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In FOLIO, libraries use the Settings app to configure apps according to each institution’s unique needs. Most apps have associated settings in the Settings app, some of which are required and some of which are optional. However, some apps do not have explicitly associated settings, and some settings do not have explicitly associated apps, but are meant to support configuration for FOLIO as a whole.

Some settings have effects across multiple apps. For example, inventory settings for material types are used in circulation rules and are visible in loan records in Check Out and Users.

1 - Settings > Acquisition units

The Acquisition units section of the Settings app is where you can configure your acquisition units and assign users to the units you created.

Acquisition units are an additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restrict a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. While acquisition permissions may allow a user to perform certain actions within a particular app to any record within that app, acquisition units can further limit user access to only individual records.

For example, a university that shares FOLIO across multiple independent libraries, such as a Law Library, Medical Center Library, and Undergraduate Library could set up separate acquisition units for each library and assign staff from each library to the appropriate unit. Only staff within an assigned acquisition unit could take allowed actions on orders, organizations, invoices, or funds that share the same acquisition unit assignment. Even if a Law Library user has permissions to create and delete records within the Finance app, they would still be restricted from creating or deleting a Medical Center Library fund if they are not assigned to the Medical Center Library acquisition unit.

Acquisitions units can be applied to the following types of records in FOLIO:

  • Fiscal years
  • Ledgers
  • Groups
  • Funds
  • Invoices
  • Orders
  • Organizations


In order to interact with acquisition units settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (acquisition units): Can view, edit, create and delete acquisition units. This permission allows you to view, edit, create, and delete acquisition units.
  • Settings (acquisition units): Manage acquisition unit user assignments. This permission allows you to assign users to acquisition units.
  • Settings (acquisition units): View. This permission provides view-only access to the acquisition units area of the Settings app.

Creating an acquisition unit

  1. In the Acquisition units pane, click New.

  2. Enter the Name of the unit in the box.

  3. Select the types of actions members in the unit can perform:

  • View. Users assigned to the unit are the only ones who can view records that have the unit assigned. If you want to allow all users to view the records that have this unit assigned, do not select this checkbox.
  • Edit. Users assigned to the unit are the only ones who can edit records that have the unit assigned.
  • Create. Users assigned to the unit are the only ones who can add the unit to a record they are creating.
  • Delete. Users assigned to the unit are the only ones who can delete records that have the unit assigned.
  1. Click Save. The unit is saved and appears in the Acquisition units pane.

Assigning users to an acquisition unit

Note: Users can be assigned to more than one acquisition unit.

  1. In the Acquisition units pane, find the acquisition unit you want to assign the user to and select it.

  2. In the Acquisition unit detail pane, click Assigned users > Assign users.

  3. In the Select User dialog, in the User search box, enter part or all of the user’s name.

  4. Optional: Filter results by Status (Inactive/Active), or by Patron group.

  5. Click Search.

  6. Select the checkbox in the row of the users(s) you want to add to the unit and click Save. The Select User dialog closes and the user appears in the Assigned users section.

Deleting a user from an acquisition unit

  1. In the Acquisition units pane, find the acquisition unit you want to delete the user from and select it.

  2. In the Acquisition unit detail pane, locate the user you wish to delete under the Assigned users accordion.

  3. Click the trash can icon at the end of their row. The user is removed from the list and deleted from the unit.

Editing an acquisition unit

  1. In the Acquisition units pane, find the acquisition unit you want to edit and select it.

  2. In the Acquisition unit detail pane, click Actions > Edit.

  3. Edit the acquisition unit.

  4. Click Save. The acquisition unit is updated.

Deleting an acquisition unit

Note: You cannot delete acquisition units that have users assigned to them. Acquisition units can be deleted if in use on records in acquisition apps. This may leave a broken reference on these records, so it is recommended to check for usage of the acquisition unit within these apps prior to deletion.

  1. In the Acquisition units pane, find the acquisition unit you want to delete and select it.

  2. In the Acquisition unit detail pane, click Actions > Delete.

  3. In the Delete acquisition unit dialog, click Confirm. The acquisition unit is deleted and is removed from the Acquisition units pane.

2 - Settings > Agreements

The Agreements section of the Settings app is where you can partially customize the display of agreement records, create supplementary properties, and manage pick lists.


In order to interact with Agreements settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (Agreements): Can view and edit general settings. This permission allows the user to view and edit the Display settings in the General settings section of the agreements settings.
  • Settings (Agreements): Manage agreement supplementary properties. This permission allows the user the ability to manage the available supplementary properties. It also grants all permissions included in “Settings (Agreements): Can view and edit general settings.”
  • Settings (Agreements): Manage pick lists and values. This permission allows the user the ability to manage pick lists and pick list values. It also grants all permissions included in “Settings (Agreements): Can view and edit general settings.”
  • Settings (Agreements): Can view app settings. This permission allows the user to view permissions to a set of “app settings” via the Settings. As of Lotus, the available app settings are to set up options for storing documents uploaded to the Agreements module in database (default) or S3 storage.
  • Settings (Agreements): Can view and edit app settings. This permission allows the user to view and edit permissions to a set of “app settings” via the Settings. As of Lotus, the available app settings are to set up options for storing documents uploaded to the Agreements module in database (default) or S3 storage.

Settings > Agreements > Display settings

Use the settings in this section to turn certain features in agreement records on or off.

Hide internal agreements knowledgebase

If you are using an external knowledge base (for example, you are using EBSCO with the eHoldings app) and want to hide the internal knowledge base available in the Agreements app, select the Hide internal agreements knowledgebase checkbox. The checkbox is cleared by default.

Selecting the checkbox causes the following to happen:

  • The E-resources tab in the Agreements app is hidden.
  • The basket icon in the Agreements app is hidden.
  • The E-resources covered by this agreement section does not appear in the agreement details pane.

Tabular list pagination

Use this setting to control the number of lines to show per page (i.e. before showing the “Load more” button) in multi-column lists (tabular lists) across the Agreements application. The default value for all lists is 10. The multi-column lists affected are:

  • Agreement view pane > Agreement lines
  • Agreement view pane > E-resources covered by this agreement
  • E-resource view pane > Options for acquiring e-resource
  • Package view pane > E-resources in package
  • E-resource view pane > Agreements for this e-resource

Display “Suppress from discovery” setting on

Use this setting to enable the Supress from discovery checkbox to display in agreement line records and/or package content item records. All checkboxes are selected by default.

Turning this setting on doesn’t automatically suppress agreement line records and/or package content item records. Rather, you are given the option to hide individual agreement line records and/or package content item records from your discovery layer when this setting is selected. For example, if you clear the checkboxes, then the Supress from discovery checkbox doesn’t appear on either record.

To enable the Suppress from discovery checkbox, follow these steps:

  1. To display the Suppress from discovery checkbox on agreement lines, select the Agreement lines checkbox.
  2. To display the Supress from discovery checkbox on package content items, select the Package content items checkbox.

To disable the Suppress from discovery checkbox, follow these steps:

  1. To disable the Suppress from discovery checkbox on agreement lines, clear the Agreement lines checkbox.
  2. To disable the Supress from discovery checkbox on package content items, clear the Package content items checkbox.

Hide accordions in agreement edit view

This setting allows institutions not using the eUsage module to not display the Usage data accordion in the Agreements edit screen.

Selecting the checkbox causes the following to happen:

  • The Usage data module in the Agreements app is hidden.

Settings > Agreements > Supplementary properties

Supplementary properties are an optional way to record additional information about the agreement not captured anywhere else in the record. For example, the authentication method used to access the material covered by the agreement.

When you configure supplementary properties, the Supplementary properties section appears in your agreement records. Supplementary properties are similar to license terms. There are two types of supplementary properties you can create in FOLIO: primary and optional. Primary properties appear on every agreement record by default. Optional properties can be added on an agreement-by-agreement basis.

Creating a supplementary property

  1. Click New.
  2. In the New supplementary property box, fill in all the fields:
    • Type. Select a property Type from the drop-down list: Decimal, Integer, Text, Pick list, Pick list (multi-select), or Date.
    • Pick list and Pick list (multi-select). If the property type selected is Pick listor Pick list (multi-select), a pick list field displays. Select the Pick list you want to use from the drop-down list. For more information on pick lists, see Settings > Agreements > Pick lists.
    • Label. The property name that appears when displaying the property to users in FOLIO. It is recommended that you create a short text string that clearly communicates the information recorded in the property. If you need to further explain the property, you should use the Description field.
    • Name. Used when outputting property data in a machine readable format. It is not intended to be displayed to users (staff or patrons). It should be a short Latin alphabet string that can be used by any external systems or programs that access the agreement property data. Use of camelCase is suggested but not required. Changes to the Name affects any external systems using agreement property data and changes should not be made without consulting those responsible for relevant external systems and software.
    • Description. Use to provide further explanation of the property. In the Agreements app, you can display the description by clicking the information icon next to the property’s label.
    • Category. (Not required.) Supplementary properties can be categorized for Open Access and other uses. Each category will appear as a separate accordion when viewing or editing the agreement. You can also filter properties by category under the Category drop-down list, which contains any categories that you have allocated to properties. To add a category, click on the Category box. You are offered a list of existing categories that will filter as you type. You can add new categories by typing a new value and clicking the option to Add context . If you remove all occurrences of a category across all properties, it will be removed from the list of existing categories.
    • Order weight. To determine the order in which the properties appear in the agreement record, enter a number. If you do not set a value and leave the order weight at 0 for each property, or they all contain the same number, then they are sorted alphabetically. When sorted alphabetically, uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters. For example, “Zebra” appears before “aardvark.”
    • Primary property. Select whether the property is a primary property. Primary properties always display in agreement records. If you select No, then the property will be optional, and you have to manually add it to an agreement record whenever you want to use that property.
    • Deprecated. Use to indicate if a property should be deprecated. If Yes is selected, then the property will be preserved in past agreements, but will not display in the list of available properties when adding properties to an agreement going forward.
    • Default visibility. Select whether you would like the property to display internally within FOLIO, or externally to the public (for example, if you are setting up properties to display in your catalog).
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears, and the supplementary property is saved and appears in the Supplementary properties pane.

Editing a supplementary property

  1. Find the property you want to edit and click Edit at the top of its property box.
  2. Make your desired changes to the property.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the property is updated.

Deleting a supplementary property

Note: You can only delete a property if it is not assigned to any agreement records.

  1. Find the property you want to edit and click Delete at the top of its property box.
  2. In the Delete supplementary property dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the property is deleted.

Searching a supplementary property

You can search for a supplementary property in the search box. To search for a property, enter the property in the search box and click Search.

You can also filter properties by category. Select a category from the Category drop-down list, and click Search. The drop-down list contains any categories that you have allocated to properties.

Settings > Agreements > Pick lists

A pick list is a customizable drop-down list used in the Agreements app. Pick lists are applied to Supplementary properties that have Pick list as their property type. Additionally, default pick lists like Status, Reason for closure, and Renewal priority can be found in this setting.

A multi-select pick list permits you to select multiple values from the pick list. All selected values will display in the agreement record.

Use this setting to establish the names of your available pick lists. Once you have named your pick lists, you can configure the values that are available in each pick list in Settings > Agreements > Pick list values .

Creating a pick list

Note: Pick lists cannot be edited once they are created. However, they can be deleted.

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a name in the Pick list box.
  3. Click Save. The pick list is saved and appears alphabetically in the Pick list column.

Deleting a pick list

Note: You can only delete pick lists if they aren’t assigned to any agreement records. If they are currently being used, the trash can icon doesn’t appear in the Actions column.

  1. Find the pick list you want to delete.
  2. In the Actions column, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Pick list dialog, select Delete. A confirmation message appears and the pick list is deleted.

Settings > Agreements > Pick list values

Pick list values are the values available for selection within a pick list. You must first create the pick list in Settings > Agreements > Pick lists before creating its values.

Note: FOLIO contains default pick lists that can only have their values edited. These values cannot be deleted, and new values cannot be added. The New button appears grayed out and the trash can icon won’t be present for these pick lists.

Adding pick list values

  1. Select the Pick list to which you want to add values in the drop-down list.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Label. The label appears as an option in the pick list.
  4. Click Save. The label is saved and its value is generated.

Editing pick list values

Note: If you edit a pick list value, only the Label changes and not the Value.

  1. Select the Pick list with the value you want to edit in the drop-down list.
  2. In the row of the value you want to edit, click the pencil icon.
  3. Edit the Label.
  4. Click Save. The label is updated.

Deleting pick list values

  1. Select the Pick list with the value you want to delete in the drop-down list.
  2. In the row of the value you want to edit, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Value dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the value is deleted.

Settings > Agreements > App settings

File storage

The Agreements app allows the uploading of files as part of the Supplementary documents functionality (note that a document does not require a file upload as the document can refer to a physical document or an online document with a URL). When a file is uploaded as part of a supplementary record, it will be automatically stored in one of two ways, depending on how the application has been configured.

Viewing and Editing the file storage settings requires appropriate permissions, which are as follows:

Settings (Agreements): Can view and edit app settings

The primary setting, which determines the overall method used for file storage, is the “Storage engine”. There are currently two valid values for the Storage engine setting:

  1. LOB
  2. S3

For information about using the LOB or S3 storage engines, please see:

This FOLIO wiki page also contains information about switching storage engines and maximum file sizes.

3 - Settings > Calendar

The Calendar section of the Settings app is where you can manage open and closed hours for library service points.

Item check out workflows reference service points when calculating due dates. That means that the service point must have an existing calendar that covers the time period that the item could potentially be loaned for in order for the check out to be successful.

The Calendar section of Settings allows you to create a new calendar, edit existing calendars, duplicate existing calendars, and delete calendars. You can create a single calendar and assign it to multiple service points.


To interact with Settings > Calendar, a user needs to be assigned at least one of the following permissions.

  • Settings (Calendar): Can view existing calendars. This permission allows users to view, but not modify, service point calendars.
  • Settings (Calendar): Can create and assign new calendars. This permission allows users to view calendars, create new calendars, and assign them to service points.
  • Settings (Calendar): Can edit and reassign existing calendars. This permission allows users to view calendars, edit existing calendars, and change the service points those calendars are assigned to.
  • Settings (Calendar): Can delete existing calendars. This permission allows users to delete calendars.

Settings > Calendar > All calendars

This area shows all calendars on your system, including those with end dates in the past, and what service points those calendars may be assigned to.

From here, a user with appropriate permissions can use the Actions menu to edit and/or duplicate an existing calendar, create a brand new calendar, or delete a calendar.

Settings > Calendar > Current calendar assignments

Use this option to see the calendars that are currently in effect for each service point in your FOLIO instance.

From here, you can click New to create a brand new calendar to assign to a service point.

Settings > Calendar > Monthly calendar view

Use this option to view a service point’s calendar for a particular month. Each day will show the service point’s open and closed hours. Schedule exceptions are emphasized with an exclamation mark.

View a calendar

To view a calendar, click on the calendar from All calendars or Current calendar assignments. The calendar will open in the fourth pane.

A calendar has five sections:

  • Calendar information. This shows the calendar name, start date, end date, and record metadata.
  • Service point assignments. This shows if the calendar is assigned to any service points.
  • Hours of operation. This shows a table with open times and close times by weekday. ** If a weekday closing time extends into the next day between 12 AM and 4 AM, the open and closing time will both show on the opening weekday. These times are denoted with a *. ** If a library is open for 24 hours over multiple days, the opening and closing times on those days will have dashes.
  • Exceptions — openings. If a library has exceptions that change a service point’s open hours, the exception name will be shown alongside all start and end times.
  • Exceptions — closures. If a library has exceptions that close a service point for one or more days, the exception name will be shown, along with the start and end dates.

Create a new calendar

To create a new calendar:

  1. Go to All calendars.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Enter a Calendar name.
  4. Enter a Start date and End date.
  5. Select one or more Service points to assign the calendar to. You can also leave this option blank, and assign the calendar to a service point later.

Next, you will add open hours.

Hours are represented on the calendar as a table, each row representing a slot of Hours of operation - a period when the service point opened for service, and then closed.

If a service point opens on one day and then does not close until a future day, the Start day and End day of a particular row may be different days. This may happen if, for example, a library remains open overnight for students studying for final exams.

If a library’s standard hours include a day when it is completely closed, it is recommended that you still set a row for that day and designate the status as closed. For example, if a service point is always closed on Sundays, you would represent that day with a row with a status of Closed, a Start day of Sunday, and an End day of Sunday.

To add Hours of operation:

  1. From Status, choose Open or Closed.
  2. Choose the start day for your Hours of operation time slot.
  3. Choose the Start time when the service point opens. If the status of the row is Closed, you do not set a start time.
  4. Choose the End day when the service point closes. If your library remains open after 11:59 PM, your end day will be different than your start day.
  5. Choose the End time when the service point closes. If the status of the row is Closed, you do not set an end time.
  6. Click Add row to add additional rows as needed.
  7. When you are finished adding your hours of operation, click Save and close at the bottom to save your calendar.

If you make a mistake with a calendar row, click the Trash can under Actions to remove it and add a new time slot. When you save your changes, FOLIO will sort the rows so that they display in a standard week order.

Add exceptions to a calendar

Libraries will often have standard hours that apply for a long period of time, such as an academic semester, but also want to be able to change their hours for specific dates like local holidays or exam periods. Exceptions provide a way to override a service point’s regular hours.

A library can use exceptions to completely close a service point, or to change a service point’s hours. For example, a library may be open 9 AM to midnight Sunday through Saturday during the academic year, but only be open 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday during Spring Break. Exceptions would allow them to set up the 9 AM to 5 PM schedule and apply it to a specific week.

There are two types of exceptions:

  • Closures: Exceptional closures will close a service point from the start to the end date, inclusive. These can be applied to one or more calendar days.
  • Openings: Exceptional openings can allow you to specify multiple date/time ranges, allowing you change opening and closing hours on a day.

To add an exception to a calendar:

  1. Under the Exceptions accordion, click Add row.
  2. Provide a Name for the exception period.
  3. From Status, choose Open to create an exceptional opening period, or Closed to create an exceptional closure period.
  4. Choose the Start date when the exception period begins. Note that unlike Hours of operation, you are specifying a specific date, rather than a generic day of the week.
  5. If the status of the row is Open, set a start time.
  6. Choose the End date when the exception period ends.
  7. If the status of the row is Open, set a close time.

If your exception has a status of Open, you can add additional date/time periods to the exception by clicking the + in the Actions column.

Example with Calendar Exceptions: Closing to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Suppose a university library is open 9 AM to midnight seven days a week for the spring semester, but will be closed some days, and open for shorter hours other days, during the Chinese New Year holiday, from Saturday January 21 2023 to Sunday January 29 2023.

For the library main service point, they could do the following:

  1. Create a calendar named “Spring 2023 Main Library Hours.”
  2. Set a start date for the first day of classes in January, and an end date for the last day of classes in May.
  3. Assign the calendar to the service point “Main Library.”
  4. Under Hours of operation, create a row for each calendar day, with a status of “Open”, a start time of 9 AM, and an end time of 11:59 PM.
  5. Under Exceptions, create an exception named “Chinese New Year Holiday - First Weekend”. Set the status to “Closed,” with a start date of January 21 2023 and an end date of January 22 2023. This would close the library the first weekend.
  6. Create a second exception called “Chinese New Year Holiday - Weekday”. Set the status to “Open”. For the first row, set the start and end date to January 23 2023, with a start time of 9 AM and an end time of 4 PM. Then add a second row by clicking the + sign under Actions, and set the start date and end date to January 24, 2023, with a start time of 9 AM and an end time of 4 PM. Repeat this to add a row for each of the five days that week.
  7. Create a third exception called “Chinese New Year Holiday - Second Weekend.” Set the status to “Closed”, with a start date of January 28 2023 and an end date of January 29 2023.
  8. Click Save and close to save the calendar.

Once this calendar is created, it could then be reused in future years by duplicating the calendar and changing the dates, rather than creating the schedule again from scratch.

Duplicate an existing calendar

Instead of creating a service point calendar from scratch, you may want to duplicate an existing calendar and modify it instead.

To duplicate a calendar:

  1. In All calendars, click the calendar you wish to duplicate.
  2. Click Actions > Duplicate.

This will open a copy of that calendar for you to edit and then save. Note that you can save two calendars with the same name, but it is recommended that you use different names to reduce errors.

Edit an existing calendar

To edit an existing calendar:

  1. From All calendars, click the calendar you wish to edit.
  2. Click Actions > Edit.

Make changes as desired, and then click Save and close to save your changes.

Delete a single calendar

Users with appropriate permissions can delete FOLIO calendars.

Note that FOLIO will not warn you if deleting a calendar will leave a service point without an active calendar, and it will not warn you if deleting a calendar will leave a service point with a gap in calendar coverage in the future. Accordingly, before you delete a calendar, you should review the dates on the calendar and any service point assignments to ensure that you can address any gaps in calendar coverage.

To delete a single calendar:

  1. In All calendars, click the calendar you wish to delete.
  2. Click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the confirmation box, click Delete to confirm you wish to delete the calendar.

Purge old calendars

Over time, institutions may end up with a large number of historical calendars, and want to remove them to improve usability and performance. This can be done through the Purge old calendars function.

  1. Go to All calendars.
  2. Select Actions > Purge old calendars. A dialog will appear.
  3. From Purge calendars that ended…, choose a date option from the drop down.
  4. From And were, you can choose whether to include calendars that were assigned to service points or calendars that were not assigned to service points.

The dialog will show a preview of the calendars that will be deleted. Click Delete to remove them.

4 - Settings > Circulation

This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.

The Circulation section of the Settings app is where you establish your loan policies, lost item policies, overdue policies, notices, and other circulation configurations.


Each setting within Circulation has its own permission associated with it. If a user has one of the below permissions, they will be able to view and interact with that particular setting. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

The following are all the Circulation Settings permissions:

  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove cancellation reasons: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete request cancellation reasons.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove circulation rules: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete circulation rules.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove fixed due date schedules: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete fixed due date schedules.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete loan policies.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove lost item fee policies: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete lost item fee policies.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove notice policies: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete patron notice policies.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove other settings: Allows the user to read and update Settings > Circulation > Other settings.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove overdue fine policies: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete overdue fine policies.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete patron notice templates.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove request policies: Allows the user to create, read, update, and delete request policies.
  • Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove staff slips: Allows the user to create, read, and update staff slips. Note: Users can erase the content of staff slips in the editor, but cannot delete the staff slip itself.
  • Settings (Circ): Can edit loan history: Allows the user to edit settings in Settings > Circulation > Loan anonymization.
  • Settings (Circ): Can view loan history: Allows the user to view settings in Settings > Circulation > Loan anonymization but does not allow editing.
  • Settings (Circ): Can view loan policies: Allows the user to view loan policies but does not allow create, edit or delete.
  • Settings (Circ): Can view lost item fee policies: Allows the user to view lost item fee policies but does not allow create, edit or delete.
  • Settings (Circ): Can view overdue fine policies: Allows the user to view overdue fine policies but does not allow create, edit or delete.
  • Settings (Circ): View circulation rules: Allows a user to view circulation rules but does not allow them to create, edit or delete rules.
  • Settings (Circulation): Can view staff slips: Allows the user to view staff slips but does not allow editing of staff slips.
  • Settings (Circulation): Title level request edit: Allows the user to enable, disable and configure title-level requesting. Note that title level requesting cannot be disabled via settings if there are any open title level requests.

Settings > Circulation > Circulation rules

Using Folio specific criteria and logic, libraries can create rules that determine how items circulate. Each circulation rule is made up of one or more criteria and the policies associated with those criteria. When a defined set of criteria matches a circulation action, the policies attached to those criteria are applied. You can find the guidelines for constructing circulation rules in the FOLIO GitHub Circulation rules documentation.

You can write circulation rules to determine the following:

  • The groups of patrons that can borrow items.
  • The rules for items in different locations, libraries, campuses, or institutions.
  • The types of items (material types or loan types) that can be borrowed.
  • The number of items of a particular type that a patron can borrow.
  • The notices that are sent to patrons.
  • The fines and fees that are charged.

Implementing Circulation rules

Before you implement Circulation rules, you need to configure these settings in FOLIO:

Before you begin to write your circulation rules, you should:

Creating circulation rules

Add your circulation rules to the Circulation rules editor. The editor contains responsive features that help you write the rules. For example, when you type a criteria letter, the Circulation rules editor facilitates your selection of the criteria value by displaying a drop-down list of the possible values for that criteria. Click Save once you have completed adding your circulation rules.

Circulation rule tips

When writing your circulation rules, keep the following in mind:

  • You can use comments in the rules editor. Enter a # or / to add a comment line.
  • When adding a criteria in the location tree, the Editor will provide a tool to allow you to pick from the location hierarchy, and then pull in the code value for you.
  • Rules can be written in a nested format to make them easier to read.
  • You can use keywords to match on all or none for a particular criteria.
  • You can specify the priority order for criteria for cases where more than one rule matches.

Settings > Circulation > Other settings

Patron id(s) for checkout scanning

This setting allows you to specify what types of patron IDs can be scanned to checkout items. All options correspond to fields in the user record.

At least one of the options must be selected:

  • Barcode.
  • External system ID.
  • FOLIO record number (ID).
  • Username.
  • User custom fields.

If you choose User custom fields, you can then select one or more custom fields that the Check out app would include when searching for patron records. Custom fields must be configured in Settings > Users before they can be selected here.

Automatically end check in and check out session after period of inactivity

This setting is turned on by default with an inactivity period of 3 minutes.

  1. Select the Automatically end check in and check out session after period of inactivity checkbox to turn the setting on.
  2. Enter the number of minutes of inactivity after which the session should end.
  3. Click Save.

Enable audio alerts

You can turn on audio alerts to signal to library staff when a checkout succeeds or fails. This setting is turned off by default.

Select Enable audio alerts to enable audio alerts. Select your desired audio-alerts theme from the drop-down.

Perform wildcard lookup of items by barcode in circulation apps (Check in, Check out)

Some libraries may want to use FOLIO and support circulating items that have the same barcode. These libraries may be migrating to FOLIO from a prior system that allowed duplicate barcodes or they may need to support consortial lending.

Since the inventory app requires unique barcodes, libraries with this scenario need to append a string to the barcode. That will make the barcode unique without changing the physical barcode on the item. The library then needs the Check in and Check out apps to know what to do if they search for the physical barcode on the item and it’s possible to retrieve more than one record.

If your library could potentially encounter duplicate barcodes as described, you can check this box to enable the Check in and Check out apps to use a wildcard search for item barcodes and present a modal if duplicate barcodes are found, so library staff can select the correct item.

Settings > Circulation > Staff slips

Staff slips allow you to configure the information that appears on your staff slips. You have the option of printing these slips when their associated action occurs:

  • Hold. This slip is available through the Check in app, when you check in an item with a request.
  • Pick slip. This slip is available in the Requests app, when you generate the pick slip report.
  • Request delivery. This slip is available in the Check in app, when you check in an item with a delivery request.
  • Search slip (Hold requests). This slip is available in the Requests app, when you generate the search slip report.
  • Transit. This slip is available in the Check in app, when you check in an item that is in transit to another location.

Configuring a staff slip

  1. In the Staff slips pane, select the staff slip you want to configure.
  2. In the staff slip details pane, click Edit.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Use the Display box to edit the slip. Click { } to add tokens to the slip.
  5. Optional: Click Preview to view a preview of the slip.
  6. Click Save & close. The slip is saved and updated.

Previewing a staff slip

  1. In the Staff slips pane, select the staff slip you want to preview.
  2. In the staff slip details pane, click Preview. A Preview of staff slip - [slip type] window appears and the preview is shown.
  3. Optional: To print the preview, click Print.
  4. To close the window, click Close.

Settings > Circulation > Fixed due date schedules

Fixed due date schedules are used in Loan policies when you want to have a loan period with a specific end date.

Creating a fixed due date schedule

  1. In the Fixed due date schedules pane, click New.
  2. In the Create fixed due date schedule window, enter a Fixed due date schedule name.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. In the Schedule section, enter a date range for the fixed due date by selecting dates in the Date from and Date to boxes. Items checked out during this date range will be due on the Due date selected in step 5.
  5. Enter the Due date that applies to all items checked out during the time range you selected above.
  6. Optional: To create additional date ranges, click New and repeat steps 4 and 5. If you need to delete a date range, click the trash can icon.
  7. Once you are finished creating your schedule, click Save & close. The fixed due date schedule is saved and appears in the Fixed due date schedules pane.

Duplicating a fixed due date schedule

  1. In the Fixed due date schedules pane, select the fixed due date schedule you want to duplicate.
  2. In the fixed due date schedule details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A Create fixed due date schedule window appears with the same fixed due date schedule information.
  3. Edit the fixed due date schedule. Note that you must change the Fixed due date schedule name to a unique name.
  4. Click Save & close. The fixed due date schedule is saved and appears in the Fixed due date schedules pane.

Edit a fixed due date schedule

  1. In the Fixed due date schedules pane, select the fixed due date schedule you want to edit.
  2. In the fixed due date schedule details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the fixed due date schedule.
  4. Click Save & close. The fixed due date schedule is updated.

Delete a fixed due date schedule

  1. In the Fixed due date schedules pane, select the fixed due date schedule you want to delete.
  2. In the fixed due date schedule details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete fixed due date schedule dialog, click Delete. The fixed due date schedule is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note that you cannot delete a fixed due date schedule that is being used in a loan policy.

Settings > Circulation > Loan anonymization

When closed loans are anonymized, all related patron information is removed from the loan, but the action will still appear in the Circulation log.

Closed loans

Anonymize closed loans

Select one of the following options to determine if closed loans are anonymized:

  • Immediately after loan closes. The anonymization process begins after the session is closed. Immediate anonymizing of loans runs on a schedule that can be determined by your system administrator or hosting provider.
  • [Interval of time] after loan closes. Use the boxes to select the interval of time.
  • Never.

Treat closed loans with associated fees/fines differently

If you want to treat loans with fees/fines differently, select Treat closed loans with associated fee/fines differently. The Closed loans with associated fees/fines section appears once the checkbox is selected. If the checkbox is cleared, then closed loans with associated fees/fines are treated according to the option you selected in Closed loans.

Closed loans with associated fees/fines

Anonymize closed loans

Select one of the following options to determine if closed loans with associated fees/fines are anonymized:

  • Immediately after fee/fine closes.
  • [Interval of time] after fee/fine closes. Use the boxes to select the interval of time.
  • Never.

Exception for payment method

If you want to create exceptions for closed loans with associated fees/fines paid off using a certain payment method, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add exception to add an exception for a payment method.
  2. Select the Payment method.
  3. Select when you want to anonymize loans paid off with the payment method.
  4. Optional: Click Add exception to create additional exceptions. If you need to delete an exception, click the trash can icon.
  5. Click Save. The loan history settings are saved and a confirmation message appears.

Settings > Circulation > Loan policies

Loan policies determine how an item is treated if it is checked out, renewed, or requested. Loan policies include a wide variety of configuration options and are used in Circulation rules.

Loan policy behavior differs depending on the unit of time used for the loan period. If an item is checked out for minutes or hours, the loan is considered “short term.” If an item is checked out for days, weeks or months, the loan is considered “long term.” See Additional topics > Loans for more information.

Implementation considerations

You may find it beneficial to consider your current loan policies and lending rules and write policies to reflect your library’s typical loan behaviors. Loan policies are reusable in circulation rules, so you do not need to create multiples of the same type of policies to be applied to different patron groups, for example.

Before you begin configuring your loan policies, make sure you have set up your Fixed due date schedules, if you will be using schedules in your policies.

After you create your loan policies, you should test them to make sure they function as expected.

Creating a new loan policy

  1. In the Loan policies pane, click New.
  2. In the New loan policy window, enter a Loan policy name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Use the information in the following sections to help guide you in creating loan policies. Different fields are available depending on the options you select in the policy.
  5. Click Save & close. The policy is saved and added to the Loan policies list.


Loanable. To create a non-circulating loan policy, clear the checkbox. Clearing the checkbox causes all other fields to disappear. Since loan policies are reusable, you only need one non-circulating policy.

Loan profile. Select the type of loan profile. Depending on your selection, you will see different fields.

  • Select Fixed if items loaned out during a certain period of time are to have a fixed due date. For example, use this for items loaned until the end of the semester.
  • Select Rolling if loans are for a defined period of time, including short term loans. For example, use this for items loaned for 28 days.

Depending on your selection for Loan Profile, you see different fields.

If you select Fixed, you see the following fields:

Fixed due date schedule. Select a fixed due date schedule, as configured in Settings > Circulation > Fixed due date schedules. The selected schedule determines the due date for the item. Note: Fixed due dates are only applicable for loans longer than 24 hours, and the calculated due date/time is set to 11:59 PM on the due date.

Closed library due date management. Select when the item is due if an item’s calculated due date lands in closed hours for the service point.

  • The due date will follow the choice given in the loan policy only in the case that the service point is completely closed on the day that the item would be due. When the loan is created, FOLIO will check the service point calendar; if the service point is open for any time on the day that the item is due, FOLIO will set the due time to 11:59 PM on that day.

Grace period. Enter a grace period for overdue items. If you choose to have a grace period, items will not count against the Maximum number of overdue items patron block and there will be no overdue fine until after the loan due date/time plus the grace period interval. If the grace period expires and the item has not been returned, the grace period will count towards calculating an overdue or lost item fee/fine. Adding a grace period to a due date follows the same logic that you chose for closed library due date management, if the grace period lands in a closed time for the service point.

Item limit. Enter the maximum number of items that can be borrowed by one patron under this policy. Leave blank to have no item limit.

If you select Rolling, you see the following fields:

Loan period. Select an amount of time for the loan period.

Fixed due date schedule (due date limit). Select a fixed due date schedule, as configured in Settings > Circulation > Fixed due date schedules. The schedule is used to enforce a stop point on loans. For example, you may want to generally have 28 day loans, but have items that are borrowed 1-4 weeks before the end of the semester be due on the last day of the semester. This setting applies to both initial loans and renewals (unless over-ridden by having an Alternate loan period for renewals).

Closed library due date management. Select when the item is due if an item’s calculated due date lands in closed hours for the service point.

  • If an item’s loaned interval is in minutes or hours, the due date will be determined by the loan policy.
    • Opening time offset. For short-term loans (time intervals of minutes or hours), if you choose Move to the beginning of the next open service point hours then you need to enter the Opening time offset. The item will be due [Opening time offset] [Interval] after the service point opens if the item’s calculated due date lands in closed hours for the service point.
  • If an item’s loaned interval is in days, weeks, or months, the due date will follow the choice given in the loan policy only in the case that the service point is completely closed on the day that the item would be due. When the loan is created, FOLIO will check the service point calendar; if the service point is open for any time on the day that the item is due, FOLIO will set the due time to 11:59 PM on that day.

Grace period. Enter a grace period for overdue items. If you choose to have a grace period, items will not count against the Maximum number of overdue items patron block and there will be no overdue fine until after the loan due date/time plus the grace period interval. If the grace period expires and the item has not been returned, the grace period will count towards calculating an overdue or lost item fee/fine. Adding a grace period to a due date follows the same logic that you chose for closed library due date management if the grace period lands in a closed time for the service point.

Item limit. Enter the maximum number of items that can be borrowed by one patron under this policy. Leave blank to have no item limit.


Renewable. If you do not want to allow renewals under this policy, clear the checkbox. Clearing the checkbox causes all other fields to disappear and items are not renewable.

Unlimited renewals. Select the checkbox if you want to allow unlimited renewals.

Number of renewals allowed. If you have not selected Unlimited renewals, enter the number of renewals allowed.

Renew from. Select whether a renewed item is renewed from the Current due date or System date, the date on which the item is renewed.

Renewal period different from original loan. Select the checkbox if you want renewed items to have a different loan period than the original loan period. If selected, the next two options appear.

Alternate loan period for renewals. Enter the alternate loan period for renewals.

Alternate fixed due date schedule (due date limit) for renewals. Select a fixed due date schedule, as configured in Settings > Circulation > Fixed due date schedules. The schedule is used to enforce a stop point on renewals.

Request management

All of the fields in this section are optional. If you leave them blank, the recall return interval and minimum guaranteed loan period default to zero.


Recall return interval. Enter an amount of time for the recall return interval. This is the period of time the patron has to return a recalled item before it becomes overdue.

Minimum guaranteed loan period for recalled items. Enter an amount of time for the minimum guaranteed loan period for recalled items. If you allow an item to be recalled, but do not have a minimum guaranteed loan period, the recall return interval effectively becomes the minimum guaranteed loan period for recalled items.

Allow recalls to extend due dates for overdue loans. Checking this box ensures that if an overdue item is recalled, patrons are not assessed unexpected recall fines for a recalled item that they had thought was simply overdue.


Alternate loan period at checkout for items with an active, pending hold request. To shorten a loan period for an item that has a request queue, enter an amount of time. If an item is checked out and has no queue, the regular loan period is applied.

Allow renewal of items with an active, pending hold request. If you want to allow renewals on a checked out item that has hold requests, select the checkbox. When renewals are allowed, patrons can continue to renew the item based on the settings in the Renewals section.

Alternate loan period at renewal for items with an active, pending hold request. If you allow renewals on items with an active, pending hold request, and want to shorten the renewal loan period, enter an amount of time.

Duplicating a loan policy

  1. In the Loan policies pane, select the loan policy you want to duplicate.
  2. In the loan policy details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A New loan policy window appears with the same loan information as the policy you chose to duplicate.
  3. Edit any of the loan information before saving the policy. Be aware that the system does not warn you or prevent you from having two loan policies with the same Loan policy name.
  4. Click Save & close. The loan policy is saved and appears in the Loan policy pane.

Editing a loan policy

  1. In the Loan policies pane, select the loan policy you want to edit.
  2. In the loan policy details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the loan policy.
  4. Click Save & close. The policy is updated.

Deleting a loan policy

  1. In the Loan policies pane, select the loan policy you want to delete.
  2. In the loan policy details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete Loan policy dialog, click Delete. The policy is deleted and a confirmation message appears.

Overdue fine policies

Overdue fine policies determine the fines that accrue when an item is checked out for longer than its loan period. Overdue fine policies are used in Circulation rules.

Creating an overdue fine policy

  1. In the Overdue fine policies pane, click New.
  2. In the New overdue fine policy window, enter an Overdue fine policy name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. In the Overdue fine section, enter the Overdue fine amount in the box and Select interval at which the fine accrues.
  5. Select Yes in the Count closed days/hours/minutes checkbox if you want overdue fines to continue accruing on days the library is closed.
  6. Enter a Maximum overdue fine amount in the box. The overdue fine will stop accruing once this amount is reached.
  7. Select Yes in the Forgive overdue fine if item renewed checkbox if you want overdue fines forgiven once a patron renews the item.
  8. Enter the Overdue recall fine amount in the box and Select interval at which the fine accrues. This fine applies when an item is recalled and the patron does not return the item on time according to the recall.
  9. Select whether to Ignore grace periods for recalls. If you select Yes, the grace period is not applied in the case of an overdue recall.
  10. Enter a Maximum recall overdue fine amount in the box. The recall overdue fine will stop accruing once this amount is reached.
  11. Click Add reminder fee to add a reminder fee. Reminder fees differ from overdue fines in that reminder fees are billed when an item becomes overdue, whereas overdue fines are billed when the item is returned.
  12. Click Save & close. The overdue fine policy is saved and appears in the Overdue fine policies pane.

Reminder fees

  1. Create on closed days. If you select Yes, Reminder fees will be created on days the library is closed. Select No to have Reminder fees created on the first open day after they would otherwise be created. See example in Additional topics > Fees and fines.
  2. Ignore grace periods for recalls. This setting can only be No for Quesnelia.
  3. Ignore grace periods for holds. This setting can only be No for Quesnelia.
  4. Allow renewal of items with reminder fee(s). If you select Yes, items with reminder fees can be renewed. The reminder fee will not be removed when the item is renewed.
  5. Clear patron block when paid. This setting can only be No for Quesnelia.

Click Add reminder fee to set up a reminder fee schedule:

  1. Enter a number in Interval and choose the time interval in Frequency to determine how long after an item is overdue the fee is applied and the notice is sent. See example in Additional topics > Fees and fines.
  2. Enter a Fee amount.
  3. Choose a Notice method. Email will send an email to the address in the user record. Select Print if you want to send a printed notice.
  4. Select a fee/fine Notice template that aligns with the Notice method chosen in the previous step.
  5. Block template functionality is not yet available. Block templates are set up in Settings > Users > Patron Block Templates.
  6. Click Add reminder fee again to add another reminder fee. Reminder fees after the first in the sequence are created [Interval] [Frequency] after the previous reminder fee.

Duplicating an overdue fine policy

  1. In the Overdue fine policies pane, select the overdue fine policy you want to duplicate.
  2. In the overdue fine policy details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A New overdue fine policy window appears with the same overdue fine policy information as the policy you chose to duplicate.
  3. Edit any of the overdue fine policy information before saving the policy. Note that you must change the Overdue fine policy name to a unique name.
  4. Click Save & close. The overdue fine policy is saved and appears in the Overdue fine policies pane.

Editing an overdue fine policy

  1. In the Overdue fine policies pane, select the overdue fine policy you want to edit.
  2. In the overdue fine policy details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the overdue fine policy.
  4. Click Save & close. The overdue fine policy is updated.

Deleting an overdue fine policy

  1. In the Overdue fine policies pane, select the overdue fine policy you want to delete.
  2. In the overdue fine policy details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete Overdue fine policies dialog, click Delete. The policy is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note that you cannot delete an overdue fine policy that is associated with an open loan.

Lost item fee policies

Lost item fee policies determine when overdue items automatically age to lost (their Item status changes to Aged to lost); it also determines the charges billed to patrons for lost items. Lost item fee policies are used in Circulation rules.

Creating a lost item fee policy

  1. In the Lost item fee policies pane, click New.
  2. In the New lost item fee policy window, enter a Lost item fee policy name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. In the Lost item fee section, enter the amount of time in which Items aged to lost after overdue.
  5. Enter the amount of time in which Patron billed after aged to lost.
  6. Enter the amount of time in which Recalled items aged to lost after overdue. This setting allows libraries to set a shorter “aged to lost” period if the item has been recalled for use by other patrons. This setting must have a value in order for recalled items to age to lost.
  7. Enter the amount of time in which Patron billed for recall after aged to lost. This setting must have a value in order for patrons to be billed when a recalled item ages to lost.
  8. In the Charge amount for item section, choose Actual cost or Set cost. If you use Actual cost, you can use the Lost items requiring actual cost report in the Users app to find the aged to lost items and then apply a manual cost. If you use Set cost, then enter an amount in the box.
  9. Enter a Lost item processing fee. This is an additional charge that will be added to the charge amount for the item when billed to the patron.
  10. Select whether to Charge lost item processing fee if item declared lost by patron.
  11. Select whether to Charge lost item processing fee if item aged to lost by system.
  12. Enter an amount of time For lost items not charged a fee/fine, close the loan after. (This setting is required for Actual cost and does not apply to Set cost.)
  13. Select whether If lost item returned or renewed, remove lost item processing fee.
  14. Select whether to charge overdue fines If lost item returned or renewed.
  15. Select whether Replacement allowed.
  16. Select If lost item replaced, remove lost item processing fee.
  17. Enter a Replacement processing fee amount in the box.
  18. Enter an amount of time that No fees/fines shall be refunded if a lost item is returned more than [amount] late.
  19. Click Save & close. The policy is saved and appears in the Lost item fee policies pane.

Duplicating a lost item fee policy

  1. In the Lost item fee policies pane, select the lost item fee policy you want to duplicate.
  2. In the lost item fee policy details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A Lost item fee policies window appears with the same lost item fee policy information as the policy you chose to duplicate.
  3. Edit any of the lost item fee policy information before saving the policy. Note that you must change the Lost item fee policy name to a unique name.
  4. Click Save & close. The lost item fee policy is saved and appears in the Lost item fee policy pane.

Editing a lost item fee policy

  1. In the Lost item fee policies pane, select the Lost item fee policy you want to edit.
  2. In the lost item fee policy details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the lost item fee policy.
  4. Click Save & close. The policy is updated.

Deleting a lost item fee policy

  1. In the Lost item fee policies pane, select the lost item fee policy you want to delete.
  2. In the lost item fee policy details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete New Lost item fee policy dialog, click Delete. The policy is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note that you cannot delete a lost item fee policy that is associated with an open loan.

Patron notice policies

Patron notice policies determine which patron notice templates are sent out before, during, or after certain triggering events. Multiple notices can be set up in one policy. Patron notice policies are used in Circulation rules.

Note: Reminder fees and Title level hold requests do not use the patron notice policy. See Reminder fees and TLR Notice templates.

Implementation considerations

Before you can set up your patron notice policies, you must first configure your Patron notice templates.

You can set up multiple notices in one policy. Libraries’ needs differ. Some will want to create several policies with one or few notices in each policy. Other libraries may find it advantageous to create few policies, each containing several notices. Additionally, patron notice policies can be associated with more than one circulation rule.

Creating a patron notice policy

  1. In the Patron notice policies pane, click New.
  2. In the New patron notice policy window, enter a Patron notice policy name. Note: The policy name is what you will see in Circulation rules.
  3. To make the policy available to Circulation rules, select Active. You may want to clear the checkbox if the policy is not in use but you do not want to delete it.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  5. Click Add notice in the particular notice section that you want to set up. See Loan notices, Request notices, and Fee/fine notices for more information.
  6. Select a notice Template. Depending on the type of notice you are setting up, different templates will appear. Templates are created in Patron notice templates. Templates can be used more than once in a policy.
  7. Select the Format the notice will be sent as. Currently, email is the only option.
  8. Select the Triggering event. This event triggers the system to send a notice. Depending on the event, you might have the option to select a time period before or after.
  9. If you select a time-based event, the Send drop-down list appears. Select to send the request Upon/At, Before, or After the event (settings variable on the Triggering event).
  10. If you select Before or After in the previous step, you will see the Frequency drop-down list. Select whether to send the notice One Time or Recurring.
  11. Click Save & close. The policy is saved and appears in the Patron notice policies pane.

Loan notices triggering events

Check in. The notice is sent when items are checked in. Additionally, the notice is always sent with multiples by patron by session. The template you select must be configured for multiple loans/items.

Check out. The notice is sent when items are checked out. Additionally, the notice is always sent with multiples by patron by session. The template you select must be configured for multiple loans/items.

Item renewed. The notice is sent when items are renewed.The template you select must not be configured for multiple loans/items.

Loan due date/time. The notice is sent before, after, or when an item is due. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the item is due, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice before the item is due, select Before. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times before the item is due, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the due date is reached.
  • To send the notice after the item is due, select After. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, after the item is due, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times after the item is due, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the item is returned or renewed.
  • Additionally, select whether you want to Send overnight with multiple loans/items by patron. Useful for long-term loans. or Send throughout the day without multiple loans/items. Useful for short-term loans.

Loan due date change. The notice is sent when an item’s due date/time is manually changed.

Item recalled. The notice is sent when an item is recalled.

Item aged to lost. The notice is sent when or after an item is aged to lost. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the item ages to lost, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice after the item ages to lost, select After. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, after the item ages to lost, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times after the item ages to lost, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends while the status remains aged to lost.

Request notices triggering events

For all request notices, the system is scanned every five minutes for triggering events and sent when a triggering event is detected.

Awaiting pickup. The notice is sent when a requested item is checked in at the pickup service point specified in the request.

Page request. The notice is sent when a page request is placed.

Hold request. The notice is sent when an item-level hold request is placed. You can select a notice to send when title-level holds are placed in Settings > Circulation > Title level requests.

Recall request. The notice is sent when a recall request is placed.

Cancel request. The notice is sent when a request is cancelled. Note: Title level hold request cancellations will send the notice selected in Settings > Circulation > Title level requests.

Hold shelf expiration. The notice is sent before or when the item is no longer available for pickup on the hold shelf. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the item’s time on the hold shelf expires, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice before the item’s time on the hold shelf expires, select Before. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the hold shelf expiration is reached.

Request expiration. The notice is sent before or when the request expires. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the request expires, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice before the request expires, select Before. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, before the request expires, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the request expiration is reached.

Fee/fine notices triggering events

The system is scanned every five minutes for triggering events and fee/fine notices are sent when a triggering event is detected.

Overdue fine, returned. The notice is sent after or when an overdue fine is charged to a patron. The fine would be charged when the item is returned. Overdue fine, returned notices always bundle fees/fines. The template you select should be configured for multiple loans. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the overdue fine is charged, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice after the overdue fine is charged, select After. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the fee/fine is closed.

Overdue fine, renewed. The notice is sent after or when an overdue fine is charged to a patron. The fine would be charged when the item is renewed. Overdue fine, renewed notices always bundle fees/fines. The template you select should be configured for multiple loans. Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the overdue fine is charged, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice after the overdue fine is charged, select After. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the fee/fine is closed.

Lost item fee(s) charged. The notice is sent after or when a lost item fee is charged to a patron. The notice will be sent for both set cost and actual cost lost item fees.

Select when the notice is sent from the Send drop-down list:

  • To send the notice when the lost item fee is charged, select Upon/At.
  • To send the notice after the lost item fee is charged, select After. Then, determine the Frequency of the notice. To send the notice once, select One Time. To send the notice multiple times, select Recurring and enter how often the notice sends until the fee is closed.

Select whether multiple lost item fee notices are bundled together:

  • To bunch all a patron’s open lost item fees together in one email (processed at 11:59pm) choose Send overnight with multiple lost item fee charges by patron. The template you select should be configured for multiple loans.
  • To send notices throughout the day (typically processed every five minutes, with a separate notice for each fee/fine charged) choose Send throughout the day with one lost item fee charge per notice. The template you select should not be configured for multiple loans.

Lost item returned - fee(s) adjusted. The notice is sent when the event is triggered, i.e. when the lost item is checked in. The notice will be sent for both set cost and actual cost lost item fees.

Duplicating a patron notice policy

  1. In the Patron notice policies pane, select the patron notice policy you want to duplicate.
  2. In the patron notice policy details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A New patron notice policy window appears with the same patron notice policy information as the policy you chose to duplicate.
  3. Edit any of the patron notice policy information before saving the policy. You cannot have two patron notice policies with the same name.
  4. Click Save & close. The patron notice policy is saved and appears in the Patron notice policies pane.

Editing a patron notice policy

  1. In the Patron notice policies pane, select the patron notice policy you want to edit.
  2. In the patron notice policy details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the patron notice policy.
  4. Click Save & close. The policy is updated.

Deleting a patron notice policy

  1. In the Patron notice policies pane, select the patron notice policy you want to delete.
  2. In the patron notice policy details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete Patron notice policy dialog, click Delete. The policy is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note that you cannot delete a patron notice policy that is being used in a circulation rule.

Patron notice templates

Patron notice templates are the templates used in your Patron notice policies. Except for Reminder fees, patron notices can only be sent via email.

Creating a new patron notice template

  1. In the Patron notice templates pane, click New.
  2. In the New patron notice template window, enter a Patron notice template name for the notice.
  3. Clear the Active checkbox if you do not want the notice to be available for use in notice policies.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  5. Select a Category for the template. Categories determine which section of the notice policy the notice can be used in and which tokens are available to be used in the body of the email.
  6. In the Email or print section, select the Print only checkbox to delete the subject line. Notices are printed in the Users search results pane. Currently, only Reminder fees are able to be collected in the nightly print job.
  7. Clear the Print only checkbox if you want to email the notice, and enter a Subject.
  8. Enter a Body for the email sent to the patron. Click { } to add tokens to the notice. Tokens fill in the item, loan, request, or user information based on the selected variables related to the notice event.
  9. Optional: Click Preview to view a preview of the notice.
  10. Click Save & close. The notice is saved and appears in the Patron notice templates pane.

Duplicating a patron notice template

  1. In the Patron notice templates pane, select the patron notice template you want to duplicate.
  2. In the patron notice template details pane, click Actions > Duplicate. A New patron notice template window appears with the same patron notice information as the notice you chose to duplicate.
  3. Edit the notice name and any other details. You cannot have two notices with the same name.
  4. Click Save & close. The patron notice template is saved and appears in the Patron notice templates pane.

Editing a patron notice template

  1. In the Patron notice templates pane, select the patron notice template you want to edit.
  2. In the Patron notice template details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the patron notice template.
  4. Click Save & close. The template is updated.

Deleting a patron notice template

  1. In the Patron notice templates pane, select the patron notice template you want to delete.
  2. In the Patron notice template details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete Patron notice templates dialog, click Delete. The template is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note that you cannot delete a template that is being used in a Patron notice policy.

Settings > Circulation > Request cancellation reasons

When you cancel a request, you must select a cancellation reason. Use this setting to configure request cancellation reasons for your library.

Creating a new request cancellation reason

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Cancel Reason, and optionally, internal and public descriptions of the reason into the boxes.
  3. Click Save. The reason is saved and appears in the Request cancellation reasons table.

Editing a request cancellation reason

  1. Find the request cancellation reason you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the reason.
  3. Click Save. The changes you made to the request cancellation reason are saved.

Deleting a request cancellation reason

  1. Find the request cancellation reason you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete cancel reason dialog, click Delete. The reason is deleted and a confirmation message appears.

Settings > Circulation > Request policies

Request policies determine the types of requests (pages, holds, and recalls) allowed. Request policies are used in Circulation rules.

Creating a new request policy

  1. Click New in the Request policies pane.
  2. In the New request policy window, enter a Request policy name.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description.
  4. Select the Request types allowed.
  5. Allow all pickup service points allows the item to be requested for pickup at any service point. Select Allow some pickup service points if you want to choose which service points are allowed to be chosen as pickup locations. This can be used, for example, to restrict valuable items from going to an unstaffed service point.
  6. Click Save & close. The policy saves and appears in the Request policies list.

Duplicating a request policy

  1. In the Request policies pane select the request policy you want to duplicate.
  2. Select Actions > Duplicate.
  3. Edit the policy name and any other details of the request. You cannot have two policies with the same name.
  4. Click Save & close. The request policy is saved and appears in the Request policies list.

Editing a request policy

  1. In the Request policies pane select the request policy you want to edit.
  2. Select Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the request policy.
  4. Click Save & close. The request policy is updated and saved.

Deleting a request policy

  1. In the Request policies pane select the request policy you want to delete.
  2. Select Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete Request policy dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears confirming the request policy is deleted. You cannot delete a request policy that is being used in a circulation rule.

Settings > Circulation > Title level requests

FOLIO provides functionality for both item-level and title-level requesting. Since title-level requesting is off by default, you need to enable and configure related settings in this section if your library wants to use it.

  • Allow title level requests. If your library wants to use title-level requesting, check this box. Before allowing title level requesting, be aware that you will not be able to turn title-level requesting off if there are any open title level requests.
  • ”Create title level request” selected by default. If you are using title-level requesting, there will be a checkbox in the Requests app to toggle whether a request is title-level or item-level. If you’d like title-level request to be the default choice, check this box.
  • Fail to create title level hold when request is blocked by circulation rule. Check this box if you want title level hold requests to follow the circulation rules. If you do not check this box, then title level hold requests will go through even when item level hold requests are blocked by the circulation rule.

Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.

Notice templates

Notices that are triggered by title-level requests are not yet included in FOLIO’s circulation rules system. If a title-level request is placed by a patron and immediately associated to an item, the item-level notices in the circulation rules will be sent. If a title-level request is placed and it is a hold - e.g., not immediately associated to an item - the title-level request templates selected here are used instead.

  • Confirmation notice. Choose a notice template from the drop-down if you want to send a patron notice when a title-level request is created.
  • Cancellation notice. Choose a notice template from the drop-down if you want to send a patron notice when a title-level request is canceled.
  • Expiration notice. Choose a notice template from the drop-down if you want to send a patron notice when a title-level request expires without having been fulfilled.

Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.

Settings > Circulation > Print hold requests

Allow print hold requests (Open - Not yet filled). Check the box if you want the option to print Search slips for item level hold requests.

Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.

5 - Settings > Consortium Manager

This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.

The Consortium Manager app allows libraries to share data and settings between multiple FOLIO tenants.

Enhanced Consortial Support (ECS) must be enabled in the tenant in order to use Consortium Manager. For more information about setting up ECS in your tenant, see Steps to setup Consortia environment.

Definition of terms related to Settings > Consortium manager:

  • Consortium: An association of independent libraries and/or library systems established by formal agreement, usually for the purpose of resource sharing. Membership may be restricted to a specific geographic region, type of library (public, academic, special), or subject specialization.
  • Central tenant: The administrative tenant in a multi-tenant system. Also referred to as a primary tenant,
  • Enhanced Consortial Support (ECS): A setting enabled in a tenant for managing a consortium using the Consortium Manager.
  • Permission: Value assigned to a FOLIO user that allows them access to view, create, update or delete records in FOLIO, or to carry out specific FOLIO tasks.
  • Permission set: A group of permissions that allows a user to perform a specific set of tasks.
  • Primary tenant: See Central tenant.
  • Tenant: A FOLIO client whose data are stored separately and are accessible and visible separately from other FOLIO clients.

The following are the permissions for Settings > Consortium Manager:

  • Settings (Consortia): Can view and edit consortia membership This permission allows the user to view and edit the details of the list of members in the Settings app of the central tenant.
  • Settings (Consortia): Can view consortia membership This permission allows the user to view the details of the list of members in the Settings app of the central tenant.

For more general information about permissions, see Platform Essentials > Permissions.

Edit member details

Members cannot be added or removed in Consortium manager, but member details can be edited in Settings > Consortium manager.

To edit a member, go to Settings > Consortium manager and follow these steps:

  1. Select Membership in the Network settings pane. The list of members displays in the Addresses pane. Code, Name, and Tenant address for each member also displays.
  2. Click on the appropriate pencil icon in the Actions column.
  3. Make changes to the Code or Name fields.
  4. Click the Save button in the Actions column to save the changes.

6 - Settings > Courses

The Courses section of the Settings app is where you manage your terms, course types, course departments, and other courses settings.


The following are all the permissions for Courses in the Settings app:

  • Settings (Courses): Can create, edit and delete course settings. This permission allows users to maintain (view, add, edit, and delete) all course settings.
  • Settings (Courses): Can view course settings. This permission allows users to view course settings. They cannot add, edit or delete course settings.

Settings > Courses > Display settings

This setting controls FOLIO’s behavior when duplicating a course in the Courses app via Actions > Duplicate.

If the user chooses this setting when duplicating a course, the “Duplicate all cross-listed courses” checkbox in the Duplicate modal will be checked by default.

Settings > Courses > Terms

Use this setting to create and manage Terms. Terms define the start and end date of a course. For example, when a user adds items to a course, Folio automatically assigns a Start Date and End Date to the new item as specified in the Term. If needed, you can edit the dates by editing the reserve item.

Creating a term

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name, Start Date, and End Date in the boxes.
  3. Click Save. The Term is saved and appears alphabetically in the list.

Editing a term

  1. Find the Term you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name, Start Date, or End Date.
  3. Click Save. The Term is saved.

Deleting a term

  1. Find the Term you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Term dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the term is deleted.

Settings > Courses > Course Types

Use this setting to create and manage Course Types. Examples of Course Types include: Online, Hybrid, and In Person.

Creating a course type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Course Type is saved.

Editing a course type

  1. Find the Course Type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The Course Type is saved.

Deleting a course type

  1. Find the Course Type you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Course Types dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the term is deleted.

Settings > Courses > Course Department

Use this setting to create and manage Course Departments. Examples of Course Departments include: Mathematics, English, and Business.

Creating a course department

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Course Department is saved.

Editing a course department

  1. Find the Course Department you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The Course Department is saved.

Deleting a course department

  1. Find the Course Department you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Department dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the department is deleted.

Settings > Courses > Processing Statuses

Use this setting to create and manage Processing Statuses. These statuses are specific to the Courses app and can be used to reflect the status of a reserve item. Examples of Processing Statuses include: On Order, Cataloging, and Recalled.

Creating a processing status

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Processing Status is saved.

Editing a processing status

  1. Find the Processing Status you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The Processing Status is saved.

Deleting a processing status

  1. Find the Processing Status you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Processing Status dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the status is deleted.

Use this setting to create and manage Copyright Statuses. These statuses are specific to the Courses app and can be used to indicate the copyright of license of a reserve item. Examples of Copyright Statuses include: Public Domain, CC BY, and CC BY-SA.

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Copyright Status is saved.
  1. Find the Copyright Status you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The Copyright Status is saved.
  1. Find the Processing Status you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Copyright Status dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the status is deleted.

7 - Settings > Data export

The Data export section of the Settings app is where you can configure the job profiles used in the data export process. Job profiles determine how information is exported to the MARC file that is generated as a result of the export.

The Data export app comes with one or more default job profiles that export instance, holdings, or authority data. Additional profiles can be created as needed. The mapping profiles allow you to customize the data that is used in the job profile.

The mapping and job profiles add flexibility to the data export and provide an easy way to execute a different type of export on the same data set or the same type of export on different data sets. For example, one user can export bibliographic data only and another user can export instances with appended elements of the holdings and items records using the same set of data.


In order to interact with Data export settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (data-export): display list of settings pages. This permission allows the user to set up data export profiles.

Settings > Data export > Job profiles

When exporting data, each export is associated with a job profile. The job profile provides a way of connecting a specific list of record identifiers with a field mapping profile. The field mapping profile determines how the data from FOLIO records appears in the generated MARC file.

Before you begin configuring job profiles, you should first configure your field mapping profiles. See Settings > Data export > Field mapping profiles, below, for more information.

Default export job profile

The system comes with one or more default job profiles that are associated with default field mapping profiles. Records exported with a default job profile generate a MARC file containing information for the provided record IDs.

If you use a default job profile, simplified MARC bibliographic records are generated for instances without underlying MARC records. For instances with underlying MARC records stored in SRS, those records are used in the export.

Creating an export job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, click New.
  2. Enter a Name for the job profile.
  3. Select a Mapping profile from the drop-down list. Field mapping profiles are created in Settings. See Settings > Data export > Field mapping profiles for more information.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the job profile.
  5. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the job profile is created.

Searching for an export job profile

Use the search bar to search for profiles contained in the Job profile list.

The Job profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the job profile.
  • Updated. Date the job profile was last updated.
  • Updated by. User who last updated the job profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an export job profile

To view the details of a job profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Job profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The export job profile details window appears.

Editing an export job profile

Note: Once a job profile has been used for a data export job, it cannot be edited or deleted.

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find the profile you want to edit and select it.
  2. In the export job profile details window, click Actions > Edit.

Duplicating an export job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find the profile you want to duplicate and select it.
  2. In the export job profile details window, click Actions > Duplicate.

Deleting an export job profile

Note: Once a job profile has been used for a data export job, it cannot be edited or deleted.

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find the job profile you want to delete and select it.
  2. In the export job profile details window, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete job profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the job profile is deleted.

Settings > Data export > Field mapping profiles

The system comes with one or more default field mapping profiles that are associated with a default job profile. A field mapping profile determines how the data from FOLIO records appears in the generated MARC file.

Creating an export field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, click New.
  2. In the New field mapping profile window, enter a Name for the field mapping profile.
  3. Select an Output format from the drop-down list. MARC is the only option.
  4. Select as many FOLIO record types that apply by selecting the checkbox next to the option: Source record storage (entire record), Authority, Inventory instance (selected fields), Holdings, and/or Item. You must select at least one option.
  5. Optional: Enter a Description for the field mapping profile.
  6. Optional: To add a transformation, click Add transformations and follow these steps:
    1. In the Select transformations dialog, use the search box and filters to find the transformations you want to add to the field mapping profile.
    2. For every transformation you want to add, select the checkbox next to it and fill out the field number, indicators, and subfield boxes. Subfields must begin with a $.
    3. Once you have added all transformations, click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the transformations are added to the field mapping profile.
  7. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is created.

Searching for an export field mapping profile

Use the search bar to search for profiles contained in the Field mapping profiles list.

The Field mapping profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the job profile.
  • FOLIO record type. The types of records included in the export: Source record storage (entire record), Authority, Instance, Holdings, and/or Item.
  • Format. Format of the exported record.
  • Updated. Date the field mapping profile was last updated.
  • Updated by. User or system who last updated the field mapping profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an export field mapping profile

To view the details of a field mapping profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The field mapping profile details window appears.

Editing an export field mapping profile

Note: While a field mapping is assigned to a job profile, it cannot be edited or deleted.

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to edit and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your changes to the profile.
  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is updated.

Duplicating an export field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to duplicate and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Duplicate.
  3. In the New field mapping profile window, make your desired changes to the duplicated policy.
  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is created.

Deleting an export field mapping profile

Note: While a field mapping is assigned to a job profile, it cannot be edited or deleted.

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to delete and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete mapping profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is deleted.

8 - Settings > Data import

The Data Import section of the Settings app is where you can configure the source and structure of the import files, map incoming records to existing records, configure the types of action to be taken on an import (e.g., creating new records, updating existing records, etc.), and define ways to transform the data and map data to particular fields (e.g., add a value such as a proxy to the information in the incoming record, or eliminate data such as selected MARC tags from the incoming data).

It is recommended that you configure the Data Import settings in the following order for a new Job Profile:

  1. Field mapping profile
  2. Action profile
  3. Match profile
  4. Job profile


The permissions listed below allow you to interact with Data Import settings. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

  • Settings (Data import): Can view, create, edit, and remove. This permission allows the user to see and and change the Data Import settings.

  • Settings (Data import): Can view only. This permission allows the user to see the Data Import settings but not make any changes to them.

Settings > Data import > Job profiles

Job profiles define the type of import at the highest level. A job profile contains all of the steps needed to complete an individual data import job: field mapping, action, and matching.

Creating an import job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, click Actions > New job profile.
  2. In the New job profile window, enter a Name for the job profile.
  3. Select the Accepted data type: MARC or EDIFACT. This is the accepted format of the imported record.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the job profile.
  5. In the Overview accordion, you can add or remove Match Profiles and Action Profiles. When you add a Match Profile, you repeat this process for when matches are found and when non-matches are found. Using this, you can nest several Match Profiles together to enable matching on multiple data fields. Any Action Profile or Match Profile you wish to add must already exist before adding them to the Job Profile.
  6. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the job is created.

Searching for an import job profile

Use the search bar at the top of the Job Profiles pane to search the names of job profiles contained in the Job profile list.

The Job profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the job profile.
  • Tags. Any tags assigned to the job profile
  • Updated. Date the job profile was last updated.
  • Updated by. User who last updated the job profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an import job profile

To view the details of a job profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Job profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The import job profile details window appears.

Editing an import job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find and select the job profile you want to edit.
  2. In the job profile details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your desired changes to the job profile.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the job profile is updated.

Duplicating an import job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find and select the job profile you want to duplicate.
  2. In the job profile details pane, click Actions > Duplicate.
  3. In the New job profile window, make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the duplicate job profile is created.

Deleting an import job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find and select the job profile you want to delete.
  2. In the job profile details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete job profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the job profile is deleted.

Adding a tag to an import job profile

  1. In the Job profiles pane, find and select the job profile you want to tag.
  2. In the job profile details pane, click Tags.
  3. In the Tags box, either select a tag or enter a tag. The tag is automatically applied to the job.

Exporting an import job profile

Exporting an import job profile is not implemented at this time.

Settings > Data import > Match profiles

Match profiles define the match between an incoming record and existing record. Match profiles can be used for multiple job profiles.

Before creating a match profile, you should first create action profiles and field mapping profiles.

Creating an import match profile

  1. In the Match profiles pane, click Actions > New match profile.
  2. In the New match profile window, enter a Name for the match profile.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the match profile.
  4. In the Details section, select the format of the incoming record, then select the format of the existing record to which you are matching (e.g., Instance, Holdings, Item, MARC Bibliographic, MARC Authority)
  5. In the Match criteria section, select the field to match from the incoming record and the corresponding field to match on in the existing record.
  6. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the match profile is created.

Searching for an import match profile

Use the search bar to search for match profiles contained in the Match profile list.

The Match profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the match profile.
  • Match. The match contained within the match profile.
  • Tags. Any tags assigned to the match profile
  • Updated. Date the match profile was last updated.
  • Updated by. User who last updated the match profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an import match profile

To view the details of a match profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Match profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The match profile details window appears.

Editing an import match profile

  1. In the Match profiles pane, find and select the match profile you want to edit.
  2. In the match profile details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your desired changes to the match profile.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the match profile is updated.

Duplicating an import match profile

  1. In the Match profiles pane, find and select the match profile you want to duplicate.
  2. In the match profile details pane, click Actions > Duplicate.
  3. In the New match profile window, make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the duplicate match profile is created.

Deleting an import match profile

  1. In the Match profiles pane, find and select the match profile you want to delete.
  2. In the match profile details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete match profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the match profile is deleted.

Exporting an import match profile

Exporting an import match profile is not implemented at this time.

Settings > Data import > Actions profiles

Action profiles define specific actions to take on import with the incoming records and/or existing records.

Before creating an action profile, you should first create field mapping profiles.

Creating an import action profile

  1. In the Action profiles pane, click Actions > New action profile.
  2. In the New action profile window, enter a Name for the profile.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the profile.
  4. In the Action drop-down list, select one of the following:
    1. Create. Select to create a new record.
    2. Update. Select to update an existing record.
    3. Modify. Select to modify the incoming record prior to either creating or updating a record. Use for incoming MARC records only.
  5. In the FOLIO record type drop-down list, select the record type that results from the action selected.
  6. Optional: To associate a field mapping profile with the action profile, click Link Profile. This field mapping profile must already exist to link to it. An action profile can only be linked to one field mapping profile. If an action profile is edited, those edits are reflected in all field mapping and job profiles where the action profile is used.
    1. In the Select Field Mapping Profiles dialog, use the search box to find the field mapping profile you want to add to the action profile.
    2. Click the field mapping profile to select it. The field mapping profile is added to the action profile.
  7. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the action profile is saved.

Searching for an import action profile

Use the search bar to search for action profiles contained in the Action profile list.

The Action profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the action profile.
  • Action. The action contained within the action profile.
  • Tags. Any tags assigned to the action profile
  • Updated. Date the action profile was last updated.
  • Updated by. User who last updated the action profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an import action profile

To view the details of a match profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Action profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The action profile details window appears.

Editing an import action profile

  1. In the Action profiles pane, find and select the action profile you want to edit.
  2. In the action profile details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your desired changes to the match profile.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the match profile is updated.

Duplicating an import action profile

  1. In the Action profiles pane, find and select the action profile you want to duplicate.
  2. In the action profile details pane, click Actions > Duplicate.
  3. In the New action profile window, make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save as profile & Close. A confirmation message appears and the duplicate action profile is created.

Deleting an import action profile

  1. In the Action profiles pane, find and select the action profile you want to delete.
  2. In the action profile details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete action profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the action profile is deleted.

Exporting an import action profile

Exporting an import action profile is not implemented at this time.

Adding a tag to an import action profile

  1. In the Action profiles pane, find and select the action profile you want to tag.
  2. In the action profile details pane, click Tags.
  3. In the Tags box, either select a tag or enter a tag. The tag is automatically applied to the profile.

Settings > Data import > Field mapping profiles

Field mapping profiles map fields of the incoming records to FOLIO according to the actions associated with that field mapping.

Creating an import field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, click Actions > New field mapping profile.
  2. In the New field mapping profile window, enter a Name for the field mapping profile.
  3. Select an Incoming record type from the drop-down list: MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, MARC Authority or EDIFACT invoice.
  4. Select a FOLIO record type from the drop-down list: Instance, Holdings, Item, Order, Invoice, MARC Bibliographic, MARC Holdings, or MARC Authority. Depending on your selection, different options appear. The field mapping details are designed to mimic the FOLIO record’s create/edit screen as much as possible. However individual fields may be populated with a reference to a particular field in the incoming record, a default value, or a combination of both. See the sections below for more information.
  5. Optional: Enter a Description for the field mapping profile.
  6. Optional: To link action profiles to the field mapping profile, under Associated action profiles, click Link Profile, and follow these steps:
    1. In the Select Action Profiles dialog, use the search box to find the action profiles you want to associate with the field mapping profile.
    2. Select the checkboxes next to the action profiles and click **Save**. The action profiles are added to the field mapping profile.
  7. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is created.


Note: Inactive fields cannot be mapped because they are controlled by the system or by the library’s MARC-Instance mapping profile


  • In the Field mapping - Holdings section, fill in the applicable fields. For more information on the fields, see Adding holdings to a record.


  • In the Field mapping - Item section, fill in the applicable fields. For more information on the fields, see Adding an item to a record.


  • In the Field mapping - Order section, fill in the applicable fields. for more information on the fields, see Creating an order.


  • In the Field mapping - Invoice section, fill in the applicable fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). For more information on the fields, see Creating an invoice.

MARC Bibliographic

  1. Select the Field mappings for MARC from the drop-down list: Modifications or Updates.
  2. If you selected Modifications, follow these steps:
    1. In the Field mapping - MARC Bibliographic - Modifications section, in the Action column, select the modification you want to occur: Add, Delete, Edit, or Move.
    2. Enter a MARC Field in the box.
    3. Optional: By default, the Indicators and Subfield fields are populated with the asterisk (\*) wildcard, which includes all data within those fields. If needed, you can update these fields with specific data.
    4. Select a Subaction from the drop-down list. The Subaction options vary spending on the Action you selected. Fill out any fields that appear that are associated with the subaction.
    5. If you selected Add or Edit as the Action, enter Data into the box.
    6. To add another field mapping, click the + and repeat steps a-e.
    7. To delete a field mapping, click the trash can icon.
  3. If you selected Updates, follow these steps:
    1. If updates should only affect specific fields, In the Field mapping - MARC Bibliographic - Modifications section, click Add field and fill in the Field, In.1, In.2, and Subfield boxes. To add another field, click the +. To delete a field, click the trash can icon.
    2. If any protected field should be updated by the profile, select the checkboxes in the Override column for each field that you want to update.

Searching for an import field mapping profile

Use the search bar to search for field mapping profiles contained in the Field mapping profile list.

The Field mapping profiles list contains the following columns:

  • Name. Name of the field mapping profile.
  • FOLIO record type. The record type affected by the field mapping profile.
  • Tags. Any tags assigned to the actifield mapping on profile
  • Updated. Date the action field mapping was last updated.
  • Updated by. User who last updated the field mapping profile.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing an import field mapping profile

To view the details of a field mapping profile, follow these steps:

  • In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to view and select it. The field mapping profile details window appears.

Editing an import field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to edit and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your changes to the profile.
  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is updated.

Duplicating an import field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to duplicate and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Duplicate.
  3. In the New field mapping profile window, make your desired changes to the duplicated policy.
  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is created.

Deleting an import field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to delete and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete mapping profile dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the field mapping profile is deleted.

Exporting an import field mapping profile

Exporting an import action profile is not implemented at this time.

Adding a tag to an import field mapping profile

  1. In the Field mapping profiles pane, find the profile you want to tag and select it.
  2. In the field mapping profile details window, click Tags.
  3. In the Tags box, either select a tag or enter a tag. The tag is automatically applied to the profile.

Settings > Data import > File extensions

Use File extensions to configure which file formats are allowed for import and which are blocked and cannot be imported. For example, you may want to block .mrk files from import. If a file has an extension that isn’t in the list, the file can be uploaded and import is attempted. If there are problems with the file structure or data, the import fails, and that is reflected in the Data import log.

Adding a new file extension

  1. In the File extensions pane, click Actions > New file extension.
  2. In the New file extension mapping window, enter a Description of the file extension.
  3. Enter the File extension in the box.
  4. Optional: If the extension is to be blocked from import, select Block import.
  5. In the Data type(s) field, select the data types to which the extension applies: MARC and/or EDIFACT.
  6. Click Save as file extension & Close. A confirmation message appears and the file extension is added.

Searching for a file extension

Use the search bar to search for file extensions contained in the File extensions list.

The File extensions list contains the following columns:

  • Extension. The file extension.
  • Block import. Whether an import of the file extension is allowed or blocked.
  • Data type(s). The data type associated with the file extension.
  • Updated. Date when file extension entry was last updated.
  • Updated by. ID of user who made the last update.

You can click on any column name to sort by that column.

Viewing a file extension

To view the details of a file extension profile, follow these steps:

  • In the File extensions pane, find the file extension you want to view and select it. The file extension details window appears.

Editing a file extension

  1. In the File extensions pane, find the file extension you want to edit and select it.
  2. In the file extension details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  3. Make your desired changes to the file extension.
  4. Click Save as file extension & Close. A confirmation message appears and the file extension is updated.

Deleting a file extension

  1. In the File extensions pane, find the file extension you want to delete and select it.
  2. In the file extension details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete file extension dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the file extension is deleted.

Settings > Data import > MARC field protection

Use this setting to protect all or part of a particular MARC field from updates when new copies of MARC records are imported.

Field protection differs for repeatable and non-repeatable fields. If the field is repeatable, the existing field is retained and a new field is created with the new data. If the field is non-repeatable, the existing field is retained and the updated data is discarded.

Adding a MARC field protection

The asterisk (*) is the only available wildcard. When used, it means anything.

  1. In the MARC field protection pane, click New.
  2. Enter the Field.
  3. If you want to protect all data within that field, regardless of Indicator, Subfield, and Data, leave an asterisk (*) in each field, otherwise fill in the fields.
  4. Click Save. The MARC field is added to the table.

Editing a MARC field protection

  1. In the MARC field protection pane, click the pencil icon in the row of the field you want to edit.
  2. Make your desired edits.
  3. Click Save. The MARC field is updated.

Deleting a MARC field protection

  1. In the MARC field protection pane, click the trash can icon in the row of the field you want to delete.
  2. In the Delete MARC field protection dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the MARC field protection is deleted.

9 - Settings > eHoldings

The eHoldings section of the Settings app is where you establish your root proxy server, create access status types and custom labels, assign users, and enter API credentials to call the EBSCO KB API (Holdings IQ). Note: Assign users is only applicable to multiple libraries in a single tenant (e.g. Five Colleges).


In order to interact with eHoldings settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (eHoldings): Can create, edit, and view knowledge base credentials. This permission allows the user to create, view, and edit knowledge base API credentials.
  • Settings (eHoldings): Can delete knowledge base credentials. This permission allows the user to delete knowledge base API credentials. This action should only be done if the library is no longer subscribed to EBSCO KB.
  • Settings (eholdings): Can create, edit, view, and delete custom labels. This permission allows the user to create, view, edit, and delete custom labels that display on a title-package (aka resource) record.
  • Settings (eholdings): Can view custom labels. This permission allows the user to view custom labels in settings.
  • Settings (eholdings): Can create, edit, view, and delete access status types. This permission allows the user to create, view, edit, and delete a list of access status types that display on a selected package and title-package (aka resource) record.
  • Settings (eholdings): Can create, edit, and view access status types. This permission allows the user to create, view, and edit a list of access status types that display on a selected package and title-package (aka resource) record.
  • Settings (eholdings): Can view access status types. This permission allows the user to view a list of access status types that display on a selected package and title-package (aka resource) record.
  • Settings (eHoldings): Configure root proxy setting. This permission allows the user to edit the root proxy selection.
  • Settings (eholdings): Create, edit, and view Usage Consolidation API credentials. This permission allows the user to update and view usage consolidation settings. For libraries that subscribe to EBSCO’s Usage Consolidation service.
  • Settings (eHoldings): Display list of settings pages. This permission allows the user to view Settings (eholdings) pages.

Settings > eHoldings > Root proxy

The root proxy server establishes the proxy for all links and resources in eHoldings currently set to inherit the root proxy selection.

Note for EBSCO KB API customers: Access EBSCOAdmin to setup and maintain proxies.

  1. Select the root proxy server from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the root proxy server is saved.

Settings > eHoldings > Custom labels

Use this setting to create up to five custom labels. Custom labels allow your library to have additional customizable fields within title records. The labels you create here are displayed across all title records, but the information in each label’s field can be supplied and edited from within the title record. If created, custom labels appear within selected title records in the eHoldings app.

Creating a custom label

  1. Enter a title for your custom label into a Display label box.
  2. If you want the label to show on the publication finder and/or full text finder, select the checkbox next to each option.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the labels are saved.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for up to five custom labels.

Editing a custom label

  1. Make your changes to the Display label box.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the label is updated. The label changes across all selected title records in eHoldings.

Deleting a custom label

  1. Remove the text from a Display label box.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the label is updated. The label is removed from all selected title records in eHoldings.

Settings > eHoldings > Access status types

Access status type is a customizable drop-down list that appears within selected package and title records in the eHoldings app. The drop-down list can be customized to indicate the various ways a resource might be accessible, for example, Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA), open access, or trial subscriptions. If created, the Access status type drop-down list appears in the Package settings section in selected package records and the Resource settings section in selected title records.

Creating an access status type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a name for the Access Status Type.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the access status type.
  4. Click Save. The access status type is saved.

Editing an access status type

  1. Find the access status type you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the Actions column.
  2. Make your desired changes.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting an access status type

Note: Access status types can only be deleted if they aren’t assigned to any records. The trash can icon doesn’t appear otherwise.

  1. Find the access status type you want to edit and click the trash can icon in the Actions column.
  2. In the Delete access status type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the access status type is deleted.

Settings > eHoldings > Assigned users

Use this setting only if your library is planning to have multiple EBSCO KBs configured. If your library has access to multiple KBs, eHoldings needs to know to which KB to grant a user access, so users need to be assigned to a KB. Users are configured in the Users app.

Assigning a user

  1. Click Assign users.
  2. In the Select User dialog, enter the user’s name or a portion of their name into the search box in the User Search pane, and click Search. User Search Results appear.
  3. Optional: Filter results by Status or by Patron group.
  4. Select the desired user by clicking on the user’s name. The user is assigned.

Unassigning a user

  1. Find the user you want to unassign.
  2. Click the trash can icon in the row of the user.
  3. In the Unassign a user from a knowledge base dialog, click Unassign. The user is unassigned and removed from the assigned users table.

Settings > eHoldings > Usage consolidation

For libraries that subscribe to EBSCO’s Usage Consolidation service. Use this setting to integrate FOLIO with the EBSCO Usage Consolidation product in order to populate eResource usage statistics (typically from a FOLIO’s site’s COUNTER reports). A Usage & analysis accordion will display in eHoldings package and title records.

Libraries can add cost per package and title to the Usage & analysis display, if this information is available in EBSCOAdmin. The library selects how to track their usage in EBSCOAdmin.

Request Usage consolidation credentials from your library’s EBSCO-FOLIO implementation consultant or submit a request to EBSCOConnect.

  1. Enter your library’s Usage consolidation ID (required).
  2. Enter your library’s Usage consolidation client ID (required).
  3. Enter your library’s Usage consolidation API key (required).
  4. Select the Start month for usage statistics from the drop-down list.
  5. Select the platform for the usage statistics default display. Options include all platforms, publisher platforms, and non-publisher platforms.
  6. Select the Currency (required).
  7. Click Save.

10 - Settings > Finance

The Finance section of the Settings app is where you establish and specify the categories you want to use to classify the different fund types that will be used during a fiscal year.


In order to interact with Finance settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (Finance): Export fund and expense class codes. This permission allows the user to export a CSV file containing fund codes and expense classes for a selected fiscal year.
  • Settings (Finance): View settings. This permission allows the user view-only access to finance settings.
  • Settings (Finance): View, edit, create, delete. This permission allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete all finance settings.

Note: This is the only permission available for Finance settings. With some other Finance permissions, the user is able to view the settings, but they are unable to create, edit, or delete the settings. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

Settings > Finance > Fund types

A fund type is a categorization to help distinguish between the purpose of the different funds. You can use fund types to track the types of items funds are applied to, such as gifts, endowments, and exchanges. You need to first add the fund types in the Settings app in order to assign them to funds as fund types are created within the system. Fiscal year rollover of funds is often defined by fund type, so definition of the type values should consider future fiscal year rollover requirements.

Creating a new fund type

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a fund type Name in the box.

  3. Click Save. The fund type is saved and appears in the Fund types list.

Editing a fund type

  1. Find the fund type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Edit the Name.

  3. Click Save. The fund type is updated. Note: if another user edited and saved the same fund type record while you were editing, the following message appears: “You are editing an old version of this data. To load the latest version click cancel, refresh the page and try again.”

Deleting a fund type

  1. Find the fund type you want to delete. Click the trash can icon.

  2. In the Delete Fund type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the fund type is deleted. Note: Fund types cannot be deleted if assigned to a fund. The action will result in an error message: “This fund type cannot be deleted, as it is in use by one or more records.”

Settings > Finance > Expense classes

Expense classes allow you to track spending by defined categories within a fund. They enable tracking and reporting by the classes defined in this setting. For example, you may want to track spending based on order format (electronic vs print). When an order or invoice is created, both the fund and the expense class can be selected by the user.

Creating a new expense class

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a category Name, Code, and External account number extension in the boxes.

  3. Name. The name to designate the expense class.

  4. Code. Self-created, based on name, a unique identifier for the expense class.

  5. External account number extensions., optional. The financial account listing outside of the system linked to the expense class. For example, 01. This value will be appended to the external account number specified on the fund record.

  6. Click Save. The expense class is saved and appears in the Expense class list.

Editing an expense class

  1. Find the expense class you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Edit the Name, Code, or External account number extension.

  3. Click Save. The expense class is updated. Note: if another user edited and saved while you were editing the same expense class, the following message appears: “You are editing an old version of this data. To load the latest version click cancel, refresh the page and try again.”

Deleting an expense class

  1. Find the expense class you want to delete. Click the trash can icon.

  2. In the Delete Expense class dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the expense class is deleted. Note: Expense classes cannot be deleted if assigned to a budget. The action will result in an error message: “This expense class cannot be deleted, as it is in use by one or more records.”

Settings > Finance > Export fund and expense class codes

When exporting the combined fund and expense class codes for a selected fiscal year you will receive a delimited file that includes all fund codes and all fund code & expense class code combinations where expense class has a status of ‘active’.

  1. In the Fiscal year dropdown, select the fiscal year for which you wish to export information.

  2. The CSV file will download to your machine. It contains two columns: Fund code and Fund and active expense class codes.

11 - Settings > GOBI integration

The GOBI integration section of the Settings app defines your configuration for an integration with the provider GOBI Library Solutions. This integration supports the creation of FOLIO orders initiated from the GOBI order form.


In order to interact with GOBI integration settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission. For information on assigning permissions to users, see Assigning permissions to a user record.

  • GOBI Integration: view and edit settings. This permission allows you to view and edit GOBI integration settings.

Settings > GOBI integration > Integration details > Mapping configuration

To view the mapping configuration files, open Settings > GOBI integration > Integration details > Mapping configuration. A list of existing mapping configuration files is listed on the Configuration files pane.

  • Listed Electronic Monograph
  • Listed Electronic Serial
  • Listed Print Monograph
  • Listed Print Serial
  • Unlisted Print Monograph
  • Unlisted Print Serial

Viewing configuration files

Each configuration file contains default values that will populate fields on purchase orders created through this integration with GOBI. To view a configuration file, click on the configuration file name in the Configuration files pane. To expand or collapse all accordions on the page, click Expand all or Collapse all When expanded, each accordion section lists the following configuration information about each purchase order field:

From field. To map a value from the GOBI order form, select the field name from the drop-down list:

  • Base Account
  • Sub Account
  • Title
  • Product ID
  • Product Qualifier
  • Publication Date
  • Publisher
  • Contributor
  • Fund Code
  • Location
  • Quantity
  • YBP Order Key
  • Order Placed
  • Unit Price
  • Currency
  • Local Data 1
  • Local Data 2
  • Local Data 3
  • Local Data 4
  • Custom Path

Path. The path string. For all From field values in the drop-down list, this path string will automatically populate. To manually enter a path string, select Custom path from the From field drop-down list. Default value. Enter a default value to apply to this field on the purchase order. Translation. Select a method from the drop-down list to apply to an incoming text value for translation into a system recognized unique identifier. For example, select “Lookup organization” to link an incoming vendor code value of GOBI to the organization record containing the vendor code GOBI. Select one of the following translation methods:

  • Lookup contributions UUID
  • Lookup expense class UUID
  • Lookup acquisition method UUIDs
  • Lookup acquisition unit UUIDs associated with name
  • Lookup acquisition unit UUIDs associated with account
  • Lookup UUID of the (inventory) location record
  • Lookup UUID of the material type
  • Lookup fund UUID
  • Lookup organization
  • Lookup UUID corresponding to the type of product ID
  • Lookup suffix UUID for purchase order number
  • Lookup prefix UUID for purchase order number
  • Lookup purchase order line UUID by order line number
  • Lookup config address
  • Separating the ISBN qualifier
  • Truncation the ISBN qualifier
  • To boolean
  • To date
  • To double
  • To integer

Translate default. Check this box to apply translation logic to the default value the user has entered for the field mapping. Some fields accommodate a reference value or a text value while some require reference value. For example, the PO information > Vendor field mapping needs to contain a UUID reference value to link an organization record to the order. If the default value for this mapping is “GOBI,” then this checkbox must be set to true since a translation must be applied to this default.

Editing configuration files

Each configuration file contains default values that will populate fields on purchase orders created through this integration with the GOBI ordering platform. To edit a configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the configuration file name in the Configuration files pane.

  2. In the action menu, select Edit. The window title changes to Edit and all fields are now editable. To enter a Path value, select Custom path in the From field drop-down list..

  3. To expand all accordions on the page, click Expand all.

  4. To clear all field mappings, click the Clear all field mappings button.

  5. Edit the mappings and default values as needed and click Save & close.

Resetting default configuration

After editing a configuration file you can optionally reset the configuration back to the original default setup. To reset a configuration file to the original default configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the configuration file name in the Configuration files pane.

  2. In the action menu, select Reset default configuration.

  3. Confirm the dialog prompt, “Resetting this configuration will delete all customizations and restore the default configuration file mappings.”

  4. A green toast message confirms that the default configuration is restored.

12 - Settings > MARC authority

The MARC authority section of Settings allows you to view, create, edit, and delete authority files.


To interact with MARC Authority app settings, a user may be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (MARC authority): View authority files. This permission allows the user to view authority files but not make changes to them.
  • Settings (MARC authority): View, create, edit, delete authority files. This permission allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete authority files.

Settings > MARC authority > Manage authority files

Creating new authority files

  1. In the Manage authority files pane, click New.
  2. Enter the following information for the new authority file:
  • Name. The name of the authority file.
  • Prefix. The prefix for authority record identifiers within the authority file. This prefix can only contain alphabetical values, is limited to 25 characters, and must be unique among the listed authority files.
  • HRID stats with. A number starting from which the HRID will be assigned to authority records. This number cannot contain leading zeros.
  • Base URL. (Optional) The base URL for the authority file.
  1. Check the box in the Active column if the authority file should be active.
  2. Click Save.

Editing authority files

  1. In the Manage authority files pane, click the pencil icon in the row of the authority file you want to edit.
  2. Make your desired edits.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting authority files

  1. In the Manage authority files pane, click the trash can icon in the row of the authority file you want to delete.
  2. In the Delete authority file dialog, click Yes, delete. A confirmation message appears and the authority file is deleted.

13 - Settings > Inventory

The Inventory section of Setting allows you to customize your Inventory app.


Each setting within Inventory has its own permission associated with it. If a user has one of the below permissions assigned to their user record, they will be able to view and interact with that particular setting. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

The following are all the Inventory Settings permissions presented in the order the configurations appear in the Settings app:

  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete alternative title type. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete alternative title types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete classification identifier types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete identifier types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete contributor types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete contributor types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete formats. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete formats.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete instance note types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance status types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete instance status types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined modes of issuance. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete modes of issuance.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete nature of content. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete natures of content.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete resource identifier types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete resource identifier types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined resource types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete locally defined resource types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings note types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings sources. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings sources.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete ILL policies. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete ILL policies.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete item note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete item note types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete loan types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete loan types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete material types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete material types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Edit fast add settings. This permission allows the user to edit fast add settings.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit and delete HRID handling. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete HRID handlings.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical code types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete statistical code types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical codes. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete statistical codes.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete URL relationships. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete URL relationships.
  • Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete call number types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete call number types.
  • Settings (Inventory): Display list of settings pages. This permission allows the user to view the list of settings for the Inventory app.

Settings > Inventory > Alternative title types

Use this setting to create and manage alternative title types. Alternative titles types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add an alternative title to an instance record. FOLIO provides alternative title types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating an alternative title type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Alternative title type is saved.

Editing an alternative title type

  1. Find the alternative title type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Alternative title type is saved.

Deleting an alternative title type

  1. Find the alternative title type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Alternative title type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Alternative title type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Classification identifier types

Use this setting to create and manage classification identifier types. Classification identifier types appear in the Classification identifier type drop-down list when you add a classification to an instance record. FOLIO provides identifier types by default, but the default values cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local identifier types.

Creating a classification identifier type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Classification identifier type is saved.

Editing a classification identifier type

Note: You can only edit local classification identifier types. Default FOLIO identifier types cannot be edited.

  1. Find the classification identifier type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Classification identifier type is saved.

Deleting a classification identifier type

Note: You can only delete local classification identifier types. Default FOLIO identifier types cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the classification identifier type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Classification identifier type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Classification identifier type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Contributor types

Use this setting to create and manage contributor types. Contributor types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add a contributor to an instance record. FOLIO provides MARC relator terms by default, but the relator terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local contributor types.

Creating a contributor type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Enter a code in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Contributor type is saved.

Editing a contributor type

Note: You can only edit local Contributor types. Default MARC relator types cannot be edited.

  1. Find the contributor type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or code.
  3. Click Save. The Contributor type is saved.

Deleting a contributor type

Note: You can only delete local Contributor types. Default MARC relator types cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the contributor type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Contributor type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Contributor type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Formats

Use this setting to create and manage formats. Formats appear in the Format drop-down list when you add a format to an instance record. FOLIO provides RDA media/carrier terms by default, and the default terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local formats. Format also appears as an instance search filter.

Creating a format

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Enter a code in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Format is saved.

Editing a format

Note: You can only edit local Formats. Default RDA media/carrier formats cannot be edited.

  1. Find the format you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or code.
  3. Click Save. The Format is saved.

Deleting a format

Note: You can only delete local Formats. Default RDA media/carrier formats cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the format you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Format dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Format is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Instance note types

Use this setting to create and manage instance note types. Instance note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to an instance record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating an instance note type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Instance note type is saved.

Editing an instance note type

  1. Find the instance note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Instance note type is saved.

Deleting an instance note type

  1. Find the instance note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Instance note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Instance note type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Instance status types

Use this setting to create and manage instance status types. Instance status types appear in the Instance status term drop-down list in the Administrative data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides status types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating an instance status type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Enter a code in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Instance status type is saved.

Editing an instance status type

  1. Find the instance status type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Code.
  3. Click Save. The Instance status type is saved.

Deleting an instance status type

  1. Find the instance status type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Instance status type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Instance status type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Modes of issuance

Use this setting to create and manage modes of issuance. Modes of issuance appear in the Mode of issuance drop-down list in the Administrative data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides some modes of issuance by default, and the default modes of issuance cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local modes of issuance. Mode of issuance also appears as an instance search filter.

Creating a mode of issuance

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Mode of issuance is saved.

Editing a mode of issuance

Note: You can only edit local and FOLIO Modes of issuance. Default Modes of issuances cannot be edited.

  1. Find the mode of issuance you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Mode of issuance is saved.

Deleting a mode of issuance

Note: You can only delete local and FOLIO Modes of issuance. Default Modes of issuances cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the mode of issuance you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Mode of issuance dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Mode of issuance is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Nature of content

Use this setting to create and manage nature of content terms. Nature of content terms appear in the Nature of content term drop-down list when you add a nature of content to an instance record. FOLIO provides nature of content terms by default, and the default terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local nature of content terms. Nature of content also appears as an instance search filter.

Creating a nature of content

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Nature of content is saved.

Editing a nature of content

Note: You can only edit local Nature of contents. Default FOLIO Nature of contents cannot be edited.

  1. Find the nature of content you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Nature of content is saved.

Deleting a nature of content

Note: You can only delete local Nature of contents. Default Nature of contents cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the nature of content you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Nature of content term dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Nature of content is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Resource identifier types

Use this setting to create and manage resource identifier types. Resource identifier types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add an identifier to an instance record. FOLIO provides identifier types by default, and the default identifier types cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local identifier types.

Creating a resource identifier type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Resource identifier type is saved.

Editing a resource identifier type

Note: You can only edit local Resource identifier types. Default FOLIO Resource identifier types cannot be edited.

  1. Find the resource identifier type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Resource identifier type is saved.

Deleting a resource identifier type

Note: You can only delete local Resource identifier types. Default FOLIO Resource identifier types cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the resource identifier type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Resource identifier type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Resource identifier type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Resource types

Use this setting to create and manage resource types. Resource types appear in the Resource type drop-down list in the Descriptive data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides RDA content terms by default, and the default content terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local resource types. Resource type also appears as an instance search filter.

Creating a resource type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Enter a Code in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Resource type is saved.

Editing a resource type

Note: You can only edit local Resource types. Default RDA content types cannot be edited.

  1. Find the resource type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name or Code.
  3. Click Save. The Resource type is saved.

Deleting a resource type

Note: You can only delete local Resource types. Default RDA content types cannot be deleted.

  1. Find the resource type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Resource type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Resource type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Holdings note types

Use this setting to create and manage holdings note types. Instance note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to a holdings record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating a holdings note type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings note type is saved.

Editing a holdings note type

  1. Find the holdings note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings note type is saved.

Deleting a holdings note type

  1. Find the holdings note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Holdings note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings note type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Holdings sources

Use this setting to create and manage holdings sources. Holdings source appears in the Administrative Data section of the Holdings record and is system supplied on record creation. FOLIO provides holdings sources by default, which cannot be edited or deleted. New sources can be added and edited

Creating a holdings source

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings source is saved.

Editing a holdings source

  1. Find the holdings source you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings source is saved.

You can only edit local Holdings sources. Default sources cannot be edited.

Deleting a holdings source

  1. Find the holdings source you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Holdings source dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings source is deleted.

You can only delete local Holdings sources. Default sources cannot be deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Holdings types

Use this setting to create and manage holdings types. Holdings types appear in the Holdings type drop-down list in the Administrative data section of a holdings record. FOLIO provides holdings types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating a holdings type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings type is saved.

Editing a holdings type

  1. Find the holdings type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Holdings type is saved.

Deleting a holdings type

  1. Find the holdings type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Holdings type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > ILL policy

Use this setting to create and manage ILL policies. ILL policies appear in the ILL policy drop-down list in the Holdings details section of a holdings record. FOLIO provides ILL policies by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating an ILL policy

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The ILL policy is saved.

Editing an ILL policy

  1. Find the ILL policy you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The ILL policy is saved.

Deleting a holdings type

  1. Find the ILL policy you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete ILL policy dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the ILL policy is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Item note types

Use this setting to create and manage item note types. Item note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to an item record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating an item note type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Item note type is saved.

Editing an item note type

  1. Find the item note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Item note type is saved.

Deleting an item note type

  1. Find the item note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Item note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Item note type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Loan types

Use this setting to create and manage loan types. Loan types appear in the Permanent loan type and Temporary loan type drop-down lists in the Loan and availability section of an item record. FOLIO provides loan types by default, which can be edited or deleted. Loan types are also used in Circulation rules.

Creating a loan type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Loan type is saved.

Editing a loan type

  1. Find the loan type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Loan type is saved.

Deleting a loan type

  1. Find the loan type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Loan type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Loan type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Material types

Use this setting to create and manage material types. Material types appear in the Material type drop-down list in the Item data section of an item record. FOLIO provides material types by default, which can be edited or deleted. Material types are also used in Circulation rules and appear as an item search filter.

Creating a material type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Material type is saved.

Editing a loan type

  1. Find the material type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Material type is saved.

Deleting a material type

  1. Find the material type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Material type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Material type is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Fast add

Use this setting to customize your Fast add default instance status and whether or not Fast add records are suppressed from discovery by default.

Default instance status

Select from the Default instance status drop-down list the instance status you want applied to every instance record created using Fast add:

  • Other
  • Cataloged
  • Uncataloged
  • Temporary
  • Not yet assigned
  • Batch Loaded

Suppress from discovery

Select “Yes” to keep records created using Fast add suppressed from discovery by default. Select “No” to make records created using Fass add not suppressed from discovery by default. The default suppression value can be overridden by the user when the record is being created.

Settings > Inventory > HRID handling

After initial data migration, new FOLIO HRIDs are assigned sequentially, based on the starting number in these settings. Unless changed or removed, the default prefix is assigned to new FOLIO HRIDs. HRIDs in existing FOLIO Inventory and MARC records cannot be changed.

Inventory instances and MARC bibliographic records

For instances

Inventory holdings and MARC holdings records

For holdings

Inventory item records

For items

Settings > Inventory > Statistical code types

Use this setting to create and manage statistical code types. Statistical code types appear in the Statistical code drop-down list when you add a statistical code to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides statistical codes by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating a statistical code type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Statistical code type is saved.

Editing a statistical code type

  1. Find the statistical code type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Statistical code type is saved.

Deleting a statistical code type

  1. Find the statistical code type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Statistical code type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Statistical code type is deleted.

Note: Statistical code types that are assigned to at least one Statistical code, cannot be deleted. The codes must first be assigned a different type or deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Statistical codes

Use this setting to create and manage statistical codes. Statistical code appear in the Statistical code drop-down list when you add a statistical code to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides statistical codes by default, which can be edited or deleted. A statistical code must be assigned a statistical code type.

Creating a statistical code

  1. Click New.
  2. Entier a Code in the box.
  3. Enter a Name in the box.
  4. Select a Type from the menu.
  5. Click Save. The Statistical code is saved.

Editing a statistical code

  1. Find the statistical code you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name, Code, or Type.
  3. Click Save. The Statistical code is saved.

Deleting a statistical code

  1. Find the statistical code you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Statistical code dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Statistical code is deleted.

Note: The Settings will allow deletion of Statistical codes that have been assigned to records in Inventory. In this case the codes will be deleted from the records to which they were assigned.

Settings > Inventory > URL relationship

Use this setting to create and manage URL relationships. URL relationships appear in the Relationship drop-down list when you add electronic access to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides URL relationships by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating a URL relationship

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The URL relationship is saved.

Editing a URL relationship

  1. Find the URL relationship you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The URL relationship is saved.

Deleting a URL relationship

  1. Find the URL relationship you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Statistical code dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the URL relationship is deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Call number types

Use this setting to create and manage call number types. Call number types appear in the Call number type drop-down list in the Location section of a holdings record and the Item data section of an item record. FOLIO provides call number types by default, which can be edited or deleted.

Creating a call number type

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Click Save. The Call number type is saved.

Editing a call number type

  1. Find the call number type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the Name.
  3. Click Save. The Call number type is saved.

Deleting a call number type

  1. Find the call number type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
  2. In the Delete Call number type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Call number type is deleted.

Note: Call number types that have at least one value assigned in Inventory cannot be deleted. The call numbers must first be assigned a different type or deleted.

Settings > Inventory > Integrations

Z39.50 target profiles

Targets created and enabled here will determine the available options for the single record import and overlay functionality in Inventory.

To create a new target

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name for the target. This is the label that will appear in the import and overlay modal.
  3. Enter other information as needed for the target.
  4. Click Save & close.

To edit an existing target (including enabling or disabling the target)

  1. Click on the target Name.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change desired information.
  4. Click Save & close.

14 - Settings > Invoices

The Invoices section of the Settings app is where you establish one click approvals, create preset adjustments, manage and configure batch groups, and control voucher settings.


To interact with invoice settings, users need the following permission:

  • Settings (Invoices): Can view and edit settings. This permission lets you view and edit all of the Invoice settings.

Note: This is the only permission for invoice settings. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

Settings > Invoices > Approvals

This setting lets you approve and pay invoices with one click. Select Approve and pay in one click to combine the acts of approving an invoice and processing payment. If you enable this setting, the Invoices app still asks you to confirm your approval before submitting. The invoice and the voucher produced by this action will transition to a paid status.

Settings > Invoices > Adjustments

Use this setting to create preset adjustments that you can add to invoices at any time.

Creating an adjustment

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Description in the box.
  3. Select a Type from the list: Percent, Amount.
  4. Select the Always show checkbox if you want the adjustment to show up automatically when you create a new invoice. Note: You can still remove an adjustment from invoices with this option enabled.
  5. Enter a Value in the box.
  6. Select a Pro rate from the list: By line, By amount, By quantity, Not prorated.
  7. Select a Relation to total from the list: In addition to, Separate from. Note: Adjustments that are created with a “Relation to total” value of “Separate from” are not included in the Total adjustments amount or Calculated total amount for the invoice."
  8. Select the Export to accounting checkbox if you want to send a copy of the adjustment to an external financial system.
  9. Click Save & close. The adjustment is saved.

Editing an adjustment

  1. Find the adjustment you want to edit and click it.
  2. Click Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the adjustment.
  4. Click Save & close.

Deleting an adjustment

  1. Select the adjustment you want to delete.
  2. In the adjustment window, select Actions > Delete.
  3. In the Delete adjustment dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the adjustment is deleted.

Settings > Invoices > Batch groups

Use this setting to create, edit, and delete batch groups, which are used to organize invoices for export as vouchers to an external payment system. FOLIO tenants come with a single batch group, FOLIO, configured. Additional batch groups can be added and the FOLIO batch group label may be edited, but the group itself cannot be deleted.

Creating a batch group

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a Name in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.
  4. Click Save. The Batch group is saved.

Editing a batch group

  1. Find the Batch group you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the batch group.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting a batch group

  1. Find the Batch group you want to edit and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Batch group dialogue box, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Batch group is deleted. Note: A batch group may not be deleted if in use on invoice records.

Settings > Invoices > Batch group configuration

Use this setting to configure batch group voucher exports. This configuration enables you to setup automated exports of files containing all invoice vouchers created since the last export. For more information about how vouchers are created, see Invoices > Approving an invoice. All vouchers with the Export to accounting checkbox selected that were created since the last export for the batch group will be exported to a file. For more information about the Export to accounting checkbox, see Invoices > Extended information. Each invoice generates a single unique voucher on which all fund charges are grouped by the fund external account number.

Configuring a batch group

  1. Select a Batch group.
  2. Select a Location type. FTP or SFTP.
  3. Enter an Upload location. If this box is left blank, the export downloads the file to your computer.
  4. Enter a Port, if needed for the file upload location.
  5. Enter a Directory, if needed for the file upload location.
  6. Select a Format. JSON or XML.
  7. Enter a Username, if needed for the file upload location.
  8. Enter a Password, if needed for the file upload location.
  9. Click Save.

Click Show credentials/Hide credentials to show or hide the password. If you want to test the connection with the upload location, click Test connection.

Settings > Invoices > Voucher number

This section lets you configure voucher numbers to use for invoices.

  1. Enter a Prefix, if required by your library. For example, if your financial office requires all invoice payments for the library to begin with “LIB”.
  2. Enter a Starting number.
  3. Click Reset sequence if you need to reset the voucher number.
  4. Select the Allow voucher number to be edited checkbox if you want to allow editing for the voucher number.

15 - Settings > Licenses

The Licenses section of the Settings app is where you create license Terms and manage pick lists.


In order to interact with License settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (Licenses): Manage pick lists and values. This permission allows the user to access the License settings and the ability to manage pick lists and pick list values.
  • Settings (Licenses): Manage license terms. This permission allows the user to access the License settings and the ability to manage the available license terms.
  • Settings (Licenses): Can view app settings. This permission allows the user to view permissions to a set of “app settings” via the Settings. As of Lotus, the available app settings are to set up options for storing documents uploaded to the Licenses module in database (default) or S3 storage.
  • Settings (Licenses): Can view and edit app settings. This permission allows the user to view and edit permissions to a set of “app settings” via the Settings. As of Lotus, the available app settings are to set up options for storing documents uploaded to the Licenses module in database (default) or S3 storage.

Settings > Licenses > Terms

Terms are the terms of use that define what you can or cannot do with the content associated with the license.

There are two types of terms you can create in FOLIO: primary and optional. Primary terms appear on every license record by default. Optional terms can be added on a license-by-license basis. Primary terms will sort above optional terms even if an optional term is weighted higher.

Creating a term

  1. Click New.
  2. In the New license term box, fill in all the fields:
    • Type. Select a term Type from the drop-down list: Decimal, Integer, Text, Text, Pick list, Pick list (multi-select), or Date. Note: This cannot be edited once the Term is created.
    • Pick list and Pick list (multi-select). If the term type is Pick list or Pick list (multi-select), a pick list field displays. Select the Pick list you want to use from the drop-down list. For more information on pick lists, see Settings > Licenses > Pick lists.
    • Label. The term name that appears when displaying the Term to users in FOLIO and in any other systems that display license terms to users. It is recommended that you create a short text string that clearly communicates the information recorded in the term. If you need to further explain the term, you should use the Description field.
    • Name. Used when outputting term data in a machine readable format. It is not intended to be displayed to users (staff or patrons). It should be a short Latin alphabet string that can be used by any external systems or programs that access the license term data. Use of camelCase is suggested but not required. Changes to the license term name would affect any external systems using license term data and changes should not be made without consulting those responsible for relevant external systems and software.
    • Description. Use to provide further explanation of the term. In the Licenses app, you can display the description by clicking the information icon next to the term’s label.
    • Category. Terms can be categorized. Each category will appear as a separate accordion when viewing or editing the license. You can also filter terms by category under the Category drop-down list, which contains any categories that you have allocated to terms. To add a category, click on the Category box. You are offered a list of existing categories that will filter as you type. You can add new categories by typing a new value and clicking the option to Add context . If you remove all occurrences of a category across all terms, it will be removed from the list of existing categories.
    • Order weight. To determine the order in which the terms appear in the license record, enter a number. If you do not set a value and leave the Order weight at 0 for each term, or they all contain the same number, then they are sorted alphabetically. When sorted alphabetically, uppercase letters are sorted before lowercase letters. For example, “Zebra” appears before “aardvark.”
    • Primary term. Select whether the term is a primary term. Primary terms always display for selection in the license record. If you select No, then the term will be optional, and you will have to manually add it to the license record whenever you want to use that term.
    • Deprecated. Use to indicate if a term should be deprecated. If Yes is selected, then the term will be preserved in past licenses, but will not display in the list of available terms when adding terms to a license going forward.
    • Default visibility. Select whether you would like the term to display internally within FOLIO, or externally to the public (for example, if you are setting up properties to display in your catalog).
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears, and the term is saved and appears in the Terms pane.

Editing a term

Note: You cannot edit the term Type once the term is created.

  1. Find the term you want to edit and click Edit at the top of its term box.
  2. Make your desired changes to the term.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the term is updated.

Deleting a term

Note: You can only delete a term if it is not assigned to any license records.

  1. Find the term you want to edit and click Delete at the top of its term box.
  2. In the Delete term dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the term is deleted.

Searching a term

You can search for a term in the search box. To search for a term, enter the term in the search box and click Search.

You can also filter terms by category. Select a category from the Category drop-down list, and click Search. The drop-down list contains any categories that you have allocated to terms.

Settings > Licenses > Pick lists

A pick list is a customizable drop-down list used in the Licenses app. Pick lists are applied to license Terms that have the property Type of Pick list. Additionally, default pick lists like Type and Status can be found in this setting.

A multi-select pick list permits you to select multiple values from the pick list. All selected values will display in the license record.

Use this setting to establish the names of your available pick lists. Once you have named your pick lists, you can configure the values that are available in each pick list in Settings > Licenses > Pick list values.

Creating a pick list

Note: Pick lists cannot be edited once they are created. However, they can be deleted.

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a name in the Pick list box.
  3. Click Save. The pick list is saved and appears alphabetically in the Pick list column.

Deleting a pick list

Note: You can only delete pick lists if they aren’t assigned to any license records. If they are used in any license records, the trash can icon will not appear in the Actions column.

  1. Find the pick list you want to delete.
  2. In the Actions column, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Pick list dialog, select Delete. A confirmation message appears and the pick list is deleted.

Settings > Licenses > Pick list values

Pick list values are the values available for selection within a pick list. You must first create the pick list in Setting > Licenses > Pick lists before creating its values.

Note: FOLIO contains default pick lists that can only have their values edited. These values cannot be deleted, and new values cannot be added. The New button appears grayed out and the trash can icon won’t be present for these pick lists.

Adding pick list values

  1. Select the Pick list to which you want to add values in the drop-down list.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Label. The label appears as an option in the pick list.
  4. Click Save. The label is saved and its value is generated.

Editing pick list values

Note: If you edit a pick list value, only the Label changes and not the Value term.

  1. Select the Pick list with the value you want to edit in the drop-down list.
  2. In the row of the value you want to edit, click the pencil icon.
  3. Edit the Label.
  4. Click Save. The label is updated.

Deleting pick list values

  1. Select the Pick list with the value you want to delete in the drop-down list.
  2. In the row of the value you want to edit, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Value dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the value is deleted.

Settings > Licenses > App settings

File storage

The Licenses app allows the uploading of files as part of the Supplementary documents and Core documents functionality (note that a document does not require a file upload as the document can refer to a physical document or an online document with a URL). When a file is uploaded as part of a supplementary or core document record, it will be automatically stored in one of two ways, depending on how the application has been configured.

Viewing and Editing the file storage settings requires appropriate permissions, which are as follows:

Settings (Licenses): Can view and edit app settings

The primary setting, which determines the overall method used for file storage, is the “Storage engine”. There are currently two valid values for the Storage engine setting:

  1. LOB
  2. S3

For information about using the LOB or S3 storage engines, please see:

This FOLIO wiki page also contains information about switching storage engines and maximum file sizes.

16 - Settings > Notes

The Notes section of the Settings app is where you establish your library’s note types.

Notes are a way for your library to add extra information to a record. The Notes section appears in records in the following FOLIO apps:

  • Agreements
  • eHoldings
  • eUsage
  • Licenses
  • Organizations
  • Users


In order to interact with Notes settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (notes): display list of settings pages. This permission allows the user to create, edit and delete note types.

In order to manage notes attached to FOLIO records, the following permissions are required:

  • Notes: Can assign and unassign a note. This permission allows the user to assign and unassign notes.
  • Notes: Can create a note. This permission allows the user to create notes.
  • Notes: Can delete a note. This permission allows the user to delete notes.
  • Notes: Can edit a note. This permission allows the user to edit notes.
  • Notes: Can view a note. This permission allows the user to view notes.

Settings > Notes > General

Note types are categories you can create for notes to indicate the type of note they are. Notes have associated types that can be used to categorize the note. This area of Settings is where you configure note types. The note types you create here appear throughout FOLIO. They are not app specific. This means that note types can be used in different apps, even if they were created with a particular app in mind.

Creating a note type

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Note type column, enter a name for the note type in the box.
  3. Click Save. The note type is saved and appears in the Note types list.

Editing a note type

  1. Find the note type you want to edit, and in the actions column, click the pencil icon.
  2. In the Note type column, make your desired changes to the name.
  3. Click Save. The note type is updated.

Deleting a note type

  1. Find the note type you want to delete.
  2. In the actions column, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the note type is deleted.

17 - Settings > OAI-PMH

This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may be aligned with a different FOLIO release.

The OAI-PMH section of the Settings app is where you configure the behavior of FOLIO’s OAI-PMH feed. Learn more about the OAI-PMH Specification at the Open Archives website.

FOLIO currently supports three metadata formats:

  • marc21
  • oai_dc
  • marc21_withholdings

This list can be viewed by using the ListMetadataFormats verb.


To interact with OAI-PMH settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (OAI-PMH): Can view This permission allows the user to view all the OAI-PMH settings, but “Save” button is disabled.
  • Settings (OAI-PMH): Can view and edit settings This permission allows the user to view and edit the OAI-PMH settings.
  • Settings (OAI-PMH): Can view logs This permission allows the user to view Settings > OAI-PMH > Logs.

Settings > OAI-PMH > General

General settings to configure how the Identify verb responses.

Enable OAI service

Checkbox to globally enable or disable OAI services.

Repository name

Sets the content in the respositoryName XML element of the Identify response.

Base URL

Sets the content in the baseURL XML element of the Identify response. This value also appears in the content of the response XML element of the ListRecords verb.

Time granularity

Sets the content in the granularity XML element of the Identify response.

Administrator email(s)

Sets the content in the adminEmail XML element of the Identify response.

Settings > OAI-PMH > Technical

Max records per response

Number of records to return per page of response.

Enable validation

Defines if the response content should be validated against XSD schemas.

Formatted output

Determines if the marshalled XML data is line feeds and indentation.

Settings > OAI-PMH > Behavior

Deleted records support

One of:

  • No - Indicates that no information about deleted records is presented.
  • Persistent - Records with MARC Leader 05 equal to ’d’, ’s’ or ‘x’ will be listed as deleted in OAI-PMH ListRecords responses.
  • Transient - Same behavior as Persistent, but without a guarantee that deleted records will be kept indefinitely in FOLIO.

See for more details of the implementation.

Setting value appears in deletedRecord XML element of Identify response.

Suppressed records processing

One of:

  • Transfer suppressed records with discovery flag value - Adds a MARC subfield $t = 1 to FOLIO’s 999 field (for Instances), 852 field (for Holdings) or 952 field (for Items).
  • Skip suppressed from discovery records - Instances marked ‘Suppress from Discovery’ are not included in the OAI-PMH response.

OAI-PMH errors processing

One of:

  • Associate with HTTP status 200 - Error messages are returned with an HTTP 200 response code.
  • Associate with HTTP error statuses - Error messages are returned with an appropriate HTTP error code.

Record source

One of:

  • Source records storage - MARC instance records are harvested from SRS.
  • Inventory - Instance records are harvested from inventory only, and all OAI-PMH records are generated on-the-fly as part of the harvesting.
  • Source records storage and inventory - All instance records with a metadata source of MARC are retrieved from source record storage. Instance records with a metadata source are retrieved from inventory and OAI-PMH records are generated on-the-fly for those inventory-only records as part of the harvest.

Settings > OAI-PMH > Logs

The logs page displays a list of completed harvests and is kept for 30 days. If a harvest contains a record or records that cannot be handled, a “Download” link will appear in the rightmost column of the logs. Clicking this link will download a spreadsheet where errors are listed with the UUID of the affected instance and an error message.

Field mappings for ListRecords response

In order for Discovery services and OPACs to allow for filtering, aggregating and searching based on location and call number information, the OAI-PMH server in FOLIO needs to be able to supply this information as part of the feed.

Mapping from Inventory records to MARC fields as part of the feed is as follows:

Inventory field MARC Additional rules
Effective location: Institution 952$a
Effective location: Campus 952$b
Effective location: Library 952$c
Effective location: Name 952$d
Effective call number components: call number 952$e
Effective call number components: prefix 952$f
Effective call number components: suffix 952$g
Effective call number components: type 952$h
Material type 952$i
Volume 952$j
Enumeration 952$k
Chronology 952$l
Barcode 952$m
Copy number 952$n
Electronic access: URI 856$u Creates separate datafield for each URL. Uses URLs from each record level (holding and item)
Electronic access: Link text 856$y Creates separate datafield for each URL. Uses URLs from each record level (holding and item)
Electronic access: Materials specified 856$3 Creates separate datafield for each URL. Uses URLs from each record level (holding and item)
Electronic access: Public note 856$z Creates separate datafield for each URL. Uses URLs from each record level (holding and item)
Electronic access: Relationship: No display constant generated 856 2nd indicator 8 1st indicator 4
Electronic access: Relationship: No information provided 856 2nd indicator blank 1st indicator 4 Such indicator filling in works also for empty “Relationship” value
Electronic access: Relationship: Related resource 856 2nd indicator 2 1st indicator 4
Electronic access: Relationship: Resource 856 2nd indicator 0 1st indicator 4
Electronic access: Relationship: Version of resource 856 2nd indicator 1 1st indicator 4
Electronic access: Relationship: empty value 856 2nd indicator empty 1st indicator 4

18 - Settings > Orders

The Orders section of the Settings app is where you establish whether you want to require approval to open orders, your closing order reasons, how orders interact with the Inventory app, order templates, order lines limits, and PO number settings.


In order to interact with order settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (Orders): Can view all settings. This permission allows you to view all of the Orders settings.
  • Settings (Orders): Can view and edit all settings. This permission allows you to view and edit all of the Orders settings.
  • Settings (Orders): Can view Order Templates. This permission allows you to view Order Templates in Settings > Orders.
  • Settings (Orders): Can view, edit Order Templates. This permission allows you to view and edit Order Templates in Settings > Orders.
  • Settings (Orders): Can view, edit, create Order Templates. This permission allows you to view, edit, and create Order Templates in Settings > Orders.
  • Settings (Orders): Can view, edit, delete Order Templates. This permission allows you to view, edit, and delete Order Templates in Settings > Orders.

For information on assigning permissions to users, see Assigning permissions to a user record.

Settings > Orders > General > Approvals

If you want to require approval to open orders, select “Approval required” to open orders. When selected, an additional step between Pending and Open is added. A user with the appropriate permission has to approve the order via a separate action or by checking an approval box on the order record. Once the order is approved, the date and time of the approval is captured, along with the username of the person who made the approval. If this setting is not activated, the approval date and time will match the date and time that the order was opened. For more information, see Approving an order.

Settings > Orders > General > Closing purchase order reasons

Use this setting to configure the reasons for an order closure. FOLIO provides default closing purchase order reasons, which cannot be edited or deleted, but you can add reasons to track closures specific to your library.

Creating a closing purchase order reason

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a Reason in the box.

  3. Click Save. The Reason is saved.

Editing a closing purchase order reason

  1. Find the Reason you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Edit the Reason.

  3. Click Save. The Reason is saved.

Deleting a closing purchase order reason

  1. Find the Reason you want to delete and click the delete icon.

  2. In the Delete Reason dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Reason is deleted.

Settings > Orders > General > Order templates

Use this setting to configure your order templates. Order templates can be used to populate consistent information that you may always fill out when ordering from a specific vendor, for example. Note: Any order templates you create are shared among all users who have permission to create orders.

Order templates contain the same fields found in order records but also include order line information, which is automatically applied to any order lines added to the order record that uses the order template.

Creating an order template

To create a new order template, follow the steps below. To hide a field from view during order creation, click on the eye icon beside the field name. The eye icon will display an angled slash mark to indicate that the field will be hidden. When the user creates a new order and selects the template, only the fields with the eye turned on will display. Note: Template name is the only required field for a new order template.

  1. Click New.

  2. Click Hide all eligible fields to turn off visibility for all fields that can be hidden during order creation. You can then turn on only the fields that you want to display by unselecting the eye icon beside those fields.

  3. Fill in information as needed for the remaining order creation fields. Follow the instructions under Creating an order for more information. Click on the eye icon to hide fields as needed.

  4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the template is saved.

Editing an order template

  1. Select the order template you want to edit.

  2. In the order template window, select Actions > Edit.

  3. Edit the order template.

  4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the template is updated.

Deleting an order template

  1. Select the order template you want to delete.

  2. In the order template window, select Actions > Delete.

  3. In the Delete template dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the template is deleted.

Settings > Orders > General > Purchase order lines limit

Use this setting to limit the number of order lines that you can add to an order. If you do not want to have a limit, enter 999. The default value is equal to the minimum order lines limit of 1. If you change tha value in this setting, click Save to capture the update.

Settings > Orders > General > Opening purchase orders

If you want to allow users the option to save and open a purchase order in the same step, select Allow save and open purchase order when creating or editing a purchase order line.

If you want to turn off FOLIO’s ability to check for potential duplicate purchase order lines, check Disable duplicate check that occurs when opening orders and saving purchase order lines. When this setting is unchecked, FOLIO will scan for potential duplicate purchase order lines based on the title and product IDs entered on the purchase order line. If a potential duplicate is found, staff will see a popup window notifying them of potential duplication, with further information about the detected duplicate purchase order lines. Staff may choose to proceed with creation and opening of their purchase order or may cancel the action.

Settings > Orders > General > Acquisition methods

If you want to add additional acquisition methods for use in the Orders app, select New, add the name of the new acquisition method, and select Save.

Settings > Orders > PO number > Edit

If you want users to be able to edit the auto-generated PO number on an order, select User can edit. If this option is not selected, then the PO number is locked.

Settings > Orders > PO number > Prefixes

Use this setting to configure prefixes, which are used in orders. You can add prefixes to orders to provide context. For example, your institution may require all orders originating in the library to begin with “lib”. This can be configured as a prefix to prepend to an order’s PO number.

Creating a prefix

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a Name in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.

  4. Click Save. The Prefix is saved.

Editing a prefix

  1. Find the Prefix you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Edit the prefix.

  3. Click Save. The Prefix is updated.

Deleting a prefix

  1. Find the Prefix you want to delete and click the delete icon.

  2. In the Delete Prefix dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Prefix is deleted. Note: A prefix cannot be deleted if in use on order records.

Settings > Orders > PO number > Suffixes

Use this setting to configure suffixes, which are used in orders. You can add suffixes to orders to provide context. For example, your institution may require all orders originating in the library to end with “lib”. This can be configured as a suffix to append to an order’s PO number.

Creating a suffix

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a Name in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description in the box.

  4. Click Save. The Suffix is saved.

Editing a suffix

  1. Find the Suffix you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Edit the suffix.

  3. Click Save. The Suffix is updated.

Deleting a suffix

  1. Find the Suffix you want to delete and click the delete icon.

  2. In the Delete Suffix dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Suffix is deleted. Note: A suffix cannot be deleted if in use on order records.

Settings > Orders > Inventory interaction > Instance matching

When a library opts to create at least an instance record corresponding to their purchase order line, staff may choose to link to an existing instance record or create a new record. If creating an instance record, the default FOLIO behavior is to first search instances to find a match for one or more of the product IDs provided on the purchase order line. Matching is based on both the ID and the type. If a matching product ID and type is found in Inventory, that instance will be linked to the purchase order line and the system will not create a new instance for that record. If no matches are found, the system will create a new instance record and link the purchase order line to that instance.

A library may choose to select the Disable instance matching checkbox. When activated, a new instance will always be created if the library opts to create Inventory records when they open the order, except when manully linked to an instance record.

Settings > Orders > Inventory interaction > Inventory interactions defaults

Use this setting to determine how materials you are ordering interact with the Inventory app. The settings you select here determine the default interaction based on the Order format (Electronic, Physical, P/E Mix, or Other) you select for the order line item. The interactions you select can be changed when you add or edit an order line, in the Create inventory field of the Physical resource or E-resource details section of the order line, if needed. The inventory interactions are initiated when the order is opened.

There are four default interactions you can select:

  • Instance, holdings, item. Once the order is opened, an instance, holdings, and item are found or created in the Inventory app.
  • Instance. Once the order is opened, an instance is found or created in the Inventory app.
  • Instance, holdings. Once the order is opened, an instance and holdings are found or created in the Inventory app.
  • None. Nothing is found or created in the Inventory app.

Settings > Orders > Inventory interaction > Instance status

Use this setting to determine the instance status that is assigned to the instances that are created through opening an order. Note: If you have not selected a default, then you may encounter problems when trying to receive an item or when you close an order.

For information on managing instance status values, see [Settings > Inventory > Instances > Instance status types]](/docs/settings/settings_inventory/settings_inventory/#settings--inventory--instance-status-types).

Settings > Orders > Inventory interaction > Instance type

Use this setting to determine the instance resource type that is assigned to the instances that are created through opening an order. Note: If you have not selected a default, then you may encounter problems when trying to open an order that should create a new instance.

For information on managing instance type values, see Settings > Inventory > Instances > Resource types.

Settings > Orders > Inventory interaction > Loan type

Use this setting to determine the loan type that is assigned to the items that are created through opening an order. Note: If you have not selected a default, then you will not be able to open orders where new items are being created. For information on managing loan type values, see Settings > Inventory > Loan types.

19 - Settings > Organizations

The Organizations section of the Settings app is where you establish the categories you want to use to classify the contact people and contact information you add to an organization, as well as any types you may wish to use to classify the organization records for filtering purposes.


In order to interact with Organizations settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permissions:

  • Settings (Organizations): Can view and edit settings. This permission allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete all organizations settings.
  • Settings (Organizations): View settings. This permission allows the user to view, but not interact with, organizations settings.

You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

Settings > Organizations > Categories

Categories are a way to classify the contact people and contact information you add to an organization. Categories are defined by your library and can be used to group contact information and contact people to make them easier to find and identify. You need to first add the categories in the Settings app in order to assign them to organization contacts.

For more information on adding contact information and contact people to organizations, see Contact information and Contact people.

Creating a new category

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a category Name in the box.

  3. Click Save. The category is saved and appears in the Categories list.

Editing a category

  1. Find the category you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Make the changes to the category name.

  3. Click Save. The category is updated.

Deleting a category

Note: Categories may be deleted when in use on Organization records. FOLIO will not produce a warning to prevent the deletion.

  1. Find the category you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon.

  3. In the Delete Category dialog, click Delete. The category is deleted and a confirmation message appears.

Settings > Organizations > Types

Libraries may create controlled lists of organization types to facilitate filtering based on the nature of the library’s relationship with the organization, e.g. Subscription agent, consortium. An organization may have multiple types assigned to its record. This value can also be exported within the Orders CSV, when applied to selected vendors.

Creating a new type

  1. Click New.

  2. Enter a type Name in the box.

  3. Enter a type Status: Active or Inactive. Inactive types will not appear in the dropdown menu to assign to Organization records, but will still appear within the Types filter in the Organizations app.

  4. Click Save. The type is saved and appears in the Types list.

Editing a type

  1. Find the type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.

  2. Make the changes to the type name or status.

  3. Click Save. The type is updated.

Deleting a type

  1. Find the type you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon.

  3. In the Delete Type dialog, click Delete. The type is deleted and a confirmation message appears. Note: Types cannot be deleted when in use on an Organization record. You will see an error: “This type cannot be deleted, as it is in use by one or more records.”

20 - Settings > Users

The Users section in the Settings app provides configuration options for managing user records, including user information, patron blocks, fee/fine processing, permissions, and service points.

Definition of terms related to Settings > Users:

  • Permission. Value assigned to a user, which grants them access to FOLIO records or allows them to carry out specific tasks in FOLIO.
  • Permission set. A group of permissions that allows a user to perform a specific set of tasks. For example, you may want to group certain permissions together to create job-specific permissions sets. Permission sets are defined by your library in Settings > Users > Permission sets.
  • Invisible permission. A permission defined by a FOLIO developer in the back-end module.
  • Visible permission. A permission defined by a FOLIO developer in the front-end UI module.


The following are all the permissions for Users in the Settings app:

Invisible permissions

  • Settings (Users): Can view address types. This permission allows the user to view Address types in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can view all patron blocks entries. This permission allows the user to view all entries in the Patron blocks section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can view custom fields. This permission allows the user to view Custom fields in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can view feefines-related entries. This permission allows the user to view all entries in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users, including Owners, Manual charges, Waive reasons, Payment methods, Refund reasons, Comment required, and Transfer accounts This permission does not apply to Transfer criteria.
  • Settings (Users): Can view general entries. This permission allows the user to view all entries in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can view patron groups. This permission allows the user to view Patron groups in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can view permission sets. This permission allows the user to view Permission sets in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): View all settings. This permission allows the user to view all settings in Settings > Users.

Visible permissions

  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove address types. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Address Types entries in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can edit if comment required. This permission allows the user to edit Comment required entries in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove owners. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Owners in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove patron blocks limits. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Limits in the Patron blocks section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove patron blocks templates. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Templates in the Patron blocks section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove patron groups. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Patron groups in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove payment methods. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Payment methods in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove permission sets. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Permission sets in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove refund reasons. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Refund reasons in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove transfer accounts. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Transfer accounts in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove transfer criteria. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Transfer criteria in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit and remove waive reasons. This permission allows the user to create, edit, or remove Waive reasons entries in the Fee/fine section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit, and view custom fields. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and view Custom fields in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit, view and delete custom fields. This permission allows the user to create, edit, view and delete Custom fields in the General section of Settings > Users.
  • Settings (Users): Can create, edit, and view departments. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and view Departments in the General section of Settings > Users.

Settings > Users > Permission sets

Use this setting to create permission sets for your library. Permission sets are customized collections of permissions that can be assigned to users. For example, you can create permission sets that correspond to specific job roles and assign the set, rather than each individual permission, to all library staff with that role.

Additionally, if permissions change because of a new release, a FOLIO administrator can edit the permission set for a particular role to update the assigned permissions. The change to the permission set then propagates out to the users who have that permission set assigned, and the administrator does not have to update permissions for each individual user.

For more information about permissions, see Platform Essentials > Permissions.

Create a permission set

  1. In the Permission sets pane, click New.
  2. To name the permissions set, enter a Permission set name. The system does not automatically enforce uniqueness in naming permission sets. To avoid creating permission sets with duplicate display names, make sure this new permission set has a unique name.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the permission set.
  4. Under Assigned permissions, click Add permission. You can assign individual permissions or existing permission sets to the new permission set.
  5. In the Select Permissions modal, search and filter by Permission type and/or Permission assignment status or type in the name of the permission or permission set into the search box.
  6. Select the permission(s) or permission set(s) to assign to the new permission set.
  7. Click Save & close. The permission(s) or permission set(s) are added to the new permission set.
  8. Click Save & close. The new permission set is saved.

Edit a permission set

  1. In the Permission Sets pane, find the permission set you want to edit and select it.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Make your desired changes to the permission set.
  4. Click Save & Close.

Delete a permission set

Note: A permission set can be deleted even if it is currently assigned to a user. Deleting the permission set removes it from the users to whom it was assigned.

  1. In the Permission Set pane, find the permission set you want to delete and select it.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Edit window, click Delete.
  4. In the Delete permission set? dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the permission set is deleted.

View assigned users

To view a list of users assigned to a specific permission set:

  1. In the Permission sets pane, click on a permission set. The details for that permission set will open in a new pane.
  2. Open the Assigned users accordion, if necessary, to view a list of users assigned to that permission set.

Assign or unassign permission sets

To assign or unassign a permission set to a user:

  1. In the Permission sets pane, click on a permission set. The details for that permission set will open in a new pane.
  2. Open the Assigned users accordion, if necessary, to view a list of users assigned to that permission set.
  3. Click the Assign/unassign button.
  4. In the User record modal, search for the user record or filter by Status, Patron group, or User assignment status.
  5. In the User search results pane, check or uncheck the box(es) next to Name to select or deselect the appropriate user(s) to update their permission set assignment.
  6. Click the Save button. A confirmation message, Permissions set user assignment updated successfully appears.

Settings > Users > Patron Groups

Use this setting to create patron groups for your library. Patron groups are classes of library users. For example, you may want to create a patron group called Faculty or Undergraduates.

Only one patron group can be assigned to a user record. Patron groups are also used to create Circulation rules.

Create a patron group

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Patron groups.
  2. In the Patron groups pane, click New.
  3. Enter a name for the Patron group in the box. Patron group names must be unique and should not contain any punctuation.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the patron group.
  5. Optional: Enter a number in the Expiration date offset (days) box. This number represents the number of days of active status for user records assigned to the patron group.
  6. Click Save. The patron group is saved.

Edit a patron group

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Patron groups.
  2. In the Patron groups pane, find the Patron group you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column.
  3. Make your changes to the Patron group, Description, or Expiration offset date (days).
  4. Click Save. The changes to the patron group are saved.

Delete a patron group

A patron group can be deleted only if it is no longer applied to any user records. To delete a patron group, you must first check that no users are currently assigned to that group.

To see the number of user records assigned to a patron group, complete the following:

  • In the Users app, in the User search pane, select the checkbox next to the appropriate Patron group. The list of user records assigned to that patron group appears in the User search results pane. The number of records found displays at the top of the pane. If 0 records found appears, the Patron group can be deleted.

To delete a patron group, follow these steps:

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Patron groups.
  2. In the Patron groups pane, find the patron group you want to delete and click the trash can icon in the Actions column.
  3. In the Delete Patron group dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the patron group is deleted.

Settings > Users > Address Types

Use this setting to configure address types. Address types are used to categorize the addresses that are entered in the Contact information section of a user record. For example, you may want to create the address types: office, work, or home address.

Note: Address types should be configured before bulk loading of patrons occurs if mailing addresses are to be stored.

Create an address type

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Address Types.
  2. In the Address Types pane, click New.
  3. Enter a name for the Address Type in the box. The Address Type must be unique.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the Address Type.
  5. Click Save. The Address Type is created.

Edit an address type

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Address Types.
  2. In the Address Types pane, find the Address Type you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions menu.
  3. Make your changes to the Address Type or Description.
  4. Click Save. The Address Type is saved.

Delete an address type

An address type can be deleted only if it is not assigned to any user records. To delete an Address Type, you should first check to make sure no user records are assigned the address type.

To see the number of user records assigned to an Address Type:

  • In Settings > Users > Address Types, the number of user records assigned to an Address Type will display in the # of Addresses column.
  • If a - is displayed, no user records are assigned to this address type and the address type can be deleted.

In the Settings app, select Users > Address Types. In the Address Types pane, find the Address Type you want to delete and click the trash can icon in the actions column. In the Delete Address Type dialog, click on the Delete button. A confirmation message appears and the Address Type is deleted.

Settings > Users > Departments

Use this setting to configure departments. Departments can be added in the Extended information section of a user record. For example, you may want to add departments to reflect library staff or faculty’s departments.

Create a department

  1. In the Settings app, select Users > Department.
  2. In the Departments pane, click New.
  3. Enter a Name for the department in the box.
  4. Enter a department Code in the box.
  5. Click Save. The department is saved.

Edit a department

In the Settings app, select Users > Department. In the Departments pane, find the department you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column. Make your changes to the Name or Code. Click Save. The department is updated.

Delete a department

In the Settings app, select Users > Department. In the Departments pane, find the department you want to delete and click the trash can icon in the actions column. In the Delete Department dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the department is deleted.

Settings > Users > Custom fields

Use this setting to configure custom fields. Custom fields are used to track additional information in a user record.

Create a custom field

  1. In the Custom fields pane, click New.
  2. In the Edit custom fields pane, in the Accordion title box, enter the name of the user record section for the custom field(s).
  3. Click Add custom field and select the type of field you want to create: Checkbox, Multi-select, Radio button set, Single select, Text area, or Text field.
  4. Configure the custom field by checking the box next to Hidden and/or Required. Add a name for the field in the Field name box.
  5. Optional: To add additional custom fields, repeat steps 3-4.
  6. Click Save & close. The custom field(s) are saved.

Edit a custom field

  1. In the Custom fields pane, click Edit.
  2. In the Edit custom fields pane, make your changes to the custom field.
  3. Click Save & close. The custom field is updated.

Delete a custom field

Custom fields can be deleted if they are in use, but any information tied to the fields is also deleted.

  1. In the Custom fields pane, click Edit.
  2. In the Edit custom fields pane, click the trash can icon next to the custom fields you want to delete. Clear out all of the fields to remove the accordion from appearing in user records.
  3. Click Save & close.
  4. In the Delete field data dialog, click Save & lose data.

Settings > Users > Number generator options

  • Number generator off: the barcode can be filled manually only.
  • Number generator on, editable: the barcode can be filled using the generator and be edited, or filled manually.
  • Number generator on, fixed: the barcode can be filled using the generator only.

Settings > Users > Owners

A Fee/fine owner is the agent or office that manages fines for FOLIO transactions. Fee/fine owners collect fees/fines for FOLIO service points.

Libraries may use owners in different ways, such as creating a fee/fine owner for each service point, or creating a fee/fine owner for each library’s accounting office, that may collect fee/fines for multiple service points.

If your library intends to charge any fines, it is important that every service point be assigned to a fee/fine owner, even if you do not expect fines to accrue for items associated with that service point. Ensuring that the service point is assigned to an owner will prevent unexpected errors.

When manually creating a fee/fine, Fee/fine owner is a required field.

Create a fee/fine owner

  1. In the Fee/fine: Owners pane, click New.
  2. Enter a name for the Owner in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description about the owner.
  4. Optional: Select the desired Associated service points. Note that while a fee/fine owner does not have to have associated service points, you will not be able to use the fee/fine owner in workflows unless it has service points associated with it.
  5. Click Save. The fee/fine owner is saved.

Edit a fee/fine owner

  1. Find the owner you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column.
  2. Make your changes to the Owner, Description, or Associated service points.
  3. Click Save. The owner is updated.

Delete a fee/fine owner

  1. In the Fee/fine: Owners pane, find the owner you want to delete and click the trash can icon in the Actions column.
  2. In the Delete Fee/fine Owner dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the owner is deleted.

Settings > Users > Manual charges

Use this setting to configure fee/fine types. For example, fee/fine types could be overdue fines, processing fees, or lost item fees.

When manually creating a fee/fine, Fee/fine Type is a required field.

Create a fee/fine type

  1. In the Fee/fine: Manual charges pane, select the Fee/fine Owner from the drop-down list.
  2. Optional: Click Edit to assign a Default Charge Notice and/or Default Action Notice to the template and click Save.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a name for the Fee/Fine Type.
  5. Optional: Enter the Default Amount for the fee/fine.
  6. Optional: Select a Charge Notice.
  7. Optional: Select an Action Notice.
  8. Click Save. The Fee/fine type is saved.

See Settings > Circulation > Patron notice templates for more information about Patron notice templates.

Edit a fee/fine type

  1. In the Fee/fine: Manual charges pane, find the fee/fine type you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the Actions column.
  2. Make your changes to the manual charge.
  3. Click Save. The manual charge is updated.

Delete a fee/fine type

  1. In the Fee/fine: Manual charges pane, find the fee/fine type you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Fee/fine Type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the fee/fine type is deleted.

Settings > Users > Waive reasons

Use this setting to configure Fee/fine: Waive reasons.

Creating a waive reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Waive reasons pane, click New.
  2. Enter a name for the Reason in the box.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description about the waive reason.
  4. Click Save. The waive reason is saved.

Edit a waive reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Waive reasons pane, find the waive reason you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column.
  2. Make your changes to the Reason or Description.
  3. Click Save. The waive reason is updated.

Delete a waive reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Waive reasons pane, find the waive reason you want to edit and click the trash can icon in the actions column.
  2. In the Delete Waive reason dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the waive reason is deleted.

Settings > Users > Payment methods

Use this setting to configure payment methods. Payment methods are specific to a fee/fine owner. When paying a fee/fine, Payment method is a required field.

Create a payment method

  1. In the Fee/fine: Payment methods pane, select the Fee/fine Owner from the drop-down list.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Name for the payment method.
  4. Click Save. The payment method is saved.

Edit a payment method

  1. In the Fee/fine: Payment methods pane, find the payment method you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column.
  2. Update the Name as needed.
  3. Click Save. The payment method is updated.

Delete a payment method

  1. In the Fee/fine: Payment methods pane, find the payment method you want to edit and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Payment method dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the payment method is deleted.

Settings > Users > Refund reasons

Use this setting to configure refund reasons. When refunding a fee/fine, Refund reason is a required field.

Create a refund reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Refund reasons pane, click New.
  2. Enter a Name for the refund reason.
  3. Optional: Enter a Description about the refund reason.
  4. Click Save. The refund reason is saved.

Edit a refund reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Refund reasons pane, find the refund reason you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the Actions menu.
  2. Make your changes to the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The Refund reason is updated.

Delete a refund reason

  1. In the Fee/fine: Refund reasons pane, find the refund reason you want to edit and click the trash can icon.
  2. In the Delete Refund reason dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the refund reason is deleted.

Settings > Users > Comment required

Use this section to configure whether comments are required when fees/fines are paid, waived, refunded, or transferred. By default, comments are not required.

Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially paid

To require a comment when a fee/fine is fully or partially paid, under Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially paid, select Yes. A confirmation message appears and the Require comment setting is saved.

Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially waived

To require a comment when a fee/fine is fully or partially waived, under Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially waived, select Yes. A confirmation message appears and the Require comment setting is saved.

Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially refunded

To require a comment when a fee/fine is fully or partially refunded, under Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially refunded, select Yes. A confirmation message appears and the Require comment setting is saved.

Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially transferred

To require a comment when a fee/fine is fully or partially transferred, under Require comment when fee/fine fully/partially transferred, select Yes. A confirmation message appears and the Require comment setting is saved.

Settings > Users > Transfer accounts

Use this setting to configure available transfer accounts. Transfer accounts are used when your library needs to transfer transactions (for charge or credit) to entities outside of the library. For example, a transfer account may be the bursar’s office or a collection agency.

Create a transfer account

  1. In the Fee/fine: Transfer accounts pane, select the Fee/fine Owner from the drop-down list.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Name for the transfer account.
  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the transfer account.
  5. Click Save. The transfer account is saved.

Edit a transfer account

  1. In the Fee/fine: Transfer accounts pane, find the transfer account you want to edit and click the pencil icon in the actions column.
  2. Make your changes to the Name or Description.
  3. Click Save. The transfer account is updated.

Delete a transfer account

  1. In the Fee/fine: Transfer accounts pane, find the transfer account you want to edit and click the trash can icon in the actions column.
  2. In the Delete Transfer account dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the transfer account is deleted.

Settings > Users > Transfer criteria

The Transfer Criteria section contains many sections to allow for a wide variety of criteria to be configured. Use this information to configure the criteria for transferring accounts. For more information about transfer accounts, see Settings > Users > Transfer accounts.

Create transfer criteria

In the Transfer criteria pane, select the Schedule period. Add a number to the Fee/Fines older than (days) field. Click the + sign to add patron group(s) in the Patron groups list. Select the transfer owner from the Transfer owner drop-down list. Select a transfer account from the Transfer account drop-down list. Select the Fee/fine owner. Add Transfer type, Transfer description, and Transfer code to each Fee/fine type. Click Save to save the transfer criteria or click Run manually to run a report.


The Scheduling dropdown allows you to configure the frequency of the transfer process. If you want to run the transfer manually, you can skip this section.

The following options and suboptions are available:

  • Never (run manually)
  • Hours
    • Hours between runs
  • Days
    • Days between runs
    • Run at
  • Weeks
    • Weeks between runs
    • Run at
    • Run on weekdays


To set the schedule to occur twice a week on Monday and Thursday at 12:00am CDT, you would configure the following options:

  1. Set the “Frequency” option to “Weeks”.
  2. Set the “Weeks between runs” option to “0”.
  3. Set the “Run at” option to “12:00 AM”.
  4. Set the “Run on weekdays” to the options “Monday” and “Thursday”.


The Criteria section allows you to configure the criteria for the transfer process.

The following options are available to configure the criteria:

  • No criteria (always run)
    • This option will always run the transfer process when the schedule is met.
  • All of
    • This option will run the transfer process when all the criteria is met.
  • Any of
    • This option will run the transfer process when any one or more of the criteria are met.
  • None of
    • This option will run the transfer process when none of the criteria is met.

The following are options for the criteria:

  • Age
  • Amount
  • Fee/fine owner
  • Fee/fine type
  • Item location
  • Item service point
  • Patron group


To set the criteria to run the transfer process for all fees/fines that are older than 30 days, you would configure the following options:

  1. Set the “Criteria” option to “All of”.
  2. Click on the “+” button on the top right corner to add a criteria.
  3. Set the criteria to “Age”.
  4. Set the “Comparison operator” to “Greater than but not equal to”
  5. Set the “Number of days old” option to “30”.

Aggregate by patron

The Aggregate by patron section is used to enable/disable aggregating data by patron. This is useful if you want to generate a file that aggregate all the data by each patron and list them, so each row would represent data of one patron instead of one fee/fine. If you do not want to aggregate by patron, make sure the Group by patron box is unchecked.

Note: If Group by patron box is unchecked, then the body format, in between the Header format and Footer format, will be called Account data format. If Group by patron box is checked, then the body format will be called Patron data format.

If you want to aggregate by patron, check the box and you can configure the aggregate criteria, which include the following options:

  • None (include all patrons)
  • Number of accounts
  • Total amount

For both number of accounts and total amount, you need to set a comparison operator and a number of accounts or total amount. The following comparison operators are available:

  • Less than but not equal to
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than but not equal to
  • Greater than or equal to


To set the criteria to run the transfer process for all patrons that have a total amount greater than or equal to $100, you would configure the following options:

  1. Check the “Group by patron” box.
  2. Select the “Filter type” to be “Total amount”.
  3. Select the “Comparison operator” to be “Greater than or equal to”.
  4. Enter “100” in the “Total amount” box.

Format sections

The sections Header format, Account data format/Patron data format and Footer format allow you to configure the format of the file that is generated by the transfer process. The format is configured using a series of blocks, in a column based structure. Each block can be configured to contain a fixed value or a variable. The variable will be replaced with the actual value when the file is generated.

You need to configure all data you want to include in the file, including whitespace and delimiters. If you do not want to include a section, you can leave it blank.

The following tokens are available for all sections:

  • Newline (LF)
  • Newline (Microsoft, CRLF)
  • Tab
  • Comma
  • Whitespace
    • Number of spaces
  • Text
    • Text to include
  • Current Date
    • Format
      • There are several options for the format of the date(eg. ISO Day, American Date, etc.)
    • Timezone
      • There are several options for the timezone(eg. American/Chicago, etc.)

The following tokens are available in the Header and Footer sections only:

  • Number of Accounts
  • Total Amount
    • Has a checkbox to include decimal point checkbox.

The following tokens are available in the Account data format/Patron data format section only:

  • Account amount
  • Account date
  • Fee/fine type
  • User info
  • Item info

For certain tokens, there is a gear icon to configure the format of the value. The following options are available:

  • Desired length
    • You can enter an integer for the desired length.
  • Fill extra spaces with
    • You can enter a character to fill extra spaces with (eg. 0, " “, etc.).
  • Add characters to
    • You can select to add characters to the beginning or end of the value.
  • Truncate if too long
    • You can select to truncate the value if it is longer than the desired length.


Here is what an example header structure would look like with variables:

$$$LIB{day_of_year}{current_date}Library B&F    YBR{row_count}{fee_fee_total}{year}{quarter}

Here is what the header would look like with the variables replaced with actual values and the date is 02/01/2021:

$$$LIB3202012023Library B&F    YBR000170000097195020231

Note: Some values have been padded with zeros to ensure the correct number of characters. This must be specified in the format and is detailed below.

To configure this header in the transfer criteria, you would add the following elements:

  1. Arbitrary Text
    • Value: “$$$LIB”
  2. Current date
    • Format: ISO Day
    • Timezone: American/Chicago
  3. Current date
    • Format: American Date
    • Timezone: American/Chicago
  4. Arbitrary Text
    • Value: “Library B&F”
  5. Tab
  6. Text
    • Value: “YBR”
  7. Number of accounts
    • In the Gear settings:
      • Desired length: 5
      • Fill extra spaces with: 0
      • Add characters to: Start
      • Truncate if too long: Checked
  8. Total amount
    • Include the decimal point: Checked
    • In the Gear settings:
      • Desired length: 11
      • Fill extra spaces with: 0
      • Add characters to: Start
      • Truncate if too long: Checked
  9. Current date
    • Format: Year
    • Timezone: American/Chicago
  10. Current date
    • Format: Quarter
    • Timezone: American/Chicago


The preview pane displays a preview of the header, account data and footer based on the criteria you have configured. You can use this preview to verify that the criteria you have configured is correct, before saving or running.

There are two checkboxes in the preview pane to configure how the preview is displayed:

  • Wrap long lines
  • Display invisible characters (newlines, tabs, and spaces)

Transfer accounts

Here, you can specify where the transfer accounts will be sent. In addition, you can configure any conditional statements regarding the transfer accounts.

To configure the Transfer to section, you will need to select options for the two dropdowns:

  • Fee/fine owner
    • The fee/fine owner that the transfer accounts will be sent to.
  • Transfer account
    • The transfer account that the transfer accounts will be sent to.

Optionally, you can configure multiple conditional statements for the transfer accounts. To configure a conditional statement, you have to click Add condition, then in the same way as the Criteria section, you will configure your critera. After that, you can configure the Transfer to section for the conditional statement.

Running the transfer

To run the transfer now without saving, click the “Run manually” button.

To save the criteria and run the transfer on the desired schedule, click the “Save” button.

Settings > Users > Conditions

Automatic patron blocks allow the library to set limits that are automatically enforced. The limits are applied in real time and displayed in the same areas as manual blocks. Patrons can be automatically blocked from checking out, renewing, and/or requesting.

Automatic patron blocks are displayed in the Users app in the Patron blocks section of a user record. Depending on which actions are blocked, the blocks also display in the Check out app after patron barcode entry or patron look-up or if an item barcode is scanned, in the Users app Loans section if you want to renew an item, and in the Requests app after a patron barcode/patron look-up.

The block is automatically removed once the patron falls below the limit.

Note: Conditions and limits have to be in place in order for automated patron blocks to work.

Conditions determine which actions patrons are barred from doing once they hit the limits as outlined for their patron group in Settings > Users > Limits.

These are all the categories for which you can set conditions and limits:

  • Maximum number of items charged out
  • Maximum number of lost items
  • Maximum number of overdue items
  • Maximum number of overdue recalls
  • Maximum outstanding fee/fine balance
  • Recall overdue by maximum number of days

Configure patron block conditions

  1. In the Conditions pane, select the condition you want to configure.
  2. In the selected condition pane, select the action(s) that occur when the defined limits are exceeded: Block borrowing, Block renewals, and/or Block requests.
  3. Enter a Message to be displayed (required)
  4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the patron block condition is saved.

Edit patron block conditions

  1. In the Conditions pane, select the condition you want to edit.
  2. In the selected condition pane, make your changes to the condition.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the patron block condition is saved.

Remove patron block conditions

  1. In the Conditions pane, select the condition you want to remove.
  2. In the selected condition pane, clear out any blocks and messages.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the patron block condition is saved.

Settings > Users > Patron Block Templates

Libraries can choose to create templates for use with patron blocks that staff can apply to user records. This allows libraries to have more consistent patron messaging, and can improve reporting.

Patron block templates are created in Settings > Users > Templates.

Create patron block template

  1. In the Patron block templates pane, select New in the top right corner. A New patron block template window will open.
  2. Enter a Template name.
  3. Enter a Block code (optional). Block codes can be used for reporting or integration purposes. They do not appear in the Users app.
  4. Enter a Description (optional). This description will only appear when viewing the template in settings.
  5. Enter a Display description (optional). This appears to staff when applying the block to a particular patron record.
  6. Enter a Message to Patron (optional). This appears to staff when applying the block to a particular patron record, and can be accessed by discovery layer tools to display to a patron when viewing their library account online.
  7. Check the boxes for the appropriate Block actions - borrowing, renewals, or requests (optional).
  8. Click Save & close. The patron block template is saved.

Edit patron block template.

  1. In the Patron block templates pane, select the template you wish to edit. It will open for viewing in a fourth pane.
  2. Click Edit to open the template in edit mode.
  3. Make changes as desired.
  4. Click Save & close to apply changes.

Delete patron block template

  1. In the Patron block templates pane, select the template you wish to edit. It will open for viewing in a fourth pane.
  2. Click Edit to open the template in edit mode.
  3. Click Delete in the top right.
  4. Click Delete in the confirmation pop-up.

Settings > Users > Limits

Limits determine the maximum number of materials, recalls, fee/fines, or overdues, that when reached, the conditions you configured in Settings > Users > Conditions are applied to a patron’s account. Limits are established based on patron groups.

Create patron block limits

  1. In the Limits pane, select the patron group for which you want to configure limits.
  2. In the selected patron group pane, enter a limit for each category. Leave the field blank if you do not want to set a limit for a certain category.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the block limits are saved.

Edit patron block limits

  1. In the Limits pane, select the patron group with the limits you want to edit.
  2. In the selected patron group pane, make your changes to the limits.
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the block limits are saved.

Remove patron block limits

  1. In the Limits pane, select the patron group with the limits you want to remove.
  2. In the selected patron group pane, set the limit value(s) to zero to clear out the limit(s).
  3. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the block limits are saved.

21 - Settings > Remote Storage

The Remote storage section of the Settings app is where you configure options to connect to an external remote storage system.

Libraries generally use remote storage systems when they are housing books in a facility that is not the library. Often these facilities have high-capacity storage, where books are housed by size to be able to store as many items as possible. Libraries with these facilities need systems to keep track of where the books are in the facility and help manage patron requests to have items retrieved and shipped to the library for their use.

The Juniper release supports connections to CAIASoft and Dematic. Generally, settings in this area will be managed by your library’s FOLIO administrator.

If a library does not use remote storage, they do not need to install remote storage modules or configure any settings in this area of FOLIO.


The permissions listed below determine what you can do or not do with the individual parts of the Remote storage section of Settings. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, the user will not see this area of the Settings app.

  • Remote storage: Create, edit, delete. This permission allows the user to view, create, edit, and delete remote storage settings.
  • Remote storage: View. This permission allows the user to view all remote storage settings.

Settings > Configurations

A configuration entry must be created for each remote storage system. Directions are different for Dematic EMS (API), StagingDirector (TCP/IP), and CAIASoft.

Create a configuration for Dematic EMS (API)

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Create configuration screen, provide the Remote storage name, Provider name, and URL (domain).
  3. Click Save & close.

Create a configuration for StagingDirector (TCP/IP).

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Create configuration screen, provide the Remote storage name, Provider name, URL (domain), and Status URL.
  3. For the Data synchronization schedule, choose how often FOLIO and your remote storage system will synchronize data. You may choose an interval of minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), or month(s).
  4. Click Save & close.

Create a configuration for CAIASoft

  1. Click New.
  2. In the Create configuration screen, provide the Remote storage name, Provider name, URL (domain), and Credential properties.
  3. For Accession holding workflow preference, choose one of two options:
  • Change permanent location: When an item is accessioned into CAIASoft, if the holdings permanent location does not have the same location as the new remote location of the item, the holdings permanent location is changed.
  • Duplicate holdings: When an item is accessioned into CAIASoft, and a holdings record for the new remote location does not already exist, the non-remote holdings record is duplicated, the location on the new holdings record is changed to the item’s location, and the item is moved to that new holdings record.
  1. For Returning workflow preference, choose one of two options:
  • Items received at remote storage scanned into FOLIO: When this option is selected, FOLIO will expect that an item will be scanned directly in FOLIO and FOLIO will send an update to CAIASoft indicating that the item is expected to be stored, and set the item’s FOLIO item status to Available.
  • Items received at remote storage scanned into CAIASoft: When this option is selected, FOLIO expects that items will be scanned for return in CAIASoft. When items are scanned in CAIASoft, CAIASoft will send information to FOLIO; if FOLIO finds open requests on the item, CAIASoft will immediately move the item into requesting workflows. If the item is not requested, FOLIO will check the item in and change the item status to Available.
  1. Click Save & close.

Edit a configuration

  1. From the list of configurations, choose the one you wish to edit. It will open in a fourth pane.
  2. On the fourth pane, choose Actions > Edit.
  3. In the edit pane, make changes as desired.
  4. Click Save & close.

Delete a configuration

You will not be able to delete a configuration if any locations on your FOLIO instance are associated with the configuration.

  1. From the list of configurations, choose the one you wish to delete. It will open in a fourth pane.
  2. From the fourth pane, choose Actions > Delete.
  3. Click Delete on the pop-up window to confirm.

Settings > Accession Tables

Libraries only need to configure accession tables if they are using CAIASoft.

Accession tables provide a way to configure how locations change when items are accessioned into CAIASoft. The Original location is the item’s location at the library (non-remote); the Final location (Remote) is the location that that item should be moved to when received in CAIASoft. The location chosen as the Final location (Remote) must be associated with your CAIASoft provider as part of its configuration options.

To configure accession tables, first choose your Remote storage name from the drop-down list.

Map an original location to a final location

  1. Click the pencil icon under Actions for the location you wish to configure.
  2. Under Final location (Remote), click the dropdown and select the location that the non-remote location should map to at your remote storage facility. You may map more than one onsite non-remote location to a single remote location.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.

Edit a mapping between an original location and a final location

  1. Click the pencil icon under Actions for the Original location you wish to configure.
  2. Under Final location (Remote), click the dropdown and make changes as desired.
  3. Click Save.

Remove a mapping between an original location and a final location

  1. Click the pencil icon under Actions for the Original location you wish to configure.
  2. Under Final location (Remote), click the dropdown and choose Select location name or code.
  3. Click Save.

22 - Settings > Reporting

The Reporting section of the Settings app is where you can configure FOLIO’s connection to an LDP database instance, set limitations on running queries and establish connections to GitHub repositories for the sake of running parameterized SQL queries.


The following are the permissions for Reporting in the Settings app:

  • Settings (Reporting): browse and load LDP saved queries This permission allows a user to browse and load queries that they or other users have saved using the Reporting app’s “Build query” feature.
  • Settings (Reporting): Can modify default record limits This permission allows a user to set the amount of records/rows that can be returned and exported to a CSV (can be different values) when running a query in the Reporting app.
  • Settings (Reporting): Can modify LDP database connection details This permission allows a user to configure the Reporting app’s connection to an LDP instance including the username and password used to query the LDP reporting database.
  • Settings (Reporting): Can modify templated-query repos configuration This permission allows a user to create new or modify existing connections to GitHub repositories for the purpose of accessing parameterized SQL queries via the Reporting app.
  • Settings (Reporting): Can select which tables are available to search This permission allows a user to select/remove which tables will appear in the “Table” dropdown while using the Reporting app’s “Build query” feature.
  • Settings (Reporting): create and update LDP saved queries This permission allows a user to save queries they’ve created using the Reporting app’s “Build query” feature as well as edit and overwrite existing queries (whether they are the report’s creator or not).

Settings > Reporting > Record limits

The Record limits setting allows you to set the default and maximum numbers of records to show in a user’s query results. You may also restrict the number of records a user can export using the Maximum number to export setting.

  • Default number to show
  • Maximum number to show
  • Maximum number of export

Settings > Reporting > Table availability

The Table availability setting

  • Shows the schema and tables in the connected database and allows tables to be “turned off” from being able to query against them so that users cannot include them in queries. This is useful for tables that may contain restricted data, such as PII (Personally Identifiable Information).

Settings > Reporting > Database configuration

The Configure database connection URL & credentials setting is used to set the connection from the FOLIO application instance to the LDP reporting database instance. This is also used to set the username and password to be used by the LDP app to query the LDP reporting database.

Settings > Reporting > Report repositories

The Report repositories setting allows you to configure connections to GitHub repositories for the purpose of accessing SQL queries created by individual institutions or the wider FOLIO reporting community. Queries saved in these repositories can be run using the Reporting app’s “Run report” option and can be configured to display parameters to filter the data output. The GitHub user, repository name, repository branch, and directory within the repository must be specified here.

For information on how to set up SQL queries compatible with the Reporting app in GitHub, please refer to Authoring reports for the FOLIO Reporting App.

23 - Settings > Tags

The Tags section of the Settings app is where you enable the use of tags in FOLIO apps.


To interact with Tag settings, a user needs to be assigned the following permission:

  • Settings (Tags): Can enable or disable tags for all apps. This permission allows the user to enable or disable tags globally in FOLIO.

Note: This is the only permission available for Tags settings. You are unable to view and access Tags settings if you do not have this permission assigned to you. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

Allowed characters

Tags cannot be saved with space characters or pipe characters (|). They are removed before the tag is created.

Upper case characters will be converted to lower case when the tag is saved.

Settings > Tags > General

Use this setting to enable or disable tags across the following FOLIO apps:

  • Finance > Funds
  • Inventory
  • Invoices
  • Orders
  • Organizations
  • Receiving
  • Requests
  • Users

Enable tags

  1. Select the Enable tags checkbox.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the setting is saved.

Disable tags

  1. Clear the Enable tags checkbox.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the setting is saved.

24 - Settings > Tenant

The Tenant section of the Settings app is where you configure specific settings that apply to your entire FOLIO installation. Generally, settings in this area will be managed by your library’s FOLIO administrator.


The permissions listed below determine what you can do or not do with the individual parts of the Tenant section of Settings. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, the user will not see this area of the Settings app.

  • Settings (tenant): Can create, edit and remove service points. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete service points.
  • Settings (tenant): Can create, edit and remove locations. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete institutions, campuses, libraries, and locations.
  • Settings (tenant): View locations. This permission allows the user to view institutions, campuses, libraries and locations.
  • Settings (tenant): Can edit language, localization, and currency. This permission allows the user to change the locale, time zone, and primary currency.
  • Settings (tenant): Can maintain preferred plugins. This permission allows the user to edit preferred plugins.
  • Settings (tenant): Can maintain SSO settings. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and delete SSO configurations.
  • Settings (tenant): Can manage tenant addresses. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete addresses.

Settings > Tenant > Addresses

Use this setting to manage addresses used by your library within FOLIO. For example, you can add your library’s acquisitions address and then use this address within the Orders app for billing and shipping.

Creating a new address

  1. In the Addresses pane, click New.
  2. Enter a Name for the address in the box.
  3. In the Address box, enter the physical address. Press Enter to format your address with multiple lines.
  4. Click Save. The address is added to the created.

Editing an address

  1. Find the address you want to edit.
  2. In the actions column, click the pencil icon.
  3. Make your desired changes to the address.
  4. Click Save. The address is updated.

Deleting an address

Note: Before deleting an address, you should make sure it is not in use for any purchase orders. FOLIO doesn’t stop you from deleting an address that is assigned to an order record. If you delete an address that is in use, it is deleted from the Bill to or Ship to fields in the order record.

  1. Find the address you want to delete.
  2. In the actions column, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Address dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the address is deleted.

Settings > Tenant > Language and localization

Use this setting to change your location, timezone, and/or currency for all users of your FOLIO instance. To make temporary changes for your current session, click Change session locale. For more information, see Settings > Developer > Session locale.

Update your library locale, time zone, or currency

  • Locale (for language display, date format, etc.). Locale adjusts FOLIO’s language display, date format, and number format to the standard for the locality selected.
  • Time zone (time zone used when showing date time information). Time zone adjusts FOLIO’s time zone for when dates are displayed. Time zones are based on the standard tz database time zone names.
  • Primary currency (for currency symbol to display). Primary currency adjusts FOLIO’s currency symbol, using ISO 4217 standard codes.
  1. Select a Locale, Time zone, and/or Primary currency from the drop-down lists.
  2. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and your changes are saved.

Settings > Tenant > Preferred plugins

Use this setting to change your preferred plugins for different FOLIO actions.

Currently, FOLIO doesn’t have multiple plugins to choose from for each of the actions listed. Leaving the values as the default allows the system to update plugin versions automatically. Once changed from , only the specific plugin version or (none) are available as options.

Changing any of the preferred plugins to (none) disables the action for all FOLIO users, which may break app workflows.

Settings > Tenant > SSO settings

Use this setting if your library wishes to implement Single Sign-On (SSO) for staff members to log into FOLIO. SSO allows library staff to use the same username and password they use for other services at their library, removing the need to maintain a separate username and password just for FOLIO.

Note: Enabling single sign-on generally requires coordination with your IT staff and/or your identity provider.

  • Identity Provider URL. A URL where metadata about the identity provider can be accessed by FOLIO.
  • Download metadata. After selecting all of your SSO settings, click Download metadata to download an XML, which you should send to your identity provider. This file will need to be re-downloaded if you make any changes to these settings.
  • SAML binding. Depending on your configuration, select Redirect binding to use an HTTP redirect to the identity provider’s sign on page, or POST binding to send an HTTP POST from the FOLIO login page.
  • SAML attribute. The attribute in the identity provider that uniquely identifies the user.
  • User property. The attribution in FOLIO where the SAML attribute can be found.

Settings > Tenant > Service Points

Use this setting to configure your library’s service points. In FOLIO, a service point is a library staff work location.

A service point is needed when you want to have at least one of the following services at that location:

  • Check in items.
  • Check out items.
  • Request items for patron delivery.
  • Request items for patron pickup.
  • Put items in transit to another location.
  • Charge fines for transactions, which occurred at that location.

Every location that has physical materials needs an associated primary service point in order to manage those materials. Therefore, you should create your desired service points before creating your location hierarchy.

Staff who use the Check in, Check out, Requests, and Users apps must have a service point assigned to them in their user record.

There is no requirement that a service point be a place that is providing service to patrons. Libraries may find that it is helpful to establish internal service points for areas such as shelving, conservation, or collection development.

All service points should be associated to a fee/fine owner in Settings>Users, even if you do not expect to charge fines to patrons. Setting up the connection will ensure that fine transactions do not unexpectedly fail in the future if your library begins to use fines (manual or automatically charged.)

Creating a service point

  1. In the Service points pane, click New.
  2. In the New service point window, enter a Name for the service point. The name must be unique to your FOLIO tenant.
  3. Enter a Code. The code is the machine readable name of the service point and must be unique to your FOLIO tenant.
  4. Enter a Discovery display name. This name is used in discovery services to identify the service point to patrons. It does not have to be unique.
  5. (Optional): Enter a Description of the service point. The description only appears in Settings.
  6. (Optional): Enter the location’s Shelving lag time (minutes). This number is used to set expectations for how long until materials returned to this service point are reshelved.
  7. (Optional): Select whether the service point is a Pickup location. If the service point is a pickup location, it appears as a Pickup location option for patrons in the Requests and Users app.
  8. (Required if your service point is a Pickup location): Enter a Hold shelf expiration period, which determines how long the request remains in Open - Awaiting pickup status.
  9. (Required if your service point is a Pickup location): Specify the Closed library date management for hold shelf expiration date calculation. This tells FOLIO what to do with the hold shelf expiration date if it lands in a time when the service point is closed.
  • If the hold shelf expiration period is calculated in minutes or hours, then you can choose to keep the original expiration date/time, move the expiration date/time to when the service point is closing, or move the expiration date/time to the beginning of the next open set of hours.
  • If the hold shelf expiration period is calculated in days, weeks, or months, you can choose to keep the original expiration date, move the expiration date to the end of the previous open day, or move the expiration date to the end of the next open day.
  1. (Optional): Select the Hold, Pick slip, Request delivery, and/or Transit checkboxes to determine which staff slips print by default for this service point.
  2. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the service point is created.

The Assigned locations accordion is updated when the service point is assigned to any locations in the location tree.

Editing a service point

  1. In the Service points pane, find the service point you want to edit and select it.
  2. In the service point details pane, click Edit.
  3. In the Edit window, make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the service point is updated.

Deleting a service point

You cannot delete a service point in the FOLIO user interface.

Settings > Tenant > Location setup

Use the settings under Location setup to configure the four parts of the item location tree. Locations must be configured in order to create holdings and items in Inventory, to circulate items using the Check in and Check out apps, and to request items using the Requests app.

The location setup has four elements that are hierarchical in relationship, from the top down the hierarchy is: Institutions > Campuses > Libraries > Locations.

Effective location

In FOLIO, items have an effective location that is computed according to location values in the holdings and items record. Circulation rules use an item’s effective location when applying business logic to circulation transactions.

Holdings must have a permanent location value. A holding may also have a temporary location value. Items may also have a permanent location value and/or a temporary location value. The item’s effective location value is the first value that it finds, in this order:

  1. Item Temporary Location
  2. Item Permanent Location
  3. Holdings Temporary Location
  4. Holdings Permanent Location

Tips for implementers

  • There is nothing in FOLIO that requires that elements of the location tree correspond to the geography of your campus. You may find it helpful to consider whether a specific library or libraries in your system are better modeled as a campus, or whether a particular workflow means you need additional campuses or institutions.
  • Because the location tree has a hierarchy, you should create your values in the hierarchy order: institutions, campuses, libraries, and then locations.
  • Locations must have at least one associated service point. You should create service points before you create your location tree.
  • The four pieces of the location tree can be elements in circulation rules, along with patron groups, material types, and loan types. You may wish to consider your circulation rule strategy while setting up your locations.

Settings > Tenant > Institutions

Use this setting to configure your institutions. An institution is the highest level of the FOLIO location hierarchy, and typically represents legal entities such as the college or university.

FOLIO libraries need at least one institution created to be able to populate elements down the hierarchy.

Creating an institution

  1. In the Institutions pane, click New.
  2. Enter a Name and Code. The name and code should be unique. FOLIO doesn’t stop you from making institutions with the same name and/or code, but it does cause problems for your staff in writing circulation rules.
  3. Click Save. The institution is created

Editing an institution

  1. In the Institutions pane, find the institution you want to edit.
  2. In the actions column, click the pencil icon.
  3. Make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save. The institution is updated.

Deleting an institution

Note: If the institution has an associated campus, you cannot delete it.

  1. In the Institutions pane, find the institution you want to delete.
  2. In the **actions **column, click the trash can icon.
  3. In the Delete Institution dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the institution is deleted.

Settings > Tenant > Campuses

Use this setting to configure your campuses. A campus is the second highest level of the FOLIO location hierarchy, and typically represents distinct spaces or domains within an institution, like a downtown campus or online program.

FOLIO libraries need at least one institution and one campus to create elements further down the location hierarchy.

Creating a campus

  1. In the Campuses pane, select the Institution under which the campus should be created.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter a Name and Code. The name and code should be unique. FOLIO doesn’t stop you from making campuses with the same name and/or code, but it does cause problems for your staff in writing circulation rules.
  4. Click Save. The campus is created.

Editing a campus

  1. In the Campuses pane, select the Institution under which the campus is located.
  2. Find the campus you want to edit.
  3. In the actions column, click the pencil icon.
  4. Make your desired changes.
  5. Click Save. The campus is updated.

Deleting a campus

Note: If the campus has an associated library, you cannot delete it.

  1. In the Campuses pane, select the Institution under which the campus is located.
  2. Find the campus you want to delete.
  3. In the **actions **column, click the trash can icon.
  4. In the Delete Campus dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the campus is deleted.

Settings > Tenant > Libraries

Use this setting to configure your libraries. A library is the third level of the FOLIO Location hierarchy, and typically represents physical buildings on a physical campus, or domains of service in a virtual campus, like a subject-specific library or an annex.

FOLIO libraries need at least one institution, campus, and library to be able to create the final element of the location tree.

Creating a library

  1. In the Libraries pane, select the Institution under which the library should be created.
  2. Select the Campus under which the library should be created.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a Name and Code. The name and code should be unique. FOLIO doesn’t stop you from making libraries with the same name and/or code, but it does cause problems for your staff in writing circulation rules.
  5. Click Save. The library is created.

Editing a library

  1. In the Libraries pane, select the Institution under which the library is located.
  2. Select the Campus under which the library is located.
  3. Find the library you want to edit.
  4. In the actions column, click the pencil icon.
  5. Make your desired changes.
  6. Click Save. The library is updated.

Deleting a library

Note: If the library has an associated location, you cannot delete it.

  1. In the Libraries pane, select the Institution under which the library is located.
  2. Select the Campus under which the library is located.
  3. Find the library you want to delete.
  4. In the actions column, click the trash can icon.
  5. In the Delete Library dialog, click Delete.
  6. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the library is deleted.

Settings > Location setup > Locations

Use this setting to configure your locations. A location is the fourth and most detailed level of the FOLIO Location hierarchy, and typically represents specific shelving areas, like the stacks, reserves, or specific language collections.

Locations and service points

Each location must have at least one service point associated with it and designated as primary. Locations may also have additional service points that are non-primary. Non-primary service points are not required.

When an item is returned at another service point that is not associated with the location, it is put in transit to the primary service point. When an item is checked in at a location’s non-primary service point, it is not put in transit to the primary service point.

The most common use case for a non-primary service point is if your library has multiple service desks in the same building, or decides to create a service point for staff working “behind the scenes” in addition to a service point for a patron-facing service desk. In those cases, one service point can be the primary service point for locations in that building, and the other service points would be non-primary service points for those locations. This allows staff at those non-primary service points to discharge and shelve items for the library without putting them in transit to the main service point.

Creating a location

  1. In the Locations pane, select the Institution under which the location should be created.
  2. Select the Campus under which the location should be created.
  3. Select the Library under which the location should be created.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a FOLIO Name for the location. The name must be unique to your FOLIO tenant. The name and code appear in other locations like Inventory.
  6. Select whether the location is used for Remote storage.
  7. Enter a Code. The code is the machine readable name and must be unique to your FOLIO tenant.
  8. Enter a Discovery display name. This name is used in discovery services to identify the location to patrons. It does not have to be unique.
  9. Select a primary Service point for the location from the drop-down list.
  10. Optional: To add a non-primary service point to the location, click Add service point and select the service point from the drop-down list. Repeat as needed. To remove a service point, click the trash can icon.
  11. Optional: Select the location’s Status. By default, all locations are Active.
  12. Optional: Enter a Description of the location.
  13. Click Save & close. The location is created.

Editing a location

  1. In the Locations pane, select the Institution under which the location is located.
  2. Select the Campus under which the location is located.
  3. Select the Library under which the location is located.
  4. Find the location you want to edit and select it.
  5. In the location details pane, click Actions > Edit.
  6. Make your desired changes.
  7. Click Save & close. The location is updated.

Duplicating a location

  1. In the Locations pane, select the Institution under which the location is located.
  2. Select the Campus under which the location is located.
  3. Select the Library under which the location is located.
  4. Find the location you want to duplicate and select it.
  5. In the location details pane, click Actions > Duplicate.
  6. Make your desired changes to the location.
  7. Click Save & close. The location is created.

Deleting a location

Note: If the location is in use by at least one record in Inventory, you cannot delete the location. In those cases, it is recommended that you edit the location and make the status Inactive. It doesn’t remove the location from Inventory location dropdown menus, but it gives staff a dialog message if they select an inactive location.

  1. In the Locations pane, select the Institution under which the location is located.
  2. Select the Campus under which the location is located.
  3. Select the Library under which the location is located.
  4. Find the location you want to delete and select it.
  5. In the location details pane, click Actions > Delete.
  6. In the Delete location dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the location is deleted.

25 - Settings > Software versions

The software versions page lists all components that run for the current tenant. When reporting a bug try to communicate the version of the affected module to help the support and development teams.


There is no explicit permission to view Settings > Software versions. If a FOLIO user has access to view any area of Settings, they will also be able to see Settings > Software versions.

Page layout

The page shows three columns.

  • User interface: Information about Stripes (the FOLIO UI framework) and its associated infrastructure
    • Foundation
    • User Interface - App Modules
    • User Interface - Plugin Modules
    • User Interface - Settings Modules
    • User Interface - Handler Modules
  • Okapi: Information about Okapi (the FOLIO API gateway) and its associated infrastructure
    • Base Okapi Version
    • Okapi Modules
    • Okapi Interfaces
  • UI/Service Dependencies: Information about dependencies between different areas of FOLIO infrastructure
    • Foundation
    • App modules
    • Plugin modules
    • Handler modules

Flower release

Look for these modules to find out which FOLIO flower release the system runs. This is a good indicator if the official platform-complete set of modules has been installed and no individual changes have been made.

mod-configuration mod-inventory-storage mod-login-saml release
5.9.2 27.0.4 2.7.2 Poppy R2-2023-GA
5.9.1 26.0.1 2.6.2 Orchid R1-2023-csp-7
5.9.1 26.0.0 2.6.1 Orchid R1-2023-GA
5.9.1 25.0.4 2.5.1 Nolana R3-2022-hotfix-1
5.9.0 25.0.3 2.5.0 Nolana R3-2022-GA
5.8.0 24.1.0 2.4.9 Morning Glory R2-2022-hotfix-1
5.8.0 24.1.0 2.4.9 Morning Glory R2-2022-GA
5.7.9 23.0.5 2.4.9 Lotus R1-2022-hotfix-3
5.7.9 23.0.5 2.4.8 Lotus R1-2022-hotfix-2
5.7.8 23.0.5 2.4.5 Lotus R1-2022-hotfix-1
5.7.6 23.0.2 2.4.4 Lotus R1-2022-GA
5.7.7 22.0.4 2.4.5 Kiwi R3-2021-hotfix-3
5.7.5 22.0.4 2.4.2 Kiwi R3-2021-hotfix-2
5.7.4 22.0.4 2.4.2 Kiwi R3-2021-hotfix-1
5.7.3 22.0.4 2.3.2 Kiwi R3-2021-GA
5.7.4 21.0.10 2.4.1 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-6
5.7.4 21.0.10 2.3.2 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-5
5.7.2 21.0.9 2.2.1 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-4
5.7.1 21.0.9 2.2.1 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-3
5.7.0 21.0.3 2.2.1 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-2
5.7.0 21.0.3 2.2.1 Juniper R2-2021-hotfix-1
5.7.0 21.0.3 2.2.1 Juniper R2-2021-GA