Export manager

The Export manager app allows users to view manual or automated file exports for specific export operations. The Export manager app supports the following types of exports: Authority control, Bursar, Circulation log, eHoldings, Bulk edit, and EDIFACT orders. While these exports are initiated from other apps and areas of FOLIO, the Export manager app allows administrative staff to check on the status of scheduled exports, view error details, and download files for review.


The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Export manager app and determine what you can and cannot do within the app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Export manager app or any related information.

Note: For information on assigning permissions to users, see Assigning permissions to a user record.

The following are all the Export manager app permissions:

  • Export manager: All. This permission enables the Export manager app for the user and allows the user to view and access logs, download files from the Export manager app, and download and re-send EDIFACT export jobs.
  • Export manager: Download and re-send files. This permission allows the user to download and re-send EDIFACT export jobs.
  • Export manager: View. This permission allows the user to view the Export manager, search and view logs, but not download generated files.

Since exports begin in other FOLIO apps, not in the Export Manager app, a user needs additional permissions to begin an export, but may download files given the Export manager: All permission.

Viewing export jobs

The Export manager app allows users to view export logs and reports initiated from the following apps or functions:

  • Bulk edit
  • Bursar
  • Circulation log
  • EDIFACT orders
  • eHoldings
  • MARC authority

Once an export is initiated in any of these areas, a log of the export appears in the Export manager app. The app’s Search & filter pane displays two tabs: All and Organizations. The Organizations tab supports EDIFACT order export, while all other supported exports are accessible using the All tab.

Column display in the results pane will vary based on the tab selected in the Search & filter pane.

The All tab results pane displays the following columns:

  • Job ID. Identification number of the export.
  • Status. Status of the export:: Scheduled, In progress, Successful, Failed.
  • Job type. The type of export that resulted in the corresponding job. Job types include: Bursar, Circulation log, eHoldings, MARC authority headings update, EDIFACT orders export, Bulk edit identifiers, and Failed updates: Linked bibliographic fields.
  • Description. A description of the file, if applicable.
  • Source. The user who initiated the export. Entries may include ‘System’ for automated exports or ‘folio’ for jobs resulting from bulk edit or a re-run EDIFACT export.
  • Start time. Date and time the export began.
  • End time. Date and time the export finished.

Click on any column name, except Description and Source, to sort by that column.

The Organizations tab results pane displays the following columns:

  • Job ID. Identification number of the export.
  • Status. Status of the export:: Scheduled, In progress, Successful, Failed.
  • Description. A description of the file, if applicable.
  • Source. The user who initiated the export. Entries may include ‘System’ for automated exports or ‘folio’ for jobs resulting from bulk edit or a re-run EDIFACT export.
  • Start time. Date and time the export began.
  • End time. Date and time the export finished.
  • Export method. This value corresponds to the Integration name on the associated Organization record’s Integration details.

Click on any column name, except Description and Source, to sort by that column.

For jobs with a status of Successful, click on the hyperlinked job ID to download the file.

To view additional details about the job, including Error details, click on the job row.

Searching and filtering jobs

You can search for jobs in the Search & filter pane. To search for a job by Job ID, enter your search terms into the box.

Search for logs by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.


To filter by Status, select a filter filter:

  • Scheduled. This export has been scheduled, but not yet run.
  • In progress. This export is currently running.
  • Successful. This export has run to completion.
  • Failed. This export could not be performed. Error details are available by clicking on rows with this status.

Job type

To filter by Job type, select a filter:

  • Authority control. This export contains reports exported from the MARC authority app. Output format is .csv.
  • Bursar. This export contains charges and/or refunds transferred to the bursar. Output format is .dat.
  • Circulation log. This export contains search results from the Circulation log. Output format is .csv.
  • eHoldings. This export contains package and title details from eHoldings. Output format is .csv.
  • Bulk edit This export contains downloaded information from Bulk edit. Output format is .csv.
  • EDIFACT orders export This export contains records exported from the Orders app in EDIFACT format. Output format is .edi.


To filter by whether or not the job was system-generated, select one of the following:

  • Yes. The export was initiated automatically.
  • No. A user manually initiated the export.


To search for logs based on the user who initiated the export: In the Search & filter pane, click Source. Click Find user. In the Select User dialog, search for the user. Select the user you want to filter by.

Start time

To search for logs based on the date they started running:

In the Search & filter pane, click Start time. Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box. Click Apply. The search results appear in the Export jobs pane.

End time

To search for logs based on the date they ended running:

In the Search & filter pane, click End time. Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box. Click Apply. The search results appear in the Export jobs pane.

Export method

This filter is available only on the Organizations pane . To search for exports by export method:

In the Search & filter pane, click Export method. Select the export method from the drop-down list.

The search results appear in the Export jobs pane.


This filter is available only on the Organizations pane.

To search for exports associated with a specific organizations:

In the Search & filter pane, click Organization. Click Organization look-up. In the Select Organization dialog, search for the organization. Select the organization you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Export jobs pane.

Errors in jobs

If a job has a status of Failed, click on the row to view additional information, including Error details.

Managing EDIFACT orders export jobs

A FOLIO tenant may be configured to support the export of EDIFACT orders to a vendor. This requires configuration of Integration details on the Organization record. All exports are recorded and accessible in the Export manager app under the Organizations pane . The file is available for download in FOLIO, with no expiry date. If a library needs a new copy of the EDIFACT file that was created, they must use the download or resend options within the Export manager app. The Resend action will send a new copy of the previously exported EDIFACT file to the organization’s FTP site, where the library and the vendor can once again access the file.

Resending an EDIFACT orders export job

To resend an export: In the Search & filter pane, click Organization. Locate the export you wish to resend and click on the row to access the export record. Click Actions /> Resend. A green toast message appears to indicate the file upload has started successfully.

Rerunning an EDIFACT orders export job

Rerunning an export job will trigger a new export job, generating a new file, containing different orders. The job will use the same configuration, but the results will appear different.

To rerun an export: In the Search & filter pane, click Organization. Locate the export you wish to rerun and click on the row to access the export record. Click Actions /> Rerun. The rerun export appears at the top of the export logs and the file can be downloaded by clicking on the new export record, and clicking Actions /> Download.

Last modified November 6, 2023