1 - Data export
The Data Export app allows you to:
- Export bibliographic data from Source Record Storage (SRS) in MARC21 format.
- Export Instance, Holdings, and Item data stored by the Inventory app. A file in MARC21 format is generated from non-MARC data in this case.
- Export Authority data stored by the MARC Authority app in MARC21 format.
- Export a list of UUIDs for selected records in a .csv file
The Data Export app usually comes with a few default job profiles, which determine how information is exported in the generated MARC file. To create your own customized job profiles, you can configure job profiles in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Data Export.
Definition of terms related to the Data Export app:
- CQL. Contextual Query Language. A CQL query can be used in certain circumstances to identify the FOLIO records to export.
- Job profile. Determines how information from FOLIO is exported to the generated MARC file.
- SRS. Source Record Storage. A storage layer in FOLIO. If an instance has an underlying MARC record, then this record is stored in SRS.
- UUID. Universally unique identifier. Each record in FOLIO has a UUID.
In order to view and interact with the Data Export app, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:
- UI: Data export module is enabled. This permission allows the user to see and use the Data Export app.
Note: This is the only permission available for the Data Export app. You are unable to view and access Data Export if you do not have this permission assigned to you. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.
Quick exports from the Inventory App
Quick exports can be performed from the Inventory app. A quick export creates two files for selected records - a file of UUIDs (.csv) and a file of MARC records (.mrc).
- Open the Inventory app and use the Search & Filter pane to generate a list of records that match your search criteria.
- In the right-hand-side Inventory pane, find the records you want to export, and for each record, select the checkbox in the first column.
- Click Actions > Export instances (MARC). Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file of UUIDs for the selected records automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it. The creation of a MARC (.mrc) file is logged in the Data export app and if you open that app you can find and download the MARC file containing your selected records.
Quick exports from the MARC Authority App
Quick exports can be performed from the MARC Authority app. A quick export creates two files for selected records - a file of UUIDs (.csv) and a file of MARC records (.mrc)
- Open the MARC Authorities app and use the Search & Filter pane to generate a list of records that match your search criteria.
- In the right-hand-side MARC authority pane, find the records you want to export, and for each record, select the checkbox in the first column.
- Click Actions > Export selected records (CSV/MARC). Depending on your browser and its configuration, the file of UUIDs for the selected records automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it. The creation of a MARC (.mrc) file is logged in the Data export app and if you open that app you can fiind and download the MARC file containing your selected records.
Triggering an export from the Data Export App by uploading a file
The Data Export app accepts two types of data and file types that identify sets of records for export: a CSV file listing UUIDs or a CQL query in CQL format. Triggering an export generates a .mrc file.
Uploading UUIDs
A data export can be triggered by providing the list of record identifiers (UUIDs) in a .csv file.
- In the Jobs pane, either drag and drop your file into the box, or click or choose file to locate the file on your computer.
- In the Select job profile to run the export window, select the job profile to run. Export job profiles are set up for different types of records to export, so you’ll have to select the right profile for the record type the list of UUIDs are for (e.g., instance records, holdings records, authority records)
- In the Are you sure you want to run this job dialog, select the correct record type from the drop down list under UUIDS provided for this export, then click Run. The window closes and the job appears under the Running section in the Jobs pane. When the job completes, the export file appears in the Logs list.
Uploading CQL query
Note: The file you upload needs to be a CQL file.
- In the Jobs pane, either drag and drop your file into the box, or click or choose file to locate the file on your computer.
- In the Select job profile to run the export window, select the job profile to run.
- In the Are you sure you want to run this job dialog, select Run. The window closes and the job appears under the Running section in the Jobs pane. WHen the job completes, the export file appears in the Logs list.
Viewing export logs
Once an export is completed, whether it was completed without any errors, completed with errors, or failed, it appears in the Logs list in the Logs pane.
The Logs list contains the following columns:
- File name. Name of the MARC file that was generated.
- Status. Status of the export: Completed, Completed with errors, or Fail.
- Total. Number of records in the export.
- Exported. Number of records exported.
- Failed. Number of records that failed.
- Job profile. Name of the job profile used.
- Started running. Date and time the export started.
- Ended running. Date and time the export finished.
- Run by. User or system by which the export was generated.
- ID. Identification number of the export.
You can click on any column name to sort by that column.
Viewing all logs
Logs are never deleted. The twenty-five most recent logs are displayed in the Logs list in the Logs pane. To view all logs, in the Logs pane, click View all. The Logs window appears.
Searching and filtering logs
After viewing all logs, you can search for files in the Search & filter pane. To search for a file, enter your search terms (presently, only ID values) into the box.
You can also search for logs by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane:
Errors in export
To filter logs by whether or not they contain errors, select one of the following:
- No. Logs without errors
- Yes. Logs with errors
Started running
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box, then click Apply. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Ended running
Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box, then click Apply. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Job profile
Select the job profile you want from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Click on User look-up and select the user you want. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Retrieving data export results
For all exports with the Status of Completed or Completed with errors, you can click on the File name in the Logs pane to retrieve your data export results. Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it.
Troubleshooting failed exports
For all exports with the Status of Fail or Completed with errors, click in the row of the export to view the error log. For all failed exports, a MARC file is not generated.
2 - Data import
The Data import app allows you to:
- Import one or more Bibliographic MARC records for use by the Inventory app. To create or update (overlay) records.
- Import one or more Bibliographic MARC records for use by the Orders app. To create records.
- Import one or more Authority MARC records for use by the MARC Authority app. To create or update (overlay) records.
- Load EDIFACT invoices for use by the Invoices app. Supports the Folio acquisitions workflow.
Definition of terms related to the Data Import app:
- Action profile. Contains instructions on what actions to take when certain conditions are present when an import job is run.
- Field mapping profile. Contains instructions for mapping field data being imported to field data within Folio.
- Holdings. Holdings data linked to one or more instance records, which may be created from a MARC record’s data or from other data sources and/or apps.
- Instance. A non-MARC bibliographic record in Folio, which may be created from a MARC record’s data or from other data sources and/or apps.
- Job profile. Contains all the steps needed to complete an individual data import job. A job profile connects specific match, action and field mapping profiles together into a set of instructions for importing data.
- Match profile. Contains instructions on how records being imported are matched with existing records within Folio.
- SRS. Source Record Storage. A storage layer in FOLIO. If an instance has an underlying MARC record, then the MARC record is stored in SRS.
- SRS Holdings. Holdings data specified in MARC record information.
In order to view and interact with the Data import app, a user needs to be assigned one or more of the following permissions:
Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs. This permission allows the user to see and use the Data import app. The user can perform all functions other than deleting logs.
Data import: Can delete import logs. This permission allows the user to delete logs in the Data import app.
Data import: Can view only. Assign this permission if a user only needs to view logs and details of import jobs (e.g. check to see if an import has completed) but is NOT permitted to import files using the Data Import app.
Note: These are the only permissions available for the Data import app. You are unable to view and access Data import if you do not have one or more of these permissions assigned to you. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.
Starting a data import job
The Data import app accepts MARC and EDIFACT files for import.
- In the Jobs pane, either drag and drop your file into the box, or click or choose files to locate the file on your computer. Note that the file must have one of the permitted file extensions that are defined in the Settings App for Data Import.
- In the Job profiles window, select the job profile to run. If the list is long, you can search for job profiles by using the search bar at the top of the window to search through the Name and Description fields. To search for job profiles, enter terms in the search box and click Search.
- In the job profile details pane, click Actions > Run.
- In the Are you sure you want to run this job dialog, click Run. The window closes and the job status appears in the Jobs pane.
Assessing the job profile
After selecting a profile, you can see more details about the profile in the right pane. You can see the Name, Accepted data type, Description, Tags, Overview, which has the attached Action profiles, and a list of previous Jobs using this profile. Clicking on an Action profile opens that profile in the Settings app.
Viewing import logs
Once an import is completed, whether it was completed without any errors, completed with errors, or failed, it appears in the Logs table in the Logs pane.
The Logs table contains the following columns:
- File name. Name of the file that was imported. If the import was a single record import then no file name appears in the File name column.
- Status. Status of the import:: Completed, Completed with errors, or Fail.
- Records. Number of records in the import.
- Job profile. Name of the job profile used.
- Started running. Date and time the import started.
- Ended running. Date and time the import finished.
- Run by. User or system by which the import was generated.
- ID. Identification number of the import.
You can click on any column name to sort by that column.
Viewing all logs
Logs are never deleted unless a user with appropriate permission selects a log for deletion. Users need the permission Can delete import logs in order to delete log entries.
The most recent logs for imports other than single record imports are displayed in the Logs list in the Logs pane when you first select the Data Import app. To view all logs, in the Logs pane, click Actions then select View all.
Searching and filtering logs
After viewing all logs, you can search for files in the Search & filter pane. To search for a file, enter your search terms into the box. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:
- Keyword (ID, File name). Keyword search through the ID and File name fields.
- ID. Identification of the import.
- File name. Name of the import file.
You can also search for logs by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.
Errors in import
To filter logs by whether or not they contained errors, select one of the following:
- No. Logs that don’t contain any errors.
- Yes. Logs with errors.
To search for logs based on the date they were run, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Date.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Job profile
To search for logs based on the job profile, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Job profile.
- Select the job profile you want from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
To search for logs based on the user who ran the report, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click User.
- Select the user you want from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Logs pane.
Inventory single record imports
Single record imports are MARC records loaded from an external source, like OCLC. These records are imported through the Inventory app, but the logs appear in Data import.
To filter logs by whether or not they are inventory single record imports, in the Search & filter pane, click Inventory single record imports and select one of the following:
- No. All other types of logs.
- Yes. Logs for Inventory single record imports.
Retrieving data import results
For all imports with the Status of Completed or Completed with errors, you can click on the File name in the Logs pane to retrieve your data import results. You are presented with a summary of records created, updated, discarded or in error. Clicking on the title link will display the system error if the import failed.
Troubleshooting failed imports
For all imports with the Status of Failed or Completed with errors, click in the row of the import to view the error log. For all failed imports, a record is not created or updated.
3 - Inventory
This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.
The Inventory app allows you to manage your collections (physical and/or virtual). Inventory stores bibliographic, holdings, and item data in the form of Instance, Holdings, and Item records. Instance records may be created within FOLIO or generated from records in source record storage (SRS). Data within Inventory integrates with other apps like Orders, Check in, Check out, and Requests.
Definition of terms related to the Inventory app:
- Instance record. A record that contains bibliographic and administrative information about a particular resource. The Instance record is what is known as the bibliographic record. They are mostly derived from full bibliographic records (in MARC or other formats) and are intended to provide information for library staff to identify and select records in order to perform work on associated holdings and items.
- Holdings record. A record that contains information such as location, call number, and volumes owned, that enables staff to locate and manage library holdings for materials in all formats. A Holdings record must be associated with an Instance record.
- Item record. A record that contains information needed to identify and track a single item or piece. The Item record contains data specific to a single volume or piece, such as barcode and circulation status. An Item record must be associated with a Holdings record.
- HRID. Human readable identifier, also called eye readable ID.
- UUID. Universally unique identifier.
- SRS. Source Record Storage. A storage layer in FOLIO. If an instance has an underlying MARC record, then this record is stored in SRS.
- Intellectual item. This status can be used for an item record that does not correspond to a single, distinct physical object. May also be referred to as a “dummy record.”
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Inventory app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.
The following are all the Inventory permissions:
- Inventory: All permissions. This permission allows the user to perform all actions in Inventory.
- Inventory: Create order from instance. This permission allows the user to initiate the creation of a new purchase order or a new purchase order line (in the Orders app) from an Instance record in Inventory.
- Inventory: Enable staff suppress facet. This permission allows the user to search and view instance records that are suppressed for staff.
- Inventory: Import single bibliographic records. This permission allows the user to import and overlay Instance records from external sources. External sources must be configured in Settings.
- Inventory: Mark items in process. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to In process.
- Inventory: Mark items in process (non-requestable). This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to In process (non-requestable).
- Inventory: Mark items intellectual item. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Intellectual.
- Inventory: Mark items long missing. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Long missing.
- Inventory: Mark items restricted. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Restricted.
- Inventory: Mark items unavailable. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Unavailable.
- Inventory: Mark items unknown. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Unknown.
- Inventory: Mark items withdrawn. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Withdrawn. The user can also view and edit items.
- Inventory: Move holdings. This permission allows the user to move holdings records from one instance record to another. The user can also search and view instances, holdings, and items.
- Inventory: Move items. This permission allows the user to move an item record from one holding record to another. The user can also search and view instances, holdings, and items.
- Inventory: Set record for deletion. This permission allows the user to set instance records and associated MARC records for deletion.
- Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items. This permission allows the user to view instances, holdings, and items.
- Inventory: View, create holdings. This permission allows the user to create new holdings records. The user can also view holdings.
- Inventory: View, create instances. This permission allows the user to create new instance records. The user can also view instances.
- Inventory: View, create items. This permission allows the user to create new item records. The user can also view items.
- Inventory: View, create, edit holdings. This permission allows the user to edit existing holdings records. The user can also view and create holdings.
- Inventory: View, create, edit instances. This permission allows the user to edit existing instance records. The user can also view and create instances.
- Inventory: View, create, edit items. This permission allows the user to edit existing item records. The user can also view and create items.
- Inventory: View, create, edit, delete holdings. This permission allows the user to delete holdings records. The user can also view and edit holdings.
- Inventory: View, create, edit, delete items. This permission allows the user to delete item records. The user can also view and edit items.
- Inventory: View, create, edit, mark missing items. This permission allows the user to update an item record’s Item status to Missing. The user can also view and edit items.
Note: Some actions in Inventory require permissions in other apps. For example, View source requires permissions in quickMARC.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform Essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Creating an instance record manually in FOLIO
- In the Inventory pane, click Actions > New.
- In the New Instance window, fill in the Administrative data, Title data, Identifier, Contributor, Descriptive data, Instance notes, Electronic access, Subject, Classification, Instance relationship (analytics and bound-with), and Related instances sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Once you have included all of the information you want in the instance record, click Save & close. The instance record is saved.
Administrative data
The Administrative data section contains technical information about the instance record.
- Suppress from discovery. If you want to suppress the record from your discovery layer, select the Suppress from discovery checkbox.
- Staff suppress. If you want to suppress the record, and its associated holdings and item records, from staff who do not have the proper permissions to view the record, select the Staff suppress checkbox. If selected, staff need to have the permission Inventory: Enable staff suppress facet in order to view the record.
- Previously held. If the resource was previously held by your library, select the Previously held checkbox. A library may adopt a policy to select the Previously held checkbox in the case where the library no longer owns the bibliographic resource described in the instance record, but for administrative reasons wishes to retain the record in the inventory and indicate previous ownership. For example, permission for library users to view or use items in a consortial collection may require proof that the library at some time owned those items.
- Instance HRID. The human readable identifier, also called eye readable ID, a system-assigned sequential ID.
- Source (required). Format of the instance source record, if a source record exists. For example, FOLIO if it’s a record created in Inventory, MARC if it’s a MARC record created in MARCcat, or EPKB if it’s a record coming from eHoldings. The system assigns the source automatically.
- Cataloged date. Date when an instance is considered “cataloged.”
- Instance status term. Select the instance status type to be assigned to the record. For example, the instance status may be: cataloged, uncataloged, batch loaded, or not yet assigned. Instance status types are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Instance status types for more information.
- Mode of issuance. A bibliographic categorization reflecting whether a resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and whether its termination is predetermined or not. You can configure the values that appear in the drop-down list in Settings > Inventory > Modes of issuance. For records created in FOLIO, you may assign a value, but for instance records with an underlying MARC record in the SRS database the value is determined from the MARC fixed field values.
- Statistical code. Statistical codes are locally assigned values used to filter and sort records. Multiple statistical codes can be added to a record. Statistical codes are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Statistical codes for more information.
Adding a statistical code
- Click Add statistical code.
- Select the statistical code from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The statistical code is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a statistical code
- Find the statistical code you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the code. The code is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
- Administrative note. Administrative notes are free text fields that can be used to record information about the instance record or actions taken on it.
Adding an administrative note
- Click Add administrative note.
- Enter text.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The administrative note is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting an administrative note
Click the trash can icon next to the administrative note you wish to delete. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Title data
The Title data section contains information about the title of the resource.
- Resource title (required). The primary title (or label) associated with the resource.
- Alternative titles. An alternative title for the resource. For example, the original language version title of a movie. You can add multiple alternative titles to a record.
- Index title. Title normalized for browsing and searching based on the title without initial articles.
- Series statements. A series title associated with the resource. For example, Harry Potter or Lecture Notes in Mathematics.
- Preceding titles. The immediately preceding title by which the resource was formerly identified. You can add multiple preceding titles to a record. For example, there may be multiple preceding titles which merged to form the one current title.
- Succeeding titles. The immediately succeeding title of the resource. You can add multiple succeeding titles to a record. For example, there may be multiple succeeding titles if the current publication splits into multiple succeeding publications.
Adding an alternative title
- Click Add alternative title.
- Select the alternative title Type from the drop-down list. Alternative title types are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Alternative title types for more information.
- Enter the Alternative title in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The alternative title is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a series statement
- Click Add series.
- Enter the Series statement in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The series statement is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a preceding title
Note: Adding a preceding title is optional, but if you click Add preceding title, you must enter a Title or delete the preceding title in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add preceding title.
- Enter the Title in the box, or to connect the preceding title to another instance in your Inventory, follow these steps:
- Click the +.
- In the Select instance dialog, in the Search & filter pane, enter all or part of the title in the search box and click Search.
- Optional: Filter results by Language, Resource Type, or Location.
- In the Search results pane, click the Title to select it. The title is connected to the instance record as a preceding title. The Title, Instance HRID, ISBN, and ISSN fields are automatically populated with information from the record, and Not connected changes to Connected.
- Optional: If you didn’t connect the Title to another instance, enter the ISBN or ISSN into their respective boxes.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The preceding title is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a succeeding title
Note: Adding a succeeding title is optional, but if you click Add succeeding title, you must enter a Title or delete the succeeding title in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add succeeding title.
- Enter the Title in the box, or to connect to the succeeding title represented by another instance in your Inventory, follow these steps:
- Click the +.
- In the Select instance dialog, in the Search & filter pane, enter all or part of the title in the search box and click Search.
- Optional: Filter results by Language, Resource Type, or Location.
- In the Search results pane, click the Title to select it. The title is connected to the instance record as a succeeding title. The Title, Instance HRID, ISBN, and ISSN fields are automatically populated with information from the record, and Not connected changes to Connected.
- Optional: If you didn’t connect the Title to another instance, enter the ISBN or ISSN into their respective boxes.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The succeeding title is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting an alternative title, preceding title, succeeding title, or series statement
- Find the alternative title, preceding title, succeeding title, or series statement you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the alternative title, preceding title, succeeding title, or series statement. The alternative title, preceding title, succeeding title, or series statement is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
An extensible set of name-value pairs of identifiers associated with the resource.
Adding an identifier
Note: Adding an identifier is optional, but if you click Add identifier, you must enter a Type or delete the identifier in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add identifier.
- Select the identifier Type from the drop-down list. Identifier types are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Resource identifier types for more information.
- Enter the Identifier in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The identifier is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting an identifier
- Find the identifier you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the identifier. The identifier is removed from the edit record display and is permanently deleted once you save the instance.
A contributor is any entity who has contributed to the bibliographic resource.
Adding a contributor
Note: Adding a contributor is optional, but if you click Add contributor, you must enter a Name and Name type or delete the contributor in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add contributor.
- Enter the contributor’s Name in the box.
- Select the Name type from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Select the contributor’s role Type from the drop-down list. Contributor types are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Contributor types for more information.
- Optional: Enter a role type in the Type, free text box.
- Optional: Click Make primary to make the contributor the primary contributor.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed. The contributor is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a contributor
- Find the contributor you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the contributor. The contributor is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Descriptive data
Descriptive data contains descriptive information about the resource.
- Publications. Data about the resource relating to its publication, distribution, manufacture, etc.
- Editions. The edition statement.
- Physical descriptions. Physical description of the described resource, including its extent, dimensions, and other physical details.
- Resource type (required). A unique term for the resource that can be assigned from the RDA content term list or locally defined. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Resource types.
- Nature of content. Nature of content is an RDA categorization.
- Formats. A unique term for the format that can be assigned from the RDA carrier term list or locally defined. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Formats.
- Languages. The set of languages used by the resource.
- Publication frequency. The interval at which serial issues are released or an integrating resource is updated. For example, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
- Publication range. Range of sequential designation/chronology of publication, or date range.
Adding publication
Note: Adding publication information is optional, but if you click Add publication, you must enter a Publisher, Place, or Publication date or delete the publication in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add publication.
- Optional: Enter a Publisher in the box.
- Optional: Enter a Publisher role in the box.
- Optional: Enter a Place in the box.
- Optional: Enter a Publication date in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The publication data is saved once you save the instance.
Adding an edition
- Click Add edition.
- Enter the Edition in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The edition statement is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a physical description
- Click Add description.
- Enter a Physical description in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The physical description is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a nature of content
- Click Add nature of content.
- Select the Nature of content term from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The nature of content is saved once you save the instance.
- Click Add format.
- Select the Format from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The format is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a language
Note: Adding a language is optional, but if you click Add Language, you must enter a Language or delete the language in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add language.
- Select the Language from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The language is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a publication frequency
- Click Add frequency.
- Enter the Publication frequency in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The publication frequency is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a publication range
- Click Add range.
- Enter the Publication range in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The publication range is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a publication, edition, description, nature of content, format, language, publication frequency or publication range
- Find the publication, edition, description, nature of content, format, language, publication frequency or publication range
- Click the trash can icon next to the publication, edition, description, nature of content, format, language, publication frequency or publication range. The publication, edition, description, nature of content, format, language, publication frequency or publication range is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Instance notes
In the Instance notes section, you can add any notes about the instance record.
Adding a note
Note: Adding a note is optional, but if you click Add note, you must enter a Note or delete the note in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add note.
- Select the Note type from the drop-down list. You can configure the values that appear in the drop-down list in Settings > Inventory > Instance note types.
- Enter a Note in the box.
- Optional: If you only want the note to be visible to staff with the permission Inventory: View instance records being suppressed for staff, select the Staff only checkbox.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The note is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a note
- Find the note you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the note. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Electronic access
In the Electronic access section, you can add online access information for the resource.
Adding electronic access
Note: Adding electronic access is optional, but if you click Add electronic access, you must enter a URI or delete the electronic access in order to save the instance.
- Click Add electronic access.
- Optional: Select a Relationship from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Enter a URI in the box.
- Optional: Enter Link text in the box.
- Optional: Enter the Materials specified in the box.
- Optional: Enter a URL public note in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed. The electronic access is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting electronic access
- Find the electronic access you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the electronic access. The electronic access is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
In the Subject section, you can add any subjects that pertain to the resource.
Adding a subject
- Click Add subject.
- Enter the Subject in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The subject is saved once you save the instance.
Removing a subject
- Find the subject you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the subject. The subject is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
In the Classification section, you can add classification information for the resource.
Adding a classification
Note: Adding a classification is optional, but if you click Add classification, you must enter a Classification identifier type and Classification or delete the classification in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add classification.
- Select a Classification identifier type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Classification identifier types.
- Enter a Classification in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The classification is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a classification
- Find the classification you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the classification. The classification is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Instance relationship (analytics and bound-with)
In the Instance relationship section, you can add any relationships between the instance and other instances. This is not the same as the Bound-with data in the Holdings and Item records.
- Parent instances. The parent instance is the record chosen as the primary record and to which all other child records are linked. Information about parent instances (Title, Instance HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN, ISSN) including a link to the corresponding parent instance record displays on the child instance record(s).
- Child instances. A child instance record is any record that has been associated with a parent record. Information about child instances (Title, Instance HRID, Publisher, Publication date, ISBN, ISSN) including a link to each corresponding child instance record displays on the parent instance record.
Adding a parent instance
Note: Adding a parent instance is optional, but if you click Add parent instance, you must enter Parent instances and Type of relation or delete the parent instance in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add parent instance.
- Enter the Parent instances in the box.
- Select the Type of relation from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The parent instance is saved once you save the instance.
Adding a child instance
Note: Adding a child instance is optional, but if you click Add child instance, you must enter Child instance and Type of relation or delete the child instance in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add child instance.
- Enter the Child instance in the box.
- Select the Type of relation from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The child instance is saved once you save the instance.
Removing a parent or child instance
- Find the parent or child instance you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the parent or child instance. The parent or child instance is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
The Related instances section displays any linked parent or child instances.
Creating a Fast Add instance record
You can use Fast Add to create an instance record with a limited set of information that is most likely to be needed. To see the complete list of information that can be added to the record, see Creating an instance record manually in FOLIO, Adding holdings to a record, and Adding an item to a record.
- In the Inventory pane, click Actions > New Fast Add Record.
- In the New fast add record, fill in the Instance, Holdings, and Item sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Once you have included all of the information you want in the instance record, click Save & close. The instance record is saved.
The Instances section contains select instance record fields. For all fields available in an instance record, see Creating an instance record manually in FOLIO.
- Suppress from discovery. Fast add records are suppressed from your discovery layer by default. If you want to display the record in your discovery layer, clear the Suppress from discovery checkbox.
- Instance status term. Select the instance status type to be assigned to the record. For example, the instance status may be: cataloged, uncataloged, batch loaded, or not yet assigned. Instance status types are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Inventory > Instance status types for more information.
- Resource title (required). The primary title (or label) associated with the resource.
- Publication date. The year of publication, distribution, etc.
- ISBN. International Standard Book Number.
- ISSN. International Standard Serial Number.
- Resource type (required). A unique term for the resource that can be assigned from the RDA content term list or locally defined. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Resource types.
- Contributors. Any entities who have contributed to the instance.
Adding a contributor
Note: Adding a contributor is optional, but if you click Add contributor, you must enter a Name and Name type or delete the contributor in order to save the instance record.
- Click Add contributor.
- Enter the contributor’s Name in the box.
- Select the Name type from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Click Make primary to make the contributor the primary contributor.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The contributor is saved once you save the fast add record.
Deleting a contributor
- Find the contributor you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the contributor. The contributor is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the fast add record.
The Holdings section contains select holdings record fields. For all fields available in a holdings record, see Creating a holdings record.
- Permanent location (required). The default location of the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Permanent location is assigned at the holdings level, but can be overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Permanent location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
- Temporary location. A temporary location for the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Temporary location can be assigned at the holdings level and overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Temporary location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
- Call number type. The classification system used for the call number. Select the Call number type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Call number types.
- Call number prefix. Prefix of the call number on the holdings level. For example, FIC.
- Call number. Call number is an identifier assigned to an item, usually printed on a label attached to the item. The call number is used to determine the resource’s physical position in a shelving sequence. For example, K1 .M44.
- Call number suffix. Suffix of the call number on the holdings level. For example, the year (2001).
The Item section contains select item record fields. For all fields available in an item record, see Adding an item to a record.
- Barcode. Generally a numerical sequence attached to the resource and validated by a barcode scanner. Must be a unique value.
- Material type (required). Describes the material nature of a specific item, with the intention to permit more specific information than resource type alone. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Material types.
- Permanent loan type (required). The default loan type for a given item. For example, Can circulate, Course reserves, Reading room, Selected, etc. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Loan types.
- Item notes (required). Any notes about the item that you want to appear to staff during check in or check out.
- Electronic access. Online access information for the item.
Adding check in / check out notes
A check in or check out note is required by default.
- Select the Note type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Item note types.
- Enter a Note in the box.
- Optional: If you want the note to be visible to only staff with the proper permissions to view the note, select the Staff only checkbox.
- To add another note, click Add check in / check out note and repeat steps 1-3. The note is saved once you save the fast add record.
Removing check in / check out notes
- Find the note you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the note. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the fast add record.
Adding electronic access
- Click Add electronic access.
- Optional: Select a Relationship from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Enter a URI in the box.
- Optional: Enter Link text in the box.
- Optional: Enter the Materials specified in the box.
- Optional: Enter a URL public note in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed. The electronic access is saved once you save the fast add record.
Removing electronic access
- Find the electronic access you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the electronic access. The electronic access is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the fast add record.
Creating an instance record using the Import action in FOLIO
Note: Import options are configured in [Settings > Inventory > Integrations]((../../settings/settings_inventory/settings_inventory/#settings–inventory–integrations).
- In the default or middle pane, click Actions > Import.
- In the Single Record Import dialog box, verify or select the External target (source) of the record to be imported.
- Verify or select the profile to be used.
- Enter the record number, without any prefixes, in the Enter [source] identifier box.
- Click Import.
A new instance record is created along with an underlying SRS record. Only the editable Administrative Data elements in the instance can be edited directly in Inventory. These elements are entered as described in Administrative Data.
Any other edits to the instance record data must be made by editing the source record using quickMARC.
Adding holdings to a record
Adding a MARC holdings record
- Find the instance record to which you want to add holdings and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click Add MARC holdings record.
- Edit the new record following the instructions in Editing a MARC record using quickMARC.
- Once you have included all of the information you want in the holdings record, click Save & close. The record is saved.
Adding a FOLIO holdings record
- Find the instance record to which you want to add holdings and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click Add holdings.
- In the Holdings record window, fill in the Administrative data, Location, Holdings details, Holdings notes, Electronic access, Acquisition, and Receiving history sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Once you have included all of the information you want in the holdings record, click Save & close. The record is saved.
Administrative data
The Administrative data section contains technical information about the holdings.
- Suppress from discovery. If you want to suppress the record from your discovery layer, select the Suppress from discovery checkbox.
- Holdings HRID. The human readable ID, also called eye readable ID. A system-assigned sequential ID which maps to the Holdings ID.
- Source. Format of the holdings source record, if a source record exists. For example, FOLIO if it’s a record created in Inventory, MARC if it’s a MARC record created in MARCcat, or EPKB if it’s a record coming from eHoldings.
- Former holdings ID. Former holdings ID
- Holdings type. Indicates the type of bibliographic format of the holdings record. For example, print or electronic. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Holdings types.
- Statistical code. Statistical codes (e.g. ASER; name: Active serial; type: SERM (Serial management) or books; name: Book, print (books); type ARL (Collection stats) etc.). Configured in Settings.
- Click Add former holdings ID.
- Enter the Former holdings ID in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The former holdings ID is saved once you save the holdings record.
Adding a statistical code
- Click Add statistical code.
- Select the statistical code from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The statistical code is saved once you save the holdings record.
- Find the former holdings ID or statistical code you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the ID or code. The ID or code is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the holdings record.
The Location section contains information on the physical or electronic location of the holdings.
- Permanent (required). The default location of the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Permanent location is assigned at the holdings level, but can be overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Permanent location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
- Temporary. A temporary location for the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Temporary location can be assigned at the holdings level and overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Temporary location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
- Shelving order. A system-generated normalization of the call number that allows for call number sorting in reports and in search results.
- Shelving title. A title by which the resource is shelved.
- Copy number. The copy number of the holdings.
- Call number type. The classification system used for the call number. Select the Call number type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Call number types.
- Call number prefix. Prefix of the call number on the holdings level. For example, FIC.
- Call number. Call Number is an identifier assigned to an item, usually printed on a label attached to the item. The call number is used to determine the items physical position in a shelving sequence (e.g. K1 .M44)
- Call number suffix. Suffix of the call number on the holdings level. For example, the year (2001).
Holdings details
The Holding details section contains additional details about the holdings.
- Number of items. Number of items in the holding.
- Holdings statements. Specifies the exact content to which the library has access, typically for continuing publications.
- ILL policy. Select list of values defining the library’s lending policy, the ILL policy. For example, Will lend, Will not lend, Will reproduce, Will not reproduce, etc. Configured in Settings > Inventory > ILL policy.
- Digitization policy. Notes about the digitization policy.
- Retention policy. Notes about the retention policy.
Adding a holdings statement
- Click Add holdings statement.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement public note. Bibliographic public note associated with the holdings statement.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement staff note. Bibliographic staff note associated to the holdings statement.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The holdings statement is saved once you save the holdings record.
Adding a holding statements for supplement
Specifies the exact content of Supplements to which the library has access, typically for continuing publications.
- Click Add holdings statement for supplements.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for supplements.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for supplements public note.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for supplements staff note.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The holdings statement is saved once you save the holdings record.
Adding a holding statements for indexes
Specifies the exact content of Indexes to which the library has access, typically for continuing publications.
- Click Add holdings statement for indexes.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for indexes.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for indexes public note.
- Optional: Enter a Holdings statement for indexes staff note.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The holdings statement is saved once you save the holdings record.
Deleting a holding statement
- Find the holdings statement you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the holdings statement. The holdings statement is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the holdings record.
Holdings notes
The Holdings notes section contains any notes about the holdings.
Adding a note
- Click Add note.
- Select the Note type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Holdings note types.
- Enter a Note in the box.
- Optional: If you want the note to be visible to only staff with the proper permissions to view the note, select the Staff only checkbox.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The note is saved once you save the instance.
Removing a note
- Find the note you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the note. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the holdings.
Electronic access
In the Electronic access section, you can add online access information for the resource.
Adding electronic access
Note: Adding electronic access is optional, but if you click Add electronic access, you must enter a URI or delete the electronic access in order to save the holdings.
- Click Add electronic access.
- Optional: Select a Relationship from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Enter a URI in the box.
- Optional: Enter Link text in the box.
- Optional: Enter the Materials specified in the box.
- Optional: Enter a URL public note in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed. The electronic access is saved once you save the holdings record.
Deleting electronic access
- Find the electronic access you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the electronic access. The electronic access is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the holdings record.
The Acquisition section contains information on the acquisition of the holdings.
- Acquisition method. The method by which the holding was acquired.
- Order format. The order format of the holding. For example, DVD or monograph.
- Receipt status. Receipt status. For example, Pending, Awaiting receipt, Partially Received, Fully received, Receipt not required, and Cancelled.
Receiving history
Receiving history is used for serials and continuing resources. Shows the materials that have already been received.
Adding receiving history
- Click Add receiving history.
- Optional: If you want to display the enumeration and chronology to the public, select the Public display checkbox.
- Optional: Enter the Enumeration.
- Optional: Enter the Chronology.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The receiving history is saved once you save the holdings record.
Deleting receiving history
- Find the receiving history you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the receiving history. The receiving history is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the holdings record.
Adding an item to a record
- Find the record to which you want to add an item and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click Add item.
- In the Item record window, fill in the Administrative data, Item data, Enumeration data, Condition, Item notes, Loan and availability, Location, and Electronic access sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.
- Once you have included all of the information you want in the item record, click Save & close. The item record is saved.
Administrative data
- Record last updated. Date and time when the record was last updated. Click Record last updated to see the next three fields.
- Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
- Record created. Date and time when the record was created.
- Source. Name of the user who created the record.
- Suppress from discovery. If you want to suppress the record from your discovery layer, select the Suppress from discovery checkbox.
- Item HRID. The human readable ID, also called eye readable ID. A system-assigned sequential ID which maps to the Item ID
- Barcode. Generally a numerical sequence attached to the resource and validated by a barcode scanner. Must be a unique value.
- Accession number. A unique number assigned to an item in the order in which it is added to a library collection. Most libraries assign accession numbers in a continuous numerical sequence, but some use a code system to indicate type of material and/or year of accession in addition to order of accession. Also called inventar number.
- Item identifier. Item identifier number. For example, imported from the union catalog (read only).
- Former identifier. Previous identifiers assigned to the item.
- Statistical code. Statistical codes (e.g. ASER; name: Active serial; type: SERM (Serial management) or books; name: Book, print (books); type ARL (Collection stats) etc.)
- Click Add former identifier.
- Enter a Former identifier in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The former identifier is saved once you save the item.
Adding a statistical code
- Click Add statistical code.
- Select the statistical code from the drop-down list.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The statistical code is saved once you save the item.
- Find the former identifier or statistical code you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the identifier or code. The identifier or code is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the item.
Item data
The Item data section contains additional information on the item.
- Material type (required). Describes the material nature of a specific item, with the intention to permit more specific information than resource type alone. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Material types.
- Copy number. Copy number is the piece identifier. The copy number reflects if the library has one (or more) copies of a single-volume monograph; one (or more) copies of a multi-volume, (e.g. Copy 1, or C.7.)
- Call number type. The classification system used for the call number. Select the Call number type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Call number types.
- Call number prefix. Prefix of the call number on the item level.
- Call number. Call number is an identifier assigned to an item, usually printed on a label attached to the item. The call number is used to determine the resource’s physical position in a shelving sequence. For example, K1 .M44.
- Call number suffix. Suffix of the call number on the item level.
- Number of pieces. Number of pieces. Used when an item is checked out or returned to verify that all parts are present (e.g. 7 CDs in a set).
- Description of pieces. Description of pieces. For example, 500 puzzle pieces.
Enumeration data
The Enumeration data section contains enumeration information for any serials or multipart monographs.
- Enumeration. The descriptive information for the numbering scheme of a serial, usually identified by level and a descriptive caption. For example, level 0 = v. and level 1 = no. This means that each issue of the serial has a volume and an issue number that would appear (v.71:no.2-4).
- Chronology. The descriptive information for the dating scheme of a serial, usually identified by level. For example, level 0 = year level 1 = month. This means that each issue of the serial has a month and a year on each issue (1985:July-Dec.)
- Volume. Volume is intended for multipart monographs. For example, a biography of George Bernard Shaw in three volumes.
- Year, caption. In multipart monographs, a caption is used to label a level of chronology. For example, year 1985.
Adding a year, caption
- Click Add year, caption.
- Enter a Year, caption in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The year, caption is saved once you save the item.
Deleting a year, caption
- Find the year, caption you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the year, caption. The year, caption is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the item.
The Condition section contains information on the condition of the item.
- Number of missing pieces. Number of missing pieces
- Missing pieces. Description of the missing pieces.
- Date. Date when the piece(s) went missing
- Item damaged status. Whether the item is damaged or not damaged
- Date. Date when the pieces were damaged.
Item notes
The Item notes section contains any notes about the item.
Adding a note
- Click Add note.
- Select the Note type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Item note types.
- Enter a Note in the box.
- Optional: If you want the note to be visible to only staff with the proper permissions to view the note, select the Staff only checkbox.
- Repeat steps 1-4 as needed. The note is saved once you save the item.
Deleting a note
- Find the note you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the note. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the item.
Loan and availability
The Loan and availability section contains information on the lending status of the item.
- Permanent loan type (required). The default loan type for the item. For example, Can circulate, Course reserves, Reading room, Selected, etc. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Loan types.
- Temporary loan type. A temporary loan type for the item. For example, Can circulate, Course reserves, Reading room, Selected, etc. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Loan types.
- Status. Name of the item state. For example, Available, Checked out, In transit, Awaiting pickup, On order, etc. By default, the item’s status is set to Available.
- Check in / check out notes. Any notes about the item that you want to appear to staff during check in or check out.
Adding check in / check out notes
A check in or check out note is required by default.
- Select the Note type from the drop-down list. Configured in Settings > Inventory > Item note types.
- Enter a Note in the box.
- Optional: If you want the note to be visible to only staff with the proper permissions to view the note, select the Staff only checkbox.
- To add another note, click Add check in / check out note and repeat steps 1-3. The note is saved once you save the fast add record.
Removing check in / check out notes
- Find the note you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the note. The note is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the fast add record.
The Location section contains information on the physical or electronic location of the item. For more information on locations, see item effective location.
- Permanent. The default location of the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Permanent location is assigned at the holdings level, but can be overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Permanent location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
- Temporary. A temporary location for the resource, which can be a physical location where the resource is stored or an online location. Temporary location can be assigned at the holdings level and overridden at the item level, if needed. Select a Temporary location from the drop-down list, or click Location look-up to select a location.
Electronic access
In the Electronic access section, you can add online access information for the resource.
Adding electronic access
Note: Adding electronic access is optional, but if you click Add electronic access, you must enter a URI or delete the electronic access in order to save the instance..
- Click Add electronic access.
- Optional: Select a Relationship from the drop-down list.
- Optional: Enter a URI in the box.
- Optional: Enter Link text in the box.
- Optional: Enter the Materials specified in the box.
- Optional: Enter a URL public note in the box.
- Repeat steps 1-6 as needed. The electronic access is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting electronic access
- Find the electronic access you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the electronic access. The electronic access is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Bound-with and analytics
The Bound-with and analytics section contains information on holdings that are bound with the instance.
Adding a bound-with
- Click Add Bound-with and analytics.
- In the modal that appears, enter the Holdings HRID of the bound-with. You may add up to seven at once. Bound-withs should be added in the same order that they appear in the piece. They cannot be reordered.
- Click Save & close. The bound-with Instance HRID, Instance title, and Holdings HRID will now appear in the instance record.
- Repeat steps 1-3 as needed. The bound-with is saved once you save the instance.
Deleting a bound-with
- Find the bound-with you want to delete.
- Click the trash can icon next to the bound-with. The bound-with is removed from the record and is deleted once you save the instance.
Generating an In transit items report
The In transit items report displays all items with the Item status of In transit.
- In the Inventory pane, click Actions > In transit items report (CSV). Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it.
Saving instances UUIDs
Produces a .csv file that is ONLY a listing of UUIDs
- Find the instances, holdings, or items with the instances UUIDs you want to save.
- In the Inventory pane, click Actions > Save instances UUIDs. Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it.
Saving instances CQL query
Produces a file that contains the ‘commands’ used in the query, in Contextual Query Language (CQL), as defined on dev.folio.org.
- Find the instances, holdings, or items with the instances CQL queries you want to save.
- In the Inventory pane, click Actions > Save instances CQL query. Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it.
Exporting instances (MARC)
See Exporting instances (MARC).
Exporting instances (JSON)
Exporting instances to JSON is not implemented at this time.
Searching for a record
When you search for a record in the Inventory App, the Search toggle is highlighted and then you can toggle between searching on an instance, holdings, or item level. Searching for an instance record supports bibliographic data searches. Searching for a holdings or item record allows you to search through instance record data along with holdings and item specific data elements.
You can search for instance, holdings, or items by clicking on either Instance, Holdings, or Item in the Search & filter pane. The elements available for searching and filtering are different based on your selection, but the results always display instance records.
To search, first select the record type (instance, holdings, or item) then enter your search terms into the box and click Search. Use the drop-down list to select what you want to search:
- Keyword (title, contributor, identifier, HRID, UUID). Keyword search through title, contributor, identifier, HRID, UUID fields.
- Contributor. Keyword search through all contributor fields.
- Title (all). Keyword search through all title fields. This includes searching the equivalent of title proper, alternative titles (including uniform titles) and, series titles, but not preceding and succeeding titles.
- Identifier (all). Searches through all identifier types. Not normalized: the search may be left truncated, otherwise the entire identifier, including any prefix, must be entered.
- ISBN. Searches the number exactly as it appears in the data. For example, if there are hyphens in the data, the hyphens must be entered in the search.
- ISSN. Searches the number exactly as it appears in the data. Searches should include hyphens.
- LCCN, normalized. Searches for the LCCN number with or without any prefixes.
- OCLC number, normalized. Searches for the OCLC number with or without any prefixes.
- Instance notes (all). Keyword search across all Instance notes; includes administrative notes.
- Instance administrative notes. Keyword search of instance record administrative notes.
- Subject. Keyword search through all subject fields. This may include Library of Congress Subjects, FAST, and other subject vocabularies, including Genre/Form terms.
- Effective call number (item), shelving order. Retrieves Instance records based on the shelving order element in the item record.
- Instance HRID. Human readable identifier for the instance record.
- Instance UUID. Universally unique identifier for the instance record.
- Authority UUID. Universally unique identifier for an authority record stored in FOLIO. This searches for UUIDs in bibliographic data where a field is linked to and controlled by an authority record. This value is stored in a $9 in the bibliographic record (visible via “View source”).
- All. Searches across all fields in all record types. May impact performance.
- Query search. A search for advanced users to query by property names using CQL.
- Advanced search Either selected from the list of search options, or by clicking the Advanced search button, the user is presented with a modal where up to six different search terms, boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), types of search (Exact phrase, Contains all, Starts with, Contains any) and fields to search may be specified.
- Call number, eye readable. Requires you to enter the call number exactly as it appears in the holdings record, including punctuation.
- Call number, normalized. Ignores any characters other than numbers and letters, such as punctuation and spaces.
- Holdings notes (all). Keyword search across all holdings notes; includes administrative notes.
- Holdings administrative notes. Keyword search of holdings record administrative notes.
- Holdings HRID. Human readable identifier for the holdings record.
- Holdings UUID. Universally unique identifier for the holdings record.
- Barcode. Allows you to scan, copy/paste, or type a barcode.
- Effective call number (item), eye readable. Requires you to enter the call number exactly as it appears in the item record, including the punctuation and call number prefix.
- Effective call number (item), normalized. Ignores any characters other than numbers and letters, such as punctuation and spaces.
- Item notes (all). Keyword search across all item notes; includes administrative notes, check in and check out notes.
- Item administrative notes. Keyword search of item record administrative notes.
- Circulation notes. Keyword search across check in and check out notes.
- Item HRID. Human readable identifier for the item record.
- Item UUID. Universally unique identifier for the item record.
Browsing for a record
When you browse records in the Inventory App, the Browse toggle is highlighted and then you can select a browse option:
- Call numbers. The call number browse is based on the shelving order element in the item record; only instances with item records will be retrieved. You can choose to browse all call numbers, or to browse only those call numbers with a particular call number classification (e.g., Dewey Decimal, Library of Congress, Local, National Library of Medicine, SuDoc or Other Scheme). Note that call number types must first be configured in Settings for Inventory, then specified for an item call number when each item record is created, before it is possible to browse by call number classification.
- Contributors. The contributor browse is based on the contributor field in instance records. Names should be entered as they appear in the contributor field.
- Subjects. The subject browse is based on the subject field in instance records. Subjects should be entered as they appear in the subject field.
The result of a browse search is shown in the pane to the right of the Search & filter pane under the title Browse inventory. It will include a list of call numbers, contributors or subjects that come before and after the data you specified, along with a number that indicates how many inventory records have those call numbers, contributors or subjects. If there is a match to what you specified, that result will be highlighted, otherwise you’ll see a highlighted message “[your specified data] would be here”. If you click on one of the links in the browse results you’ll get list of inventory records that contain the selected call number, contributor or subject.
Filtering for a record, limiting results after a search, and sorting
You can also search for instance, holdings, or item records by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. The filters available vary depending on whether you are searching for an instance, holdings, or item record. See the sections below for more information.
When using filters, keep the following in mind:
- Multiple filters can be combined to further limit searches.
- Multiple values in the same filter are combined with “OR.”
- Multiple values in different filters are combined with “AND.”
For example, a search filtered by multiple locations finds resources that match any of those locations. However, a search filtered by a location and a language finds resources in that location and in that language.
Effective location (item)
To search for instances, holdings, or items based on their effective location, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, under Effective location (item), click the drop-down list.
- Either enter the location or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one location. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
To search for instances in a specific language, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Language.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the language or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one language. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Resource type
To search for instances with a specific resource type, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Resource Type.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the resource type or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one resource type. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
To search for instances with a specific format, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Format.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the format or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one format. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Mode of issuance
To search for instances based on their mode of issuance, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Mode of issuance.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the mode or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one mode. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Nature of content
To search for instances based on their nature of content, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Nature of content.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the nature of content or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one nature of content. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Staff suppress
To search for instances by whether or not they are suppressed to staff, in the Search & filter pane, click Staff suppress and select one of the following:
- Yes. The instance is suppressed to staff.
- No. The instance is not suppressed to staff.
Note: To view this facet, staff need to have the permission Inventory: Enable staff suppress facet. Inventory search defaults Staff suppress to No.
Suppress from discovery
To search for instances, holdings, or items by whether or not they are suppressed from discovery, in the Search & filter pane, click Suppress from discovery and select one of the following:
- Yes. The instance, holding, or item is suppressed from discovery
- No. The instance, holding, or item is not suppressed from discovery.
Statistical code
To search for instances, holdings, or items based on their statistical code, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Statistical code.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the code/code name or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one statistical code. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Date created
To search for instances based on the date they were created, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Date created.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Date updated
To search for instances based on the date they were last updated, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Date updated.
- Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.
- Click Apply. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Instance status
To search for instances based on the instance status, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Instance status.
- Select the status from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to select multiple instance statuses.
- Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
To search for instances based on their source, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Source.
- Select the source from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to select multiple sources
- Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Note: Sources may vary across institutions. The following are examples of sources that may appear:
- FOLIO. The instance was created in FOLIO.
- MARC. The instance was created by uploading MARC records.
To search for instances based on assigned tags, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the tag or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one tag. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Holdings permanent location
To search for holdings or items based on their holdings permanent location, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Holdings permanent location.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the holdings permanent location or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one holdings permanent location. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Holdings type
To search for holdings or items based on their holdings type, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Holdings type.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the holdings type or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one holdings type. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Item status
To search for items based on their item status, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, under Item status, click the drop-down list.
- Either enter the item status or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one status. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Material type
To search for items based on their material type, follow these steps:
- In the Search & filter pane, click Material type.
- Click the drop-down list and either enter the material type or select it from the list.
- Repeat step 2 to add more than one material type. Your search results appear in the Inventory pane.
Sorting search results
To sort results after conducting a search, click Action and use the dropdown menu under Sort by to select a sort option:
- Title. This is the default sort option. Sorts the search results alphabetically (A to Z) by title.
- Contributors. Sorts the search results alphabetically (A to Z) by contributor.
- Relevance. Sorts the search results by relevancy (most to least relevant).
Viewing an instance record
Once you search for an instance, holding, or item, the following information appears in the Inventory pane:
- Title. Title of the instance.
- Contributors. Contributors of the instance.
- Publishers. Publisher of the instance.
- Relation. Relation to other instances.
In the search results, click any result to view the instance record.
Viewing holdings records
Holdings records can be viewed once you have an instance record opened.
To view a holdings record, follow these steps:
- Find the instance with the holdings record you want to view and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, the Holdings section, click View holdings. The Holding record details window appears.
Viewing an item record
Item records can be viewed once you have an instance record opened.
To view an item record, follow these steps:
- Find the instance with the item record you want to view and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, expand the Holdings accordion.
- Click the Item barcode of the item you want to view. The Item record details window appears.
Editing an instance record
- Find the instance you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Edit.
- Make your desired changes to the instance record.
- Click Save and close. The instance record is updated.
Editing an instance record with underlying MARC
See Editing a MARC record using quickMARC).
Updating an instance record with underlying MARC using the Overlay source bibliographic record action in FOLIO
- Find the instance you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Overlay source bibliographic record.
- In the Re-import dialog box, verify or select the External target (source) of the record to be imported.
- Verify or select the profile to be used to overlay the current data.
- Enter the record number, without any prefixes, in the Enter [source] identifier box.
- Click Import.
The selected instance record and any underlying source data will be replaced by the re-imported record. The instance uuid and hrid as well as manually configurable Administrative Data such as suppression from discovery, instance status, cataloged date, and any statistical codes assigned will remain the same. Some configurations may be made locally to the import profile used for single record import. These changes are made in the settings for Data Import.
Duplicating an instance record
- Find the instance you want to duplicate and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Duplicate.
- In the New instance window, make your desired changes to the record.
- Click Save and close. The instance is duplicated.
Moving items within an instance
To move items to a different holdings record within the same instance record, follow these steps:
- Find the instance with the items you want to move and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Move items within an instance. A drag and drop column and checkbox column appear in the Holdings tables.
- In the Holdings section, you can move items to another holding by following either of these steps:
- Click the drag and drop column of the item you want to move and drag it over to the Holdings table to which you want to move it. A confirmation message appears and the item appears in its new Holdings table.
- Select the checkbox in the row of the item you want to move and click Move to > [Holdings record]. A confirmation message appears and the item appears in its new Holdings table.
- Optional: Repeat step 3 as needed.
- Once you are finished, click Actions > Stop items movement within an instance.
Moving holdings or items to another instance
- Find the instance with the holdings or items you want to move and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Move holdings/items to another instance.
- In the Select instance dialog, in the Search & filter pane, search for the instance to which you want to move the holdings or items by entering search words in the box.
- Optional: Filter your results by Language, Resource Type, or Location.
- In the Search results, click on the instance to select it. Both instance records appear in the window and have drag and drop columns and checkbox columns in their Holdings tables.
- To move holdings to another instance, follow either of these steps:
- Click the ^ next to the Holdings name of the holding record you want to move and drag it over to the Holdings section to which you want to move it. In the Confirm move dialog, click Continue. The holding appears in its new Holdings section.
- Click Move to > [Instance record]. In the Confirm move dialog, click Continue. The holding appears in its new Holdings section.
- To move items to another instance, follow either of these steps:
- Click the drag and drop column in the row of the item you want to move and drag it over to the Holdings table to which you want to move it. In the Confirm move dialog, click Continue. The item appears in its new Holdings table.
- Select the checkbox in the row of the item you want to move and click Move to > [Instance record Holdings record]. In the Confirm move dialog, click Continue. The item appears in its new Holdings table.
- Once you are finished, click the X at either of the instance records.
Viewing requests
- Find the instance with the requests you want to view and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > View requests (number of requests). The Requests on items window appears.
Deleting an instance record
Note: This is only a soft delete. When a record is set for deletion, the instance will be Suppressed from discovery and Staff suppressed. If the instance source is MARC, then the MARC LDR 05 will be set to “d”.
- Find the instance you want to delete and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Set record for deletion.
- In the Confirm deletion of record dialog, click Confirm. The instance record is deleted.
Editing holdings records
- Find the instance with the holdings record you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click View holdings.
- In the Holdings record window, click Actions > Edit.
- Make your desired changes to the holding record.
- Click Save and Close. The holding record is updated.
Duplicating holdings records
- Find the instance with the holdings record you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click View holdings.
- In the Holdings record window, click Actions > Duplicate.
- Make your desired changes to the holding record.
- Click Save and Close. The holding record is duplicated.
Deleting holdings records
- Find the instance with the holdings record you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click View holdings.
- In the Holdings record window, click Actions > Delete.
- In the Confirm deletion of holdings record dialog, click Delete. The holding record is deleted.
Editing an item record
- Find the instance with the item you want to edit and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click the Item barcode of the item.
- In the Item record details window, click Actions > Edit.
- Make your desired changes to the item record.
- Click Save and close. The item record is updated.
Duplicating an item record
- Find the instance with the item you want to duplicate and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click the Item barcode of the item.
- In the Item record details window, click Actions > Duplicate.
- Make your desired changes to the item record.
- Click Save and close. The item record is duplicated.
Deleting an item record
- Find the instance with the item you want to delete and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click the Item barcode of the item.
- In the Item record details window, click Actions > Delete.
- In the Confirm deletion of item dialog, click Delete. The item record is deleted.
Marking item status
- Find the instance with the item you want to change.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click the Item barcode of the item.
- In the Item record details window, click Actions > Mark as ….
- In the Confirm item status dialog, click Confirm. The item record is updated and its Item status changes to the value selected.
Note: See Platform Essentials for more information on Item status.
Creating a new order
- Find the instance for which you want to add an order.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > New order.
- In the Create order dialog box, you can enter an existing PO number to add a new purchase order line to an existing purchase order: Orders > Adding an order line to an order, or leave the PO number field black to create a new purchase order and purchase order line: Orders > Creating an order
Creating a new request
- Find the instance with the item you want to create a new request for and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, in the Holdings section, click the Item barcode of the item.
- In the Item record details window, click Actions > New Request.
- In the New request window, Select a Request type. The options that appear depend on the Item status of the item you are requesting.
- Optional: Enter a Request expiration date. If the request is still open by the selected date, it closes and its status changes to Closed - Unfilled.
- In the Requester information box, either scan the requester’s barcode or enter the barcode and click Enter.
- If you do not have the requester’s barcode, click Requester look-up to search for the patron:
- In the Select User dialog, search for the requester.
- Once you find the requester, select them from the User Search Results list. They are applied to the request and their information appears.
- Select the Fulfilment preference.
- Select the Pickup service point or Delivery address, depending on your selection in the previous step.
- Click Save & close. The request is saved and the Request Detail pane appears. The patron receives an email notification saying their request was received by the library, if you have this notification configured.
3.1 - MARC authority
The MARC authority app allows the management of MARC authority records within FOLIO.
Definition of terms related to the MARC authority app:
- Access point. Element in a bibliographic record intended to be searched, e.g., contributor’s name, title, subject. Also referred to as a “heading.”
- Authority record. A record that records the authorized forms of names, subjects, and subject subdivisions to be used in constructing access points in MARC records, the forms of these names, subjects, and subject subdivisions that should be used as references to the authorized forms, and the interrelationships among these forms.
- Authorized access point. An access point that is represented by an authority record.
- Heading. Same as: access point.
- Reference. An entry in an authority record that points the user to either the authorized access point or a related authorized access point.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Inventory app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.
- MARC Authority: View MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to view authority records.
- MARC Authority: Edit MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to edit authority records.
- MARC Authority: Delete MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to delete authority records.
- MARC Authority: Create new MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to create authority records.
- quickMARC: View, edit MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to view and edit MARC authority records.
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform Essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.
Viewing a MARC authority record
The full MARC record opens in the third pane once you search for and select an authority record. The heading or reference you selected will be highlighted in the record.
Creating MARC authority records
Creating new MARC authority records via Data Import
MARC authority records can be created via Data import. To create one or more authority records via Data Import, see instructions on starting a data import job.
Creating new MARC authority records in the MARC Authority app
To create a new authority record in the MARC authority app, follow these steps:
- Open the MARC authority app.
- Click Actions > New.
- Follow instructions for editing authority records via quickMARC.
Editing MARC authority records
Updating MARC authority records via Data import
MARC authority records can be updated via Data import. To update one or more authority records via Data Import, see instructions on starting a data import job.
Editing MARC authority records via quickMARC
When viewing the MARC authority record you wish to edit, click Edit in the upper right. The record opens in edit mode.
In the Edit MARC authority record window, you can perform the following actions:
- Add a field. To add a field, click the +. The new field appears below.
- Delete a field. To delete a field, click the trash can icon. The field is deleted.
- Move a field up. To move a field up, click the up arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row up.
- Move a field down. To move a field down, click the down arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row down.
- Edit text within a field. Click into a field to make changes to the text. To add a literal dollar sign ($) in a field, enter {dollar}.
- Once you have made your desired changes, click Save & close. A confirmation record appears, and the record is updated.
Validations and restrictions
A subfield is defined by a $ (dollar sign).
Tags must consist of 3 numeric characters.
Indicators must consist of single characters.
The following validation rules and restrictions apply:
- Fields 001 and 999ff are system supplied and cannot be edited or deleted.
- 1xx is required and non-repeatable.
- The leader (LDR) field can be edited via dropdown menus under each position. Only Record status (Status, corresponds with position 05), Type of record (Type, position 06), Encoding Level (Elvl, position 17), and Punctuation policy (Punct, position 18) can be edited.
- No other validation is performed.
Deleting MARC authority records
To delete a MARC authority record, follow these steps:
- Click Actions > Delete
- In the Confirm deletion of authority record dialog, click Delete. The authority record is deleted.
Searching for authority records
You can search for MARC authority records in the Search & filter pane. Enter your search terms in the box and click Search. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following:
- Keyword. Keyword search through the title, contributor, and identifier fields.
- Identifier (all). Keyword search through all identifier types.
- LCCN. Keyword search through all Library of Congress control numbers.
- Personal name. Keyword search through the personal name field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: Last Name, First Name, Initial.
- Corporate/Conference name. Keyword search through the name corporate/conference name field.
- Geographic name. Keyword search through the geographic name field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: City, State/Province, Country.
- Name-title. Keyword search through the name-title field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: Last Name, First Name, Title.
- Uniform title. Keyword search through the uniform title field.
- Subject. Keyword search through all subject fields. This may include a single term, phrase, or a group of terms.
- Children’s subject heading. Keyword search through all children’s subject heading fields.
- Genre. Keyword search through all genre/form fields.
- Advanced search. Keyword search through multiple fields.
Advanced Search
Advanced Search allows you to add additional requirements to your search.
To use Advanced Search, follow these steps:
- Select Advanced Search in the Search segment drop-down list on Search & filter pane. A pop-up box will appear.
- Enter a search term into the first box.
- On the same row, click the Contains all drop-down list and select an option from the list below:
- Exact phrase. Results include records that contain only an exact match to the search term.
- Contains all. Results include records that contain the entire search term, but individual words can appear in any order.
- Starts with. Results include records that include a field that starts with the search term.
- Contains any. Results include records that include any of the words included in the search term.
- On the same row, click the Keyword drop-down list and select a field. See searching for authority records for a list of fields.
- To enter search terms into additional rows, you must select an operator from the AND drop-down list.
- Click the AND drop-down list and select an operator from the list below:
- AND. Results include records containing all of the search terms.
- OR. Results include all records containing at least one of the search terms.
- NOT. Results do not include records containing the search terms in this row.
- Continue entering additional search terms and selecting the appropriate fields for each row.
- Click Search.
After performing a search, you can limit results by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane.
When using filters, keep the following in mind:
- Multiple filters can be combined to limit searches further.
- Multiple values in the same filter are combined with “OR.”
- Multiple values in different filters are combined with “AND.”
Browsing authority headings and references
You can browse for MARC authority records in the Search & filter pane. Enter your search terms in the box and click Search. Select the Select a browse option drop-down list to search through one of the following:
- Personal name.
- Corporate/Conference name.
- Geographic name.
- Name-title.
- Uniform title.
- Subject.
- Genre.
Some filters can also be applied to Browse results:
- Authority source.
- References.
- Type of heading.
When using filters, keep the following in mind:
- Multiple filters can be combined to limit searches further.
- Multiple values in the same filter are combined with “OR.”
- Multiple values in different filters are combined with “AND.”
Exporting MARC authority records
MARC authority records can be exported in the same way that instance records are exported as MARC (See Exporting instances (MARC).
- Open the MARC authority app.
- In the MARC authority pane, find the records you want to export, and for each record, select the checkbox in the first column. Note that associated references in the results list will also be checked; the message at the top of the pane will display the accurate number of records selected.
- Click Actions > Export selected records (CSV/MARC). Depending on your browser and its configurations, the file automatically downloads or you are prompted to save it. The export is logged in the Data export app.
To view the exported records, follow the instructions in Retrieving data export results
Users can generate reports within the MARC Authority app and retrieve them via Export Manager. Two reports are available, MARC authority headings updates and Failed updates: linked bibliographic fields.
The MARC authority headings updates report shows which MARC authority records’ 1XX fields have been updated during a particular date range. It contains the following fields: date and time that the authority record was last updated, original heading, new heading, original 1XX, new 1XX, authority source file name, number of bibliographic records linked, and the FOLIO account name of the record updater.
To generate the MARC authority headings updates report:
- Open the MARC authority app.
- Click Actions > MARC authority headings updates (CSV)
- Enter a start date and end date.
- Click Export
- Open the Export manager app.
- Locate the correct job and click its Job ID to download the CSV report.
The Failed updates: linked bibliographic fields report shows when a MARC authority record’s 1XX or 010$a field is updated but the linked bibliographic field(s) has not updated. It contains the following fields: date and time of the failed link, bibliographic title, bibliographic UUID, MARC tag of the bibliographic field that failed to update, linked authority identifier, and reason for error.
To generate the Failed updates: linked bibliographic fields report:
- Open the MARC authority app.
- Click Actions > Failed updates: linked bibliographic fields (CSV)
- Open the Export manager app.
- Locate the correct job and click its Job ID to download the CSV report.
3.2 - quickMARC
This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.
quickMARC is FOLIO’s MARC editing tool, which allows you to make edits to instance and holdings records with underlying MARC records. For all instances or holdings whose source record is a MARC record you have the option to edit the MARC using quickMARC. quickMARC saves to Source Record Storage (SRS) and updates both the Source Record and the corresponding Inventory record. quickMARC has minimal validation and is best used in addition to other cataloging tools.
Note: quickMARC is a module that you can access through the Inventory app; it is not its own app. For more information, see Accessing quickMARC.
Definition of terms related to quickMARC:
- Instance record. A record that contains bibliographic and administrative information about a particular resource. The Instance record is what is known as the bibliographic record. They are mostly derived from full bibliographic records (in MARC or other formats) and are intended to provide information for library staff to identify and select records in order to perform work on associated holdings and items.
- Holdings record. A record that contains information such as location, call number, and volumes owned, that enables staff to locate and manage library holdings for materials in all formats. A Holdings record must be associated with an Instance record.
- SRS. Source Record Storage. A storage layer in FOLIO. If an instance or holdings has an underlying MARC record, then this record is stored in SRS.
The permissions listed below allow you to interact with quickMARC and determine what you can and cannot do within the module. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the quickMARC module or any related information.
The following are all the quickMARC permissions:
- quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records. This permission allows the user to link and unlink authority records to access points in bibliographic records.
- quickMARC: Create a new MARC holdings record. This permission allows the user to create new MARC holdings records.
- quickMARC: Create new MARC bibliographic record. This permission allows the user to create a new MARC bibliographic record.
- quickMARC: Derive new MARC bibliographic record. This permission allows the user to duplicate and create new MARC bibliographic records.
- quickMARC: View MARC bibliographic record. This permission allows the user to view MARC bibliographic records in the Inventory app.
- quickMARC: View MARC holdings record. This permission allows the user to view MARC holdings records in the Inventory app.
- quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record. This permission allows the user to view and edit MARC bibliographic records.
- quickMARC: View, edit MARC holdings record. This permission allows the user to view and edit MARC holdings records.
Accessing quickMARC
quickMARC is a module that is contained within the Inventory app. In order for an instance or holdings record to be viewed and edited in quickMARC, its source must be MARC.
Note: If an instance record was created manually in the Inventory app, then it doesn’t have an underlying MARC record and cannot be used with quickMARC.
- Open the Inventory app.
- Find the record you want to view or edit, and select it.
-To open an bibliographic record in quickMARC
In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Edit MARC bibliographic record. The Edit MARC record window appears.
- To open a holdings record in quickMARC
Select View holdings, click Actions > Edit in quickMARC. The Edit MARC record window appears.
Editing a MARC record using quickMARC
To edit a MARC record, click on the appropriate Edit option, located in the Actions menu of an Inventory Instance or Holdings record. A MARC view of the record will display.
To edit a bibliographic record:
- Open the Inventory app.
- Find the record you want to view or edit, and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, click Actions > Edit MARC bibliographic record.
To edit a holdings record:
- Open the Inventory app.
- Find the record you want to view or edit, and select it.
- In the Instance record details pane, select View holdings, click Actions > Edit in quickMARC. The Edit MARC record window appears.
In the Edit MARC record window, you can perform the following actions:
- Add a field. To add a field, click the +. The new field appears below.
- Delete a field. To delete a field, click the trash can icon. The field will be deleted.
- Move a field up. To move a field up, click the up arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row up.
- Move a field down. To move a field down, click the down arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row down.
- Edit text within a field. Click into a field to make changes to the text. To add a literal dollar sign ($) in a field, enter {dollar}.
- Once you have made your desired changes, click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the record is updated. Alternatively, click Save & keep editing to save the current changes and stay in edit mode. Click Cancel to discard changes and exit the Edit MARC record window.
Linking to authority records
Link icons can display to the right of the following MARC tags: 100, 110, 111, 600, 610, 611, 650, 651, 700, 710, 711. These fields can be enabled or disabled for automatic linking at the tenant level with the linking-rules API end point.
Linking a single field to an authority record
To link a field to an authority record:
- Click on the link to the right of the selected field.
- In the MARC authority Search & filter modal, verify that the desired type of entity and authority source are selected.
- Search by text string or by identifier.
- Select and open the appropriate authority record from the results list.
- Click the Link button in the upper right.
The access point in the bibliographic record will exactly match the authorized access point in the authority record and the $0 will be populated.
The link icon to the right of the field is replaced with Unlink from MARC Authority record and View MARC authority record icons.
When a field is linked, all subfields that are part of the access point, as well as the $0 (identifier) cannot be edited.
To unlink a field from an authority record:
- Click on the Unlink from MARC Authority record icon to the right of the selected field.
- Click again on Unlink in the verification modal.
The field is no longer linked and all subfields can be edited.
Linking all access points in a bibliographic record to authority records
Access point fields must contain a $0 in order to be linked using this feature.
To link all access points in a bibliographic record to authority records:
- Click the Link headings button in the upper right.
The access points in the bibliographic record will exactly match the authorized access points in the authority record.
The link icon to the right of the field is replaced with Unlink from MARC Authority record and View MARC authority record icons.
When a field is linked, all subfields that are part of the access point, as well as the $0 (identifier) cannot be edited.
Fields must be unlinked individually from an authority record:
- Click on the Unlink from MARC Authority record icon to the right of the selected field.
- Click again on Unlink in the verification modal.
The field is no longer linked and all subfields can be edited.
Validations and restrictions
A subfield is defined by a $ (dollar sign).
Tags must consist of 3 numeric characters.
Indicators must consist of single characters.
The following validation rules and restrictions apply when working with bibliographic records using quickMARC:
- Fields 005 and 999ff are system supplied and cannot be edited or deleted.
- The leader (LDR) can be edited using the dropdown menus under each position. Only Record status (Status, corresponds with position 05), Type of record (Type, position 06), Bibliographic level (BLvl, position 07), Type of control (Ctrl, position 08), Encoding level (ELvl, position 17), Descriptive cataloging form (Desc, position 18), and/or Multipart resource record level (MultlLvl, position 19) in the LDR can be edited. Invalid values in the LDR will result in an error message.
- 008 may be required based on the values entered in LDR Type and BLvl. The 008 field appears after LDR Type and BLvl are entered, and required positions’ dropdown menus are highlighted in red. 008 can be edited using the dropdown menus under each position.
- 245 is required and non-repeatable.
The following validation rules and restrictions apply to working with MARC holdings records in quickMARC:
- 001, 004, 005, and 999ff are system supplied and cannot be edited or deleted.
- The LDR must contain 24 characters, including null spaces.
- Only Record Status (Status, corresponds with position 05), Type of record (Type, position 06), Encoding Level (Elvl, position 17), and Item information in record (Item, position 18) can be edited in the LDR.
- 004 is required and non-repeatable, with no indicators or subfields.
- 004 must be a valid HRID for an instance record with source = MARC.
- 008 is required and can be edited using the dropdown menus under each position.
- 010 subfields must contain more than 3 characters.
- 852 is required; value in /$b must match a valid location code.
Record status
The record status shows the state of the MARC record in relation to the corresponding Inventory record and the SRS. You can view the record status at the top of the Edit MARC record window. When a MARC record is saved in quickMARC, any changes made to the record are reflected in SRS and in the corresponding Inventory record.
There are three record statuses:
- Current. The record is up to date and should be the same as the Inventory record and SRS.
- In progress. A change has been made to the record that has not made it to the Inventory record and/or SRS yet.
- Error. Something is preventing an update from moving to the Inventory record or SRS.
Creating a new MARC record using quickMARC
Information on how MARC bibliographic fields are mapped to inventory instances is available in the FOLIO Wiki.
To create a new MARC bibliographic record for an item without an instance or SRS record:
- Click Actions > New MARC Bib Record.
- Filling in LDR field Type of record (Type, corresponds with position 06) and Bibliographic Level (BLvl, position 07) will add fillable form fields to the 008 field.
- Edit the new record following the instructions in Editing a MARC record using quickMARC.
To derive a new MARC bibliographic record:
- Start with an instance record that has an underlying MARC source record and the same Resource type and Format as the record you wish to create.
- Click Actions > Derive new MARC bibliographic record.
- Edit the new record following the instructions in Editing a MARC record using quickMARC.
To create a new MARC holdings record:
- Find the instance record to which you want to add holdings and select it. The instance source must be MARC.
- Click Actions > Add MARC holdings record.
- Edit the new record following the instructions in Editing a MARC record using quickMARC.