiscal year appear on the fiscal year details pane. Funds that have a budget for the current fiscal year appear on the ledger, or group details panes. Funds without any budgets created only appear in the fund search results pane.
Viewing fiscal year details
The fiscal year details pane contains fiscal year financial summary information and all ledgers, groups, and funds associated with a fiscal year.
- To view fiscal year details, find the fiscal year you want to view and select it. The fiscal year details pane appears.
The Fiscal year information section contains the following fields:
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
- Name. Name of the fiscal year.
- Code. Code for the fiscal year.
- Period begin date. Date when the fiscal year begins.
- Period end date. Date when the fiscal year ends.
- Acquisition units. All acquisition units assigned to the fiscal year.
- Description. Description of the fiscal year.
Financial Summary
This section displays a table containing summary financial information for all fund budgets associated with the fiscal year.
Funding Information
- Initial allocation. The amount of the first allocation made to a budget, summarized for all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Total allocated. The sum of all allocation amounts across all fund budgets for the fiscal year (initial allocation plus increase in allocation minus decrease in allocation)
- Total funding. The Total allocated amount plus the Net transfers amount. Note: For the fiscal year summary, the net transfers amount is not displayed since the system only allows transfers between budgets within the same fiscal year. Net transfer amounts will only appear on the Ledger, Group, and Budget summary tables.
- Cash Balance. The Total funding amount minus the Expended amount.
Financial activity and overages
- Encumbered. The sum of all encumbrance transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Awaiting Payment. The sum of all pending payment transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Expended. The sum of all payment transaction amounts minus credit transaction amounts, against all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Unavailable. The total amount unavailable across all fund budgets for the fiscal year, calculated as the sum of the encumbered, awaiting payment, and expended amounts.
- Over encumbrance. The total amount encumbered minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Over expended. The total amount expended minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the fiscal year.
- Available balance. Total amount available across all fund budgets for the fiscal year, calculated as Total funding amount minus the Unavailable amount.
This section displays a table of all ledgers associated with the fiscal year. To sort by a column, click the column name. To view details about a ledger in the table, click anywhere in the ledger’s row.
The ledger table contains the following columns:
- Name. Name of the ledger.
- Code. Code for the ledger.
- Allocated. Total amount allocated across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the ledger.
- Unavailable. Total amount unavailable across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the ledger.
- Available. Total amount available across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the ledger.
This section displays a table of all groups associated with the fiscal year. The table contains the same columns as the Ledger table.
This section displays a table of all funds associated with the fiscal year. The table contains the same columns as the Ledger table.
Viewing ledger details
The ledger details pane contains ledger financial summary information and all groups and funds associated with the ledger.
- To view ledger details, find the ledger you want to view and select it. The ledger details pane appears.
The Ledger information section contains the following fields:
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
- Name. Name of the ledger.
- Code. Code for the ledger.
- Current fiscal year. The current fiscal year name. The system determines which fiscal year is current based on the current date and the period start and end dates for the fiscal year.
- Status. Status of the ledger: Active, Inactive, Frozen.
- Acquisition units. All acquisition units assigned to the ledger.
- Enforce all budget encumbrance limits. When checked, the system rejects any encumbrances against funds related to this ledger that would exceed the available amount of the current budget.
- Enforce all budget expenditure limits. When checked, the system rejects any expenditures against funds related to this ledger that would exceed the available amount of the current budget.
- Description. Description of the ledger.
Financial Summary
Funding Information
- Initial allocation. The amount of the first allocation made to a budget, summarized for all fund budgets for the ledger.
- Increase in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made to all fund budgets for the ledger.
- Decrease in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made from all fund budgets for the ledger.
- Total allocated. The sum of all allocation amounts across all fund budgets for the current fiscal year that are associated with the ledger (initial allocation plus increase in allocation minus decrease in allocation).
- Net transfers. Total net transfer amount for all fund budgets for the current fiscal year that are associated with the ledger.
- Total funding. The Total allocated amount plus the Net transfers amount.
- Cash Balance. The Total funding amount minus the Expended amount.
Financial activity and overages
- Encumbered. The sum of all encumbrance transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year.
- Awaiting Payment. The sum of all pending payment transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year.
- Expended. The sum of all payment transaction amounts minus credit transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year.
- Unavailable. The total amount unavailable across all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of the encumbered, awaiting payment, and expended amounts.
- Over encumbrance. The total amount encumbered minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year.
- Over expended. The total amount expended minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year.
- Available balance. Total amount available across all fund budgets for the ledger during the current fiscal year, calculated as Total funding amount minus the Unavailable amount.
This section displays a table of all groups associated with the ledger. To sort by a column, click the column name. To view details about a group in the table, click anywhere in the group’s row.
The Group table contains the following columns:
- Name. Name of the group.
- Code. Code for the group.
- Allocated. Total amount allocated across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
- Unavailable Total amount unavailable across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
- Available. Total amount available across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
This section displays a table of all funds associated with the ledger. The table contains the same columns as the Group table.
Fiscal year rollover error log
This section displays the list of rollover error logs. Click on the .csv file name to download the error log.
Exporting ledger funds and budgets
To export a file of budget information for funds associated with a ledger in comma-separated values (.csv) format, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, use the search and filter options to select a ledger. Click on the ledger in the result table list.
In the ledger detail pane, click Actions and select,Export budget information (CSV).
In the Export settings dialog, the following message will display: “This export could take a few minutes. If you reload or close the page the export will not be completed. Once the file is ready it could take another minute for your browser to finish downloading the file. You can continue to work with finance records in a different browser tab if needed.”
Select the Fiscal year to export from the drop-down list.
Select the Expense classes to export from the drop-down list: All, Active, Inactive, None.
Click Export. The file downloads to your local download location and contains the following fields:
Ledger fund budgets export file fields list:
- Name (Fund)
- Code (Fund)
- Status (Fund)
- Type
- Group (Code)
- Acquisition unit
- Transfer from
- Transfer to
- External account number
- Description
- Name (Budget)
- Status (Budget)
- Allowable encumbrance
- Allowable expenditure
- Date created (Budget)
- Initial allocation
- Increase
- Decrease
- Total allocation
- Transfers
- Total Funding
- Encumbered (Budget)
- Awaiting payment (Budget)
- Expended (Budget)
- Unavailable
- Over encumbered
- Over expended
- Cash balance
- Available
- Name (Exp Class)
- Code (Exp Class)
- Status (Exp Class)
- Encumbered (Exp Class)
- Awaiting payment (Exp Class)
- Expended (Exp Class)
- Percentage of total expended
Viewing group details
The group details pane contains group financial summary information and lists all funds and expense classes associated with the group.
- To view group details, find the group you want to view and select it. The group details pane appears.
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
- Name. Name of the group.
- Code. Code for the group.
- Fiscal year. Name of the twelve-month period your library uses to manage its finances. The current fiscal year displays as the default. Use the drop down list to select a different fiscal year. The financial summary information displays for the fiscal year selected.
- Status. Status of the group: Active, Inactive, Frozen.
- Acquisition units. All acquisition units assigned to the group.
- Description. Description of the group.
Financial Summary
Funding Information
- Initial allocation. The amount of the first allocation made to a budget, summarized for all fund budgets for the group.
- Increase in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made to all fund budgets for the group.
- Decrease in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made from all fund budgets for the group.
- Total Allocated. The sum of all allocated amounts across all fund budgets for the fiscal year selected that are associated with the group (initial allocation plus increase in allocation minus decrease in allocation).
- Net transfers. Total net transfer amount for all fund budgets for the fiscal year selected that are associated with the group.
- Total funding. The Total allocated amount plus the Net transfers amount.
- Cash Balance. The Total funding amount minus the Expended amount.
Financial activity and overages
- Encumbered. The sum of encumbrance transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the group during the fiscal year selected.
- Awaiting Payment. The sum of pending payment transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the group during the fiscal year selected.
- Expended. The sum of payment transaction amounts minus credit transaction amounts against all fund budgets for the group during the fiscal year selected.
- Unavailable Total amount unavailable across all fund budgets for the group during the fiscal year selected, calculated as the sum of the encumbered, awaiting payment, and expended amounts.
- Over encumbrance. The total amount encumbered minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the group during the current fiscal year.
- Over expended. The total amount expended minus the total funding amount for all fund budgets for the group during the current fiscal year.
- Available balance. Total amount available across all fund budgets for the group during the fiscal year selected, calculated as Total funding amount minus the Unavailable amount.
This section lists all funds assigned to the group. To assign the group to a fund that is not yet assigned to the group, follow these steps:
- Click Add to group in the fund accordion section.
- In the Select funds dialog, find the fund or multiple funds using the search box and/or filters.
- Click the fund(s) to select.
- Click Save. The funds are added to the group. The funds will display only if they have a budget allocated for the selected fiscal year.
To remove a fund from the group, click on the X at the end of the fund row in the Fund accordion table list.
The Fund table contains the following columns:
- Name. Name of the fund.
- Code. Code for the fund.
- Allocated. Total amount allocated across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
- Unavailable. Total amount unavailable across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
- Available. Total amount available across all funds with a budget for the fiscal year that are associated with the group.
Expense classes
This section lists all expense classes associated with funds assigned to the group. The Expense classes table contains the following columns:
- Expense class. Name of the expense class, a fiscal entity used to track transactions against a specific purpose or function within a fund.
- Encumbered. Total amount encumbered for the expense class.
- Awaiting payment. Total amount awaiting payment for the expense class.
- Expended. Total amount expended for the expense class.
- Percent of total expended. Total amount expended for the expense class as a percentage of total expended from across all expense classes for funds in the group.
Viewing fund details
The fund details pane contains fund information and all current, planned, and previous budgets as well as expense classes associated with a fund. The budget sections in the pane display total allocated, net transfers, unavailable, and available for the budget. The expense class detail is further broken down by encumbered, awaiting payment, expnded, and percent of total expended. To view a list of transactions for the current budget of a fund, click Actions > View transactions for current budget. See Viewing budget transactions for more information.
- To view fund details, find the fund you want to view and select it. The fund details pane appears.
The Fund information section contains details about the fund. For descriptions of each field in this section, see Fund information. In addition to the fields that are available during fund creation, the fund detail pane displays the fund Currency. The fund currency value is set to the currency value from Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. Note that when an order is opened, the system creates an encumbrance transaction on the current budget for the fund selected in the fund distribution section of the order. If the currency of the PO line is different than the budget currency, the encumbrance will display on the budget as a converted amount. The budget currency is set to the Tenant currency value at the time the Finance > Fiscal year record is created; therefore, if the Tenant currency value is updated, any budgets created prior to the update will still operate based on the Tenant currency that existed when the Fiscal year associated with the budget was created.
Current budget
This section contains a table of information about the current budget, if one exists. The current year is based on the fiscal year period and the current date/time.
Current expense classes
This section contains a table of information about expenses classes assigned to the current budget, if applicable.
Planned budget
This section contains a table of any future budgets, if any exist. An upcoming fiscal year must be created prior to creating a planned budget. See Creating a fiscal year. To create a new planned budget, click New. See Creating a new budget for more information.
Previous budget
This section contains a table of all budgets from fiscal years prior to the current fiscal year, if any exist.
Viewing budget details
The budget details window contains a summary of the budget, including funding information and financial activity and overages, and budget information.
To view budget details, follow these steps:
- Find the fund with the budget you want to view and select it.
- In the fund details pane, in the Current budget, Planned budget, or Previous budget sections, click the budget Name. The budget details window appears.
Budget summary
The Budget summary section contains the following fields:
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
Funding Information
- Initial Allocation. The amount of the first allocation made to the budget.
- Increase in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made to the budget.
- Decrease in allocation. The sum of all allocation transaction amounts, not including the initial allocations, made from the budget.
- Total Allocated. The sum of all allocated amounts for the budget (initial allocation plus increase in allocation minus decrease in allocation).
- Net transfers. Total net transfer amount for the budget.
- Total funding. The Total allocated amount plus the Net transfers amount.
- Cash Balance. The Total funding amount minus the Expended amount.
Financial activity and overages
- Encumbered. The sum of all encumbrance transaction amounts against the budget.
- Awaiting Payment. The sum of pending payment transaction amounts against the budget.
- Expended. The sum of payment transaction amounts minus credit transaction amounts against the budget.
- Unavailable The total amount unavailable for the budget, calculated as the sum of the encumbered, awaiting payment, and expended amounts.
- Available balance. Total amount available for the budget, calculated as Total funding amount minus the Unavailable amount.
The Budget information section contains the following fields:
- Name. Budget name. The structure of this name is the fund code, followed by a hyphen and the fiscal year code, e.g. ACCOUNTING-FY2021.
- Status. Status of the ledger: Active, Closed, Frozen, Inactive, or Planned.
- Fiscal start. Fiscal year start date.
- Fiscal end. Fiscal year end date.
- Allowable expenditure. Expenditure allowed, expressed as a percentage.
- Allowable encumbrance. Encumbrance allowed, expressed as a percentage.
- Transactions. Click View transactions to view budget transactions. See Viewing budget transactions for more information.
Editing a budget
- Find the budget you want to edit and select it.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Edit.
- Edit the budget.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the budget is updated.
Allocating money to a budget
Use the Actions menu to allocate money to a budget. You can Increase allocation, Decrease allocation, or Move allocation.
Increasing allocation to a fund budget
- Find the budget to which you want to allocate money and select it.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Increase allocation.
- In the Increase allocation dialog, enter the following information:
- Fund. The name of the fund to which you want to increase an allocation of money. This field displays the fund name and code for the budget you selected and is not editable. The display format is Fund name (fund code).
- Amount (required). Enter an amount as a numeric value. Values with or without decimals are accepted (100 or 100.00). The amount must be a positive number.
- Tags. Enter or select any tags from the drop-down list to apply to the allocation transaction.
- Description. Enter a description of the allocation increase.
- Click Confirm. A confirmation message appears and the increase allocation transaction is complete.
Decreasing allocation to a fund budget
- Find the budget to which you want to submit a decreased allocation and select it.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Decrease allocation.
- In the Decrease allocation dialog, enter the following information:
- Fund. The name of the fund to which you want to submit a decreased allocation of money. This field displays the fund name and code for the budget you selected and is not editable. The display format is Fund name (fund code).
- Amount (required). Enter an amount as a numeric value. Values with or without decimals are accepted (100 or 100.00). The amount must be a positive number.
- Tags. Enter or select any tags from the drop-down list to apply to the decrease allocation transaction.
- Description. Enter a description of the allocation decrease.
- Click Confirm. A confirmation message appears and the decrease allocation transaction is complete.
Moving allocation to another fund budget
Use the Move allocation action to move money between current fiscal year budgets as allocation transactions. Allocated amounts can be included in the next fiscal year allocation amount for a fund, depending on your fiscal year rollover settings . See Transferring money between funds for information about transfers to determine whether you want to move money using Move allocation or Transfer.
- Find the budget to which you want to move an allocation and select it.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Move allocation.
- In the Move allocation dialog, enter the following information:
- From (required). Select the fund from which you want to allocate money. The display format is Fund name (fund code).
- To (required). Select the name of the fund to which you want to allocate money. This field displays the fund name (code) with which this budget is associated. You must populate either From or To with the fund for the budget you are currently viewing.
- Amount (required). Enter an amount as a numeric value. Values with or without decimals are accepted (100 or 100.00). The amount must be a positive number.
- Tags. Enter or select any tags from the drop-down list to apply to the decrease allocation transaction.
- Description. Enter a description of the allocation move.
- Click Confirm. A confirmation message appears and the decrease allocation transaction is complete.
Transferring money between funds
You can transfer money between the current fiscal year budgets of two funds. This action is only allowed if both the From and To funds have current fiscal year budgets. Transfers are a one-time movement of money within a fiscal year. Fiscal year rollover will not consider transfer amounts in the initial allocation amounts for new budgets.
- Find the budget to which you want to transfer money and select it.
- In the budget details window, click Actions > Transfer.
- In the Transfer dialog, enter the following information:
- From (required). Select the fund from which you want to transfer money.
- To (required). Select the fund to which you want to transfer money. This field displays the fund name (code) with which this budget is associated. You must populate either From or To with the fund for the budget you are currently viewing.
- Amount (required). Enter an amount as a numeric value. Values with or without decimals are accepted (100 or 100.00). Negative values are accepted.
- Tags. Enter or select any tags from the drop-down list you would like to apply to the transfer transaction.
- Description. Enter a description of the transfer.
- Click Confirm. A confirmation message appears and the transfer transaction is complete.
Deleting a budget
Note: Financial structure records cannot be deleted if they have other records assigned to them. Budgets cannot be deleted once they have any type of transaction other than allocation transactions against them.
- Find the budget you want to delete and select it.
- In the Budget details window, click Actions > Delete.
- Click Delete in the confirmation window. A confirmation message appears and the budget is deleted.
Viewing transactions for a current budget
There are two methods to view a list of all transactions for a budget:
- From a fund: Find the fund for which you want to view transactions and select it to open the fund details pane. Click Actions > View transactions for current budget.
- From a budget: Find the budget for which you want to view transactions and select it. In the Budget details window, under Transactions, click View transactions. The budget transactions window opens listing all transactions.
Searching for budget transactions
To search budget transactions, follow these steps:
- To search budget transactions by amount, in the Transactions window Search & Filter pane, enter a numeric value into the search box and click Search. A list of transactions containing the amount value entered is returned.
- You may filter results by Type, Source, Source POL number, Source invoice number, Tags, or Expense class. See below for more information on the filters. Your results display in the Transactions pane.
To filter transactions by Type, select one or more of the following:
- Allocation. Filter transactions by type of Allocation. This includes initial allocations, as well as increases, decreases, and movements of allocations to the budget.
- Credit. Filter transactions by type of Credit. Credit transactions are produced by paid invoices with negative totals.
- Encumbrance. Filter transactions by type of Encumbrance. Encumbrance transactions are created on open orders based on the fund distribution(s) on the corresponding purchase order line (POL).
- Payment. Filter transactions by type of Payment. Payment transactions are produced by paid invoices with positive totals.
- Pending payment. Filter transactions by type of Pending payment. Pending payment transactions are produced by approved invoices.
- Rollover transfer. Filter transactions by type of Rollover transfer. Rollover transfer transactions are the result of fiscal year rollover operations when a previous fiscal year’s surplus funds are rolled over to the new fiscal year budget as a transfer.
- Transfer. Filter transactions by type of Transfer. Transfer transactions result from the transfer of funds between budgets in a given fiscal year.
To filter transactions by Source, select one of the following:
- Fiscal year. Transactions generated during the fiscal year rollover process. For example, automated allocations during fiscal year rollover, as defined in Rollover fiscal year settings.
- Invoice. Transactions generated through invoicing, specifically transaction types of Credit, Payment, and Pending payment.
- PO line Transactions generated from a PO line, specifically Encumbrance transaction types.
- User. Transactions created by a user through the fund action menu, specifically Allocation and Transfer transaction types.
Source POL number
To filter transactions by the Source POL number, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Source POL number.
- Begin typing the POL number and select from the drop-down list. Your result appears in the Transactions pane.
Source invoice number
To filter transactions by the Source invoice number, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Source invoice number.
- Begin typing the invoice number and select from the drop-down list. Your result appears in the Transactions pane.
To filter for transactions assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
- Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Transactions pane.
Expense class
To filter transactions by expense class, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Expense class.
- Select an expense class from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Transactions pane.
Once you view budget transactions, the following columns appear in the Transactions pane search results table. Click the column name to sort by that column.
- Transaction date. Date of the transaction.
- Type. Transaction type: Allocation, Credit, Encumbrance, Payment, Pending Payment, Rollover transfer, or Transfer.
- Amount. Amount for the transaction. Negative values are in parentheses.
- From. Fund code of the fund from which a transfer was made into the budget.
- To. Fund code of the fund to which a transfer was made from the budget.
- Source. Fiscal year, Invoice, PO Line, or User.
- Tags. Any tags associated with the transaction.
To view additional information about a transaction, click the transaction row in the table to open a detail pane. Each transaction type displays a different set of fields relevant to that type. See information below about the fields that display for each type.
Viewing allocation transactions
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
- Transaction date. Date and time of the transaction.
- Fiscal year. The fiscal year for the budget.
- Amount. Amount of the transaction. Negative values are in parentheses.
- Source. Fiscal year or User.
- Type. Transaction type: Allocation.
- From. Fund name and fund code from which the allocation was made into this budget, if applicable. See Allocating money to a budget for more information.
- To. Fund name and fund code of this budget to which the allocation was made.
- Expense class. This field will be blank for allocation transactions since expense class designations for allocations aren’t supported by the system.
- Tags. Any tags associated with the transaction.
- Description. A description entered by the user when Allocating money to a budget.
Viewing credit transactions
The credit transaction detail pane contains many of the same fields as the allocation detail pane. Some fields are populated differently for credit transactions:
- Source. Invoice number or identifier that generated this credit transaction. Click on the invoice identifier to open the Invoices app invoice detail pane for that invoice.
- Type. Transaction type: Credit.
- From. This field will be blank for credit transactions.
- To. Fund name and fund code of this budget to which the credit was made.
- Description. This field is blank for credit transactions.
Viewing encumbrance transactions
When an order containing a PO Line with a fund distribution is opened, an Encumbrance transaction against the current fiscal year budget for the fund is created. The encumbrance transaction detail pane contains many of the same fields as the allocation detail pane. Some fields are populated differently for encumbrance transactions:
- Source. Purchase order line (PO Line) number that generated this encumbrance transaction. Click on the POL number to open the Orders app PO Line detail pane for that order line.
- Type. Transaction type: Encumbrance.
- From. Fund name and code for this budget to which this encumbrance was applied.
- To. This field will be blank for encumbrance transactions.
- Expense class. The expense class assigned to this encumbrance transaction.
- Initial encumbrance. The amount originally encumbered by the related PO Line; the estimated price value.
- Awaiting payment. The amount awaiting payment. This amount is populated after an invoice for the related PO Line is approved.
- Expended. The amount expended. This amount is populated after an invoice for the related PO Line is paid.
- Status. The status of this encumbrance: Unreleased or Released. The encumbrance can be released manually by the user or automatically by the system upon payment of an invoice.
- Description. This field will be blank for encumbrance transactions.
Releasing encumbrances manually
If you need to unencumber an order, this action is available from the transaction detail on the encumbered budget. This may be needed to manage charges related to ongoing orders. To release an encumbrance the user must have the Finance: Manually release encumbrance permission assigned.
To release an encumbrance, follow these steps:
- Find the transaction list for the encumbered budget. See Viewing transactions for a current budget for more information.
- Select the encumbrance transaction from the result list.
- On the encumbrance detail pane, click Release encumbrance.
- In the confirmation window, click Confirm for the message “Are you sure you want to release this encumbrance?” Any remaining amount will be added back to the budget.
- The encumbrance is released. The amount is restored to the budget and the status value on the encumbrance detail pane changes from Unreleased to Released.
Viewing payment transactions
When an invoice is paid, the existing Pending payment transaction record type value is updated from type Pending payment to type Payment. The payment transaction detail pane contains many of the same fields as the allocation detail pane. Some fields are populated differently for payment transactions:
- Source. Invoice number or identifier that generated this payment transaction. Click on the invoice identifier to open the Invoices app invoice detail pane for that invoice.
- Type. Transaction type: Payment.
- From. Fund name and code for this budget to which this payment was applied.
- To. This field will be blank for payment transactions.
- Description. This field will be blank for payment transactions.
Viewing pending payment transactions
When an invoice is approved, a Pending payment type transaction record is created for the fund’s current fiscal year budget. The original encumbrance transaction record for a related PO Line will persist on the transaction list for the budget. The amount value of the encumbrance transaction is updated when an invoice is approved since approval of the invoice releases the pending payment amount of the encumbrance. Once an invoice is paid, the transaction’s type value is changed from Pending payment to Payment. The pending payment transaction detail pane the same fields as the payment transaction detail pane.
Viewing rollover transfer transactions
The fiscal year rollover process creates transfer transactions if the rollover settings are defined to create transfers to new fiscal year budgets.
Viewing transfer transactions
When a transfer of money is made between two funds, a Transfer transaction is created. The transfer transaction detail pane contains many of the same fields as the allocation detail pane. Some fields are populated differently for transfer transactions:
- Source. Set to User for transfer transactions.
- Type. Transaction type: Transfer.
- From. Fund name and fund code from which the transfer was made into this budget.
- To. Fund name and fund code of this budget to which the transfer was made.
- Description. A description added by the user during the transfer.
Editing a fiscal year, ledger, group, fund, or budget records
- In the Search & filter pane, click the appropriate option: Fiscal year, Ledger, Group, or Fund.
- In the corresponding pane, select the record you want to edit.
- In the corresponding details pane, click Actions > Edit.
- Make your desired changes.
- Click Save & close. The record is saved and updated. Note: if another user edited and saved the same record while you were editing, the following message appears: “This record cannot be saved because it is not the most recent version. View latest version.” Click on the hyperlink text “View latest version” to refresh the record and repeat steps 3-5 above to successfully edit.
Deleting a fiscal year, ledger, group, or fund
Note: Financial structure records cannot be deleted if they have other records assigned to them.
- In the Search & filter pane, click the appropriate option: Fiscal year, Ledger, Group, or Fund.
- In the corresponding pane, select the record you want to edit.
- In the corresponding details pane, click Actions > Delete.
- In the Delete record dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the record is deleted.
Rollover fiscal year
Fiscal year rollover is initiated from the ledger detail pane. This process can close current fiscal year budgets, create upcoming fiscal year budgets with or without allocated funds based on fund type, and roll encumbrances onto new fiscal year budgets based on order type (one-time, ongoing, and ongoing subscription). This action is applied only to the funds associated with the ledger, so rollover must be run separately for each ledger.
Note: Prior to running the fiscal year rollover process, it is recommended to do the following:
- Review open orders to determine if the Re-encumber check box is selected where desired.
- Review and resolve approved invoices.
- Run at least one test of rollover to identify any remaining unpaid invoices and to view the rollover log prior to running the actual rollover.
To run a test of fiscal year rollover, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Ledger.
- Use the search and filter tools, if needed, to find the ledger to rollover.
- In the ledger results pane, select the name of the ledger to rollover.
- The ledger detail pane will open. Open the Action menu and select Rollover.
- In the Rollover window, complete the form to indicate your preferences for rollover settings. For more information on the fields on the rollover screen, see the descriptions below.
- Click the Test rollover button to initiate a test of fiscal year rollover for this ledger.
- If any unpaid invoices exist, a dialog window displays, “FOLIO has found invoices that are not yet paid or canceled. If you are sure you want to continue with rollover click continue.” A table list of invoices displays the following information:
- Vendor invoice number.
- Vendor.
- Invoice date.
- Status.
- Total amount (system)
- Click Cancel to exit the dialog list without proceeding with the rollover test, click Export list to download a .csv file list unpaid invoices, or click Continue to proceed with the rollover test.
9 After continuing, a dialog displays “Please confirm that you have completed the necessary details and are ready to proceed with your rollover TEST. This process may take several minutes to complete. A link to the results will be sent to [user email address] when the process is complete.”
- Click Confirm. A green toast message indicates that the rollover test started successfully and focus returns to the three pane layout for the ledger. A confirmation email is sent to the user’s email address.
- To view the test rollover results in the log, open the Actions menu and select Rollover logs.
To run fiscal year rollover, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Ledger.
- Use the search and filter tools, if needed, to find the ledger to rollover.
- In the ledger results pane, select the name of the ledger to rollover.
- The ledger detail pane will open. Open the Action menu and select Rollover.
- In the Rollover window, complete the form to indicate your preferences for rollover settings. For more information on the fields on the rollover screen, see the descriptions below.
- Click the Rollover button to initiate a test of fiscal year rollover for this ledger.
- If any unpaid invoices exist, a dialog window displays, “FOLIO has found invoices that are not yet paid or canceled. If you are sure you want to continue with rollover click continue.” A table list of invoices displays the following information:
- Vendor invoice number.
- Vendor.
- Invoice date.
- Status.
- Total amount (system)
- Click Cancel to exit the dialog list without proceeding with the rollover test, click Export list to download a .csv file list unpaid invoices, or click Continue to proceed with the rollover.
9 After continuing, a dialog displays “Please confirm that you have completed the necessary details and are ready to proceed with your rollover. This process may take several minutes to complete. A link to the results will be sent to [user email address] when the process is complete.”
- Click Confirm. A green toast message indicates that the rollover started successfully and focus returns to the three pane layout for the ledger. A confirmation email is sent to the user’s email address.
- To view the rollover results in the log, open the Actions menu and select Rollover logs.
When you select the Rollover action, the system displays the current year for the ledger at the top left of the rollover form. The current year is based on the fiscal year period and the current date/time.
If your institution runs rollover before or after the fiscal year end date, you’ll need to return to the fiscal year tab and adjust the dates of both the fiscal year you are rolling from and the upcoming fiscal year such that the current date now fits into the fiscal year you are rolling from. Remember to readjust the fiscal year dates back to the actual fiscal year dates after rollover is complete. See Editing a fiscal year, ledger, group, fund, or budget records for more information.
- Period begin date. The fiscal year begin date for the Fiscal year selected. See Creating a fiscal year for more information about period dates.
- Period end date. The Fiscal Year end date for the Fiscal year selected. Note: The Period end date must be greater than the current date to initiate rollover from the current year to an upcoming year.
- Fiscal year. Select the next fiscal year. If the next fiscal year has not yet been set up, click New fiscal year to create one. See Creating a fiscal year for more information.
- Enforce all budget encumbrance limits. This box is checked by default. Leave this box checked if you want the system to reject any encumbrances that would exceed the available amount. For example, if your institution typically doesn’t rollover allocations and adds initial allocation amounts manually after rollover, you might want to uncheck this box to allow current year encumbrances to be applied to the upcoming year budgets that are awaiting initial allocations.
- Enforce all budget expenditure limits. This box is checked by default. Uncheck this box to allow expenditures to rollover even if the new budget has insufficient funds allocated.
- Close all current budgets. This checkbox is selected by default and indicates that you want to close all the current fiscal year budgets as part of this rollover. Uncheck this box if you wish to leave the budget active if you must pay future invoices against past fiscal years.
Rollover budgets
The information in this section defines rollover behavior for budgets by fund type. For more information about creating fund types, see Settings > Finance > Fund types. For each fund type listed, select the appropriate settings for each of the fields defined below. These settings will be applied to all upcoming fiscal year budgets of that fund type. If a fund does not have a fund type assigned, it will be listed under No fund type.
- Rollover allocation. Check this box if you want the upcoming fiscal year budget initial allocation amount to equal the current fiscal year budget total allocation amount.
- Adjust allocation, %. The percentage amount to be applied to the current fiscal year budget total allocation amount to set the upcoming fiscal year’s budget initial allocation amount. For example, if the current budget total allocation is $1000 and you enter two percent, the upcoming budget initial allocation value is set to $1020.
- Rollover budget value. Select which value from the current fiscal year budget to roll over to the new fiscal year budget, if your library allows the rollover of surplus funds: Select None to ignore the current fiscal year budget values, Available to use the available amount, and Cash balance to use the remaining cash balance which is the total funding amount minus the total expended amount. See Viewing budget details for a full description of the Available and Cash balance values.
- Rollover value as. Indicates whether any available amounts that are rolled over should be categorized as a Transfer or an Allocation.
- Set allowances. Check this box to activate the Allowed encumbrance, %. and Allowed expenditure, %. fields.
- Allowed encumbrance, %. The percentage amount to be applied to the upcoming fiscal year’s budget allocated amount to calculate allowed encumbrances against funds of this fund type. To allow all encumbrances with no limit, leave this field blank. For example, if the budget’s total allocated amount is $1000 and you set an Allowed encumbrance, % of 110 percent, the system will allow payment of invoices up to $1100. Similarly, a value of 90 percent will limit expenditures to $900. Note: You can only enter a value in this field if the Set allowances checkbox is checked.
- Allowed expenditure, %. The percentage amount to be applied to the upcoming budget’s allocated amount to calculate allowed expenditures against funds of this fund type. To allow all expenditures with no limit, leave this field blank. For example, if the budget’s total allocated amount is $1000 and you set an Allowed expenditure, % of 110 percent, the system will allow payment of invoices up to $1100. Similarly, a value of 90 percent will limit expenditures to $900. Note: You can only enter a value in this field if the Set allowances checkbox is checked.
Rollover encumbrances
The information in this section defines rollover behavior for encumbrances by order type: one-time, ongoing, or ongoing-subscription. An order is considered an ongoing-subscription if the order type is Ongoing and the Subscription checkbox is checked. See Orders > Creating an ongoing order > Ongoing order information for more information about the subscription checkbox. An open order must have the Re-encumber checkbox activated to be eligible for fiscal year rollover. For each order type listed, select the appropriate settings for each of the fields defined below:
- Rollover. Check this box if you want encumbrances for open orders of this type of order to rollover to the upcoming fiscal year budget associated with each order. Checking this box will activate the Based on and Increase by, % fields.
- Based on. From the drop down list, select Expended to encumber the total amount that was expended during the current fiscal year. Select Initial encumbrance to encumber the purchase order line estimated price. Select Remaining to encumber the amount that has not yet been paid.
- Increase by, %. Enter a value if you want to increase the encumbrance amount by a defined percentage.
Viewing rollover log results
Rollover logs and results are available for each rollover event. To view rollover log results, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Ledger.
- Use the search and filter tools, if needed, to find the ledger for which to view rollover log results.
- In the ledger results pane, select the name of the ledger.
- The ledger detail pane will open. Open the Action menu and select Rollover logs.
- The rollover log window opens containing a search and filter pane on the left and a table list of rollover logs on the right that displays the following information:
- Start time. Date and time at which rollover or rollover test was initiated.
- End time. Date and time at which rollover or rollover test was completed.
- Status. Status of the rollover or rollover test: In progress, Successful, Failed.
- Errors. If errors exist, a file name in format ‘mm/dd/yyyyy-error’ displays. Click on the file name to download a .csv file containing error information.
- Results. If rollover completes successfully, a file name in format ‘mm/dd/yyyyy-result’ displays. Click on the file name to download a .csv file containing results information. See Rollover log results file below for the list of fields in the file.
- Settings. A file name in format ‘mm/dd/yyyyy-settings’ displays. Click on the file name to download view a screen capture of the settings in place for the rollover or rollover test.
- Source. The name of the process that created the rollover log: Rollover or Rollover test.
Rollover log results file
The following fields are included in the downloadable rollover log results file:
- Name (Fund)
- Code (Fund)
- Status (Fund)
- Type
- Group (Code)
- Acquisition unit
- Transfer from
- Transfer to
- External account number
- Description
- Name (Budget)
- Status (Budget)
- Allowable encumbrance
- Allowable expenditure
- Initial allocation
- Increase
- Decrease
- Total allocation
- Transfers
- Total Funding
- Encumbered (Budget)
- Awaiting payment (Budget)
- Expended (Budget)
- Unavailable
- Over encumbered
- Over expended
- Cash balance
- Available
- Name (Exp Class)
- Code (Exp Class)
- Status (Exp Class)
- Encumbered (Exp Class)
- Awaiting payment (Exp Class)
- Expended (Exp Class)
- Percentage of total expended
Filtering the rollover log table list
To filter the rollover log table list using the Search & filter pane, apply one of the following filters:
- Start time. Date and time at which rollover or rollover test was initiated. Enter a start from and to date/times and click Apply to filter log results to a start date/time range.
- End time. Date and time at which rollover or rollover test was completed. Enter from and to date/times and click Apply to filter log results to an end date/time range.
- Status. Status of the rollover or rollover test: In progress, Successful, Failed.
- Source. The name of the process that created the rollover log: Rollover or Rollover test.
2 - Invoices
The Invoices app allows you to manage payments and credits for the materials that your library has acquired. You can also search for and edit existing invoices as needed.
Definitions of terms used in the Invoices app:
- Accounting code. The code used by your library in your payment system in reference to an organization.
- Acquisition unit. An additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restricts a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. Units are defined and determined by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
- Adjustments. Charges added to an invoice in addition to the materials ordered. Shipping costs and taxes represent common adjustments.
- Batch group. Groups that process their invoices together. Invoices from the same library are generally processed together.
- Funds. A fiscal entity used to track transactions against a general purpose or function within a ledger.
- Invoice lines. The individual line items being paid for within each invoice. Each line consists of a description of the materials being paid for, the costs incurred, the fund responsible for payment, and a vendor reference number. Invoices are primarily a sum of the information from these lines.
- Organizations. Any institution with which your library interacts. An organization may or may not be an institution from which you purchase materials.
- Vendor. Any institution from which your library purchases materials.
- Vendor invoice number. The number provided by the vendor for this invoice.
- Voucher number. A number generated by the system to identify the payment request, which may be exported from FOLIO to an external financial system.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Invoices app and determine what you can and cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Invoices app or any related information.
The following are all the Invoices permissions:
- Invoice: Approve invoices. This permission allows the user to approve invoices.
- Invoice: Assign acquisition units to new record. This permission allows the user to assign acquisition units to new invoices.
- Invoice: Can view and edit invoices and invoice lines. This permission allows the user to view and edit invoices and invoice lines.
- Invoice: Can view invoices and invoice lines. This permission allows the user to view invoices and invoice lines.
- Invoice: Can view, edit and create new invoices and invoice lines. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create new invoices and invoice lines.
- Invoice: Can view, edit and delete invoices and invoice lines. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete invoices and invoice lines.
- Invoice: Cancel invoices. This permission allows users to cancel invoices.
- Invoice: Download batch file from invoice record. This permission allows users to download the batch voucher file from an invoice record.
- Invoice: Export search results. This permission allows the user to export a file containing invoice information for a set of invoices.
- Invoice: Manage acquisition units. This permission allows the user to change the assignment of acquisition units for an invoice.
- Invoice: Pay Invoices. This permission allows the user to approve invoices for payment.
- Invoice: Pay invoices in a different fiscal year. This permission allows the user to view a dropdown menu on the invoice record and select a current or previous fiscal year code to apply to the invoice record.
- Invoice: Voucher export. This permission allows the user to run the voucher export from the Invoices app Actions menu.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions using the keyboard in this app. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating an invoice
Invoices contain a list of the payments due for materials acquired by your library from vendors.
- In the Invoices pane, click Actions > New.
- In the Create vendor invoice window, fill in the Invoice information, Adjustments, Vendor information, Extended information, and Links & documents sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Once you have included all of the information you want about the invoice, click Save & close. Note: If the user has entered an invoice number for a vendor that matches an already existing invoice number with the same invoice date and vendor assigned, a popup window will appear with the message, “This appears to be a duplicate invoice.” The popup window will include information about and a link to the other invoice. Click Submit to continue to create the invoice or Cancel to return to the Create invoice pane.
- The invoice is saved and added to the Invoices pane.
This section contains invoice header information. Invoice date, Status, and Batch group are the only required fields in this section.
- Invoice date (required). The vendor invoice date.
- Fiscal year. A dropdown menu containing all past and current fiscal year codes, in descending order by fiscal year begin date. This field will only appear to users with the permission, Invoice: Pay invoices in a different fiscal year. Otherwise the current fiscal year will be the default selection. When attempting to process an invoice against a previous fiscal year, the invoice must fall within the current transaction restrictions of the budget, e.g the budget must be active and have sufficient funds to complete the transaction.
- Status (required). The status of the invoice. The default status for a new invoice is “Open.” “Reviewed” is also available in the drop down list. An invoice can be approved and paid from either status.
- Payment due. The date when invoice payment is due.
- Terms. The additional terms associated with the invoice, such as business or contractual terms.
- Approval date. The date a user approved the invoice for payment. This date will be generated by the system after the invoice is created and approved.
- Approved by. The user who approved the invoice. The user name will display after the invoice is created and approved.
- Acquisition units. The acquisition unit(s) assigned to the invoice. For more information see Settings > Acquisition units.
- Bill to. In the Bill to drop-down list, select the billing address for the invoice. Once you select an address, the billing address appears under Address. Addresses are configured in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Tenant > Addresses.
- Batch group (required). The batch group with which the invoice voucher will be grouped for voucher export. Invoices from the same library are generally processed together. Batch groups are configured in Settings > Invoices > Batch groups. For more information about batch voucher exports, see Exporting vouchers.
- Sub-total. The sub-total of the invoice calculated as the sum of the sub-total values of all invoice lines. The system will generate this amount after the invoice is created and invoice lines are assigned.
- Total adjustments. The total adjustments to the invoice calculated as the sum of all adjustments on the invoice and all invoice lines. The system will generate this amount after the invoice is created.
- Calculated total amount. The total amount of the invoice calculated as the sum of the Sub-total value and the Total adjustments value. The system will generate this amount after the invoice is created. If this value is negative, a credit transaction will be recorded.
- Lock total Check this box to indicate that you want to enter a total amount. Leave this box unchecked if you want the system to calculate the total amount based on the invoice line amounts.
- Lock total amount. The total expenditure for the invoice. This field is editable only if the Lock total checkbox is checked. If you enter a lock total amount, all invoice lines and adjustment values must equal this lock total amount before a user can approve the invoice.
- Note. Any additional comments relevant to the invoice.
Adjustments are optional and defined costs attached to an invoice beyond the items acquired. Shipping rates, taxes, and exchange rates represent common adjustments. You can either select one or more preset adjustments from the drop-down menu or create new adjustments.
To create preset adjustments, see Settings > Invoices > Adjustments for more information.
Selecting a preset adjustment
Select a preset adjustment from the drop down list and click Add adjustment.
- Description (required). Describes the adjustment.
- Value (required). The amount of the adjustment. A hyphen preceding the amount renders this a negative value and may be used to credit that amount to the specified fund(s).
- Type. Select a currency or a percentage. Note: This choice applies to the amount you entered in Amount.
- Pro rate (required). Select the method by which the adjustment should be proportionally distributed: By line, By amount, By quantity, or Not prorated. By line will distribute the adjustment equally across all lines regardless of the quantity on each line; By amount will distribute the adjustment across all line proportionally based on each line amount; By quantity will distribute based on quantity. For example, if there are two invoice lines and the first has a quantity of “1” and the second line has a quantity of “2”, a By quantity adjustment of $3.00 will apply $1.00 to line one and $2.00 to line two. Not Prorated will apply the adjustment at the invoice level rather than to each line. If this option is selected, an “Add fund distribution” button will appear. Click “Add fund distribution” to define the fund to which this adjustment should be applied.
- Relation to total (required). Defines how this adjustment should be applied in relation to the invoice total. Select one: In addition to, Included in, or Separate from. Note: Adjustments that are created with a Relation to total value of Separate from are not included in the Total adjustments amount or Calculated total amount for the invoice.
- Export to accounting. Select this checkbox to send the adjustment detail in the voucher export to your external payment system for this invoice.
Creating an adjustment
If creating a new adjustment that doesn’t exist as a preset adjustment, click Add adjustment without making a selection in the Preset adjustment dropdown. Enter the adjustment details in the fields described above in Selecting a preset adjustment.
The vendor information section is required.
- Enter the Vendor invoice number provided to you by the vendor.
- To select the vendor, click Organization look-up. In the Select Organization dialog, find the organization record for the vendor using the search box and/or filters. Click the organization to select it. Note: The organization selected for payment on an invoice must be an active vendor. The system will allow you to select a non-vendor organization, but you will be prevented from Approving an invoice associated with a non-vendor organization. See Organizations > Creating a vendor for more information. Note: After selecting a vendor, the address marked as the primary address on the corresponding organization record will appear on the invoice.
- The vendor’s Accounting code from their Organization record summary section will display automatically once you select the vendor and save the invoice. If the vendor has multiple accounts with different accounting codes, select the appropriate accounting code from the drop-down list. Note: This field is required if Export to accounting is selected in the invoice’s Extended information section or on any adjustments applied to the invoice. For more information about Organization accounting codes, see Organizations > Creating an Organization.
- Select a Payment method from the drop-down menu: Cash, Credit card, EFT, Deposit account, Physical check, Bank draft, Internal transfer, or Other. This field will be auto-populated if a payment method is selected on the organization record.
- If you want to check for existing subscriptions, select the Check subscription overlap checkbox. Note: System logic is not currently implemented, so the system doesn’t check for overlapping subscriptions.
- If you want to send a voucher to an external financial system, click the Export to accounting checkbox. The setting of the Export to accounting checkbox on the vendor’s Organization record determines the default value setting of this checkbox on invoices for the vendor. Note: If this checkbox is set to true, then the Accounting code in the Vendor information section is a required field.
- If you want to indicate to an external accounting system that an enclosure is needed with this invoice, click the Enclosure needed checkbox. If the Export to accounting checkbox is set to true and a voucher is created for this invoice, the export voucher file will contain a value of true in the Enclosure needed data element.
- Select a Currency from the drop-down list. The default value is stored in Tenant settings as the primary currency. For more information, see Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. If you select a currency other than the default, the system will display the Current exchange rate.
- If you want to enter an exchange rate value to override the Current exchange rate value, select the Use set exchange rate checkbox and enter the rate in the Set exchange rate box.
Links and documents
This section allows you to attach documents to an invoice record, such as digitized physical invoices or emails from vendors. You can either upload files directly or add URL links to files stored in an external file management system. You can also attach documents to accompany an invoice, such as pictures of physical invoices or emails from a vendor.
Add a link
Click Add link.
Enter a Link name to identify the file link.
Optional: Enter an External URL for an active website.
If you want to delete a link, click the trash can icon.
Add a document
There are two ways to add a document:
- Drag and drop a file into the box provided, or
- Click Choose file to add a document from your local files.
If you want to delete a document, click the trash can icon.
This is the end of the Create new invoice screen. Click Save & close to save the invoice.
You must add or create new invoice lines before the invoice can be approved or paid.
- To link an existing open order purchase order line to the invoice, follow the steps to add an invoice line to an invoice. Information from the purchase order line populates fields on the invoice line, such as Subscription start date, Subscription end date, and quantity. The account number and accounting code are derived from the vendor’s organization record account section. See Organizations > Accounts for more information about vendor accounts.
- To create a new invoice line that is not associated with a purchase order, follow the steps to create a new invoice line.
Adding an invoice line to an invoice
- In the Invoice lines section of the invoice record, click Actions > Add line from POL.
- In the Select order lines window, in the Search & filter box, use the search and filter options to locate the purchase order line (POL).
- To select one or more order lines, select the checkboxes to the left of the POL number.
- Click Save.
The order lines appear in the Invoice lines table. To view an invoice line, click on a row in the Invoice lines table. See Viewing invoice lines for more information. If you select a purchase order line that contains a vendor that doesn’t match the organization for the invoice, a Confirmation dialog appears. Click Confirm to continue with the purchase order line selection or Cancel to choose a different purchase order line.
If the selected purchase order line has a payment status of Fully paid, a red banner will display at the top of the invoice header and a red exclamation mark icon will display beside the relevant invoice line to alert you that the purchase order selected is already fully paid.
Creating a new invoice line
To create an invoice line that is not associated with an existing purchase order line, follow these steps:
- In the Invoice lines section of the invoice record, click Actions > New blank line.
- In the Create vendor invoice line window, fill in the Invoice line information, Fund distribution, and Adjustments sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the invoice line appears in the Invoice lines table.
Linking an invoice line to a purchase order line
When vendor EDIFACT format invoices are loaded to the system through data import, invoice lines are created based on information provided from the vendor included in the EDIFACT file. FOLIO will attempt to match invoice lines on incoming EDIFACT files to existing purchase order lines (POLs) in FOLIO, based on at least one match point: purchase order line (POL) number and vendor reference number (VRN). The system may be unable to automatically match some invoice lines to an existing purchase order line. To manually link an invoice line to a purchase order line, follow these steps:
- From the vendor invoice pane, review the Invoice lines accordion to determine whether the system has automatically created a purchase order link. A successfully linked invoice line contains a POL number value in the Invoice line table list. If the POL number is blank, the system was unable to match to an existing purchase order.
- To manually link the invoice line, click on the link icon to invoke a POL lookup.
- The Select order lines window opens. In the Search & filter box, use the search and filter options to locate the purchase order line (POL).
- Click on the one order you want to link to the invoice line. The POL number value is populated and the link is created.
- Description. The description or title for the invoice line. This may contain the materials, service, or fee being invoiced. This information will be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Invoice line number. The invoice line number for the invoice line which will be created after you save this new invoice line.
- Status. The status of the invoice: Open, Reviewed, Approved, Paid, Cancelled.
- Vendor reference numbers. Click Add reference number to add vendor reference numbers for the invoice line. For more information about vendor reference numbers, see Orders > Adding an order line to an order > Vendor ref number. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Vendor reference type A type to define the vendor reference number. Vendor continuation reference number, Vendor internal number, Vendor order reference number, Vendor subscription reference number, or Vendor title number. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Subscription info. Subscription information for this invoice line, such as which volumes are being invoiced.
- Subscription start date. The date the subscription starts. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Subscription end date. The date the subscription ends. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Comment. Any additional comments for the invoice line.
- Accounting code. The accounting code for the invoice line. If you select an account number from the drop-down list, the associated accounting code will display here. Note: If the Export to accounting checkbox is active, the Accounting code is required. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Account number. The account number for the invoice line. This drop-down list contains vendor account numbers for the vendor selected on the invoice if any exist on the vendor’s Organization record. If one or more vendor accounts exist in the Organization record for the vendor, the first account appears in this field as the default value. This information may be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Quantity. The number of items in the invoice line. This information will be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Sub-total. The amount of this invoice line. A hyphen may be added before the numeric value to denote a negative amount for credit invoices. Note: The subtotal amount must be distributed to one or more funds and is expressed in the currency defined in Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. This information will be pre-populated if creating the invoice line from a purchase order line (POL).
- Release encumbrance. Check this box to release the remaining value of the related encumbrance(s) from the fund to which it was assigned when the invoice transitions to Approved status. If this box is unchecked, any related encumbrance value that remains will persist after the invoice is Approved and the order payment status of any related Purchase Order Lines (POL) will not transition to Fully Paid until the encumbrances are released. For example, if the POL cost was $50, but the invoice amount is $40 and Release encumbrance is unchecked, the $10 difference will persist as an encumbrance on the fund indicated in the fund distribution.
Fund distribution
The Remaining amount to be distributed is calculated based on the Sub-total value entered above. This value should be listed as $0.00 when funds are fully distributed, which is a prerequisite for approval and payment.
- Click Add fund distribution
- Add fund information in the fields described below. You can add multiple fund distributions. To remove a fund distribution click the trash can icon beside the relevant line.
- Fund ID. The fund to which you are distributing the amount. Note: The use of acquisition units may restrict which funds appear in this list. If an acquisition unit is set up to restrict view permissions, then only funds that are assigned to the same acquisition unit as the user will display in the drop-down list. For more information, see Settings > Acquisition units.
- Expense class. The expense class within the fund, to which you are distributing the amount. This field will only display if the selected Fund ID has any associated active Expense classes.
- Value. The monetary value to apply to the fund, expressed as a percentage or currency value.
- Type. Select whether the Value should be expressed as a percentage or currency value.
- Amount. The amount of money committed to the fund. This is calculated by the system based on the Value and Type fields.
To use a preset adjustment, select from the Preset adjustment dropdown list. Preset adjustments are created in Settings > Invoices > Adjustments. If a new adjustment is needed that doesn’t exist as a preset, click Add adjustment.
- Description. A description of the adjustment.
- Value. The cost of the adjustment, expressed as a percentage or currency value. A hyphen preceding the amount renders this a negative value and may be used to credit that amount to the specified fund(s).
- Type. Select whether the Value should be expressed as a percentage or currency value.
- Relation to total. Specifies whether the adjustment is included in, in addition to, or separate from the total amount of the invoice. Note: Adjustments that are created with a Relation to total value of Separate from are not included in the Total adjustments amount or Calculated total amount for the invoice.
- Export to accounting. Select this checkbox to send the adjustment detail in the voucher export to your external payment system for this invoice.
Click Save & Close to save the new invoice line and return to the detail pane view of the invoice. The new invoice line now appears in the Invoice lines accordion of the invoice record.
Searching for an invoice
You can search for invoices in the Search & filter pane. To search for invoices, enter your search terms into the box. Select the All drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- All. Searches through all fields in the drop-down list. This is the default search.
- Voucher number. The voucher number for the invoice.
- Vendor invoice number. The vendor invoice number for the invoice.
- PO number. The purchase order number associated with the invoice.
- Accounting code. The accounting code for the invoice.
You can also search for invoices by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information on the filters.
In the Search & filter pane, click Status and select any applicable filters:
- Open. Invoices currently open for your library. This is the default status for new invoices.
- Reviewed. Invoices that have been reviewed by your library. To set an invoice as “Reviewed”, you can select the “Reviewed” status from the drop-down list on the “Create vendor invoice” screen or the “Edit vendor invoice” screen.
- Approved. Invoices that have been approved by your library. Use the Action menu to Approve an invoice.
- Paid. Invoices that have been paid for by your library. Use the Action menu to Pay an invoice.
- Cancelled. Invoices that have been cancelled by your library.
Vendor name
To search for invoices created for a specific vendor, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Vendor name.
- Click Organization look-up.
- In the Select Organization dialog, search for the vendor.
- Click the vendor to populate the Vendor name field. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
For information on searching for organizations, see Organizations > Searching for an organization.
Date created
To search for invoices based on the date they were created, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Date created.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Invoice date
To search for invoices based on their invoice date, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Invoice date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Acquisition unit
To search for invoices assigned to a specific acquisition unit, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisition unit.
- Select the acquisition unit you want from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
To search for invoices assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
- Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Payment due
To search for invoices by payment due date, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Payment due.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Payment method
In the Search & filter pane, click Payment method and select any applicable filters:
- Cash. Invoices paid by cash.
- Credit Card. Invoices paid by credit card.
- EFT. Invoices paid by electronic funds transfer.
- Deposit account. Invoices paid by direct deposit.
- Physical check. Invoices paid by physical check.
- Bank draft. Invoices paid by bank draft.
- Internal transfer. Invoices paid by internal transfer.
- Other. Invoices paid with a different method than those listed above.
Approval date
To search for invoices by approval date, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Approval date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
To filter for invoices by their source, select one or more of the following:
- User. Invoices created by a FOLIO user.
- API. Invoices created through an Application Programming Interface.
- EDI. Invoices created through Electronic Data Interchange. These invoices are typically created using the Data import app.
- MARC. Invoices imported through MAchine-Readable Cataloging format record import.
Export to accounting
To filter for invoices based on the Export to accounting checkbox, select:
- Yes. Invoices that have the Export to accounting checkbox selected.
- No. Invoices that do not have the Export to accounting checkbox selected.
Payment date
To search for invoices by payment date, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Payment date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Batch group
To search for invoices by batch group assignment, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Batch group.
- Select the batch group name from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Fund code
To search for invoices by fund code, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Fund code.
- Select the fund code name from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Expense class
To search for invoices by expense class, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Expense class.
- Select the expense class name from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Lock total
To search for invoices by lock total amount, follow these steps:
- Enter a numeric amount, with or without decimals, in the From box and a numeric amount in the To box. To find all invoices where the lock total amount falls within a range of values, enter the low and high ends of the range in the From and To boxes. To find invoices matching a specific amount value, enter the same amount value in the From and To boxes.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Fiscal year
To search for invoices by the fiscal year assigned to the record, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Fiscal year.
- Select the fiscal year code from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Invoices pane.
Exporting search results
To export a file of invoice information in comma-separated values (.csv) format, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, use the search and filter options to select a set of invoice records.
- In the search results pane, click Actions and select,Export results (CSV).
- In the Export settings dialog, the following message will display: “This export could take a few minutes. If you reload or close the page the export will not be completed. Once the file is ready it could take another minute for your browser to finish downloading the file. You can continue to work with invoices and invoice lines in a different browser tab if needed.”
- To export all fields from the title and piece leave the Invoice fields to export and Invoice line fields to export default values set to All. To select specific fields to export, click on the radio button below “All” and use the drop-down list to select the specific fields to export.
- Click Export. The file downloads to your local download location.
Invoice fields to export
- Vendor invoice number
- Vendor code
- Status
- Invoice date
- Fiscal year
- Payment due
- Approved date
- ApprovedBy
- Terms
- Acquisitions units
- Note
- Bill to
- Batch group
- Payment date
- Total units
- Sub total
- Total adjustments
- Total amount
- Lock total amount
- Invoice fund distributions
- Invoice adjustments
- Accounting code
- Vendor address
- Payment method
- Check subscription overlap
- Export to accounting
- Enclosure needed
- Currency
- Exchange rate
- Invoice tags
Invoice line fields to export
- Invoice line number
- Description (Title)
- POLine number
- Subscription info
- Subscription start
- Subscription end
- Comment
- Account number
- Accounting code
- Quantity
- Sub total
- Invoice line adjustments
- Total
- Invoice line fund distributions
- External account number (includes external account number from fund and expense class external account number extension, if applicable)
- Vendor reference number, reference type
- Invoice line tags
- Voucher number
- Voucher status
- Voucher date
- Disbursement number
- Disbursement date
Viewing invoice details
Once you search for an invoice, the following information appears in the Invoices search results pane:
- Vendor invoice number. The number provided by the vendor for this invoice.
- Vendor. The vendor code.
- Invoice date. The vendor invoice date.
- Status. The status of the invoice: Open, Reviewed, Approved, Paid, Cancelled.
- Total amount (system). The combined cost of the items ordered and adjustments for the invoice.
In the search results, click on an invoice to view more information. The Vendor invoice number pane displays with additional information about the invoice.
For information about most of the fields in the Invoice information section, see Creating an invoice > Invoice information. Once an invoice line is created, the following fields are populated by the system and are included in the Invoice information section:
- Source. The method by which this invoice was created: User, API, EDI, or MARC.
- Total units. The total units for the invoice calculated as the sum of the quantity values on all invoice lines.
- Payment date. The date on which the invoice status transitioned to Paid.
Viewing invoice lines
Invoice lines may link an invoice to purchase order lines or may be created without a link to an existing order. Each line consists of the title, payment information, cost details, and adjustments.
The invoice lines section lists all invoice lines for the order. The invoice lines table list displays the following:
- # The invoice line number. System generated.
- POL number. The purchase order line number.
- Description. The ordered title from the purchase order line.
- Fund code. The code for the fund from which payment is made for the invoice line.
- PO status. The purchase order workflow status from the purchase order line: Open, Pending, Closed.
- Receipt status. The receipt status of the purchase order line.
- Payment status. The payment status of the purchase order line.
- Vendor reference number. A unique identifier for the material being acquired that is specific to the vendor. Different types of identifiers are provided by vendors for different types of material. All associated vendor reference numbers are listed.
- Quantity. The quantity ordered.
- Sub-total. The price of the invoice before adding adjustments.
- Adjustments. The adjustments associated with the invoice.
- Total. The total amount of the invoice line calculated as the Sub-total plus Adjustments.
To view more information about the invoice line, click on the row in the invoice lines list. A detail pane opens containing information about the invoice line. See Creating a new invoice line for descriptions of the fields in the invoice line detail pane.
The View invoice line detail pane includes an accordion section to list Other related invoice lines. This table lists any invoices that are related to the same purchase order line. The Other related invoice lines section lists the following information:
- Vendor invoice number. The number provided by the vendor for this invoice. Click on the clipboard icon beside the vendor invoice number to copy the value to your clipboard.
- Invoice line #. The system-generated invoice line number.
- Invoice date. The vendor invoice date.
- Vendor name. The vendor name.
- Status. The status of the invoice: Open, Reviewed, Approved, Paid, cancelled.
- Quantity. The quantity ordered.
- Amount. The combined cost of the items ordered and adjustments for the invoice.
- Comment. Comments from the invoice line.
Click on a related invoice line # value to view more information. The View invoice line pane displays with additional information about the related invoice line.
Invoice level fund distribution
The Invoice level fund distribution section of the invoice detail displays only if invoice contains an adjustment that is not prorated and for which a fund distribution has been selected. For more information, see Creating an invoice > Adjustments > Adding a preset adjustment. The Invoice level fund distribution section lists the following information:
- Adjustment. Description of the adjustment.
- Fund. The fund to which you are distributing the amount elephant
- Expense class. The expense class within the fund, to which you are distributing the amount. This field will only display information if the selected Fund ID has any associated active Expense classes.
- Value. The monetary value to apply to the fund, expressed as a percentage or currency value.
- Amount. The amount of money committed to the fund.
- Initial encumbrance. The initial amount committed to the fund.
- Current encumbrance. The current amount committed to the fund. When an invoice transitions to Approved status and the Release encumbrances checkbox on an invoice line is checked, the Current encumbrance value becomes zero.
Invoice level adjustments
The Invoice level adjustments section of the invoice detail displays only if the invoice contains an adjustment that is not prorated. Adjustments with a Pro rate method of By amount, By line, or By quantity display the adjustment information on the invoice line. For more information, see Creating an invoice > Adjustments > Adding a preset adjustment. The Invoice level adjustments section lists the following information:
- Description. A description of the adjustment.
- Value. The cost of the adjustment.
- Pro rate. The method by which the adjustment should be proportionally distributed: By line, By amount, By quantity, or Not prorated
- Relation to total. Defines how the adjustment is applied in relation to the invoice total: In addition to, Included in, or Separate from.
Vendor details
- Vendor invoice number. The vendor invoice number for the invoice. Click on the clipboard icon beside the vendor invoice number to copy the value to your clipboard.
- Vendor name. The name of the vendor.
- Accounting code. The accounting code for the invoice, if applicable.
- Address, Primary. The vendor’s primary address information. This address is included on the invoice voucher and voucher export.
Links and documents
This area includes all the links and documents attached to the invoice. Click the External URL or Document name to open the documents.
Editing an invoice
- Find the invoice you want to edit and select it.
- Click Actions > Edit.
- Edit the invoice. Note: The Status of the invoice impacts which fields are editable. Many fields are locked for editing after the invoice is approved.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the invoice is updated.
Deleting an invoice
Deleting an invoice is possible while in an Open, Reviewed, or Cancelled status. Once an invoice has transitioned to Approved or Paid, it cannot be deleted.
- Find the invoice you want to delete and select it.
- In the Vendor invoice number pane, click Actions > Delete.
- In the Delete invoice dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the invoice is deleted.
Approving an invoice
Invoices require approval before the payment amounts are considered to be awaiting payment and in order for vouchers to be created. Approving an invoice is possible when:
- The invoice status is Open or Reviewed.
- One or more invoice lines are added to the invoice.
- The user account includes the Approve invoice permission.
- If you enter a Lock total value, all invoice lines and adjustment values must equal this lock total amount. See Invoice information > Lock total for information about lock total.
- All funds on the invoice have been distributed.
Approving an invoice triggers the following system actions:
- Once one or more invoices connected to a purchase order line have been “Approved,” the purchase order Payment status is changed to “Partially paid.”
- Voucher and pending payment transactions are created. Vouchers are a mechanism for providing the information necessary to make invoice payments and can be exported to an external payment system. Each invoice generates a single unique voucher on which all fund charges are grouped by the fund external account number. For more information on exporting vouchers, see Exporting vouchers.
To approve an invoice, follow these steps:
- Find the invoice you want to approve and select it.
- In the Vendor invoice number pane, click Actions > Approve.
- In the Approve invoice dialog, click Approve. A confirmation message appears and the invoice is approved.
Viewing a voucher
Once an invoice is approved, an invoice voucher is created and is added to the invoice record. To view an invoice voucher, follow these steps:
- Using the Search and Filter pane, find the invoice you want to view and select it.
- In the Vendor invoice number pane, scroll down to the Voucher information section. Key information about the invoice payment voucher is displayed in this section.
- To view all voucher information on a full screen window, click View voucher.
- Status. The status of the invoice voucher: Awaiting Payment or Paid.
- Voucher number. System-assigned number for this voucher.
- Voucher date. Date the invoice was approved and the voucher was created.
- Total. Total amount of all voucher lines.
- Exchange rate. Currency exchange rate used to generate the transaction.
- Disbursement number. The identifier from an external system corresponding to a payment. This may be added to the voucher by clicking Actions > Edit.
- Disbursement date. The date from an external system corresponding to a payment. This may be added to the voucher by clicking Actions > Edit.
- Disbursement amount. The amount from an external system corresponding to a payment. This may be added to the voucher by clicking Actions > Edit.
- Account number. The number of the vendor organization account for the payment method indicated on the invoice. This value is only populated if the organization record for the vendor contains an account number in the Accounts section for the payment method being used for this invoice.
- Accounting code. Vendor accounting code to identify the vendor organization in an external accounts payable system.
- Enclosure needed. If true and payment method is “Check,” this indicates to an external accounting system that an enclosure is needed with this invoice. If the Export to accounting checkbox is set to true and a voucher is created for this invoice, the export voucher file will contain a value of true in the enclosure needed data element.
- Vendor. Vendor name.
- Address 1. Vendor address 1. This is the vendor’s primary address from the Organization app. See Organizations> Adding an address for more information.
- Address 2. Vendor address 2.
- City. Vendor city.
- State/Prov./Region. Vendor State, Province, or Region code.
- Zip code. Vendor zip code.
- Country. Vendor country.
Voucher lines
The voucher lines are grouped by fund external account number. For example, if there are multiple invoice lines on an invoice that contain the same fund external account number, only one voucher line will be generated containing the total amount across those invoice lines.
- External account number. The fund’s external account number.
- Total. The total amount for all voucher lines, displayed at the bottom of the voucher line table.
The Voucher lines table contains this information for each voucher line:
- Line number.
- Group.
- Fund code.
- External account number.
- Amount.
To add information about the invoice voucher disbursement from an external accounts payable system, use the Action menu to edit the invoice voucher.
- Using the Search and Filter pane, find the invoice for which you want to update disbursement information and select it.
- Scroll down to the Voucher information section and click the View voucher button
- From the View voucher full-screen window, open the Action menu and select Edit.
- Enter the disbursement information in the fields described below.
- Click Save and close.
The only fields that are editable on the voucher are:
- Disbursement number. Enter an identifier from an external system corresponding to a payment, such as a check number.
- Disbursement date. Enter the date of the disbursement transaction in the external system.
- Disbursement amount. Enter the amount of the disbursement, with or without decimal.
Exporting vouchers
To export a file of voucher information in JSON or XML format, follow these steps:
- In the search results pane, click Actions > Voucher export.
- On the voucher export screen, choose a batch group from the drop-down menu.
- All previous voucher exports run for the batch group are listed in a table containing Date, Status, and Message columns. There are also links to download past files at the end of each row where export was successful.
- To run a new voucher export for a batch group, click Run manual export. A message appears, “All vouchers created since last export for the batch group FOLIO will be exported and this process cannot be reversed.”
- Click Continue to proceed or Cancel.
- When the export is complete, a new table row is created containing a message to indicate whether the file uploaded successfully to FTP location or vouchers for batch voucher export were not found.
- To download one of the voucher export files, click on the downward arrow at the end of the table row. Note: The file will download in the format configured on the batch group configuration. For more information see Settings > Invoices > Batch group configuration.
Voucher export details
The voucher export details section appears on invoices that have the Export to accounting checkbox activated, where the export has been performed. It includes the following fields:
- Batch group. The name of the batch group selected for the invoice.
- Batch file name. The name of the file generated by the voucher export process, expressed as date-time.
- Batch file status. The status of the voucher export batch file: Uploaded or Error.
After exporting vouchers, you can view details about the export and download the full voucher export file by finding an invoice that was included in the export job. To view voucher export details and download the file to your local download folder, follow these steps:
- Using the Search and Filter pane, find the invoice you want to view and select it.
- In the Vendor invoice number pane, scroll down to the Voucher export details section.
- To download the full voucher export file, click the downward arrow download icon next to the Batch file name. This file will contain all vouchers that were in an Approved status that had not yet been exported at the time of job execution.
Voucher export file
The voucher export file contains the following data elements:
- accountingCode
- accountNumber
- amount
- batchedVoucherLines/0/amount
- batchedVoucherLines/0/fundCodes/
- batchedVoucherLines/0/externalAccountNumber
- disbursementAmount
- enclosureNeeded
- exchangeRate
- folioInvoiceNo
- invoiceCurrency
- invoiceDate
- invoiceTerms
- status
- systemCurrency
- type
- vendorInvoiceNo
- vendorName
- voucherDate
- voucherNumber
- vendorAddress/addressLine1
- vendorAddress/addressLine2
- vendorAddress/city
- vendorAddress/stateRegion
- vendorAddress/zipCode
- vendorAddress/country
Printing a voucher
To print an invoice voucher, follow these steps:
- Follow the instructions in Viewing a voucher to find the voucher you want to print.
- In the Voucher invoice full screen display, select Actions > Print.
- The print preview dialog box opens. For descriptions of each field included in the voucher print view, see Voucher information.
- Click on the Destination drop-down to select whether to print the voucher or save to a PDF file.
- Click Save or Print as indicated by your destination selection.
Paying an invoice
Use the Pay action to update the invoice to the status of Paid. The Pay action is available in the Action menu if the Settings > Invoices > Approvals Approve and pay in one click setting is turned off. This enables a library to use separate actions to Approve invoices and Pay invoices. If that setting is off, the invoice must be approved before the Pay action will be available.
Moving the invoice to paid status will trigger an update of the purchase order status to Closed once the order is fully received. See Settings > Invoices > Approvals for more information about the “Approve and pay in one click” setting.
To pay an invoice, follow these steps:
- Using the Search and Filter pane, find the approved invoice that you want to pay and select it.
- In the Voucher invoice number pane, select Actions > Pay.
- Click Submit.
Cancelling an invoice
Cancelling an invoice is possible while in an Approved or Paid status and when the user account includes the Invoice: Cancel invoices permission. Cancelling an invoice triggers the following system actions:
- All transactions against funds related to the invoice are voided.
- The invoice voucher status is set to Cancelled.
- Users are unable to Open, Approve, or Pay the invoice after cancelling.
To cancel an invoice, follow these steps:
- Find the invoice you want to cancel and select it.
- In the Vendor invoice number pane, click Actions > Cancel.
- In the Cancel invoice dialog, optionally enter a Cancellation note. The Cancellation note displays in the Invoice information accordion.
3 - Orders
The Orders app allows you to create and manage purchase orders.
Definition of terms related to the Orders app:
- Acquisition units. An additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restricts a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. For example, you may create acquisition units to represent the different libraries within your library system. Units are defined and determined by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
- Order. A purchase order featuring a list of titles or packages (physical or electronic) being ordered by the library from a vendor.
- Order line. A purchase order line contains one of the titles or packages being ordered by the library. Order lines make up an order. Orders can contain multiple order lines.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Orders app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Orders app or any related information.
Note: The below permissions only pertain to the Orders app. Within the app, orders and order lines may link to records in other apps, like Inventory and Receiving, and the ability to interact with those records could require separate permissions.
Orders permissions:
- Orders: Approve purchase orders. This permission allows the user to approve purchase orders.
- Orders: Assign acquisition units to new order. This permission allows the user to assign acquisition units to orders when creating a new order.
- Orders: Can create new Orders and Order lines. This permission allows the user to create new orders and order lines.
- Orders: Can delete Orders and Order lines. This permission allows the user to delete orders and order lines.
- Orders: Can edit Orders and Order lines. This permission allows the user to view and edit orders and order lines.
- Orders: Can view Orders and Order lines. This permission allows the user to view orders and order lines.
- Orders: Cancel order lines. This permission allows the user to cancel order lines.
- Orders: Cancel purchase orders. This permission allows the user to cancel order lines.
- Orders: Export search results. This permission allows the user to export search results in .csv format.
- Orders: Manage acquisition units. This permission allows the user to change the assignment of acquisition units for an order or order line.
- Orders: Reopen purchase orders. This permission allows the user to reopen an order.
- Orders: Show all hidden fields. This permission allows the user to view all fields on a purchase order that were hidden by creation from an order template.
- Orders: Unopen purchase orders. This permission allows the user to unopen an order.
- Orders: Update encumbrances. This permission allows the user to update encumbrances for an open order.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating an order
Orders contain a list of titles or packages (physical or electronic) being ordered by your library from a vendor.
In FOLIO, you can create either one-time orders or ongoing orders. One-time orders should be used for items fulfilled within the year, like monographs. Ongoing orders generally span multiple years, and you usually pay as you receive each item. You would want to create an ongoing order for a journal subscription, for example.
Once you create an order, you need to add at least one order line to the order so the order can be opened and the acquisitions process can begin. You can also initiate order creation from the Inventory app by searching for an instance and clicking Inventory > Actions > Create new order for more information.
Creating a one-time order
In the Search & filter pane, click Orders.
In the Orders pane, click New.
In the Create purchase order window, select a template from the Template name drop-down list, if using. The order is populated with the information configured in the template. Templates are created in the Settings app. See Settings > Orders > Order templates for more information.
Select One-time from the Order type drop-down list.
Fill in the rest of the fields under Purchase order and PO summary. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Optional: Select Approved to approve the order. Note: You only need to approve the order if your library has the Approval required setting turned on. For more information, see Settings > Orders > Approvals.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the order appears in the Orders pane.
Purchase order
- Prefix. If applicable, select a Prefix for the purchase order number from the drop-down list. Prefixes are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Orders > Prefixes for more information.
- PO number. Purchase order number for the order. Whether you can edit the PO number depends on your library’s settings in the PO number Edit setting. See Settings > Orders > Edit for more information.
- Suffix. If applicable, select a Suffix for the purchase order number from the drop-down list. Suffixes are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Orders > Suffixes for more information.
- Vendor. The vendor associated with this purchase order. Click Organization look-up to select a vendor. In the Select Organization dialog, find the organization using the search box and/or filters. Click the organization to select it. The organization is added to the Vendor field.
- Order type. Select the type of order you are placing: One-time or Ongoing.
- Acquisitions units. If you want the order to be available to particular users within certain acquisitions units, enter or select the Acquisition units from the drop-down list. You can select multiple units. For more information on acquisition units, see Settings > Acquisition units.
- Assigned to. To assign the order to a user, click the +. In the Select User dialog, find the user using the search box and/or the filters. Click the user to select them. The user appears in the Assigned to box. If you need to remove the user, click the x. If you need to assign the order to a different user, click the + and repeat the above steps.
- Bill to. In the Bill to drop-down list, select the billing address for the order. Once you select an address, the billing address appears. Addresses are configured in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Tenant > Addresses.
- Ship to. In the Ship to drop-down list, select the address the order items will be shipped to. Once you select an address, the shipping address appears. Addresses are configured in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Tenant > Addresses.
- Manual. If the Manual checkbox is selected, EDI integration settings for this vendor will be ignored and nothing on this order will be exported to the vendor.. For example, select this checkbox if EDI order integration is set up
- Re-encumber. The Re-encumber checkbox is selected by default. If the checkbox is cleared, you are indicating that the order shouldn’t re-encumber during the fiscal year rollover even if it meets the criteria to re-encumber. However, if the checkbox is selected and the rollover settings indicate that this order doesn’t meet the criteria to re-encumber, money will not be committed to the next fiscal year for this order. The re-encumber toggle is only considered when the order meets the rollover criteria. If the checkbox is selected and the rollover settings indicate that this order meets the criteria to re-encumber, then money is committed to the next fiscal year for the order.
- Tags. Enter or select any tags from the drop-down list you would like to apply to the order.
PO summary
- Approved. To approve the order, select the Approved checkbox. Note: You only need to approve the order if your library has the Approval required setting turned on. An order is automatically approved when opened. For more information, see Settings > Orders > Approvals.
Creating an ongoing order
In the Search & filter pane, click Orders.
In the Orders pane, click New.
In the Create purchase order window, select a template from the Template name drop-down list, if using. The order is populated with the information configured in the template. Templates are created in the Settings app. See Settings > Orders > Order templates for more information.
Select Ongoing from the Order type drop-down list.
Fill in the rest of the fields under Purchase order, Ongoing order information, and PO summary. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Optional: Select Approved to approve the order. Note: You only need to approve the order if your library has the Approval required setting turned on. An order is automatically approved when opened. For more information, see Settings > Orders > Approvals.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the order appears in the Orders pane.
Purchase order
See Purchase order, above.
- Subscription. If the ongoing order is for a subscription, select the Subscription checkbox.
- Renewal interval. The interval for renewal, in days. This is the term, in days, during which the library has access to this material, after which the library will need to renew for another term.This field can only be edited, and is required, if Subscription is selected.
- Renewal date. The date by which the library must decide to renew or not, which is sometimes referred to as the cancellation deadline. This field can only be edited, and is required, if Subscription is selected.
- Review period. The period prior to the renewal date when you can decide whether you would like to purchase the subscription again. This field can only be edited if Subscription is selected.
- Manual renewal. Select the Manual renewal checkbox to indicate that you need to contact the vendor to renew the subscription for another term (the vendor does not automatically assume a renewal). This field can only be edited if Subscription is selected.
- Review date. The date for review. This field can only be edited if Subscription is not selected.
- Notes. Any notes about the ongoing order.
PO summary
See PO summary, above.
Searching for an order
You can search for orders in the Search & filter pane. Click Orders to start your search. The Order lines search is selected by default and you can toggle between the Order lines search and Orders search at the top of the search and filter pane. To search for orders, enter your search terms into the box. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- Keyword. Searches through all fields in the drop-down list. This is the default search.
- Date created. Date the order was created.
- Date opened. Date the order was opened, which is when funds are encumbered and interactions with the Inventory app occur.
- PO number. The purchase order number.
You can also search for orders by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information on the filters.
In the Search & filter pane, click Status and select any applicable filters:
- Closed. Orders that are closed.
- Open. Orders that are open.
- Pending. Orders that are pending.
To search for orders by purchase order number prefix, follow these steps. For more information about creating Prefix values, see Settings > Orders > Prefixes.
In the Search & filter pane, click Prefix.
Select the prefix from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
To search for orders purchase order number suffix, follow these steps. For more information about creating Suffix values, see Settings > Orders > Suffixes
In the Search & filter pane, click Suffix.
Select the suffix from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
In the Search & filter pane, click Approved and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Approved orders.
- No. Orders not yet approved.
Acquisitions unit
To search for orders assigned to a specific acquisitions unit, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisitions unit.
Select the acquisitions unit from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Assigned to
To search for orders assigned to a specific user, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Assigned to.
Click Find User.
In the Select User dialog, search for the user.
Select the user you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Created by
To search for orders created by a specific user, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Created by.
Click Find User.
In the Select User dialog, search for the user.
Select the vendor you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Date created
To search for orders based on the date they were created, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Date created.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Date opened
To search for orders based on the date the order was opened, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Date opened.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Order type
In the Search & filter pane, click Order type and select any applicable filters:
- One-time. One-time orders.
- Ongoing. Ongoing orders.
To search for orders placed with a specific vendor, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Vendor.
Click Organization look-up.
In the Select Organization dialog, search for the vendor.
Select the vendor you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
To search for orders assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Reason for closure
To search for orders based on their reason for closure, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Reason for closure.
Select the reason for closure from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
In the Search & filter pane, click Re-encumber and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Orders with the Re-encumber checkbox selected.
- No. Orders with the Re-encumber checkbox cleared.
To search for subscription orders follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Subscription.
Choose the appropriate filter:
- Yes. Subscription orders.
- No. Non-subscription orders.
Renewal date
To search for orders based on their renewal date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Renewal date.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Manual renewal
In the Search & filter pane, click Manual renewal and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Orders with the Manual renewal checkbox selected.
- No. Orders with the Manual renewal checkbox cleared.
Review period
To search for orders within a review period, in days, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Review period.
Enter or select the review period, in days. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Bill to
To search for orders based on their bill to address, follow these steps. Addresses are created in Settings > Tenant > Addresses.
In the Search & filter pane, click Bill to.
Select the address name from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Ship to
To search for orders based on their ship to address, follow these steps. Addresses are created in Settings > Tenant > Addresses.
In the Search & filter pane, click Ship to.
Select the address name from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Exporting search results
To export a file of order information in comma-separated values (.csv) format, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, open the action menu and select,Export results (CSV).
In the Export settings dialog, the following message will display: “This export could take a few minutes. If you reload or close the page the export will not be completed. Once the file is ready it could take another minute for your browser to finish downloading the file. You can continue to work with orders and order lines in a different browser tab if needed.”
To export all fields from the purchase order header, leave the PO fields to export default value set to All. To select specific fields to export, click on the radio button below “All” and use the drop-down list to select the specific fields to export:
- PO number prefix
- PO number
- PO number suffix
- Vendor
- Organization type
- Order type
- Acquisitions units
- Approval date
- Assigned to
- Bill to
- Ship to
- Manual
- Re-encumber
- Created by
- Created on
- Note
- Workflow status
- Approved
- Renewal interval
- Subscription
- Manual renewal
- Ongoing notes
- Review period
- Renewal date
- Review date
- PO tags
To export all fields from the purchase order line, leave the POL fields to export default value set to All. To select specific fields to export, click on the radio button below “All” and use the drop down list to select the specific fields to export:
- POLine number
- Title
- Instance UUID
- Subscription from
- Subscription to
- Subscription interval
- Receiving note
- Publisher
- Edition
- Linked package
- Contributor, Contributor type
- Product ID, Qualifier, Product ID type
- Internal note
- Acquisition method
- Order format
- Created on (PO line)
- Receipt date
- Receipt status
- Payment status
- Source
- Donor
- Selector
- Requester
- Cancellation restriction
- Cancellation description
- Rush
- Collection
- Line description
- Vendor reference number, reference type
- Instructions to vendor
- Account number
- Physical unit price
- Quantity physical
- Electronic unit price
- Quantity electronic
- Discount
- Estimated price
- Currency
- Fund code, Expense class, Value, Amount
- Location, Quantity P, Quantity E
- Material supplier
- Receipt due
- Expected receipt date
- Volumes
- Create inventory
- Material type
- Access provider
- Activation status
- Activation due
- Create inventory E
- Material type E
- Trial
- Expected activation
- User limit
- POLinetags
- PO number prefix
- Renewal note
- Once the export fields have been chosen, click Export button at the bottom of the dialog. A .csv file will be downloaded locally with the name “order-export-YYYY-MM-DD-HH_MM” containing one row for each purchase order filtered in the search pane selection list. If the user has chosen to export POL fields and an order contains multiple purchase order lines then the file will contain a row for each purchase order line.
Viewing order details
Once you search for an order, the following information appears in the Orders pane:
- PO number. The purchase order number.
- Vendor code. The vendor code.
- Status. The order status: Pending, Open, Closed.
- Order type. The type of order: One-time, Ongoing.
- Last updated. The date the order was last updated.
- Acquisition unit. The acquisition units assigned to the order.
- Assigned to. The user to which the order is assigned.
To customize the columns that appear in the results list, follow these steps:
In the Order pane, select the Actions button.
The listed columns are all selected by default under Show columns in the Actions list.
Deselect any columns that you want to remove from the Orders pane display.
Your selections persist until you logout of FOLIO.
In the search results, click on an order to view it. The purchase order details pane displays with additional information about the order:
Purchase order section
See Creating an order > Purchase order for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order.
- PO number. Purchase order number for the order. Note that when viewing the order, the prefix and suffix values are displayed within the order number rather than as distinct fields.
- Vendor. The vendor organization associated with this purchase order.
- Order type. The type of order: One-time or Ongoing.
- Acquisitions units. The acquisitions units assigned to the order.
- Approval date. Date on which the order status changed from Open to Approved.
- Assigned to. The user assigned to this order, if applicable.
- Bill to. The billing address selected for the order.
- Ship to. The ship to address selected for the order.
- Manual. If the Manual checkbox is selected, it excludes the order from automated processing. For example, this may be selected if you have EDI set up, but you submitted the order on the vendor’s site and do not want to resend it to them.
- Re-encumber. See Creating a purchase order for a full description of this field.
- Created by. Name of the user that created the purchase order.
- Created on. The date and time at which the purchase order was created.
- Date opened. The date and time at which the purchase order was opened.
This section only displays for orders with type Ongoing. If the subscription checkbox is checked for this order, the following information displays. See Creating an order for descriptions of each field. Descriptions are provided below for fields that aren’t described in Creating an order.
- Subscription.
- Renewal interval.
- Renewal date.
- Review period.
- Manual renewal.
- Notes.
If the subscription checkbox is unchecked, the following information displays:
- Subscription.
- Review date.
- Notes.
This section displays pricing and status information for the purchase order.
- Total units. Total quantity ordered across all purchase order lines.
- Approved. Indicates whether the order has been approved.
- Workflow status. The order status: Pending, Open, Closed.
- Total estimated price. The total of all PO line estimated price amounts.
- Total encumbered. The total of all PO line encumbered amounts.
- Total expended. The total expended amount for all PO lines. When an invoice line is created, it is linked to a PO line. The total amount of the invoice line is expended once the invoice is approved.
PO Lines
This section displays information about purchase order lines for this order. The PO lines table list displays the following columns. Click on the PO line row to open the detail pane for the PO line.
- POL number. Purchase order line number.
- Title or package name. Title or package name of the item ordered on the PO line.
- Product ID. Product ID of the item ordered on the PO line. Note: all associated product IDs will be listed here.
- Vendor reference number. The vendor reference number for this order line.
- Fund code. The fund code of the fund distribution for the PO line. Note: If more than one fund code is associated with the PO line, each code will be listed here.
- Estimated price. The calculated price based on the values you entered. Estimated price = list unit price(s) x quantities ordered + additional cost - discount.
This section displays information about invoices related to this order through a purchase order line link to an invoice line. The invoice table list displays the following columns. To sort the list by Invoice date, click on the column header.
- Invoice #. The vendor-provided identifier for the invoice related to this purchase order line.
- Invoice date. The vendor invoice date. Click on the column name to sort the list of related invoices by Invoice date.
- Vendor name. The name of the vendor associated with the related invoice.
- Vendor invoice number.
- Status. The status of the invoice: Open, Reviewed, Approved, Paid, or Cancelled.
- Expended amount. The total expended amount of the invoice.
Export details
This section displays information about order exports to vendors related to this order. The
- Job ID. Identification number of the export.
- Export date. Date that the export job was run.
- File name. Name of the export file.
- Export method. The Integration name on the associated Organization record’s Integration details.
See the Export Manager for more information about viewing export jobs.
Editing an order
Search for the order you want to edit and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Edit.
Edit the order.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the order is updated.
Approving an order
You only need to approve an order if you have the Approvals required setting turned on. For more information, see Settings > Orders > Approvals. If you have this setting turned on, you also need the applicable permission to be able to approve the order. You can open an order once it is approved.
There are two ways to approve an order. You can edit the order and select the Approved checkbox under PO summary, or you can follow these steps:
Search for the order you want to approve and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Approve. A confirmation message appears and the purchase order is marked as Approved.
Duplicating an order
Search for the order you want to duplicate and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Duplicate.
In the Duplicate order dialog, click Duplicate to confirm the duplication. A confirmation message appears and the order is duplicated and appears in the Orders pane.
Opening an order
After you create an order, it has the status of Pending until you open it. Once you open an order the following actions occur:
- Encumbrance transactions are created. Note: Encumbrances are only created if a fund distribution was added to an order line.
- Inventory records are created. If Create inventory on the purchase order line is set to “Instance/holdings/item”, an item is created with an item status of “On order.” For more information about item status see Platform essentials > Item Status. Inventory records are not created if Create inventory on the order line is set to None. For more information about Create inventory, see the E-resources details and Physical details sections below.
- Date opened is set to today’s date.
- Approval date is set to today’s date if the order hasn’t already been approved by a user.
- If possible duplicates are found, based on title and product ID values, a modal displays with a list of possible duplicate orders. Select continue or cancel. This duplicate check can be disabled in Settings. See Settings > Orders > Opening purchase orders.
- Order lines cannot be added after the order is opened unless you unopen the order.
- Fields such as Order type, Title, Acquisition method, and Order format are not editable once an order is opened. The order would need to be unopened to edit those fields. For more information, see Unopening an order.
Search for the order you want to open and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Open.
In the Open - purchase order dialog, click Submit. A confirmation message appears and the order workflow status changes to Open.
Unopening an order
Opening an order is not final and an order can be reverted back to a Pending status by unopening the order.
Note: Unopening an order removes any encumbrances and item records with an On Order status. However, items that were received, holdings, and instances aren’t removed.
Search for the open order you want to unopen and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Unopen.
In the Unopen - purchase order dialog, click Submit. A confirmation message appears and the order’s status changes to Open.
Cancelling an order
To cancel an open purchase order, follow the steps below. Cancelling a purchase order removes all encumbrances and updates all associated item records for all purchase order lines to an Item status of Order closed. To cancel individual order lines, see Cancelling an order line. You can [reopen an order[(#reopening-an-order) after performing the cancel action.
Search for the order you want to cancel and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Cancel. Note: Only orders in Open status display the cancel option in the Action menu.
In the Close - purchase order dialog, optionally add Notes text and click Submit. A confirmation message appears.
Upon cancellation, the order Workflow status changes to Closed, the Reason for closure is set to Cancelled, and any optionally added notes appear in the PO Summary Notes on closure field. All PO line fund distribution Current encumbrance amounts are set to $0.00. In the PO line search results pane and on the Purchase order detail pane PO lines section, a red circle with a diagonal line icon appears beside the cancelled order line.
Closing an order
The system will automatically close one-time orders that are fully received and fully paid, or those where receipt or payment is not required, as indicated by the purchase order line Receipt status and Payment status values. Only open orders can be closed. If you need to close an order manually, follow the steps below. Note about Item status: If Create inventory on the purchase order line is set to “Instance/holdings/item”, an item was created in Inventory when the order was opened. Closing an order when the item is not yet received will update the Item status of the item to “Order Closed.” For more information about item status see Platform essentials > Item Status.
Search for the order you want to close and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Close order.
In the Close - purchase order dialog, select a closing Reason from the drop-down list. Closing reasons are configured in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Orders > Closing purchase order reasons.
Optional: Enter any notes about why you are closing the order.
To close the order, click Submit. A confirmation message appears and the order’s status changes to Closed.
Reopening an order
Closing an order is not final and an order can be reverted back to an Open status by reopening the order.
Search for the order you want to reopen and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Reopen. A confirmation message appears and the order’s status changes to Open.
Receiving an order
You can only receive open orders.
Search for the order you want to receive and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Receive. The order line(s) open in the Receiving app.
Follow the steps as outlined in Receiving > Receiving an order.
Updating encumbrances for an order
You can update encumbrances for open orders. Use this action to reset encumbrances based on an order’s current price and fund distributions. If an order failed to encumber during rollover due to reasons such as insufficient budget funds or distribution to an inactive fund, make the appropriate edits to the budget or order and then select this Update encumbrances action to rerun the system encumbrance logic.
Search for the order for which you want to update encumbrances and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Update encumbrances.
A confirmation message appears and the order encumbrances are updated based on the order’s current price and fund distributions.
Creating a new invoice for an order
You can create an invoice for Open status orders from within the Orders app using the Action menu. Note: Purchase order lines containing payment status values of “Payment not required” or “Fully paid” are not linked to a new invoice created through the + New invoice action.
Search for the order for which you want to create an invoice and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > + New invoice
In response to the Create invoice dialog prompt, “Do you want to create an invoice from this order?” click Submit. The Create invoice window opens.
Follow the steps in Creating an invoice to complete the Create invoice window and click Save and close.
If the order contains more than one purchase order line, the Edit sequence of invoice lines window opens containing a table list of all purchase order lines related to the order. You can optionally drag and drop order line rows to resequence them to match the vendor invoice sequence. When finished, click Save and close.
Two green toast messages display to indicate that the invoice and invoice line(s) have been saved. The invoice line(s) are automatically created and link to the purchase order line from which you initiated the + New invoice action.
Deleting an order
Note: When you delete an order, received items remain in the system, but the receiving history is removed.
Search for the order you want to delete and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Delete.
In the Delete order dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the order is deleted.
Printing an order
To print or save a PDF file containing a snapshot of key information about an order, follow these steps:
Search for the order you want to print and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > Print. A print preview window will open.
To print the order, adjust the printer settings as needed and select Print.
To save the PDF file without printing, open the Destination drop-down list and select Save as pdf.
Showing hidden fields
To reveal fields that are hidden, as defined in Settings > Orders > Creating an order template, follow these steps. Note: The user permission Show all hidden fields must be assigned to the user.
From the detail pane of the order, select Actions > Show hidden fields. If any fields are hidden, they are added to the detail pane.
To hide the fields again, select Actions > hide fields.
Adding a tag to an order
Search for the order you want to tag and select it.
In the Purchase order details pane, click the tag icon.
In the Tags pane, either select a tag from the box or enter a tag.
Click the X on the Tags pane to close the pane and save the tag. The tag number updates to the number of tags applied to the order.
Viewing order version history
Search for the order you want to view and select it.
In the Purchase order details pane, click the clock icon which is to the right of the tag icon.
A fourth pane titled Version history opens. Versions are displayed in a card list sorted by date. The following information is displayed for each version:
- Source. The user who saved this version of the order line.
- Current Version, Original Version, or blank. Displays only for the current and original versions of the order line.
- Changes. Displays the list of fields that were edited in this version.
To view the order detail pane for a version, either click on the underlined version date mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm or the clock icon for the version you want to open.
The order detail pane displays the order data for that version. Changes from the prior version are highlighted in yellow.
To close the version history view, click on the X in the top right of the Version history pane. The fourth pane closes and the order detail pane displays the current order version.
Adding an order line to an order
Follow these steps to add an order line to an order. You can also add an order line from the Inventory app by searching for an instance and clicking Inventory > Actions > Create new order.
Search for the order to which you want to add the PO line and select it.
In the Purchase order pane, in the PO lines section, click Add PO line.
In the Add PO line window, fill in the fields in the Item details, PO line details, Vendor, Cost details, and Fund distribution sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Create another checkbox: If the Settings > Orders > Purchase orders line limit value is greater than one, click this checkbox at the bottom of the window to keep the Add PO line window open after saving the current order line.
Click Save, Save & close or Save & open order, if applicable. If possible duplicates are found, based on title and product ID values, a modal displays with a list of possible duplicate orders. Select continue or cancel. This duplicate check can be disabled in Settings. For more information on checking for duplicates and enabling saving and opening orders simultaneously, see Settings > Orders > Opening purchase orders.
Once the order line is created, you can add notes, See Adding a note to an order line for more information. If the order line is for a package, you can add package titles. See Adding package titles to an order line.
Item details
- Package. If you are adding a package, select the Package checkbox. If selected, Title becomes Package name. The Receiving workflow field will be automatically set to “Independent order and receipt quantity” once you select the Package checkbox. See the PO line details section below for more information about Receiving workflow.
- Title/Package name. Title of the item. If you already have the item in your Inventory app, you can use Title look-up to link the item to the Inventory record. This will automatically populate any applicable fields. To link to an inventory record, click Title look-up. In the Select instance dialog, find the title using the search box and/or the filters. Click the title to select it. The title appears in the Title box and relevant item fields are populated.
- Receiving note. Enter any notes about receiving the item. The notes display in the Receiving app for this order line.
- Must acknowledge receiving note. Check this box to enable the receiving note to popup in the Receving app when the user clicks to receive the title. See Receiving > Receive
- Subscription from. If the item is a subscription, select when the subscription starts. The date displays in the Invoices app when this order line is added to an invoice.
- Subscription to. If the item is a subscription, select when the subscription ends. The date displays in the Invoices app when this order line is added to an invoice.
- Subscription interval. If the item is a subscription, enter or select how many days the subscription lasts.
- Publication date. The date of publication of the item.
- Publisher. The publisher of the item.
- Edition. The edition of the item.
- Linked package. To link a package to the order line, click Lookup package POL. In the Select order lines dialog, find the package using the search box and/or the filters. Click the package to select it. The package appears in the Linked package field.
- Contributor. The item contributor.
- Product identifiers. The identifier of the item, like an ISBN.
- Internal note. Enter any internal notes about the item.
Adding a contributor
Click Add contributor.
Enter the Contributor in the box.
Select the Contributor type from the drop-down list: Corporate name, Meeting name, or Personal name. The Contributor saves once the order line is saved.
Deleting a contributor
Find the contributor you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The contributor is removed and is deleted once the order line is saved.
Adding a product ID and product ID type
Click Add product ID and product ID type.
Enter the Product ID in the box.
Optional: Enter a Qualifier in the box.
Select the Product ID type from the drop-down list. The product identifier saves once the order line is saved.
Deleting a product ID and product ID type
Find the product ID you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The product ID is removed and is deleted once the order line is saved.
PO line details
- Acquisition method. Select the method you are using to purchase the item: Approval plan, Demand driven acquisitions (DDA), Depository, Evidence based acquisitions (EBA), Exchange, Free, Gift, Internal transfer, Membership, Other, Purchase, Purchase at vendor system, Technical.
- Automatic export. Select this checkbox to include the order in automated EDI order export which is triggered when an order is opened if EDI is set up for the associated vendor. The account number selected in the Vendor section of the order will determine which EDI configuration is applied for the export. Leave the checkbox blank to prevent automatic export of the purchase order line when opened. See Organizations > Adding integration details to a vendor organization for more information about vendor organization integrations.
- Order format. Select the format of the item you are ordering: Electronic resource, Physical resource, P/E mix, or Other. The Order format determines which fields are required in the Cost details section and whether the Physical resource details or E-resources details sections are displayed.
- Receipt date. The receipt date of the item.
- Receipt status. Select the receipt status of the item: Pending or Receipt not required. For orders with type Ongoing, the receipt status is automatically set to Ongoing when the order is saved. If no selection is made, the order is created with a receipt status of Pending. Upon opening the order, the receipt status is automatically set to Awaiting receipt. Once an order is open, you can edit the Receipt status to Cancelled, Fully received, Partially received, or Receipt not required. The system will automatically close orders that have resolved both payment and receipt statuses either as “Payment not required” or “Receipt not required” or by reaching “Fully paid” and “Fully received” through actions taken in the Receiving app and the Invoices app. It is advisable to consider your library’s needs when defining how to set this field. For example, you may want to select “Receipt not required” for one-time e-resource orders so that the order will automatically close once invoice payment is complete. Otherwise, if your library doesn’t receive e-resources, a one-time e-resource order may be left open even after payment is complete which could impact your expected results during Fiscal Year rollover.
- Payment status. Select the payment status of the item: Payment not required or Pending. For orders with type Ongoing, the payment status is automatically set to Ongoing when the order is saved. If no selection is made, the order is created with a payment status of Pending. Upon opening the order, the payment status is automatically set to Awaiting payment. Once an order is open, you can edit the Payment status to Cancelled, Partially paid, Fully paid, or Payment not required. The Payment status is automatically set to Partially paid when a connected invoice line with the Release encumbrance checkbox unchecked/blank is set to an Approved status. The system will automatically close orders that have resolved both payment and receipt statuses either as Payment not required” or “Receipt not required” or by reaching “Fully paid” and “Fully received” through actions taken in the Receiving app and the Invoices app.
- Donor. The donor of the item.
- Selector. The person who chose the item.
- Requester. The person who requested the item.
- Cancellation restriction. If there is a cancellation restriction on the item, select the Cancellation restriction checkbox.
- Rush. If the item needs rush processing, select the Rush checkbox.
- Collection. If the item is part of a collection, select the Collection checkbox.
- Receiving workflow. Select a value from the drop down list to manage behavior in the Receiving app. Select Synchronized order and receipt quantity to keep the order quantity and the number of pieces to be received in sync. When the order is opened, the system will generate Receiving app pieces based on the quantity value on the purchase order line. Updating the quantity on the order will update the number of pieces to be received and updates in the Receiving app will update the order. Select Independent order and receipt quantity if you need to create an unpredictable quantity of Receiving pieces, such as for an ongoing order. Note: In prior system releases, this field was a checkbox named “Manually add pieces for receiving.”
- Cancellation description. A note about the cancellation.
- Line description. A description of the purchase order line.
- Tags. Select or enter any tags you want to assign to the order line in the box.
- Vendor ref number. A reference number used by a vendor to identify the order or item being ordered. For example, for migrated open orders it may be helpful to store the original purchase order number here for use in matching to vendor invoices.
- Vendor ref type. Select the type of reference number entered in the previous box: Agent’s unique subscription reference number, Internal vendor number, Library’s continuation order number, Supplier’s continuation order, or Supplier’s unique order line reference number.
- Account number. The vendor account number. If one or more vendor accounts exist in the Organization record for the vendor selected in the Purchase order section of the Order, the first account appears in this field as the default value. To use a different account number for this vendor, select the Account number from the drop-down list, if applicable. Note: The list will display the Account name with the account number in parenthesis.
- Instructions to vendor. Enter any instructions you want to send to the vendor when the order is opened.
Cost details
This section contains purchase order line cost, quantity, currency, and discount information. Only certain fields will be editable depending on the Order format selected in the PO line details section. Some fields are required based on the Order format.
Note: If the Package checkbox is selected for the purchase order line, you will see Unit price and Quantity field labels rather than Physical unit price or Electronic unit price or quantity field labels.
- Physical unit price. The price of the physical unit. Required if the Order format is Physical, P/E mix, or Other.
- Quantity physical. The number of items you are ordering. Required if the Order format is Physical, P/E mix, or Other.
- Additional cost. Any additional costs for the item.
- Currency. Select the Currency of the item from the drop-down list. The default value is stored in Tenant settings as the primary currency. For more information, see Settings > Tenant > Language and localization. Note: When an order is opened, the system creates an encumbrance transaction on the current budget for the fund selected in the fund distribution section of the order. If the currency of the PO line is different than the budget currency, the encumbrance will display on the budget as a converted amount. The budget currency is set to the Tenant currency value at the time the Finance > Fiscal year record is created; therefore, if the Tenant currency value is updated, any budgets created prior to the update will still operate based on the Tenant currency that existed when the Fiscal year associated with the budget was created.
- Current exchange rate. This value will display after the POL is saved. The system automatically retrieves the current currency exchange rate using the Java Money API that retrieves and convert currencies using the European Central Bank (ECB) as the source.
- Use set exchange rate. Check this box if you want to input an exchange rate value to be used for order instead of current rate.
- Set exchange rate. The exchange rate value to be used for this order instead of the current rate. This field is locked, as indicated by the lock icon beside the field label, unless the Use set exchange rate checkbox is selected.
- Electronic unit price. The price of the electronic item. Required if the Order format is Physical or P/E mix.
- Quantity electronic. The number of electronic items you are ordering. Required if the Order format is Electronic or P/E mix.
- Discount. The discount percentage or price.
- Type. Select the % or $ to indicate the type of discount.
- Estimated price. The calculated price based on the values you entered. Estimated price = list unit price(s) x quantities ordered + additional cost - discount.
Fund distribution
If you want to encumber money to certain funds, enter your fund distributions in this section. You can encumber money to more than one fund. The encumbrance(s) apply to the current fiscal year budget for the selected fund(s).
Adding a fund distribution
Click Add fund distribution.
Select the Fund ID from the drop-down list. Only Active funds appear in the list. Note: The use of acquisitions units may restrict which funds appear in this list. If an acquisition unit is set up to restrict view permissions, then only funds that are assigned to the same acquisition unit as the user will display in the drop-down list. For more information, see See Settings > Acquisition units.
Select the Expense class from the list.
Enter the Value of the fund to be distributed.
Select the % or $ to indicate whether the value is a percentage or price. The fund distribution saves once you save the order line.
Deleting a fund distribution
Find the fund distribution you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon next to the fund. The fund distribution is removed and is deleted once the order line is saved.
Location determines the effective location of the item once received. If you are ordering multiple items, you can assign them to different locations.
Adding a location
This field is required if the value of the Create inventory field includes Holdings. You can select from an existing holding for this title instance or add a new holding location for this title instance. See E-resources details > Create inventory for more information about the Create inventory field.
To add a location, follow these steps:
Click Add location.
If the Create inventory field for this purchase order line includes Holdings and this title instance already has holdings, the Select holdings drop-down list contains the list of existing holdings. Select a Name (code) from the drop-down list.
If this title instance doesn’t already have holdings or you need to create a new holding location, click Create new holdings for location.
Enter a Quantity physical in the box.
Enter a Quantity electronic in the box.
6 Repeat as needed. The location saves and any new holdings are created once the order line is saved.
Deleting a location
Find the location you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon next to the location. The location is removed and is deleted once the order line is saved.
Physical resource details
This section only appears if you select Physical resource or P/E mix under Order format.
- Material supplier. The supplier of the item. The field defaults to the name of the vendor associated with the vendor code selected for the order. For more information, see Purchase order. To change the supplier, click Organization look-up to select an organization. In the Select Organization dialog, find the organization using the search box and/or filters. Click the organization to select it. The organization is added to the Material supplier field.
- Receipt due. The date that receipt of the material is due, or the date by which the material should be received.
- Expected receipt date. The date the material is expected to be received. This date could fall before or after the Receipt due date.
- Create inventory. Select the types of records you want to create in the Inventory app once the order is opened: Instance, holdings, items; Instance; Instance, holdings; None. For information on configuring the default setting for this field, see Settings > Orders > Inventory interactions.
- Material type. The type of material. If an item is created for the order, this material type value will appear on the item record in the Inventory app. Note: If the item material type is edited from the Inventory app, the order record material type value will not be updated.
- Volume. A number to identify the specific volume being ordered within a series, set or collection. Currently, this information is stored only on the order.
E-resources details
This section only appears if you select Electronic resource or P/E mix under Order format.
- Access provider. The e-resource provider. The default value is set to the vendor organization. To change the provider organization, click Organization look-up to select a different organization. In the Select Organization dialog, find the organization using the search box and/or filters. Click the organization to add it as the access provider.
- Activation status. If the e-resource is activated, select the Activation status checkbox.
- Activation due. The date the activation is due. Note: If you have entered an interval in the Expected activation interval field in the Vendor information section of the vendor record, the activation due date is populated based on the number of days you entered as the interval. For example, if you set the interval to 365, the Activation due field is populated with the date that falls one year from the date of order line creation.
- Create inventory. Select the types of records you want to create in the Inventory app once the order is opened. For information on configuring the default setting for this field based on Order format, see Settings > Orders > Inventory interactions.
- Material type. The type of material.
- Trial. If the e-resource is part of a trial, select the Trial checkbox.
- Expected activation. The date activation of the e-resource is expected.
- User limit. The number of users that can use the e-resource at once.
- URL. A link to the e-resource.
Adding a volume
To add a volume, click Add volume and enter the volume number. The volume saves once the order line is saved.
Deleting a volume
To delete a volume, find the volume you want to delete and click the trash can icon. The volume is removed and is deleted once the order line is saved.
Other resource details
This section only appears if you select Other under Order format.
- Material supplier. The supplier of the item. The default value is the vendor selected on the order. To change the supplier, click Organization look-up to select a vendor. In the Select Organization dialog, find the organization using the search box and/or filters. Click the organization to add it as the Material supplier.
- Receipt due. The date the receipt is due.
- Expected receipt date. The date the item is expected to be received.
- Create inventory. Select the types of records you want to create in the Inventory app once the order is opened. For information on configuring the default setting for this field, see Settings > Orders > Inventory interactions.
- Material type. The type of material.
Adding package titles to an order line
The package titles section of the purchase order line display appears only if the package title checkbox was selected during order creation.
Find the order line to which you want to add package titles and select it.
In the Package titles section, click Add.
In the Select instance dialog, use the Search & Filter pane to find the package title. Find the title using the search box and/or the filters. Click the title to select it. The title appears in the Package titles table list.
Adding a note to an order line
Find the order line to which you want to add a note and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, under Notes, click New.
In the New note window, select the Note type from the drop-down list. Note types are created in the Settings app.
Enter a Note title in the box.
Optional: Enter any Details about the note in the box.
Click Save & close. The note is saved and appears in the Notes section in the PO Line details pane.
Adding a tag to an order line
Find the order line you want to tag and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click the tag icon.
In the Tags pane, either select a tag from the box or enter a tag.
Click the X on the Tags pane to close the pane and save the tag. The tag number updates to the number of tags applied to the order line.
Searching for order lines
You can search for order lines in the Search & filter pane. Order lines is selected by default. To search for order lines, enter your search terms into the box. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- Keyword. Searches through all fields in the drop-down list. This is the default search.
- Contributor. The contributor to the item.
- PO line number. The number for the purchase order line.
- Requester. The requester of the item.
- Title or package name. The title or package name of the item.
- Publisher. The publisher of the item.
- Vendor account. The vendor account your library is using to purchase the item.
- Vendor reference number. The vendor reference number for this order line.
- Donor. The donor of the item.
- Selector. The selector of the item.
- Volumes. The volume number ordered.
- Product ID. The Product ID of the item.
- Product ID ISBN. The ISBN of the item.
You can also search for order lines by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.
Receipt status
In the Search & filter pane, click Receipt status and select any applicable filters:
- Awaiting receipt. Order lines waiting to be received.
- Cancelled. Order lines that were cancelled.
- Fully received. Order lines that were fully received.
- Ongoing. Order lines for an ongoing order.
- Partially received. Order lines that were partially received.
- Pending. Order lines that are pending.
- Receipt not required. Order lines that do not require a receiving record.
Payment status
In the Search & filter pane, click Payment status and select any applicable filters:
- Awaiting payment. Order lines awaiting payment.
- Cancelled. Order lines with cancelled payment.
- Fully paid. Order lines that are fully paid.
- Ongoing. Order lines for an ongoing order.
- Partially paid. Order lines that are partially paid. Note: Once or more invoices connected to a purchase order line have been “Approved,” the Payment status on the purchase order is changed to “Partially paid.” See Invoices > Approving an invoice.
- Payment not required. Order lines that do not require payment.
- Pending. Order lines with pending payment.
To search for order lines by purchase order number prefix, follow these steps. For more information about creating Prefix values, see Settings > Orders > Prefixes
In the Search & filter pane, click Prefix.
Select the prefix from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
To search for order lines by purchase order number suffix, follow these steps. For more information about creating Suffix values, see Settings > Orders > Suffixes.
In the Search & filter pane, click Suffix.
Select the suffix from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Acquisitions unit
To search for order lines assigned to a specific acquisitions unit, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisitions unit.
Select the acquisitions unit from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Orders pane.
Acquisition method
In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisition method and select any applicable filters:
- Approval plan. Order lines acquired through an approval plan.
- Demand driven acquisitions (DDA). Order lines acquired through DDA.
- Depository. Order lines acquired through a depository arrangement, such as for government publications.
- Evidence based acquisitions (EBA). Order lines acquired through EBA.
- Exchange. Order lines acquired through an exchange with another library or institution.
- Gift. Order line for materials granted to the library as a gift.
- Internal transfer. Order lines acquired through internal transfer.
- Membership. Order lines acquired through membership.
- Other. Order lines acquired by some other method not listed.
- Purchase. Order lines purchased by methods such as email or EDI.
- Purchase at vendor system. Order lines purchased through an external vendor system, such as a website.
- Technical. Order lines to track payments for technical expenses such as service orders or vendor processing fees. This value could also be used for items that have migrated from an external system.
To search for order lines in a specific permanent location, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Location.
Click Location look-up.
In the Select permanent location dialog, select an Institution, Campus, Library, and Location using the drop-down lists.
Click Save and close. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Fund code
To search for order lines using a specific fund code, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Fund code.
Select the fund code from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Expense class
To search for order lines that have a fund distribution expense class assignment, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Expense class.
Select the expense class from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Linked package POL
To search for order lines that have been linked to a package POL:
In the Search & filter pane, click Linked package POL.
Click Linked package POL lookup.
In the Select order lines dialog, the search results will be pre-filtered to package POLs.
Click on the row representing the package POL you wish to select.
The search results will display all purchase order lines linked to the selected package POL.
In the Search & filter pane, click Order format and select any applicable filters:
- Electronic resource. Order lines containing an electronic resource.
- Physical resource. Order lines containing a physical resource.
- P/E mix. Order lines containing a physical and electronic mixed resource.
- Other. Order lines containing a different type of resource.
Material type, electronic
To search for order lines that have an Order format of Electronic resource or P/E mix based on their electronic material type in the e-resources details section, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Material type, electronic.
Select the material type from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Material type, physical
To search for order lines that have an Order format of Physical resource or P/E mix based on their physical material type in the physical details section, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Material type, physical.
Select the material type from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Date created
To search for order lines based on the date they were created, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Date created.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
To search for order lines from a specific vendor, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Vendor.
Click Organization look-up.
In the Select Organization dialog, search for the vendor.
Select the vendor you want to filter by. The vendor filter is applied.
To search for order lines assigned specific tags, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
In the Search & filter pane, click Source and select any applicable filters:
- User. Order lines created by a FOLIO user.
- API. Order lines created through an Application Programming Interface.
- EDI. Order lines created through Electronic Data Interchange..
- MARC. Order lines imported through MAchine-Readable Cataloging format record import.
In the Search & filter pane, click Collection and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Order lines that are part of a collection.
- No. Order lines that are not part of a collection.
In the Search & filter pane, click Order format and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Order lines that are flagged for rush processing.
- No. Order lines that do not require rush processing.
Access provider
To search for order lines from a specific access provider, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Access provider.
Click Organization look-up.
In the Select Organization dialog, search for the vendor.
Select the vendor you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
In the Search & filter pane, click Activated and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Order lines that are activated.
- No. Order lines that are not activated.
Expected activation
To search for order lines based on their expected activation date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Expected activation.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
To search for order lines that have an Order format of Electronic resource or P/E mix and are flagged as a trial resource in the Electronic resource details section.
In the Search & filter pane, click Trial and select any applicable filters:
- Yes. Order lines for resources that are being evaluated on a trial basis.
- No. Order lines for resources that are not trials.
Subscription from
To search for order lines based on their subscription from date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Subscription from.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Subscription to
To search for order lines based on their subscription to date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Subscription to.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Actual receipt date
To search for order lines based on their actual receipt date (when the order line was fully received), follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Actual receipt date.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Expected receipt date
To search for order lines based on their expected receipt date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Expected receipt date.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Receipt due
To search for order lines based on their receipt due date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Receipt due.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Export date
To search for order lines based on their export date, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Export date.
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
Click Apply. The search results appear in the Order lines pane.
Viewing order line details
Once you search for an order line, the following information appears in the Order lines results pane:
- POL number. Purchase order line number.
- Updated date. The date the order line was last updated.
- Title or package name. The title or package name of the item.
- Product ID. The product ID of the item.
- Vendor reference number. The vendor reference number for this order line.
- Fund code. The fund code being used to purchase the item.
- Order status. The status of the order: Pending, Open, Closed.
In the search results, click on an order line to view it. The PO Line details pane displays with additional information about the order line:
Item details
See Adding an order line to an order > Item details for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
Purchase order line
See Adding an order line to an order > PO line details for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
See Adding an order line to an order > Vendor for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
Cost details
See Adding an order line to an order > Cost details for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
Fund Distribution
- Fund. The fund to which you are distributing the amount elephant
- Expense class. The expense class within the fund, to which you are distributing the amount. This field will only display information if the selected Fund ID has any associated Expense classes.
- Value. The monetary value to apply to the fund, expressed as a percentage or currency value.
- Amount. The amount of money committed to the fund.
- Initial encumbrance. The initial amount committed to the fund.
- Current encumbrance. The current amount committed to the fund. When an invoice transitions to Approved status and the Release encumbrances checkbox on an invoice line is checked, the Current encumbrance value becomes $0. Click on the value to hyperlink to the fund budget transaction detail view for the encumbrance.
This section displays information if the order line Create inventory setting is Instance, holdings or Instance, holdings, item. See Adding a location for more information.
- Name(code). Name and code of the location for this POL.
- Quantity physical. Quantity ordered for this location for this POL.
- Quantity electronic. Quantity ordered for this location for this POL.
Electronic resource details
This section displays information if the order includes a POL with an order format of Electronic or P/E mix. See Adding an order line to an order > E-resources details for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
Physical resource details
This section displays information if the order includes a POL with an order format of Physical, P/E mix, or Other. See Adding an order line to an order > Physical resource details for more information on the fields displayed in this section of the purchase order line.
This section displays notes about the order. See Adding a note to an order line for more information about creating notes.
- Date. Last updated date of the note. Click on the column label Date to sort notes by ascending or descending order.
- Title and details. The note title and the details of the note. Click Edit to edit the note. Click Save & Close to save your changes and click X to close the notes window.
- Type. Note type. See Settings > Notes for more information about note types.
This section displays information about invoices and invoice lines that link to this POL. The invoice table list displays the following columns:
- Invoice line #. The invoice number for the invoice that has an invoice line linked to this POL. Click on the invoice number to open the Invoices app detail pane for the invoice. Note: The link is to the general invoice, not to the specific invoice line that links to this POL.
- Invoice date. The vendor invoice date.
- Vendor name. The name of the vendor associated with the related invoice.
- Vendor invoice number. The vendor-provided identifier for the invoice related to this purchase order line.
- Status. The status of the invoice: Open, Reviewed, Approved, Paid, or Cancelled.
- Quantity. The quantity invoiced. Note that the quantity shown is from the invoice line related to this order, not from the general invoice.
- Amount. The total amount of the invoice line calculated as the sub-total plus adjustments.
- Comment. The invoice line comment.
If the PO Line has been linked to an Agreement line in the Agreements app, a Linked Agreement Lines section will display in the PO Line details pane containing information about the linked Agreement Line. See Agreements > Adding a PO line to an agreement line for more information.
Linked instance
This section displays information about inventory instances that link to this POL. The linked instance table list displays the following columns:
- Title. Title of the instance.
- Contributors. Contributors of the instance.
- Publishers. Publishers of the instance.
- Relation.
Editing an order line
Find the order line you want to edit and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click Actions > Edit.
Edit the order line.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the order line is updated.
Changing an instance connection
To change the Inventory instance connection for a purchase order line, follow these steps:
Find the order line you want to change and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click Actions > Change instance connection. The Select instance search window opens.
Find the title using the search box and/or the filters. Click the title to select it. The Change title window opens, “You have changed the title information of this purchase order line from (old title name) to (new title name). All related item records will be moved to the new instance. How would you like to address the related Holdings?
Click the How to update holdings drop-down list and select Move, Find or create new, or Create new.
If you choose to create new holdings or find matching holdings based on the current location of items, FOLIO will ask you if you want to delete the abandoned Holdings where possible. A popup window will display, “This piece is connected to records in inventory. After this edit, there will be no other pieces OR items connected to the related Holdings record. After making this change, would you like FOLIO to delete the holdings?” Select Submit to complete the instance connection change. Select either Keep holdings or Delete holdings to continue.
The confirmation message, “Order instance connection has been successfully updated.” displays.
Receiving an order line
Find the order line you want to receive and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click Actions > Receive. The order line opens in the Receiving app.
Follow the steps as outlined in the Receiving app documentation.
Cancelling an order line
To cancel a purchase order, follow the steps below. Cancelling an order line removes all encumbrances and item records associated with the order line. Note: Only order lines with an order status of Open will display the cancel option in the Action menu.To cancel an entire purchase order, see Cancelling an order. You can reopen an order after performing the cancel action.
Search for the order line you want to cancel and select it.
In the PO Line detail pane, select Actions > Cancel. A confirmation dialog asks, “Are you sure you want to cancel this purchase order line?”. Select Cancel order line to continue. A confirmation message appears.
Upon cancellation, the PO line Receipt status and Payment status values change to Cancelled. The fund distribution Current encumbrance amount is set to $0.00. If there is an associated item in Inventory, the Item status value is set to Order closed. The POL receipt status is set to Cancelled. In the PO line search results pane and on the Purchase order detail pane PO lines section, a red circle with a diagonal line icon appears beside the cancelled order line.
Deleting an order line
Find the order line you want to delete and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click Actions > Delete.
In the Delete order line dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the order line is deleted.
Printing an order line
To print or save a PDF file containing a snapshot of key information about an order line, follow these steps:
Search for the order line you want to print and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click Actions > Print order line. A print preview window will open.
To print the order line, adjust the printer settings as needed and select Print.
To save the PDF file without printing, open the Destination drop-down list and select Save as pdf.
Viewing order line version history
Search for the order line you want to view and select it.
In the PO Line details pane, click the clock icon which is to the right of the tag icon.
A fourth pane titled Version history opens. Versions are displayed in a card list sorted by date. The following information is displayed for each version:
- Source. The user who saved this version of the order line.
- Current Version, Original Version, or blank. This information displays only for the current and original versions of the order line.
- Changes. Displays the list of fields that were edited in this version.
To view the PO Line details pane for a version, either click on the underlined version date mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm or the clock icon for the version you want to open.
The PO Line details pane displays the PO line data for that version. Changes from the prior version are highlighted in yellow.
To close the version history view, click on the X in the top right of the Version history pane. The fourth pane closes and the PO Line details pane displays the current order version.
4 - Organizations
The Organizations app allows you to manage information about organizations associated with your library. Organization records are a place where you can store information about an organization, including contact information, websites, interfaces, and accounts. The organizations you create are shared with the acquisitions and electronic resources management areas of FOLIO in the following apps: Orders, Invoices, Receiving, Agreements, Licenses, and eUsage.
Definition of terms related to the Organizations app:
- Acquisition units. An additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restricts a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. For example, you may create acquisition units to represent the different libraries within your library system. Units are defined and determined by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
- Organization. Any institution with which your library interacts. An organization may or may not be an institution from which you purchase materials.
- Vendor. Any institution from which your library purchases materials.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Organizations app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Organizations app or any related information.
Organizations permissions:
- Organizations: Assign acquisition units to new organization. This permission allows the user to assign acquisition units to the organization when creating a new record.
- Organizations: Integration usernames and passwords: view. This permission allows the user to view the usernames and passwords that appear in the Integration details accordion FTP section.
- Organizations: Integration usernames and passwords: view, edit. This permission allows the user to view and edit the usernames and passwords that appear in the Integration details accordion FTP details section.
- Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view. This permission allows the user to view the usernames and passwords that appear in the Interface section.
- Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view, edit, create, delete. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and delete the usernames and passwords that appear in the Interface section. Note: This permission must always be assigned in conjunction with either the Organizations: View, edit, create or Organizations: View, edit, delete permissions.
- Organizations: Manage acquisition units. This permission allows the user to change the assignment of acquisition units for the organization when editing a record.
- Organizations: View. This permission allows the user to search and view organization records and settings. The user can also access Contacts and Interfaces but cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
- Organizations: View, edit. This permission allows the user to edit and view organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
- Organizations: View, edit, create. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and view organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
- Organizations: View, edit, delete. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating an organization
When creating an organization, you either create it as a general organization or specifically as a vendor. If you create the organization as a vendor, you can add additional vendor-related information. For more information on creating a vendor, see Creating a vendor.
In the Organizations pane, click New.
In the Create organization window, fill in the Summary, Contact information, Contact people, and Interface sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Once you have included all of the information you want about the organization, click Save & close. The organization is saved and added to the Organizations pane.
- Name (required). The name of the organization.
- Code (required). A unique identifier for the organization. Note: You cannot have duplicate vendor codes. The codes for each organization must be different.
- Accounting code. The accounting code used by your library in your payment system in reference to the organization.
- Organization status (required). Select an organization status: Active, Inactive, or Pending. The status you select here is evaluated by the Orders and Invoices apps. Orders can only be opened and invoices can only be paid if the organization is a vendor with an Active status. You may want to use the Pending status to signify that the organization record is a draft.
- Type. Select one or more organization types. See Settings > Organizations > Creating a new type for more information.
- Default language. Select the organization’s default language.
- Vendor. If you are creating a vendor organization, select the Vendor checkbox . See Creating a vendor for more information.
- Acquisition units. Select the Acquisition units you want to apply to the organization record. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
- Description. Enter a description of the organization.
- Alternative names. Alternative names used by the organization, such as abbreviations or prior names.
Adding an alternative name
Note: Adding an alternative name is optional, but if you click Add alternative names, you must enter an Alias or delete the alternative name in order to save the organization record.
Click Add alternative names.
Enter the organization’s Alias in the box.
Optional: Enter a Description about the alias in the box.
Repeat as needed. The alternative name saves once you save the organization.
Deleting an alternative name
Find the Alternative name you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The alternative name is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.
The Contact information section stores organizational contact information that is not specific to individual people at the organization. You can add contact information for specific individuals in the Contact people section, which is described below.
Categories for contact information are configured in the Settings app. If you assign a category to any type of contact information you enter in this section, the contact information is then sorted by that category when you view the organization.
- Address. The addresses associated with the organization. You can add multiple addresses.
- Phone numbers. The phone numbers associated with the organization. You can add multiple phone numbers.
- Email address. The email addresses associated with the organization. You can add multiple email addresses.
- URLs. The URLs associated with the organization. You can add multiple websites or FTP connections.
Adding an address
Click Add address.
Fill in the address information.
Repeat as needed. The address saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple addresses, select the Use as primary address checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary address. The primary address is included in the invoice voucher extract. See Invoices > Voucher information for more information.
Deleting an address
Find the address you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The address is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.
Adding a phone number
Click Add phone number.
Enter the Phone number in the box.
Optional: Select the Type of phone number from the drop-down list: Office, Mobile, Fax, or Other.
Optional: Select the Language spoken at that number from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The phone number saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple numbers, select the Use as primary phone checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary number.
Deleting a phone number
Find the phone number you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The phone number is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.
Adding an email address
Click Add email.
Enter the Email address in the box.
Optional: Enter a Description of the email in the box.
Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed.The email address saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple email addresses, select the Use as primary email checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary email address.
Deleting an email address
Find the email address you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The email address is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.
Adding a URL
The URL can be a website or FTP link.
Click Add URL.
Enter the URL in the box.
Optional: Enter a Description of the URL in the box.
Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the URL.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The URL saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple URLs, select the Use as primary URL checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary URL.
Deleting a URL
Find the URL you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The URL is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.
If you need to create a new contact, see Creating a contact person.
Click Add contact.
In the Add contacts dialog, search for the contact you want to add.
In the Search results, select the checkbox next to the contact(s) you want to add. You can add multiple contacts at a time.
Click Save. The contact(s) appear under the Contact people section.
Find the contact you want to delete.
Click the x. The contact is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.
An interface is a website, software, or portal that you use to manage orders or gather statistics from the organization.
Creating a new interface
For more information, see Creating an interface.
Adding an existing interface
Click Add interface.
In the Add interfaces dialog, search for the interface you want to add.
In the Search results, select the checkbox next to the interface(s) you want to add. You can add multiple interfaces at a time.
Click Save. The interface(s) appear under the Interface section.
Removing an interface from the organization record
Find the interface you want to delete.
Click the x. The interface is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.
Creating a vendor
In the Organizations pane, click New.
In the Create organization window, in the Summary section, select the Vendor checkbox. Vendor sections appear.
Continue filling in the Summary section. Fill in the Contact information, Contact people, Interface, Vendor information, Vendor terms, and Accounts sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Once you have included all of the information you want about the vendor, click Save & close. The vendor is saved and added to the Organizations pane.
In the newly created Organization record’s detail pane, see the accordion sections to add Notes and Integration details. For more information, see Adding a note to an organization and Adding integration details to a vendor organization.
For more information, see Summary.
For more information, see Contact information.
For more information, see Contact people.
For more information, see Interface.
The information that you enter under Vendor information sets some of the defaults that appear when you apply the vendor to an order or invoice.
- Payment method. The payment method that you want to appear as the default payment method for the vendor on an invoice. See Invoices > Extended information for more information.
- Vendor currencies. The currencies accepted by the vendor.
- Expected activation interval. The standard activation period for the vendor, in days. Note: The interval you enter here is used in the Activation due field in the E-resources details section of an order line associated with the vendor. For example, if you set the interval to 365, the Activation due field is populated with the date that falls one year from the date the order line is created.
- Expected invoice interval. The standard invoice interval for the vendor, in days. Currently, this information does not display on invoices.
- Claiming interval. The standard claim period for the vendor, in days.
- Expected receipt interval. The standard period during which ordered items are received from the vendor, in days.
- Discount percent. The discount negotiated with the vendor, as a percent value. When creating an order line for an order with the vendor, this value appears as the default in the discount field.
- Renewal activation interval. The standard renewal activation period for this vendor, in days.
- Subscription interval. The standard subscription period for the vendor, in days.
- Export to accounting. To indicate that invoices for the vendor should create voucher records for export to an external accounts payable system, select the Export to accounting checkbox. When creating an invoice for the vendor, the value on the Organization record sets the default value for the invoice Export to accounting field.
The information that you enter under Tax sets the defaults that appear when you apply the vendor to an order.
- Tax ID. The Federal Tax Identification Number for the vendor. This is also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and is used to identify a business entity.
- Tax percentage. The standard tax rate for the vendor. For vendors liable for a value added tax (VAT), the percentage value can be stored here for reference.
- Liable for VAT. To indicate that the vendor is liable for value-added tax (VAT), select the Liable for VAT checkbox.
Vendor terms
Vendor terms are the summary of an agreement with the vendor. The agreements may be acquisitions/fulfillment-related or e-resource-related. The values entered here do not appear on orders or invoice records.
Note: Adding vendor terms is optional, but if you click Add, you must add a Name or delete the vendor term in order to save the organization record.
Adding a vendor term
Click Add.
Enter the Name of the term in the box.
Optional: Enter or select the Discount % in the box.
Optional: Enter a Reference URL in the box.
Optional: Enter any Notes about the agreement in the box.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. Terms are saved once you save the vendor.
Deleting a vendor term
Find the vendor term you want to delete.
Select the trash can icon. The term is removed and is deleted once you save the vendor.
The account section describes your library accounts with a vendor used for ordering materials.
Note: Adding an account is optional, but if you click Add, you must fill in the required fields or delete the account in order to save the organization record.
Adding an account
Click Add.
Enter the account Name in the box.
Enter the Account number in the box. This number is usually assigned by the vendor. Note: The account number entered here appears as a default value on any orders or invoices for the vendor. If you have multiple accounts set up in this section, the first account number displays as the default on orders and invoices, but you can select the appropriate number from a drop-down list that contains all the account numbers associated with the vendor.
Optional: Enter a Description of the account in the box.
Optional: Enter the Accounting code in the box.
Optional: Select the Payment method from the drop-down list.
Select the Account status from the drop-down list.
Optional: Enter Contact info in the box.
Optional: Enter the Library code in the box. This is the library-supplied code for the account with the vendor.
Optional: Enter the Library EDI code in the box.
Optional: Enter any Notes about the account in the box.
Optional: Select any Acquisition units from the drop-down list. For more information on acquisition units, see Settings > Acquisition units.
Repeat steps 1-13 as needed. Accounts are saved once you save the vendor.
Deleting an account
Find the account you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The account is removed and is deleted once you save the vendor.
Searching for an organization
You can search for organizations in the Search & filter pane. To search for an organization, enter your search terms into the box. Select the All drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- All. All fields. This is the default search.
- Name. The name of the organization.
- Code. A unique identifier for the organization.
- Language. The default language of the organization. Enter the language code (ex: ‘eng’ or ‘fra’) to search for organizations with this default language. Entering the language name in this search box will not retrieve results.
- Alias. Alternative names used by the organization, such as abbreviations or prior names.
- Accounting code. The accounting code used by your library in your payment system in reference to the organization.
- Tax ID. Your library’s tax identifier number.
You can also search for organizations by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.
Organization status
To filter organizations by their status, select one of the following:
- Active. Organizations currently used by your library.
- Inactive. Organizations previously used by your library.
- Pending. Organizations that are not yet available for use. Pending could indicate that the organization record is not yet complete.
To search for organizations assigned with specific types, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Type.
Select the type(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Organizations pane.
To search for organizations assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Organizations pane.
Is vendor
To filter organizations by whether or not they are a vendor, select one of the following:
- Yes. Organizations that are vendors (have the Vendor checkbox selected).
- No. Organizations that are not vendors.
To search for organizations with offices in a specific country, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Country.
Select the country from the drop-down list. Your search results appear in the Organizations pane.
To search for organizations that communicate in a specific language, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Languages.
Select the language from the drop-down list. Your search results appear in the Organizations pane. Note: This filter may not retrieve all expected records for organizations loaded to FOLIO through an API. This tool is filtering by language name rather than language code. For records created directly in FOLIO this filter does retrieve the expected records by language.
Payment method
To filter organizations by their default payment method, as indicated in the Vendor information section of a vendor record, select one of the following options:
- Cash. Default payment method of cash.
- Credit card. Default payment method of credit card.
- EFT. Default payment method of electronic funds transfer.
- Deposit account. Default payment method of deposit account.
- Physical check. Default payment method of physical check.
- Bank draft. Default payment method of bank draft.
- Internal transfer. Default payment method of internal transfer.
- Other. Default payment method of other.
Acquisitions unit
To search for organizations to which one or more acquisitions units have been assigned, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisitions unit.
Select the acquisitions unit from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.
Viewing organization details
Once you search for an organization, the following information appears in the Organizations pane:
- Name. The name of the organization.
- Code. A unique identifier for the organization.
- Description. A description of the organization.
- Organization status. The status of the organization: Active, Inactive, or Pending.
- Vendor. Whether the organization is a vendor or not.
In the search results, click on an organization to view it. The Organization details pane displays with additional information about the organization in the following accordion sections:
Editing an organization
Find the organization you want to edit and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click Actions > Edit.
Edit the organization.
Click Save & close. The organization is saved and updated.
Changing a vendor to an organization
Note: Changing a vendor to an organization removes all Vendor information, Vendor terms, and Accounts from the record.
Find the organization you want to edit and select it.
In the Organization details pane, clear the Vendor checkbox.
In the Confirm vendor data deletion dialog, click Confirm. The Vendor information, Vendor terms, and Accounts sections are removed.
Make any additional changes to the organization.
Click Save & close. The organization is saved and updated.
Deleting an organization
The system allows you to delete a vendor organization even if there are orders or invoices associated with the vendor. If you try to take actions such as adding a PO line or paying an invoice associated with the deleted vendor you will see error messages explaining that that vendor has been deleted.
Find the organization you want to delete and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click Actions > Delete.
In the Delete organization dialog, click Delete. The organization is deleted and a confirmation message appears.
View export log
To view a log of orders exported to a vendor organization that is set up for EDI integration, follow these steps:
Find the organization for which you want to view an export log and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click Actions > View export log.
The Export Manager app opens with the Search & Filter pane set to view exports related to the selected vendor organization. See the Export Manager documentation for more information about viewing export jobs.
Adding a tag to an organization
Find the organization you want to tag and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click the tag icon.
In the Tags pane, either select a tag from the box or enter a tag.
Click the X on the Tags pane to close the pane and save the tag. The tag number updates to the number of tags applied to the organization.
Adding a note to an organization
Find the organization to which you want to add a note and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click Notes > New.
In the New note window, select the Note type from the drop-down list. Note types are created in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Notes.
Enter a Note title in the box.
Optional: Enter any Details about the note in the box.
Click Save & close. The note is saved and appears in the Notes section in the Organization details pane.
Adding integration details to a vendor organization
This section enables orders to be exported to vendors in EDIFACT format. To add information about one or more integrations for a vendor organization, follow these steps:
Find the organization to which you want to add an integration and select it.
In the Organization details pane, click on Integration details to expand the accordion section.
Click Add integration. The Create integration window opens.
Add information to the Integration information, EDI configuration, FTP details, and Scheduling sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
Click Save & close. The integration is saved and appears in the Integration details section in the Organization details pane.
- Integration name (required). The name for this integration.
- Description A description of this integration.
- Default integration. Select this checkbox if your organization doesn’t have any account numbers. This indicates that any order tagged for export that is not related to a specific account for this organization should follow this default configuration.
EDI configuration
Account numbers (required). All account numbers created in Vendor account section of the organization are listed. Click on all vendor account numbers to be included in this EDI configuration. To select multiple account numbers for this configuration, use shift+click. When you move your cursor to another field you will see the highlight persist on the selected account number(s).
Automate order export for acquisition methods. All order acquisition methods are listed. To automatically export orders for this vendor using specific order acquisitions methods, click on the acquisition method name. When creating orders, you can override this default behavior by checking the Manual checkbox on the purchase order. To select multiple acquisition methods to export automatically, use shift+click. When you move your cursor to another field you will see the highlight persist on the selected acquisition methods.
Vendor EDI code (required). The vendor identifier for EDI transactions
Vendor EDI type. Select one of the Vendor EDI types, which designates the type of identifier used as the vendor identifier: 014/EAN, 31B/US-SAN, 091/Vendor-assigned, or 092/Customer-assigned.
Library EDI code (required). The library identifier for EDI transactions
Library EDI type. Select one of the Library EDI types, which designates the type of identifier used as the library identifier: 014/EAN, 31B/US-SAN, 091/Vendor-assigned, or 092/Customer-assigned.
EDI naming convention. The naming convention that sets the expected structure to be used for outgoing FOLIO EDI files, such as the prefix or file extension. Example: .edu Note: When defining your naming convention you can use text or one of the following tokens. Tokens will be replace by the corresponding information from the export job. Possible tokens are organizationCode, integrationName, exportJobEndDate, jobID, numberSequence
Send account number. If you send your account number with orders or invoices, select this checkbox. If selected, the account number is required for the PO/POL and is included in the EDI order file.
What messages are expected for this vendor? If your library expects to send EDI orders to the vendor, select the Orders checkbox. If your library expects to receive EDI invoices from the vendor, select the Invoices checkbox.
Notes. Notes about the integration details for this vendor.
FTP details
- EDI FTP. Select FTP format in which the library expects to transact with the vendor: SFTP or FTP.
- FTP mode. Select the transmission mode the library expects to use with the vendor: ASCII or Binary.
- Server address. The address for the vendor’s FTP server.
- FTP connection mode. Select the connection mode: Active or Passive.
- Username. The username for the FTP, if a login username is required for this vendor. See Organizations permissions for more information about permissions related to viewing and editing integration credentials.
- Password. The password for the FTP, if a login password is required for this vendor. The password is automatically hidden. Click Show to display the password. Click Hide to stop displaying the password.
- FTP port (required). The FTP port number.
- Order directory. The subdirectory where orders should be placed, if different from the main FTP directory for this vendor. Ex: /directory.
- Invoice directory. The subdirectory where invoices should be retrieved, if different from the main FTP directory for this vendor. Ex: /directory.
- Notes. Notes about the FTP details for this vendor integration.
- Schedule EDI. If you want to schedule the EDI, select the Schedule EDI checkbox.
- Schedule period. The period between automated exports to the vendor. Choose from Daily or Weekly. This release of FOLIO does not include Hourly or Monthly period options due to a known issue to be resolved in the next release. If you applied either of those values to a vendor previously, the export may not run at the desired time when using hourly or monthly schedules.
- Date. If you choose a schedule period of Daily, the date field appears. Use the calendar function to select the start date for this schedule.
- Schedule frequency. If you choose a schedule period of Daily or Weekly, the schedule frequency field appears. Enter the numeric value for the hourly or daily frequency of this scheduled integration.
- Time. If you choose a schedule period of Daily or Weekly, the time field appears. Click on this field to view an hour and time select list. Choose the scheduled time for this automated export.
- S M T W Th F S. If you choose a schedule period of Weekly, the day of the week checkboxes appear. Choose the days for this weekly automated export.
Note: If you need to create a new contact, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new contact process. Creating a new contact takes you out of the organization window.
Click Add contact.
In the Add contacts dialog, click New. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.
In the Create contact window, fill in the fields in the Name, Emails, Phone numbers, URLs, and Addresses sections. See below for more information.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the contact is saved.
A new accordion is added to the contact person detail pane containing the following information:
- Record last updated. Date and time of the last record update.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time of record creation.
- Source. Name of the user who last created the record.
- Prefix. Title of the contact.
- Last name. The surname of the contact.
- First name. The given name of the contact.
- Status. Select the status of the contact from the drop-down list: Active or Inactive.
- Language. The primary language spoken by the contact.
- Categories. Select any categories from the drop-down list that describe the contact. Categories are configured in the Settings app. See Settings > Organizations for more information.
- Notes. Any notes related to the contact.
Adding an email address
Click Add email.
Enter the Email address in the box.
Optional: Enter a Description of the email in the box.
Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed.The email address saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple emails, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary email address. The Primary email will display as the first result.
Deleting an email address
Find the email address you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The email address is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.
Phone numbers
Adding a phone number
Click Add phone number.
Enter the Phone number in the box.
Optional: Select the Type of number from the drop-down list: Office, Mobile, Fax, or Other.
Optional: Select the Language spoken at that number from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The phone number saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple phone numbers, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary phone number. The Primary phone number will display as the first result.
Deleting a phone number
Find the phone number you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The phone number is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.
Adding a URL
The URL can be a website or FTP link.
Click Add URL.
Enter the URL in the box.
Optional: Enter a Description of the URL in the box.
Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.
Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the URL.
Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The URL saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple URLs, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary URL. The Primary URL will display as the first result.
Deleting a URL
Find the URL you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The URL is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.
Adding an address
Click Add address.
Fill in the address information.
Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The address saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple addresses, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary address. The Primary address will display as the first result.
Deleting an address
Find the address you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon. The address is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the contact.
Note: If you need to edit a contact, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new contact process. Editing contact takes you out of the organization window.
Add the contact you want to edit to Contact people if you have not already.
Click the contact you want to edit. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Edit.
Edit the contact.
Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the contact is updated.
Although it appears in the user interface, copying a contact is not available.
See Deleting a contact for an alternate way to remove a contact from an organization.
Add the contact you want to unassign to Contact people if you have not already.
Click the contact you want to unassign. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Unassign.
In the Unassign from organization dialog, click Confirm. A confirmation message appears, the contact is removed from the organization, and the organization window appears.
Deleting a contact person removes that person from your library’s list of contacts. If you only need to remove a contact from an organization record, see Deleting a contact.
Add the contact you want to delete to Contact people if you have not already.
Click the contact you want to delete. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Delete.
In the Delete contact dialog, click Confirm. The contact is deleted and the organization window appears.
Creating an interface
Note: If you need to create a new interface, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new interface process. Creating an interface takes you out of the organization window.
Click Add interface.
In the Add interfaces dialog, click New. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the Create interface window, fill in the fields. See below for more information.
Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the interface is saved.
Interface fields
- Type. The type of interface you are adding: Admin, End user, Reports, Orders, Invoices, or Other.
- Name. The name of the interface.
- URI. The URI of the interface.
- Username. The username needed to log into the interface. See Organizations permissions for more information about permissions related to viewing and editing interface credentials.
- Password. The password needed to log into the interface. Click Show to display the password. Click Hide to stop displaying the password.
- Notes. Any notes about the interface.
- Available. Select the Available checkbox to indicate whether statistics are available through this interface.
- Delivery method. Select the statistics’ Delivery method from the drop-down list: Online, FTP, Email, or Other.
- Statistics format. Select the statistics’ Statistics format from the drop-down list: Counter, Delimited, Excel, PDF, ASCII, HTML, or Other.
- Locally stored. The location of the statistics if they are locally stored.
- Online location. The online location of the statistics. For example, a vendor website.
- Statistics notes. Any notes about the statistics.
Editing an interface
Note: If you need to edit an interface, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new interface process. Editing an interface takes you out of the organization window.
Add the interface you want to edit to the Interface section if you have not already.
Click the interface you want to edit. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Edit.
Edit the interface.
Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the interface is updated.
Copying an interface
Although it appears in the user interface, copying an interface is not available.
Unassigning an interface
See Deleting an interface for an alternate way to remove an interface from an organization.
Add the interface you want to unassign to the Interface section if you have not already.
Click the interface you want to unassign. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Unassign.
In the Unassign from organization dialog, click Confirm. A confirmation message appears, the contact is removed from the organization, and the organization window appears.
Deleting an interface
Deleting an interface removes it from your library’s list of interfaces. If you only need to remove an interface from an organization record, see Deleting an interface.
Add the interface you want to delete to the Interface section if you have not already.
Click the interface you want to delete. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.
In the contact window, click Actions > Delete.
In the Delete interface dialog, click Confirm. The contact is deleted and the organization window appears.
5 - Receiving
The Receiving app allows you to indicate that materials ordered through the creation of purchase order lines in the Orders app have been received by the library. You can open the app directly from the FOLIO app bar or from the Orders app by clicking Receive on the action menu of an order that has an Open status.
Definition of terms related to the Receiving app:
- Package. A purchase order that represents the acquisition of multiple titles.
- Piece. A subsection of a receiving title that is expected to be received. For example, if the ordered title is a journal subscription, then a piece of that title could be volume one of the journal.
- Receive. To confirm that an all or part of an order has been delivered to the library.
- Receiving title. The title of the ordered material. There may be one or more pieces attached.
- Unreceive. To indicate that an order previously listed as “received” has not been delivered to the library.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Receiving app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Receiving app or any related information.
- Receiving: Export search results. This permission allows the user to export receiving search results in .csv format.
- Receiving: View. This permission allows the user to view receiving information for orders.
- Receiving: View, edit. This permission allows the user to receive and edit pieces that are associated with a purchase order line.
- Receiving: View, edit, create. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and create piece records. Note: Users can only create pieces if the related purchase order line has the Receiving workflow set to “Independent order and receipt quantity.”
- Receiving: View, edit, delete. This permission allows the user to view, edit and delete pieces in the Receiving app.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating a receiving title
Usually, an order consists of a receiving title that may have one or more pieces attached. For example, if you order a journal, the receiving title would be the journal name and the attached pieces would include each issue of the journal.
Purchase order lines can also be used to represent Packages. A package order line is created in the Orders app as a single purchase order line, but it can’t be located or received in Receiving because it represents the acquisitions of multiple titles (for example, a monographic standing order). In order to receive the titles that are included in a package, you must create the receiving titles in the Receiving app and link them to the Package POL. In this version of FOLIO, receiving titles must be connected to an instance in the Inventory app and a POL.
The New action allows you to create the receiving titles that come in a package so that they can be received by the library. This action also allows you to link existing instances to a package POL if you want to create a relationship between the instance and the order. In this case, the receiving title is searchable by its related POL number.
- Click New.
- In the New title window, in the PO line details section, click POL number look-up.
- In the Select order lines dialog, in the Search & filter box, enter the Package POL number.
- Optional: Filter results using the filters in the Select order lines dialog.
- Click Search and select the Package from the Search results. The Package POL is linked to the new title.
- Enter a Title for the item in the Package.
- Fill in the rest of the fields under Item details and PO line details. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears, and the new receiving title is created and appears in the Receiving pane. It can now be edited, expected pieces can be added to it, and it can be received. You can locate the title by searching for the PO or POL number, the Package Name, the Title(s).
Item details
- Title. The title of the material to be received. Note: For non-package POLs the receiving title is created automatically. For Package POLs you use the look-up to link an inventory instance to the Package POL and successfully add a receiving title.
- Publisher. Publisher of the material.
- Publication date. Date the material was published.
- Edition. Edition of the material.
- Subscription from. Start date of subscription (if applicable).
- Subscription to. End date of subscription (if applicable).
- Subscription interval. Number of days the subscription lasts (if applicable).
- Contributor. The contributor of the material.
- Product ID. An identifying number, such as ISBN or DOI.
Adding a contributor
Note: Adding a contributor is optional, but if you click Add contributor, you must enter an Contributor and Contributor ID type or delete the contributor in order to save the title.
- Click Add contributor.
- Enter the Contributor.
- Select a Contributor ID type from the drop-down list. The Contributor is added once all changes are saved.
Deleting a contributor
- Find the contributor you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon. The contributor is removed and is deleted once the changes are saved.
Adding a product ID and type
Note: Adding a product ID and type is optional, but if you click Add product ID and type, you must enter a Product ID and Product ID type or delete the product ID and type in order to save the title.
- Click Add product ID and type.
- Enter the Product ID.
- Optional: Enter a Qualifier. For example, you may want to add paperback as a Qualifier for an ISBN.
- Select the Product ID type from the drop-down list. The product ID is added once all changes are saved.
Deleting a product ID and type
- Find the product ID you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon. The product ID is removed and is deleted once the changes are saved.
PO line details
- POL number. The purchase order line number. This can only be populated by using the POL number look-up. See Creating a receiving title for more information.
- Expected receipt date. The date the material is expected to be received. This is automatically populated with information from Orders and cannot be modified.
- Receiving note. Notes about receiving the material. This is automatically populated with information from Orders and cannot be modified.
- Must acknowledge receiving note. When this checkbox is selected, the Receiving note dialog appears when you attempt to receive the material. You must click Continue in order to receive the material.
Linking an existing receiving title
- Click New.
- In the New title window, click Title look-up.
- In the Select instance dialog, in the Search & filter box, enter the title you want to link to the package.
- Optional: Filter the results using the filters in the Select instance dialog.
- Click Search and select the Title from the search results. This populates all of the fields that have already been filled out for the existing title.
- Fill in the rest of the fields under Item details. See Item details above for more information.
- Click POL number look-up.
- In the Select order lines dialog, in the Search & filter box, enter the Package POL number.
- Optional: Filter the results using the filters in the Select order lines dialog.
- Click Search and select the Package from the search results.
- Click Save & close. The existing title is now linked to the Package POL. It can be located by searching for its Title, original POL number, Package POL number, or Package name.
Searching for a receiving title
You can search for orders to be received in the Search & filter pane. To search, enter your search terms into the box. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- Keyword. Searches through all fields in the drop-down list. This is the default search.
- Title. Title of the ordered material.
- Package. The name of the package to which a receiving title is attached.
- Product ID. Identifying number, typically assigned in Orders when the order was created.
- PO number. The purchase order number.
- POL number. The purchase order line number.
- Vendor reference number. The vendor reference number for the purchase order line associated with this receiving title.
You can also search for orders by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.
Order status
In the Search & filter pane, click Order status and select any applicable filters:
- Closed. Orders that are closed.
- Open. Orders that are open.
- Pending. Orders that are pending.
Note: Receiving is only possible if an order is in “Open” or “Closed” status. If attempting to receive against a closed order, a pop-up window will appear that says “The order linked to this Title is closed. Are you sure you want to receive this piece(s)?”
To search for orders from a specific vendor, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Vendor.
- Click Organization look-up.
- In the Select Organization dialog, search for the vendor.
- Select the vendor you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
Order type
In the Search & filter pane, click Order type and select any applicable filters:
- One-time. One-time orders that are received within the year.
- Ongoing. Ongoing orders that span multiple years.
Material type
To search for orders of a specific material type, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Material type.
- Select the material type from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
In the Search & filter pane, click Order format and select any applicable filters:
- Electronic Resource. Order lines containing an electronic resource.
- Physical Resource. Order lines containing a physical resource.
- P/E Mix. Order lines containing a physical and electronic mixed resource.
- Other. Order lines containing a different type of resource.
To search for orders assigned specific tags, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
- Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
To search for orders assigned to a specific permanent location, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Location.
- Click Location look-up.
- In the Select permanent location dialog, select an Institution, Campus, Library, and Location using the drop-down lists.
- Click Save and close. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
Receiving status
In the Search & filter pane, click Receiving status and select any applicable filters:
- Expected. The order is expected to arrive.
- Received. The order has arrived and been received.
Acquisition units
To search for orders assigned to a specific acquisition unit, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisition units.
- Select the acquisition unit(s) from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
Note: The Receiving app does not currently support restricting user permissions based on acquisition unit.
In the Search & filter pane, click Rush and select Yes or No.
Received date
To search by date received from received pieces, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Received date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
Expected receipt date
To search by the expected receipt date from expected pieces, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Expected receipt date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
Receipt due
To search by the receipt due date from the order purchase order line, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Receipt due.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Receiving pane.
To clear all filters, go to the Search & filter pane and click Reset all.
Exporting search results
To export a file of title and/or piece information in comma-separated values (.csv) format, follow these steps:
In the Search & filter pane, use the search and filter options to select a set of receiving records.
In the search results pane, click Actions and select,Export results (CSV).
In the Export settings dialog, the following message will display: “This export could take a few minutes. If you reload or close the page the export will not be completed. Once the file is ready it could take another minute for your browser to finish downloading the file. You can continue to work with titles and pieces in a different browser tab if needed.”
To export all fields from the title and piece leave the Title fields and Piece fields default values set to All. To select specific fields to export, click on the radio button below “All” and use the drop-down list to select the specific fields to export.
Click Export. The file downloads to your local download location.
Title fields
- Title
- Publisher
- Published date
- Edition
- Subscription from
- Subscription to
- Contributors
- Product IDs
- Order type
- Vendor
- Requester
- Rush
Piece fields
- Caption
- Copy number
- Enumeration
- Chronology
- Barcode
- Call number
- Piece format
- Expected receipt date
- Comment
- Location
- Supplement
- Display on holding
- Item HRID
Viewing receiving titles details
Receiving title details can be viewed by any user with the permission Receiving: View.
Search results
Once you search for a receiving title, the following information appears in the Receiving pane:
- Title. The title of the material to be received.
- Expected receipt date. The date the material is expected to be received.
- Package. The name of the package the receiving title is associated with (if applicable).
- POL number. The purchase order line number. Click on this number to open the related POL in the Orders app.
- Receiving note. Notes about receiving the material.
- Locations. The location(s) to which the order is assigned.
- Order status. The status of the order, either open, closed, or pending.
In the search results, click on a receiving title to view it. The receiving title pane displays with additional information about the title.
This section displays the material details defined under Creating a receiving title.
POL details
This section displays the details of the purchase order lines.
- POL number. The purchase order line number.
- Expected receipt date. The date the piece is expected to be received.
- Receiving note. Notes about receiving the material.
- Order type. The type of order, either one-time or ongoing.
- Vendor. The organization from which the material was purchased.
- Access provider. The name of the access provider organization. This field only displays for orders with an order format set to Electronic resource or P/E Mix.
- Material supplier. The name of the material supplier organization. This field only displays for orders with an order format set to Physical resource or P/E Mix.
- Requester. The person who requested the item.
- Rush. This flag indicates whether rush handling should be applied to this order.
This section displays a table list of the pieces of the order that are still expected to be received. See Adding an expected piece for more information. To customize the columns that appear in the table list, follow these steps:
- In the Expected section of the receiving title, select the Actions button.
- The listed columns are all selected by default under Show columns in the Actions list.
- Deselect any columns that you want to remove from the Expected table list.
- Your selections persist until you logout of FOLIO.
This section displays a table list of the pieces of the order that have been received. See Item details for more information. To customize the columns that appear in the table list, follow these steps:
- In the Received section of the receiving title, select the Actions button.
- The listed columns are all selected by default under Show columns in the Actions list.
- Deselect any columns that you want to remove from the Received table list.
- Your selections persist until you logout of FOLIO.
- Find the receiving title you want to edit and select it.
- In the receiving title pane, click Edit.
- In the receiving title window, you can modify Item details and PO line details. Note: The Title look-up and POL number look-up functions are different in editing mode. See details below.
- Fill out the desired fields.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the receiving title is updated.
Title look-up
The Title look-up function replaces the current title with a title that already exists as an instance in Inventory. This doesn’t replace existing publishing or subscription details, but it does add any contributors or product IDs associated with the new title. Once you make this change, the material is longer searchable by the original title.
- Click Title look-up.
- In the Select instance dialog, in the Search & filter box, enter part or all of the title.
- Optional: Filter your results using the filters in the Select instance dialog.
- Click Search and select the title from your search results. The title updates once all changes are saved.
POL number look-up
The POL number look-up function replaces the current POL number with a POL number that already exists in Inventory. This doesn’t replace any item details, only the POL number. Once you make this change, the material is no longer searchable by the original POL number.
- Click POL number look-up.
- In the Select order lines dialog, in the Search & filter box, enter the POL number.
- Optional: Filter your results using the filters in the Select order lines dialog.
- Click Search and select the POL number from your search results. The POL number updates once all changes are saved.
Adding an expected piece
An expected piece is a part of an order you expect to receive. For example, if you order a magazine subscription, you might expect to receive 12 different pieces during the year. If you order a book that comes with supplemental materials such as a CD or map, you might expect to receive multiple pieces with the order. The order does not initially display each piece that comes with it. Adding expected pieces to an order allows you to track which pieces of the order have been received and which are still expected.
Expected pieces can be found in the Expected section of a Receiving app record. Expected pieces can also be received from this section. See Quick receive for more information.
Note: To add an expected piece in Receiving, the Receiving workflow on the order must be set to “Independent order and receipt quantity” when the order is opened.
- Find the receiving title to which you want to add a piece and select it.
- In the Expected section, click Action. In the action menu, select Add piece.
- Add information about the piece in the Add piece dialog. See below for more information about each field.
- To add another piece after saving or quick receiving this piece, click Create another. After you save & close or quick receive, the Add piece dialog form is populated with details from the previous piece form.
- To save and receive the piece, click Quick receive. The new piece is saved and listed in the Received section.
- To save without adding another piece, Click Save & close. The new piece is saved and listed in the Expected section.
Add piece
- Caption. A word, phrase or abbreviation indicating the parts into which the publisher has divided the serial, such as “volume,” “part,” or “band.”
- Copy number. The copy number of the piece.
- Enumeration. The enumeration of the piece which indicates the sequential numeric and/or alphabetic designation used by a publisher to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each part to the bibliographic unit as a whole.
- Chronology. The chronology of the piece, such as “year”, “month.”
- Piece format. The order format, as selected in Orders. This field is not editable.
- Expected receipt date. The date the piece is expected to be received.
- Comment. Comments or notes about the piece.
- Order line locations. A list of locations that were selected on the purchase order line.
- Select location. In the drop down list, select the location for this piece. You can change the location by clicking Create new holdings for location.
- Create item. Select the Create item checkbox to connect the new piece to an instance in Inventory. This option is only available for pieces linked to an order with the purchase order line Create inventory value set to “Instance/holding/item.” . Note: In order to create an item in Inventory, a default instance status, instance type, and loan type must already be set up in Settings. See Settings > Orders for more information.
- Supplement. Select the Supplement checkbox to indicate that the piece is a supplementary material such as a CD or a map.
- Display on holdings. Select the Display on holdings checkbox to indicate that information about this piece should be displayed in the Inventory app in the Acquisition section of the holding record. See Inventory > Acquisition for more information.
Create new holdings for location
Note: If the location is changed for a specific piece and no holding exists for that location already, a new holding is created.
- In the Add piece dialog, click Select holdings.
- In the Select permanent location dialog, select an Institution, Campus, Library, and Location.
- Click Save and close. The changes appear in the Select holdings field of the Add piece dialog. The location is confirmed once the piece is saved.
Editing an expected or received piece
To edit an expected or received piece, make sure the correct receiving title is displayed by using the Search & filter pane and look under the Expected and Received sections of the title.
Editing an expected piece
- Select the piece you want to edit.
- In the Edit piece dialog, the same fields as the Add piece dialog appear. See above for more information.
- Edit the contents of fields, as needed.
- To add another piece after saving or quick receiving this piece, click Create another. After you save & close or quick receive, the Add piece dialog form is populated with details from the previous piece form.
- To save and receive the piece, click Quick receive.
- To save without adding another piece, Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the piece is updated.
Editing a received piece
- Select the piece you want to edit.
- In the Edit piece dialog, the same fields as the Add piece dialog appear. See above for more information. Note: You cannot make changes to Piece format or Create item when editing a received piece. If the Create item checkbox was selected when the piece was created, the text Connected is displayed. If the checkbox was cleared, it still displays the Create item box, but the checkbox is not editable.
- Fill out the desired fields.
- Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the piece is updated.
Deleting an expected or received piece
To delete an expected or received piece, make sure the correct receiving title is displayed by using the Search & filter pane and look under the Expected and Received sections of the title.
Deleting an expected piece
- Select the piece you want to edit.
- In the Edit piece dialog, the same fields as the Add piece dialog appear. See above for more information.
- Click Delete. A confirmation message appears, click Confirm and the piece is deleted.
Deleting a received piece
- Select the piece you want to delete.
- In the Edit piece dialog, the same fields as the Add piece dialog appear. See above for more information.
- Click Delete. A confirmation message appears, click Confirm and the piece is deleted.
Receiving a piece
Receiving a piece confirms that the ordered material arrived at the library.
There are two ways to receive a piece:
Quick receive
Quick receive can be used when you want to receive one piece of an order at a time.
- Using the Search & filter pane, find the receiving title from which you want to receive pieces and select it.
- In the Expected section of the order, click on the piece you want to receive.
- In the Edit piece dialog, make any necessary edits to the piece.
- Click Quick receive. The piece is now displayed under the Received section.
The Receive function can be used to receive multiple pieces at once.
- Using the Search & filter pane, find the receiving title you want to receive and select it.
- In the Expected section of the receiving title, click the Action button and select Receive.
- A receiving note popup window will display if the purchase order line field Must acknowledge receiving note is checked. Click Continue to close the popup window.
- In the receiving title window, all of the expected pieces are displayed. Here, you can make changes to the pieces. See below for more information.
- Select the checkbox beside each piece you want to receive. Note: If you want to receive all of the pieces, click the top checkbox.
- Click Receive. The selected pieces are now displayed under the Received section.
- Order line locations. A list of locations that were selected on the purchase order line.
- Caption. A word, phrase or abbreviation indicating the parts into which the publisher has divided the serial, such as “volume,” “part,” or “band.”
- Enumeration. The enumeration of the piece which indicates the sequential numeric and/or alphabetic designation used by a publisher to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each part to the bibliographic unit as a whole.
- Copy number. The copy number of the piece.
- Barcode. A unique barcode for the piece. You can only add a barcode if the piece is already Connected to an instance in Inventory, or if the Create item checkbox is selected.
- Piece format. The order format, as selected in Orders. This field is not editable.
- Request. Information from the Requests app about this ordered material. A value of “Yes” indicates that a request is open for the piece.
- Comment. Comments or notes about the piece.
- Select location. The location, as selected in Orders. You can change the location by clicking Create new holdings for location.
- Item status. This field is populated with the item status that will appear in Inventory after the item is received. The item status will change from “On order” to “In process.”
- Call number. Enter the call number for the piece. You can only add a call number if the piece is already Connected to an instance in Inventory, or if the Create item checkbox is selected.
- Create item. Selecting the Create item checkbox links the new piece to an instance in Inventory. This option is only available for pieces linked to an order with the purchase order line Create inventory value set to “Instance/holding/item.” Note: In order to create an item in Inventory, a default instance status, instance type, and loan type must already be set up in Settings. See Settings > Orders for more information.
Unreceiving an order
- In the Received section of the receiving title, click Actions. In the action menu, select Unreceive.
- In the receiving title window, all of the received pieces are displayed in a table list containing barcode, caption, enumeration, piece format, request, comment, select location, and call number.
- Optional: Make changes to the Comment field.
- Select the checkbox beside each piece you want to unreceive. Note: If you want to unreceive all of the received pieces, select the top checkbox.
- Click Unreceive. The selected pieces are now displayed under the Expected section.